MTL - Song Tan Jishi-Chapter 439 simple peasant

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  Chapter 439 439. Simple farmers

  When Guo Dong said this, he stared at Zhang Yanping without blinking, making Zhang Yanping's dark cheeks instantly flushed:

   "If there is an effect, there will be an effect! What do you think I am doing? I don't need these."

   After thinking for a while, he added: "I don't sell it even if I give a commission."

   "I'll sell it." Xin Jun spoke beside him.

   "Hello, do you have a QR code? I'll scan one. My family is also in business. If you sell this for you, what is the commission?"

   Xin Jun is sincere. His mother has always been serious about business.

   Besides, the calls I received recently are getting more and more impatient, and the prices of Song Tan's things are also getting higher and higher, and I really can't afford it...

   It's better to take the slant of the sword, find some other ways!

  Guo Dong didn't notice this, he just looked at the white-faced scholar in front of him... Ah no, the young guy, handsome and considerate, now happily turned on the phone:

   "There are some, we will discuss the details later."

  Xin Jun nodded.

   At this time, Guo Dongcai looked at Song Tan: "How is it? Is this golden cherry for sale?"

  Song Tan shook his head.

  Guo Dong:…

  She lowered her head a little depressed.

   I blame myself for being too hasty, the eagerness was revealed from the very beginning, this wave probably wants the lion to open its mouth...

  But then I heard Song Tan say: "How many golden cherry seeds do you need to make a medicine?"

  This involves the issue of the weight of the secret recipe.

  But it doesn't matter, others can't count how much you deserve.

  Guo Dong then generously said: "Three taels."

   "Okay," Song Tan nodded: "Three taels of dried fruit, a catty of fresh fruit must be enough, right? Well, I'll get you a basket later, and you pick it yourself on the mountain."

   "It's almost ready, you just take it away."

  ? ? ?

   This is unreasonable!


But Song Tan laughed: "This thing is serious about making medicinal materials. We have no experience. As for the price, our products are definitely not bad. Why don't you go back and make medicine and see the effect. If the effect is good, let's talk about it later." down the purchase price."

  She looked simple: "Let me explain first, dried fruit will never be less than 200 yuan a catty. If you can accept it, you can pick some back later."

   Good guy!

  Guo Dong gasped.

  She felt that 50 a catty for herself was already far beyond the sky-high price of others.

  Now this little boss can open his mouth better than her—200 pounds? Still the lowest?

   I'm afraid I'm going to heaven!

  But she has come all the time, and now she is being taken advantage of by others, and she is inevitably a little unconvinced.

   "Okay," she also gritted her teeth: "I'll just pick a catty, but if the effect can't be achieved, I'd rather not buy it."


  Song Tan is extraordinarily free and easy—the food I eat now has a good reputation, but these things with medicinal effects have really not made a name for themselves.

  If Guo Dong can become bigger and stronger, next year there will be so many hills, and it is not impossible to set aside a dedicated area to grow golden cherry seeds!

  Song Tan is optimistic. Although this job is troublesome, but the protection is done, it is not so difficult to accept. The most important thing is that it takes a lot of effort to clean up. As long as the elderly in the village can move their hands, they can do it, which is not a bad job.

   Zhang Yanping walked with Xin Jun, muttering:

   "What's the matter with you? Isn't your home a catering business? Are you really going to sell it?"

  Xin Jun is generous: "Our family also sells mountain products and local long as you can sell it."

   It's just that Song Tan is too picky, and really doesn't give them room to play.

  Now he can only rely on a little welfare tea every month to appease his mother's anger temporarily.

   "You can sell this...Are you afraid that it won't work and affect your reputation?" Zhang Yanping was still worried.

   "You don't understand."

  Xin Jun said vowed:

   "Look at her, in order to order a good medicine, she has come all the way to see it in person. She is clearly very strict about the quality."

   "Things made by such a person, even if the effect is not great, it is impossible to be useless."

  Men, don't say it's useful, they can't stand the temptation just by boasting about the advertisement.

"Besides, if she really uses our golden cherry seeds—you can say, drink white fungus soup and honey, and go to the toilet every day, is it silky or not? Also, do you touch your skin? Is it fine or not? Tea leaves Is it refreshing?"

  He looked at Zhang Yanping with the eyes of a stupid mortal, and sighed sincerely at this moment:

   "If you want me to say, you should be fine if you don't take the public examination, but your thinking is very inflexible. It's a big taboo in the officialdom!"

   Good guy, who of us has the status of a civil servant, and you still put this taboo in the officialdom? !

  Zhang Yanping glanced at him and decided to hurt each other:

   "Qiao Qiao! Your teacher Xin is going to teach you new knowledge, come on, don't you have a question to ask?"

   "Oh oh oh I almost forgot!"

  Qiao Qiao ran over happily again, and then stood beside Xin Jun, with a face full of seeking knowledge:

   "Teacher Xin, what is aphrodisiac?"

  Xin Jun: …


   But at this time, Ulan said again: "By the way, who is it, Xiao Guo, you fainted from hypoglycemia just now, can you come to the mountain to pick golden cherry seeds?"

   "Also, it's past 6 o'clock, where are you going to stay tonight? It's not easy to call a car here."

  Good guy, Guo Dong himself was stunned!

  She completely forgot that she has no place to live!

  At this moment, I had no choice but to sigh: "I'll see if there is an online car-hailing service to take orders. Let's go find a hotel in the city and come back tomorrow..."

  Ulan thought for a while: "You have that money, why don't you find a place to live in the village? Her Aunt Lianhua's house is very suitable, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, no man. If you eat, you..."

  Song Tan hurriedly said: "150 yuan, I will find you a place to stay and cook."

   "If you want to eat our family's food, if you buy my family's things, you don't need to pay more than 1,000. If you don't exceed 200 yuan for the meal alone, a special price."

   Guo Dong's eyes widened again!

  She often goes to the mountains and the countryside to collect medicinal materials, and she knows that the so-called simplicity of farmers can only depend on the specific environment.

  For example, they are very simple and enthusiastic when eating and entertaining guests.

  You can talk about business, and farmers have their treacherous ways—seriously, sometimes it can spoil a lot of things.

   But this one is good, it doesn’t even have to be simple to eat, does it? !

  This is too naked!

  Her expression was written on her face, speechless and visible to the naked eye.

  Seeing this, Zhang Yanping snorted, "Why, isn't that bowl of tremella soup not enough for the 200 meal mark? If you go to the hotel, that bowl of soup will cost 200."

  Guo Dong:…

  She savored the taste of the white fungus soup, and her stomach began to growl again.

  After all, three bowls of water were poured down, and they were all soup, so you’re not really hungry!

   At this moment, he did not hesitate: "Okay, 200 is 200!"

   As for the free meal fee for shopping?

  Hmph, she is here to buy medicinal materials, but the medicines are not purchased, and now she is planning to increase income and reduce expenditure carefully, so it is absolutely impossible to buy things from this company!

   Push this book, good sister! Click here if you are interested! If you click it, you won’t lose money, and you are also an old author, so don’t worry!

   The general characteristic of our group is that none of us know how to write an introduction.

   Tonight, the fourth update (that is, make up and add) will not fall, so good night first.



  (end of this chapter)