MTL - Song Tan Jishi-Chapter 415 415. Daejeon's Grievance

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  Chapter 415 415. Daejeon's grievances

   It was obviously a long night.

   During the day, Qiaoqiao harvests rice and broadcasts live broadcasts, and is night, he sleeps especially soundly.

  At this moment, the faint moonlight fell in front of the window, and he was sleeping on the emerald green straw mat, feeling cool but not cold.

  On this summer night, the air conditioner doesn't even need to be turned on, and I feel comfortable with a small quilt on my body.

  There is a cool breeze blowing outside the window, and an unknown bird call occasionally comes from the silent valley, and the tall fence blocks all the troubles in the back mountain...

  He was lying there with his belly undulating slightly, just like the fat and soft sleeping Datian in the cardboard box at the end of the bed, it was too sweet.

   And at this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in the moonlight on the windowsill!

  The next moment, there was a slight sound of pulling the screen window, Datian rolled over with difficulty in the box, then carefully grabbed the cardboard box, Doudou looked out—

   Yet nothing was seen.

  It turned around in the cardboard box twice, and finally filled two handfuls of rice grains into its cheeks, and then went back to sleep with peace of mind.

  At this moment, the window screen of the screen window has been pulled out a hole, and a dusty and bald figure came in, and quickly disappeared under the window sill without making a sound.

   Not long after, the same figure appeared again.

   Back and forth, there are almost a dozen of them!

  They walked along the wall in the house, moving mysteriously like mice, and then they all locked their targets in the ordinary cardboard box.

   Daejeon suddenly woke up in his sleep!

  It opened its eyes and saw a gray-haired squirrel that was scratching around the box!


  It made a miserable cry, thinking it was earth-shattering, but it was just a field mouse!

  At this moment, Jojo didn't even lose his breath.

  A dozen or so gray-haired squirrels stared at the thick layer of rice grains in the box, with happiness or surprise in their eyes, and frantically began to stuff their cheeks without saying a word.

  Da Tian ran left and right in a hurry, screaming and screaming, but it was a pity that Qiao Qiao slept but didn't have the slightest intention of waking up.

   So much so that this chubby field mouse finally shrank in the corner of the box aggrieved, and only had time to cover his round cheeks with tears...

  Early the next morning, the little rooster, who had not yet fully grown up in Houshan, lit up his throat very competently.

  Jojo had a good night's dream, and now he rolled happily on the bed. Hearing that there seemed to be movement downstairs, he followed.

   Habitually, he glanced into the box—

   "Huh?" Qiaoqiao squatted down, opened the box curiously and looked left and right: "Datian, you ate the whole bowl of rice in one night?! Or did you really dig a hole and hide it?"

  He nervously looked left and right in the room, but—this must be too clean!

  He took Da Tian's fat body, grabbed it with his hands, and then shook it head-down—

"Puff puff-"

  Three grains of white rice were poured out. It was a little bit of grain that Datian desperately protected last night under the covetousness of a dozen squirrels.

  But Jojo didn't know.

  He just poked Datian's cheek again with his finger, and laughed: "Datian, you are so stupid! No one is robbing you, so don't eat so much and make your stomach burst."

  However, Qiao Qiao quickly found a reason for Da Tian: "Are you still growing your body? You must have eaten too much, you look fat..."

  He said, seeing that Daejeon still had shiny hair and soft body, except that his mood was not very high (Jojo guessed that this was because he was full of food), everything else was fine.

  He had no choice but to sigh deeply like an adult: "You child, why are you so greedy? Eating too much is not easy to digest. I won't feed you today."

   As he spoke, he turned his head and went into the bathroom.

  A mouse in Daejeon is huddled in a box, because its cheeks are too bulging, at this moment it can only emit a very weak—


  A faint syllable, full of grievances.


  No one knows Daejeon's sadness.

   On the second day, Lao Song's family got busy again.

  Qiao Qiao is still busy with his work, while Song Sancheng and Song Youde are responsible for dumping the rice harvested yesterday in the yard to dry—

  In Song Tan's memory, this was a very easy job. He only needed to play with his own while staring at the rice, and then use irons or walk with bare feet every once in a while to turn over the rice.

   However, not today.

  I saw golden rice all over the yard, attracting birds on the walls, eaves, corridors and treetops.

   It's like taking life to practice "Eat a bite of rice, and be content as a ghost".

   "This thing is too thief!"

   Seventh Cousin was very annoyed: "This bird, if you put a dustpan on it, you can catch more than a dozen of them in one dustpan! You will die if you want to eat it!"

   It was as if they were not afraid of people at all, driving away this group and that group, even a few people were too busy holding a long bamboo pole.

   "Get a net and cover it up."

  Song Tan hesitated: "The rice has to be turned all the time, so it's inconvenient to cover it."

   As soon as I said this, I saw another group of birds sprinting over—

   At that time, the rice fields and vegetable fields did not spend much effort to drive away the insects and birds, but now it is good, the mature rice, eating a mouthful can kill you, right?

  With so many people in the family, it is still a bit strange that her aura is doing such a big exorcism. She has to wait until the dead of night.

  But in the dead of night, who is drying rice?

  Song Tan had no choice but to sigh depressedly: "Okay, I'll find a fishing net to surround the top and all sides, and the bamboo poles at the bottom should be higher, so that it is convenient for people to dig rice and move around."

   Does not affect the sun drying millet.

   It's a bit troublesome, but it's better than being like the second general Heng Ha, holding a bamboo pole and guarding above the rice, right?


  The weather these days is especially good for face. The sun has been scorching hot for many consecutive days, which is especially convenient for them to turn in the sun.

  Old man Li carried a basket and happily went to the rice field to pick up ears of rice.

   Not to mention, working leisurely now is much more comfortable than the life-threatening posture when rushing to collect it! This mentality is different.

  The little old man was even in the mood to hum a song.

  Generally speaking, after the rice has been dried, it will not be completely shelled for the sake of storage.

  But Seventh Cousin snorted: "What good things are you thinking about? With the amount of food you each have, it's not bad that the rice can last until the end of the year!"

  Song Tan: ...This is the truth.


   "Shell them all, and then give me another 20 catties and I'll give it away."

   As for who to send, everyone knows what to send, and the one who sent flowers all the way last time—

  Zhang Yanping felt distressed enough: Just because of the taste of rice, he slept in a rice jar in his dreams yesterday!

   Not to mention 20 catties, he is reluctant to part with two catties!

  Unfortunately, this is not his family's rice, so I can only sigh at this moment:

   "Then next year, you will grow a few acres no matter what!"

   Also, it will be relatively late, so let’s watch it tomorrow morning.



  (end of this chapter)