MTL - Song Tan Jishi-Chapter 404 Jojo shows you the house (1)

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  Chapter 404 404. Jojo will show you the house (1)

   In principle, there is nothing wrong with it.

  But... Song Tan turned around and pointed to the threshing machine on standby:

   "There are machines, why do you have to do farm work by hand?"

   It's not that she looked down on these classmates, but she just threw rice ears with her hands. Thirty heroes joined the battle, and they couldn't finish the two acres of land.

  So... it's a good idea to make do with some work. Everyone's money is spent, there must be some wonderful labor experience.

  She pointed to the scattered rice in the field:

   "In this rice field, not every ear of rice grows at the same time. Some are too early, some are too late."

  Thus, those premature rice ears matured a few days earlier, but they have not fallen off, and they are only stubbornly exposed to the scorching sun-by the time the other rice ears mature, they have actually dried out.

   Now, with such a light shake, and a little force on the plastic sheet, the grains will fall off particularly numbly.

  It's definitely not too much, but it's absolutely no problem to make enough for the thirty or forty people to have a meal tonight.

   Asking everyone to thresh the grain by hand and eat it in person, this will be impressive!

   Sure enough, the students instantly regained their spirits!

At this moment, there is no particular emphasis on division of labor. Everyone puts a large handful of rice into the paddy field, finds a place on the plastic sheet, beats it, and then treasures the few grains that fell off it with their hands. In a nearby basket—

  The rice will get stuck in the gaps in the baskets, but the students insist on not using plastic baskets.

  No, beat three times, take two videos, pose for a minute and a half, post to Moments and rest for five minutes.

   It can be regarded as the completion of this process.


  Song Sancheng and Song Youde stood on the side of the road and looked at the father and son. The two similar faces were exactly the same [I don’t like it]——

   "That's it, let me count on them when I was young, and the whole family will starve to death."

   "It's okay, it's okay!" Song Sancheng comforted the old man: "They only played for an hour. It's too hot today, and we can't hold on. After they leave, let's go to the field to thresh."

  The rice on the two-acre field can be harvested in one day today, so I don’t feel at ease throwing it in the rice field overnight. But when I shipped it home, I felt that it was unnecessary.

  After all, there are quite a lot of grass leaves and shells raised by the threshing machine.

  So, the father and son wanted to take advantage of the afternoon when everyone was harvesting rice, and they beat the rice here by the way.

  Wait until it gets dark, finish the work over there, and finish the rice harvesting on my own side, take the sacks home, spread them in the yard!

  This job is not very strenuous for the father and son, and it can be done in a day. The plan is proper.

   Song Tan told them to come back to the field at 4 pm, but they still didn't believe it.

  —How long can a whole bowl of millet last?

   Now it seems that there is still waiting!

  Song Sancheng took the time to ask: "Dad, look at you. I asked you to go to dinner at noon. Why don't you go? You are going to have a meal in the new house, and you are too embarrassed."

  Song Youde snorted: "There are so many people here at noon, why should I go there as an old man? We are restricted by others—I am not short of that meal."

   In fact, it is still missing.

  Don't say, without the child and his cousin, the lunch at noon is not so interesting.

   Both are things from the field, but they have also been tricked recently, and they will all judge the difference.

  So after saying this, Song Youde quickly gave in through the steps: "Go at night!"

  The father and son looked at the field again, couldn't help but frowned again, showing an expression that they couldn't bear to look directly at, and simply found a shady place to sit down, and waited patiently.


   At this time, Qiao Qiao has opened the live broadcast room again.

   "Children, Mr. Qiao Qiao's new house has been built! I promised you to show it to everyone."

   "My sister invites the students to hold a class reunion in the house. If Qiao Qiao gets good grades and the students perform well, my sister says she can help and invites the students to come to Teacher Qiao Qiao's home to participate in the class reunion..."

  【Anchor, the class reunion is not organized by the teacher...】

  【Stop talking about the previous ones, our class reunion has to be organized by Mr. Qiao Qiao! 】

  【Teacher, when will the class reunion be held? I sent express delivery very well and must be an excellent student! 】

  【Don't ask, the anchor never watches barrage, unless his family is free. 】 the family free?

  That’s really not the case.

  The students asked for bits and pieces, they were busy packing and repacking, and then pasted the names of the students one by one. How can they have such effort?

   And Jojo has already walked out of the yard with a sense of ceremony:

   "Come on, everyone, this is my new house, does it look good?"

   Everyone was actually ready to see the big country house, but they were still shocked at this time.

  The white walls and gray roof are clearly a modern and transparent design, and the angled cornices also show a Chinese-style charm...Although only a few places can be seen, it does not seem cumbersome, and it also plays a finishing touch...

  【This designer has something! 】

【Three floors! ! I cried】

  【It looks so big... woo woo woo...】

  【What kind of skills do I need to learn as a student to be more promising than Teacher Qiao Qiao? 】

  【Stop talking, this is my dream home】

  【Does the anchor still lack a nanny at home? 】

   Qiao Qiao didn’t watch the excitement of the barrage, he had already come to the bottom of the wall:

   "It's too hot now. My sister said to take a rainy day to plant golden cherry seeds here, and goji berries here. They have thorns and grow fast, which can prevent people from digging into the fence. But—"

  Qiao Qiao raised his head stupidly again, and pointed the camera at the inside of the wall: "The houses connected by the wall have nowhere to climb, probably for the sake of looking good!"

  He shook his head and analyzed on his own, very cute.

  Then pushed open the small door.

  The courtyard does not have the promenades, small bridges, flowing water, and green areas that everyone expects, but is divided evenly, with only a beautiful flower bed in the southeast, northwest, and north.

   It can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

  So some netizens sighed:

  【The house looks so good from the outside, but the design inside is really mediocre. 】

【right! Such a large yard, with a rockery, creates a circulating river underneath, and raises some ornamental fish. I don’t know how beautiful it is. 】

  【The river is made into a winding shape, preferably with a small bridge, the edge of the landscaping is paved with pebbles, and some green plants or flowers are planted】

  【If the color matching is ingenious, it will look better than the Internet celebrity base...】

  【I just watched the dew-drinking gods in front of me and said nothing】

【What's the meaning? 】

  【Laugh! Internet celebrity base is fine, but can cowpea be dried? Can you dry the bacon? Can you hang sausages? Is it convenient to do farm work at home? 】

  【Where is there no mountain in the countryside? Still have to build a flower border river in the yard... Aren't you afraid of mosquitoes? Don't they cost money to make? 】

  【The host obviously plants a lot of things, and he is busy every day without touching the ground. Doesn't the flower border need to be trimmed? Don't you need to worry about the water and fish in the pool? 】

  【The work in this field can’t be finished yet, who wants to rummage in their own yard】

   This is a dangerous number of chapters.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion