MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 172 The crisis brought by the glacial family (on)

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Chapter 172—The Crisis Brought by the Glacier Family (I)

Nai's pretty face is red, "Hey. Who wants to marry him, you don't know, I only like women, or else, blue, you abandon him and marry me. After I am big, I will get a test tube baby, how?" ”

Blue vomited to Nai, and said: "You are not afraid of the sky mark and angry now take us away?"

Nai’s eyes looked at the smiling face, saying: “He won’t, the sky mark is not the kind of thing that I hate in men.”

The formation of the god-class ship steadily landed on a planet dedicated to military production and assembly in the Bill's galaxy, and the super-large base was filled with warships. Nai’s order, all the warships were temporarily pooled together and not repaired. After arranging a place for rest for the three people, she led the seniors of the army and returned directly to Bill Star to report to her grandfather.

Originally, I wanted to let the three people in the sky mark go with her. The sky mark is not willing to contact too much about politics, and the ability to consume blue and purple magic needs to be restored through cultivation, so it refuses.

Comfortably lying on the big bed in the room, the blue hand holds the popsicle, the other hand grabs a delicious potato chip specially made by the Bill family, and eats it with relish. Although the action is not very elegant, but it appears in the beauty of her series, and it does not have much impact.

Purple illusion stands in front of a large table with a diameter of three meters. It is picking the favorite from the above food. Although it is also eating, her movements will converge more than blue.

Tianzheng sat on the soft sofa and watched the two women eat with gusto. The calm heart could not help but give a warm atmosphere. He hoped that this moment will continue forever. This quiet and harmonious feeling is his most like. Smiled: "You two have to eat less, are you not afraid of getting fat?"

Blue will throw the popsicles into the sky mark, and the sky marks bite out, some fuzzy praise: "Yes, the taste of the beauty has been good."

The blue smiled: "We are not afraid of eating fat. The cosmic gas has reached the current level. It is not difficult for us to change our body shape. You must be careful, we will marry you later. You have to prepare more money, otherwise we will eat you poor."

Tianzi smiled and said: "I have always been poor, but it seems that you are very rich at the bottom of your baby. You think, if you marry me, your grandfather can’t be jealous. Purple illusion, Peter’s There will never be less savings. Together with Roga, who can mobilize the resources of the entire Joshua family, your three dowries will be enough for us to squander."

Purple illusion white eyes, said: "Who will marry you. Even if you marry you, we also discuss whether to bring dowry, marry, marry, dress and eat. You must of course be responsible for all the needs of our sisters. It is."

Blue jumped out of bed, sat on the thigh of the sky mark, grabbed his neck and laughed: "The purple illusion sister said yes, we just want to unite as a rice worm, everything is eating your drink." So, you have to save money now."

The sky marks a bitter look. "It seems that the wife is not good at all, and even raising is a problem."

Blue moved on the sky mark: "Why, now regret it? Anyway, we don't care, you don't want to leave it. I count, Luo Jia, Melis sister, purple fantasy sister, me, if Plus the sorrowful sister, at least five."

The sky marks the blue mouth and said: "Don't talk about it, how can you count it in. I have a few of you already enough, but I don't want to find more trouble. My wife is too much!"

The blue smiled: "I was the first time I heard that someone is afraid of a lot of wives. What is bad about it? And, can't you see it? Since you helped her to solve the crisis of the magic flower, she looked at you. The eyes are obviously different."

The sky marks a bitter smile: "How much may have a little meaning, so this time I let her go back to the Lipton family. I will try to alienate some of them later, and save her misunderstanding. The grandmother of the Lipton family was kind to me, but now I am also Helping the sensation will make the abilities of the singularity become great. Speaking of it, I no longer owe them anything. On the emotional issue, I am not willing to spend more experience now. Is it not enough for a lily or a wound?"

Listening to him, Lily, the smile on the blue face suddenly converges a lot, gently leaning into the sky mark, said: "The mark, do you and Lily sister have no room for relaxation? You actually love each other. what!"

The sky marks the blue and soft hair, saying: "Blue, I admit, Lily has always occupied an extremely important position in my heart. When we met, it was just after I broke up with Lena. At that time, my feelings were very empty, and Lily appeared. When I first saw her, I was attracted by her kindness and unconsciously fell into it. Soon after, we established the relationship, but I have never had the time to really stay together for a few more days. At that time, I loved her very deeply. I always thought that if the two emotions were long, they would linger in the dynasty. So, I promised to guarantee the lily. No matter how long she needs for her own wish, I will wait and wait for her to return to me one day after completing her wish. Later, after so many things, I have had it with you, with Melis and Purple Magic. Feelings, gradually, I found myself wrong, I have never blamed Lily, because she is pursuing her own goals. However, if I can’t stay together for a long time, time will dilute everything. Especially I need it most. When I help, every time you are by my side. Even protect me with life, and at that time, Lily is still busy with her wish. Lily is the kindest woman, but her kindness is too big, and It’s not suitable to be a wife. Frankly, I didn’t fully wake up until I learned that she succeeded the position of the speaker. Before, I was still imagining that one day Lily changed her attitude, and one day she was tired and would Come back to me. But now it seems that in the eyes of Lily, the world is always in the first place, she has the temperament of the savior, I will still support her to do what she wants, but we can only If you continue to be together, our mutual pain will gradually deepen. Instead of collapsing in pain, it is better to separate them earlier, so as not to cause too much harm to the other party. I am not absolutely impossible with Lily, as long as She is willing to give up all her own pursuits, and I am still her harbor."

There is no snoring in the blue, just tightening the sky marks, and the purple illusion also puts down the food in the hands and walks to the side of the sky mark to sit down. The sky marks the purple illusion, and the words in his heart say that he feels a lot more comfortable, because the knots produced by the lily are constantly being solved. There are wives like blue and purple, how can they have too much extravagant hope?

Thinking of this, the heart of the day marks has become more relaxed, and smiled a little, said: "Look at both of you are so embarrassed, do you want me to directly put you on the spot to be righteous! Anyway, idle is also idle. Hehe."

The blue and purple illusion almost escaped from the sky mark at the same speed. The faces of the two women have already risen red, and the blue is not good-hearted: "We are comforting you, but you are thinking about bad places, oh, no matter is you."

The sky marks a big scream, "My lady, my gentleman is good, how can I think about going to a bad place? Is it a bad thing to want to be intimate with my wife?"

The blue and purple illusion looked at each other, and the purple blushing face turned down. After all, she had already had a skin kiss with the sky mark. Although she did not say it, her heart did not have a strong resistance. The blue heart's heartbeat has accelerated sharply at this time. She is still the virgin. Although she has long believed that this life is not a genius, she still can't help but feel shy when she talks about this.

Tianzheng smiled and stood up, and at the same time put them into their arms, feeling that their skin is much higher than the previous temperature, and smirked: "Do not worry, unless you are willing, I will never move you. Your abilities have all recovered. Tomorrow, we should also leave the Bill family to go to the glaciers, but we don’t know which planet the war is spreading to, and I’ll wait until I’m looking for it.”

The blue and purple illusion were relieved at the same time, but the mind was somewhat lost. At this moment, the communicator rang, saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, but it was Nailu.

The sky mark opened the door and greeted Nai Luo. Nai’s face was tired and tired. Obviously, the rest of the days was very bad.

"How? The demon family did not appear again." Tianzheng asked.

Nailuo said: "The demon family has not appeared again, but the situation on the other side of the glaciers is very bad, the sky marks, if you have the ability to recover, hurry up. Lily is now in a hurry."

A trace of the sky, said: "How can this be? According to the glacial family strength is not weak, but the sacred alliance has accumulated strength for many years, not only has many powers, but also has its own fleet, although the number is far Can not be compared with the formation of the god-class ship, but the combat power is absolutely not bad, plus my grandfather and other five judges lead, even if the glacial family strength is strong, it should be able to squat down."

Nailuo said: "In theory, according to the news from the parliament, everything has been going very smoothly. When the elders of the sect of the squad led the abilities to reach the rebellious area of ​​the glaciers, they immediately united the defense of the nearby planet. The fleet stabilized the situation, curbed the glacial family's attacks, and brought a lot of damage to the glaciers. However, when the squad's abilities had a positive battle with the other glacial family for the second time, problems occurred. The problem is not on the glacial family side, but on the sacred alliance side. In the sacred alliance, three or forty controllers suddenly mutined and jointly attacked five judges."

"What?" Skymarks and blues exclaimed at the same time, knowing that this time to deal with the glacial family of the sacred corps, the leader is Moore and Rosefil!

The bright blue eyes are full of panic, "Impossible! Since the last time we were attacked, the sacred alliance has identified more than a dozen people who were undercover in the former parliament and secretly secreted them. Dealing with it, how can there be traitors, and there are so many, all of them are judges?" She is already confused by her grandfather's safety.

The sky mark is relatively calm, and asks: "What is the result? Are those people sneak attacking?"

Nai Shen Shen said: "The situation is very bad. Although several judges are superior in strength, how can they guard against their own people? They are being attacked by the sudden attack, except for the Moore Judge. One responded to avoid damage. The other four judges were greatly traumatized, and the most severely injured by the Woma Judge and the Otto Judge, had reached the point where life was dying. The change made the attacking team of the squadrons chaos, giving the other side a chance to be defeated by the glacial family and some strange warships. They had to make a strategic retreat and three planets. Into the hands of the glaciers, the squad's abilities have been evacuated to the celestial galaxy's distant star. But, I don't know how long they can support it. If I am the glacial family's combat commander, I will win the battle. of."

The day marks and the blue ones heard that Moore and Rosefil have no life worries, and they can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The sky marks Shen Shen: "Since it is a rebellion, naturally there is a leader, who is the leader of the sacred league. They are rebellious? What benefits can they get from rebellion? Isn’t the sacred alliance enough for them?” The ecstasy of the sky is naturally grounded. The sacred alliance has always treated the people with control very high. It’s enough to be able to monitor the beauty of a planet. On the planet on duty, the controller can be said to be the most powerful person besides the local administration. Although he cannot directly direct the army and pay attention to the political situation, he has a transcendental position. It can be said that it is impossible to have anything more. Too much pursuit. The sky marks really don't understand, what is it that attracts these masters to defect.

Nailuo: "I am afraid that this person who is leading the mutiny will still know. Like you, he is a disciple of the Moore Judge. Moreover, he is also one of the few space controllers of the Moore Judge. He has been responsible for the sacred balance ball. Defence, named Fiji."

The day marks were shocked. "Fiji brothers? No, this is impossible. I have little contact with Fiji brothers, but I can feel that he has a kind heart, and that he is absolutely heartfelt to his grandfather. Respect, how can you take the lead in betrayal? I absolutely don't believe it is him."

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