MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 176 Fighting the Glacier Fleet (on)

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Chapter 176: Fighting the Glacier Fleet (on)

Blue thought about it and said: "If I guessed it well, you must be thinking about the way we first faced the fleet. Right then, we rely on our own strength to destroy that small fleet. I thought so incredible at the time. Maybe you don't believe that before that time, I didn't think that the power of human beings could compete with the warships."

The sky mark thoughtfully said: "Yes! The human body is an endless treasure house. Purple magic..."

The purple illusion did not wait for the day mark to ask, and took the initiative to say: "Don't advise me, you are fighting, how can you leave me? The glaciers have always been known for their glacial power. This time, I will let them see, what? It is the real energy of ice."

Tian Ke smiled and said: "It seems that I can't stop you. Let us play a game of destruction and see who can destroy more battleships." The three faces calmly facing 100,000 warships in the distance. During the discussion, they did not put the other party in their eyes. They did not find out that the momentum that has been swayed by thousands of people has been quietly distributed, so that the controllers who were not willing to be commanded by them are changing. View.

"Wind, night, and red smoke."

"Boss, let's just attack, I can't wait." Feng Yuan first rushed to answer.

The sky marks a serious statement: "I now order you to strictly bind the Allied Army. No one can act without authorization before I get my order. Do you understand?"

Some of the red cigarettes sounded amazed, "The sky marks the boss, what do you mean?"

The sky marks a slight smile, saying: "Nothing, just want you to watch a good show. Remember my order, the wind is far, especially you, if you act arbitrarily, don't blame me for being polite to you, here is the battlefield, for The superior order must be absolutely obeyed."

Feng Yuan seems to feel something, "Boss, you will not let me participate in the battle."

Tianzi said: "Not necessarily, it depends on the situation. The current order is to stand by. Blue, purple, we should play."

The blue smiled slightly, raised his right hand and leaned up obliquely, and said: "The power of the water **** Alam."

In an instant, the blue light floated out, surrounded by a circle of blue halo, and the blue light gradually became stronger. When it reached its peak, it turned from blue to white, and a white skirt composed of energy appeared. In the blue body, the blue hair flutters behind the back, a circle of white halo continues to spread outward, and the glittering white jade collar lights up, and the huge figure of Na Xue becomes transparent, surrounded by The blue body, the white battle skirt seems to be what it becomes, the looming breath rushes out. At the beginning, when accepting the inheritance of Alam, Na Xue also benefited, and the second beast was upgraded to the level of the beast. The white battle skirt fluttered in the wind, the blue bright eyes didn't know when it had become golden, and the huge figure of Alam appeared behind her, white light flashed, full of sacred Alam **** The stick was held in her right hand, the white glow flashed, and the rounded head of the forehead was brilliance, and the beautiful figure of blue has already made all the abilities look good. what is this? They simply can't understand that only the wind, the red smoke and the night joy are faintly aware that perhaps this is the power of the water gods that Tianshen said.

Under the influence of the water **** energy, the ability of blue has been raised to the limit, and the power of the water to absorb the water in the air quickly enhances her own ability.

The purple illusion moved second, and also extended his right hand, "in the name of the goddess of ice and snow."

The golden light spot illuminates from the center of her forehead, and the purple illusion raises her head subconsciously. Numerous golden light spots quickly gather toward her eyebrows. The white airflow swept out, and the ice mist floated out, covering her delicate body. In contrast to blue, the blue energy turns from blue to white, but she has white to blue. The white ice fog gradually turned into blue, and in the ice fog, three red spots appeared. Under the influence of the red light, the ice fog gradually became thinner, and the purple fantasy figure reappeared in sight. The golden light on the forehead has been covered by red gems, and the crown of the goddess of ice and snow binds her long hair from purple to blue. The beautiful blue skirt style is simpler than the blue one, but the red gems at the chest are so obvious.

The goddess of ice goddess floats quietly in front of the purple illusion. The red jewel in the center of the spear is soft and soft. The purple magic hand holds the place where the jewel is located, and slowly lifts the ice goddess spear. Start. The blue light suddenly appeared, and the sky mark around her clearly felt a strong cold spread from the purple illusion. Her grasp of the power of the goddess of ice and snow seemed to have improved. The strength has only chased the blue.

The two women who changed into ice gods and water gods stood around the sky marks, and their eyes fell on the sky marks. The eyes are soft, but there are a few more expectations.

The sky marks a wave of left hand, and the ring on the hand bursts out with a black light. The light shines, and it turns into a dark red, a faint magical pattern, perhaps due to the lack of the devil's heart and the demon soul. The lines cannot be seen clearly. The day marks are on the line, and the devil's boots are placed on his feet. It seems to be in harmony with the demon shield, emitting the same dark red light. The dark scepter, once a dark holy sword symbolized by the Dark Council, is the demon sword appearing in the hands of the sky mark. The sky mark screamed in the sky, and the dark red light swept the whole body in an instant. During the smile, his body was full of darkness. The use of three items of the demon **** has brought him to the realm of the dark watchman. Achieving the wonderful cosmic atmosphere of harmony between man and nature, he has the ability to use three pieces or even four pieces of demon items at the same time.

The change of the sky mark is the most inconspicuous among the three people, but the discerning person can see that when the dark red light appears, the original blue and white light seems to be surrendered to him, and the light appears dim. A lot.

"Empty-speed-star-mark--" The silver wings appear behind the sky marks, and the fine silver scales appear on the skin under his uniform. With the rapid growth of the star marks, it can bring The power of the sky marks is also getting stronger and stronger. The full-scale sky mark, even if it is the transformation of the Medusa of Luojia, may not be comparable, and now he has reached the ranks of the most advanced human masters. After years of tempering, he has long since not looked down on any opponent. Although he has not used the demon, he has applied all his abilities to himself.

"I rely on, boss, you don't have to be so exaggerated. So bright light, I am afraid it has already caught the attention of the other party."

The sky mark smiled lightly and said: "I didn't tell you, wait and see the show. How can they be discovered?"

The three figures disappeared into the air almost at the same time. There was no acceleration process. When the dark red light of the sky mark suddenly turned into white, it disappeared at the same time. This is the ability of the sky mark to previously evade the molar interception. After the cosmic gas reached the realm of harmony between man and nature, he had studied the ability of Ziqing Litton. I discovered some mysteries that are united with heaven and earth. The realm of harmony between man and nature can be sent directly into the alien space without speeding up. At the same time, he can also let him come out from any place he thinks. Now, the alien space can no longer bind him any more.

The fleet of the Glacier family did discover the Legion's Legion due to the sudden glare. They immediately responded quickly, and the neat team was transformed into an attack formation. The two wings flew together and surrounded by the All Saints. In terms of quantity, they are completely dominant. The previous short-term contacts also made them taste the sweetness. Although the squadron’s army appeared suddenly, the glacial fleet did not panic, reflecting the amazing good quality and intensive formation. Going up almost covers half of the airspace, and the powerful momentum completely pushes the Allied Forces down.

Just as the Glacier fleet was about to launch a full charge, the sudden change occurred. A strong blue light suddenly appeared in the front of the battleship, and the area covered by the light was very wide. At least 30 e-class warships were included. The protective cover of the battleship did not seem to have any blocking effect on the blue light. Under the strong penetration of the blue light, the dynamic reaction furnaces of these warships were completely frozen. The warships that were rushing forward lost power and the speed was slow. Down, the battleships behind could not be decelerated in time, and the battleships that followed were suddenly collided.

The neat formation was suddenly messy due to the appearance of the collision. In the process of encountering the village, nearly 100 warships had more or less problems. Those e-class warships that were frozen in the reaction furnace were spared, completely in the friendly army. It became a fragment under the collision. As a result of this sudden change, the speed of the entire glacial fleet has slowed down.

Three figures appeared at the forefront of the Glacier fleet. The three men looked so small in front of the reorganized fleet of gods, but the strength they showed was a surprise to the commander of the Glacier fleet.

"In the name of Alam, the sacredness of water, with my heart as the source, backed by my strength, with my **** as the guiding guide of light, ringing, the whimper of the water god." Blush Alam The stick is high, the white light suddenly bursts, shining like the sun's dazzling light, a circle of white halo is constantly radiating outward, and all the battleships that are affected by white light, the defensive cover is greatly bombarded, the battleship itself The body of the alloy melted like ice and snow, and at least five low-class battleships of the e and d levels were destroyed. But this is not the real purpose of the blue, the diffusing white light condenses into a white spot with only the size of a fist. Their destination is very clear, under the control of the strong mental power of the blue, the target is directed at the power reactor of the surrounding battleship.

The energy of the fist size is really inconspicuous in front of a huge battleship, but when they really exert their power, the Glacier fleet finds that every white ball of the size of a fist is like a giant ion bomb. The power. Perhaps this power is not enough to destroy the battleship, but it is a breeze to break into the protective cover and destroy the reactor.

What does the reactor explosion mean? Represents the destruction of the battleship.

The fire was skyrocketing, and under the white light ball bombardment, at least hundreds of warships exploded.

The benefits of intensive formations are undoubted, and the shields of the warships can be taken care of each other, only to withstand enemy attacks on one side. Intensive beams can also be formed when attacking enemies, resulting in greater destruction. Therefore, in general, large fleets often adopt such formations in collective operations. However, the dense formation has now become the biggest drawback of the Glacier fleet. One hundred low-level warships are nothing in the entire fleet, but the explosions that they produce at the same time are so amazing.

In a loud bang, the hustle and bustle of the waves smashed the surrounding friendly forces and then hit other warships. The chain reaction suddenly caused the glacial fleet to be in a mess, spreading enough to spread to thousands of warships. Even the high-class warships of the a and b levels in the inner ring were affected.

This is a person's injury, but it is not a person at the same time.

At the same time as the blue action began, the purple illusion that had previously destroyed nearly 100 low-level warships was not idle. The spear of the goddess of ice and snow illusioned into layers of spears, turning into an ice line like a cruise missile, accurately aiming at the power reactor at the end of the low-level warship. Before the battle began, the three people of Tianzhen had already had a tacit understanding. After all, there were only three people. It is unrealistic to fight against the entire fleet with the strength of three people, so they must save their energy and achieve the best with the least energy. Effect. Now, this effect is undoubtedly revealed. Their command strategy is absolutely correct. The blue and purple illusions are on one side, almost producing the same effect. Thousands of warships have been affected, affecting the progress of the glacial fleet as a whole. When the fleet reacted to attack them, it was difficult for the light of the canopy to capture the same speed of light. The feeling of a cannon and a mosquito is never comfortable.

The blue and purple illusion has already begun, and how the sky mark as an absolute main force will do nothing. He is different from the blue and purple illusion. Although he appears at the same time, he has once again entered the alien space. When the blue and purple magical attack occurred, his figure appeared in the central part of the Glacier Fleet, which is the handsome ship, the only God-class warship.

"Magic - God - 斩 -." Dark red light and shadow condensed into a foot with a dozen times the size of the body of the light to the God-class battleship's protective cover. Undoubtedly, the shield of the Shenzhou battleship is very powerful.

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