MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 195 Devil Temple, I am coming (below)

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The 195th chapter of the demon temple I came (below)


The front of the body is black, the body is rapidly falling, and the strong suction **** the body of the sky mark and keeps falling down. Although he can easily offset this suction with his current strength, he does not do so. Suction **** your body. The whole body was tight, and an unknown force instantly bound the body of the sky mark. The force was very soft and did not cause any harm to him. The gentle airflow held his body slowly, and the suction disappeared. Under the gentle airflow, the body of the sky mark gradually stabilized, and the foot was slightly shocked, and it had reached the bottom of the cave.

Everything has not changed, exactly the same as when I first came, except that the heart of the demon that is adsorbed on the chest of the sky mark is emitting a hot stream, calling, calling, seemingly far away from the return of the general, calling With my mother.

The sky marks a slight smile. He knows that his and his grandfather’s judgment is completely correct. In this place, there must be the existence of demon objects.

The light flashed, the darkness left, and the sky mark only came here once. It can be said that it is not very familiar to this place. It is still the empty hall, the area is large, nearly 10,000 square meters, it is completely an underground world, the surrounding walls are exudes a faint yellow glow, and a beautiful carving on the yellow wall of the hall. The carvings are completely strange characters. Under the illuminating yellow light, the characters seem to have mercury flowing. It looks strange, but it gives a beautiful feeling.

The hall is as high as ten meters, and the eyes of the sky mark stay in front of it. The statue that once gave him a strong shock, it seems to have a completely different feeling. It is a feeling of spiritual strength, and the call of the spirit seems to The incitement of the devil's heart seems to be telling him.

Once again, the sky mark carefully observed the shape of the statue. The height of the statue is close to the top. The statue looks very strange. It has a human body and is wearing a strange armor that has never been seen before. Guanghua, in addition to joints in the joints, every place is seamless, this armor is not the armor of the devil, not only because of the different appearance, but also because of the breath of the statue, compared with the hegemony of the demon items, its The breath is obviously much milder.

The statue's body also exudes a faint glow, but the light is much lighter than the wall with the carved characters, so the sky marks are not noticed at the beginning.

The statue's body is slender, especially in the legs. The legs almost occupy more than two-thirds of the entire body. The upper body is relatively small. A pair of slender arms hang on the body. The most characteristic is its head. Ministry, the head has a horn, the corner is golden, and the golden light is weak and strong. With extraordinary eyesight, the sky mark can see the spiral pattern on the golden corner. The statue's face is very special, like flat. Shape, a layer of faint yellow mist appeared on it, and the true face could not be seen. On each side of the huge statue there are three pillars, from the bottom to the top. The characters on the six pillars are more dense than the walls next to them. The light shining on the pillars is like the golden horn of the statue, shining with looming light. .

The sky marks a smile, and said to himself: "The first floor of the Devil Temple, I am here. For so many years, I have always wanted to see what is in your deepest place. This time, I hope I can succeed. ”

As he spoke, he walked slowly, and when his thirteenth step fell on the smooth hall floor, the change appeared. The three rays of light rise directly from the ground, and the low and low whine sounds. The three lights are instantly gathered together in the whimper, and the soft call sounds. The sky marks actually understand the language of the whimper. It says, Welcome to the remains of the devil.

That's right, here is the remains of the devil!

In the middle of the battle, three figures appeared in front of them five meters in front of them. The three strangers with lighter shapes than the statues were both open to the sky with their arms open. Since they came here once, Tianshen knew that this is the first layer. The test. Without rebellion, he also opened his arm and let the three light and shadows rush into his body.

The body was slightly shocked, and the sky marks did not feel the impact of mental energy on his brain. On the contrary, there was a burning sensation in the heart of the devil, and the warmth was spread throughout the body, and the three figures disappeared quietly.

The dark golden light emerged from the chest of the sky mark, forming a shield around his body. The four metal-like sounds sounded, and the demon helmet, the demon shield, the demon boots, and the demon sword all attached to the body of the sky mark without warning.

The whimper sounded again, and the soul of the sky mark felt the meaning of the whimper. "Welcome to you, find the creature of the devil's heart. I hope you can pass all the tests."

At the end of the hall, the huge statue slowly moved away, revealing a black door, no end, no door to see anything. Tianshen knows that he has passed the test of the first level. As for why the demon items on his body will appear automatically, he is not willing to think more about it at this time, and the more difficult test is still ahead. At a firm pace, he walked to the gateway to the second floor of the Devil's Temple.

The suction appeared again, and it was the same feeling of falling down. However, the time to go off this time was longer. The day marks were carefully calculated. According to the perception of mental power and the distance displayed by the biological computer, he was full this time. Falling into the ground as much as a kilometer. The strength of the support was reappeared, and the body that was holding the sky mark fell silently on the ground like a feather.

When his feet touched the ground, the surrounding space was completely lit. Compared with the wide hall above, it was so small and pitiful that it was more like a bedroom with only ten square meters of bedroom.

The day marks don’t dare to care, and the mind is observing the surroundings. He found that in this small bedroom, the light is emitted from the top, bottom, left and right walls. The whole room is integrated, even if it is impossible to find it with his mental strength. There was a glimpse of the gap, and the gap that he had when he fell in was gone. The air was still smooth at the beginning of the room, but as he observed the surrounding air, the air in the room gradually became thinner. This is another Test it?

If so, then the test should be the ability to survive. The cosmic gas naturally forms an inner circulation in the body. With his realm of harmony between man and nature, breathing is not a problem for him. When he flew in the opposite space, why did he have oxygen supply? Even if he goes on like this forever, he will not be killed.

The sword in the hands of the day marks is handed to the left hand, and the right hand presses the wall with the yellowish light shining. When his hand touches the wall, he suddenly feels a soft spiritual wave sweeping toward his body. The first layer of madness is different. This gentle spiritual fluctuation seems to soothe your own soul. In the warm and peaceful feeling, you seem to want to sleep. The unspeakable comfort stimulates your spirit. Even the soul, in the case of thin air, if you change the ordinary people, I am afraid that I have already lost my sleep in ease. But what about the sky mark?

The dark ability rotates around the whole body meridian under deliberate operation. The feeling of cold and transparent spread throughout the body, the sense of thirst disappears, the brain becomes abnormal, the mental power is output from the palm, and it is introduced into the wall. The mystery of it.

However, Tianzheng was surprised to find that his spiritual strength turned out to be like a mud cow into the sea, and the wall was like a vast universe, and it was impossible to inquire about a wave of energy fluctuations. At the time of his surprise, the whole room suddenly lit up, and the golden glow of the room floated out like a silk thread to the body of the sky mark.

Tianzheng just wanted to resist with his own energy, but suddenly felt that this golden energy turned out to be similar to the energy of the space system. When the heart moves, the defensive energy is confined to three inches outside the body, letting the gold The thread is wrapped around my body. A golden thread quickly swung around him, and for a while, the body of the sky mark had been entangled into a big cockroach.

The light flashed, and the sky mark clearly felt the strong fluctuation of the space energy. The next moment, the golden light disappeared, and the faint whine sounded. "Welcome to the third floor of the demon temple."

The third layer is very similar to the first one. The only difference is that at the end of the statue, the shape of the statue has not changed, but from one to two, two statues in the center, a jade white The door, the door is like ivory, the beautiful relief is woven into a moving pattern, it seems to be a few creatures like the statues on both sides, what is being done, lifelike.

Successfully passed the first two layers, which made Tianzheng have a new understanding of the test of this demon temple. In this demon temple, the test is almost entirely from spiritual energy. If the first layer is to test the intensity of the spirit and To cope with the raid of mental assault, the second layer is to test the perseverance of one's own spirit. In the case of the lack of air and the hypnotic spirit energy, whether to maintain lucidity is a test of perseverance, of course, to yourself The level of mental power, the test is not difficult.

For the ordinary abilities, as the ability increases, the mental strength will also rise, but this amount is not large, so even if the bright elder has the ability of the watchman, his mental strength is still I can't cope with the test of the last two layers, but I am different. After I get the heart of the devil, I already know how to truly cultivate spiritual energy. Although the time is not long, my spiritual strength has risen to a new height.

Thinking of this, the sky marks can not help but increase confidence, step by step to the door that is obviously leading to the fourth floor.

The light flashed, and the sky marks clearly felt that the two huge pressures came from the two statues. The two pressures were completely different. One side was the pressure from the energy plane, and the other side was from the spirit. The shock of the plane, the impact of these two different energies is like a positive and a negative, when they simultaneously touch the body of the sky mark, a violent air flow is formed.

The sky marks a cold sigh, the eyes are covered by the silver light, the body shape flashes, there is no evasion, but directly into this attack combined with the simultaneous stimulation of the spirit and the body.

The silvery light, with the spirit of the sky mark, floated out, and the light flashed out in a circle, and the sky mark sipped, "the ring of space spirit."

The silver aura looks so crystal clear with the addition of spiritual power. In the circle of diffusion, the attack of fusion energy is eliminated in the invisible, blending the power of the spirit and the body, this day can also be done. It is, and it is much more powerful than the attack here.

With the lead of the spiritual circle of space, the power of the attack completely separates the pressure in front, and the sky marks walk forward in a leisurely manner. For his ability, the test of the first few levels is really nothing, he does not have Experience the things that are attached to it, and the body shape flashes, rushing directly to the front door, pressing in front of your hands, and shouting, as he prepares to push the door open, the statues on both sides suddenly move, the eyes of the two statues Each of them shines red and blue, and the light shimmers. From the white jade, there is a huge spiritual shock. The two huge statues are quickly squeezed toward the center while the spirit is shocking. It seems that Baiyumen will be Blocked like.

Is this the third layer of difficulty?

Tianzheng controlled his body in the spirit of shock, and the sword and shield were collected. Both hands were shot to the sides. Without the power, the two statues were forced at the same time. He shouted, "Open-" The soul bead suddenly evokes a huge spiritual power, and retreats the spirit of the white jade door. At the same time, the energy is output through the heart of the demon **** of the chest, like an invisible giant hammer, hitting forward, banging, The door opened, and the traces of the sky did not hesitate to come in, pass through the portal, and go down the lower floor of the demon temple.

When he rushed into the darkness again, the door behind it naturally closed, and each layer of the demon temple was equivalent to a field. The body of the day mark went down obliquely under the suction of the next field, this time landing The speed is obviously much slower, but every time he drops about ten meters, he can feel the gravity increase a bit, just like when he was in Longchuan, the huge gravity squeezed his body, and the sky marks will The mental power is connected to the biological computer, from which the size of gravity is felt.

The biological computer is based on the gravity of the earth, and the readings are constantly rising. When he is down to earth, the gravity has reached thirty times that of the earth. This gravity is nothing to the sky mark, but he thinks of a problem.