MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 181 St. League's difficult farewell (below)

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Chapter 187, the difficult farewell of the sacred alliance (below)

Having said that, his emotions have gradually become excited. "Since they died, my original desire for power has been reduced a lot. You should have already got the news. In this short period of half a month, I have What have you done? I have helped the Russi, Bill, and Lipton families to repel the invasion of the demons and use their power to reinvent the Glacier fleet. It can be said that I have almost reached the Galaxy Alliance in the past two months. Four completely opposite corners. I am doing this, not for the Galaxy Alliance, but for the Holy Alliance, I am reconciled, at least, until now, the entire Galaxy Alliance has calmed down and can prepare for some unknown time. This is what I finally did for the Holy League. I have decided to leave here. Of course, I will definitely come back to see you and my grandfather when I have time. I don't want to be a tool to be used. I just want to be myself and do it. A free person."

Sheila was completely speechless this time. She did not think that Tianzheng was determined to be so determined. Moreover, every sentence he said contained a strong emotion in it, and slowly stood up. She sighed and said: "Child, you first Stand up and say."

The sky marks up and looks at his grandmother. I saw that there was no anger in the eyes of Sheila. After hesitating, she stood up. Sheila looked up at her tall, tall grandson and gently arranged some pleated uniforms for him. "Children, actually, I don't have the power to ask you to do anything. I don't have it, your grandfather didn't. At the time, when your parents combined I was strongly opposed by your grandfather, causing them to run away. Although I have always blamed your grandfather, I am also wrong. If I can stand on the side of Moo, how can it happen later? Your parents Dead, died under the poison of the meditation, and you are sent away after they are born. If your adoptive parents have not taken you, I am afraid that we have no chance to meet. From small to large, we can't see the suffering, but our hearts can feel it. Although we are your grandfather and grandmother, but there is not a deep relationship with you, we never have What have you done for you, let's go. Since you have chosen the way you want to go, Grandma respects your choice, you are right, stay in the sacred league, you will work like a big brother, all day long, However, it will bring you power and status, but how can you be happy? You see better than the older brother, than I and Moore, your decision is correct, Grandma supports you." Speaking here The tears flow down the face of Sheila, and she pulls the hand of the sky mark, and her eyes are full of disappointment. The words of the day mark touched her. She knew that the choice of the sky mark was correct. If it is considered from the perspective of happiness, freedom is the most important thing. Without any responsibility on the shoulder, we can truly enjoy life.

Once again, Tianzheng collapsed in front of Sheila. Sheila’s love for him was absolutely selfless. At this time, he was somewhat determined to leave. Hesitantly said: "Grandma, the sky marks are not filial, I, I..."

Sheila pulled the sky mark and said: "Don't say anything, let's go now. Otherwise, I may change my mind. Remember what you just said, come back and see Grandpa, Grandma. You are really Like your grandfather, I also like freedom. Perhaps, when everything is over, my grandfather and I will give up everything to find you. When you find yourself where you can stay, give us a satellite phone and tell Our whereabouts, this is my only request."

The scars of the day are tight, and I don’t let my tears fall. "Grandma, I will, I will. I will contact you and my grandfather the first time. I am leaving." He left the room without hesitation, and never looked back. This time, he said, he really broke away from the sacred alliance.

The day marks went away. Sheila’s body lost her support. She walked a few steps forward. After a bright body, she sat down on the sofa and tears poured out. Although the sky marks just left, her heart was full. Missing.

Bright and bitter bitter: "Is it really letting him go this way? Sister, you should know how important the sky mark is to the sacred alliance and even the entire Galaxy Alliance. It is the three forces of darkness in his hands. It’s much stronger than the glaciers. If he can help Lily, maybe...”

"Enough." Sheila screamed to stop her brother from talking. "Big brother, there is only a sacred alliance in your mind. Have you ever thought about the sky mark. He is not like a lily. Lily is willing to give everything for his own wishes." The Skymark hopes to have a happy life. His choice is not wrong. He is my grandson. I don't want him to be like you."

In the bright eyes, the light flashed, and the cold voice said: "I am not only for the sacred alliance, but also for the entire human race."

Sheilas did not allow him to look at him and said: "But you are not a savior. The sky marks are not, what will happen to human beings in the future, and it will not be changed by one person. How can one be less? I support all his decisions."

In an instant, the light seemed to be a bit old, and he sighed and said: "Forget it, let's go out. I don't want to fight with you. My sister, although the strength of a person is small, but a power that surpasses the watcher level. But it is not. He can even change everything. What's more, now only he can control the forces in the dark."

Sheila shook her head, did not say anything, went outside, and when she reached the door, she stopped and turned her back to the light: "Big brother, let go of the sky mark. You should know his temper, he is to the sacred There are feelings, at a critical moment, he will definitely appear." Throwing this sentence, Sheila also left.

In the bright and spacious office, there was only one person left alone. Looking at the empty space around him, he walked quickly to the table and pressed the communicator. "Give me the House of Lords."


The sky mark rides on the sonic elevator and goes directly to the sacred research institute in the depths of the earth. The biological computer that Rose Phil gave him last time is temporary, but it also has the equivalent of the elders. With the bio-computer, he successfully came to the first floor of the institute.

Going down the sonic elevator and looking at the small room in front of you, everything hasn't changed. Here is a password to enter. I remember the first time I came here to make a satellite phone call to my parents. In the room where he called, he met the purple magic for the first time. Dad, Mom, how good you are to be alive.

Start the palm of the biological computer, "Serry, I have already arrived at the first floor of the Institute, you can pick me up."

Seri’s voice passed through the biological computer into the nerves of the sky mark. “You are very fast, I will come over immediately, wait a minute.”

After a while, the metal wall in front of it opened to both sides. The short-skinned Seri had already replaced the white uniform and greeted him with a smile. "Go, my good brother, Peter has waited." You are half a day."

After a few years, I came back to this familiar place. The sky marks subconsciously look around. The researchers are more busy. The energy fluctuations from various instruments continue to stimulate the field of the sky mark itself, making him Feel or calm, or arrogant, or dangerous.

Since the seventh phase of the cosmic gas, the ability of the sky mark has made a qualitative leap. It does not need to be deliberately motivated, and a natural field will be created around the body. This field can make him better sense everything around him, especially It is a feeling of nature. Any energy or life will touch his field and he will be easily touched by him.

Under the leadership of Seri, they quickly came to the depths of the institute. Seri took him to a wide room. What Peter did not know was studying, doing it on the sofa in the room, watching the sky marks. He smiled at him and pointed to the side, indicating that he was sitting down.

Peter seems to be a bit old, and excessive research has made his brain cells much larger than the average person consumes. Although the use of the latest technology has always allowed him to maintain his physical function, but from him, the sky marks faintly felt a glimpse of the crisis. In the natural field, under his deliberate urging, he covered Peter's body. When the day saw something, he couldn't help but reveal a panic.

Peter looked at the sky marks and smiled and said, "Have you already felt it?"

The day mark nodded.

Peter said to Seri on the side: "You must go out first. I have something to say with the sky mark. No one will bother us."

Seri did not dare to be arrogant in front of Peter, even if he was already the deputy director of the Institute. Promised, slowly retired.

As soon as Seri was out, Tianx couldn't help but tell Peter: "How long will your vitality be so weak?"

Peter smiled and said: "You are more mature than before. You didn't ask this question before you stuffed it. Otherwise, this news will spread out. I am afraid it will be very bad! Nobody is better than myself." My vitality is almost exhausted, and I have been relying on drugs for years."

Heaven’s heart sinks, he is very respectful to Peter, and not only because of the purple illusion, Peter’s life can be said to be completely dedicated to the research cause, this kind of spirit, the sky mark can not do it. "The director, since your body has already reached this situation, why not use metamorphosis to change the vitality of cells and gain stronger vitality?"

Peter smiled lightly and said: "Do you think that you can use metamorphosis in my current situation? Vitality is not the most important problem. Maybe you don't believe that I haven't slept for more than ten years. Most people work most. Twelve hours, but I am twenty-four hours. Although the study depends on talent, but how can I do it without hard work? Over the years, the overdraft of the spirit has finally brought me to the edge of the collapse. Now it is because of Seri. I still can't provoke the girders, I was desperately trying to stop myself from dying. Without this string, I am afraid that I passed away three years ago."

The sky marks a smile, watching Peter say: "If you persist in this way, I am afraid that it will take less than a year. No matter how firm your will is, you will still die directly. God did not abandon you. When you need it most, send me. Come to your side. Teacher Peter, as long as I am there, you will not die."

Peter stunned and looked at the sky mark in surprise, saying, "You?"

Tianzi smiled slightly and said: "You are engaged in scientific research. You should know the cosmic gas that is the same as the metamorphosis. When the cosmic gas reaches a certain level, you can take advantage of the creation of heaven and earth. Although I can't live forever, but with me. The ability to help you extend your life is still no problem. Let's get started now."

"Wait a minute." Peter stopped the day mark. "Sky marks, I know a lot about the cosmic gas. As far as I know, even if you reach the sixth stage, you can incarnate all things, I am afraid I can't solve my current problems. I will die anyway, even if you give me a The experiment doesn't matter, but I have to ask you some things, you are not in a hurry."

Tian Ke smiled and said: "Yes. You must ask the purple illusion. She is very good now. She has already gone to our own place with the blue. You are not an outsider, I am not yelling at you. The Flying Bird Galaxy is currently our home."

Peter smiled and heard the name of the purple illusion. His dimly-stained eyes could not help but reveal a kind light. "Heaven marks, thank you, the task I gave you at the beginning, you finished very well. I have seen it. You and the blue, purple magic to deal with the video of the demon family. If I guess well, there should be some adventures in the purple magic."

Tianzheng said: "Yes, we have been to Xuan Xuanxing, where is it..." Now, he will tell Peter what he is doing with the purple magic, and even some small things have not been let go. Peter listened to the explanation of the sky mark, like a child, from time to time showing excitement, relish, and did not notice, time is unknowingly spent.

"..., I came to Earth this time. The first is for the future decision of the sacred alliance. I have already told my own thoughts to the elders of Guangming. The other one is to look at you for the purple illusion. After leaving from you, I I am leaving, go back to the bird star. Unless the parliament really decides to adopt my proposal, I don’t think I will come back easily in the future. Like my grandfather and grandma, you will never leave the sacred league. When I have time, I will come back to see you with a purple illusion."