MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2234 Under the general trend

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When Cao Fengchi was arrested, the ambushing people near the ghost city did not act rashly on the Xinyi Pavilion. Pen, interest, pavilion www. Biquge. Info

Just because Xinyi Pavilion is the power of Xiahou’s family on the bright side, too many eyes are staring. Once the Xinyi Pavilion is openly moved, fearing to disturb other forces of Xiahou’s family, as long as they control Cao Fengchi, they will remove the power of Xiahou’s family. It must be placed at the last move.

After taking down Cao Man and Cao Fengchi, the secret troops who went to various places immediately went straight to the secret network that had been locked up in Xiahou’s home. They agreed on the time, almost at the same time, they took the trouble together, and they quickly took the backbone of the Xiahou family with lightning speed. The forces have been uprooted in one fell swoop.

The number of people attached to the Xiahou family controlled by the Xiahou family is too complicated. All the arrests are unrealistic. Instead, the main backbones are captured and controlled. After mastering the backbone, all the people controlled by the Xiahou family are checked all the way. Clear is not difficult. Miao Yi did not intend to arrest all of them. As long as the backbone of those network connections was controlled, those scattered dependants did not have the huge network of information support of Xiahou. They were blind and blind, and could not be climate. Miao Yi constituted these complicated members. Just ask for one point, master the entire list, and don't plan to expose all of them.

After that, many years after the scenes of the world, the Xiahou family, which has undergone several dynasties, has completely ended. It has quietly ended without any turmoil. It has quietly become a past without being noticed by many people. Many years later, many people think of how the Xiahou family quietly disappeared. I feel weird.

The reason is very simple. Many people who participated in the Xiahou family didn't know that they were dealing with Xiahou's family. They thought that they were clear and green, and they were silent. The true knowledge kept silent.

The actions of Qing Qing and Buddha Yu are indeed in progress at the same time.

Hundreds of thousands of horses descended from the sky, landed in an inaccessible desert, and looked at the generals.

In a short while, a man was drilled behind the dunes in the distance, and he flew away. He carefully reported on the handcuffs: "The Zijianmen disciple Guanmeng met with the adults."

The generals looked at him up and down and asked, "Where are the people of Ziyanmen?"

Guanmeng turned to one direction. "There is an oasis in the desert of 800 miles away. There is an underground space in the depths of the underground. The people of Ziweimen are hiding underneath and the entrance is at the bottom of the lake. ”

The leader will say: "Lead the way!"

"Please!" Some nervous Guanmen respectfully respected.

After a group of people swept away and approached the target location, 100,000 horses quickly dispersed and circled the target location.

As the Guanmeng said, there is a desert oasis with a radius of about one mile. Bihu is like a mirror, surrounded by desert green plants.

A few streamers shot from behind the sand dunes, and several sneak peeks that were hidden in the oasis flew to escape, but were streamed to shoot, showing that the repair was not high.

The sound of the booming sound has already alarmed the people hidden in the ground. The Lord will wave a hand and tens of thousands of people will directly rush into the lake and find the entrance to kill.

Around the oasis, surrounded by the army, listening to the fighting from the underground.

The fighting was just a short time. Not long after, a large group of people appeared in the lake. The upper and lower disciples headed by Tianchong, the head of Ziyanmen, had surrendered. They could not surrender. They knew that they were not opponents, and they had to be killed.

At the lakeside, the Ziyanmen disciple, together with the family, is full of men, women, and children. Nearly three thousand people are all controlled and squeezed together, one by one, panic, and the children cry and cry. Lived in the mouth, afraid to provoke the army in front of the eyes.

The Lord will stand in front of the head of Tian Chong, cold and cold: "A big courage, a small purple scorpion door dare to help the faint king against the heavenly army, really live impatient!"

Tian Chong looked terrible. Earlier, Niu Youde was a rebel army. The Qing Dynasty was the Tianjun. Now the Qing Dynasty became a stunned king. Niu Youde became a heavenly army. It is useless to explain anything. He is all over the place, helpless. : "The villain does not know the time, the sin should die, what is wrong is the fault of the villain, ask the adults to raise their hands and spare others!"

This is also listening to the words of the offensive, saying that surrender is free from death, and this is surrender.

"The grown-ups are forgiving!" The purple scorpion door asked for a sigh of relief, and all men, women and children fell.

Tian Chong said in a light way: "Where is the family of the thieves?

"Adult..." Tian Chong suddenly looked up.

"Well?" The Lord will blink and question, and the surrounding people screamed, and the crowded horse immediately lifted the broken bow, and the sharp arrows were aimed at a group of people who were kneeling.

In the end, Tian Chong reluctantly bowed his head. In order to save more people, or to protect themselves, no one asked for the family of Guanmeng.

"You are a group of animals, you must not die..."

A woman was terrified, pointing to the purple door and roaring up and down, no one dared to look up.

There is also a young girl who, along with the woman, was dragged out of the crowd and was the wife and daughter of Guanmeng.

The Lord will wave his hand and the crowd will be in the bag.

As for the mother and daughter in the horror of crying, the Lord will wave their hands and the people who seize them will let them go.

"You must go to the sky to wait for me!" The Lord will give a command to the accompanying people, and the army will immediately vacate.

On the bank of the oasis, there are only two mothers and daughters and the main lord. There is a person behind the dunes not far away. The mother and the daughter are so wide-eyed that they are not the Guanmeng.

Guanmeng came out and said to the Lord: "Xie Daren!"

The Lord will find out a piece of jade, write a handful of handcuffs, and hand it to him: "This is a handcuff, and the above is explained. If Guanxi can successfully complete the task, he will immediately report it. As for where to report, I also I don't know, the above said that the brother knows. In short, everyone is since then, and everyone who is offended is still looking for Haihan. In the future, please take care of it." He does not know who Guanyuan's true identity is, and will be a person in the future. What role, in short, it is true that it is a good word.

Guanmeng took the jade in his hand and said with a strong smile: "The adults are polite."

Only he knew in his own heart that he was a real sorcerer of the Purple Gate, only because of his early years, he was caught by the mysterious man, and this time he was forced to sell the Purple Gate. It is not clear where to report to him. I only know that people who will become heaven in the future will not be the heavenly court of the Green Lord, but the court of Niu Youde.

"Farewell!" The Lord will step back and step by step, and then quickly flew away.

Guanmeng arched the eye.

On the side of the mother and daughter, the tears on the face were not dry yet. When they approached, the woman asked in amazement: "French, what is going on?"

Some things are also embarrassing to mention themselves, only sigh: "How did you just see you in Zizhen, you have seen it."

Speaking of this, remembering the situation just now, the mother and the daughter are both hateful, and the woman bites her teeth and swears: "For many years, I have used us as abandoning son. I can’t wait for the purple door to kill the door!"

The girl’s heart is awkward: “Hey, are you a cow and a German?”

Guanmeng was full of bitterness, raised his hand and touched his daughter’s head, and sighed: "Don’t ask too much, the purple door has passed, and the era of green and Buddha has passed. Now it is the world of Niu Youde, doing heaven. There is nothing wrong with people, but in the future, our family of three will be afraid to change their names. Now the name is not good enough. Afterwards, foreigners should not mention the origin of their own Ziyanmen. Do you understand?"

Although I can't figure out what's going on, the woman's mentality is put down, and from another point of view, the disciple who does Ziyanmen may not have a good person in heaven, but also a future. The woman lifted her sleeves and wiped the tears on her face. She told her daughter: "Listen to your embarrassment, you only need to know that you are doing this for us."

The girl snorted and nodded. She was just given up by Ziyanmen. She thought she was going to die. She was really frightened. Now she is safe. She has a stable and reliable feeling. Her heart is full of security and her face is exposed. A bright smile, where does she know the clouds under the general trend of the world, I do not know how many people, I do not know how many people are lonely, but I do not know how many people are ruined and die.

The fate of countless people is up and down.

Seeing her daughter's happy smile, Guan Meng raised her hand and touched her daughter's head. The feeling of guilt in her heart was weak, and she could keep her wife and daughter safe. He felt that everything was worth it.

However, after the woman had a relaxed and relaxed heart, she couldn’t help but ask, "French, are you going to go to heaven as an official? How big can you be?" In the eyes, there is an expectation, I didn’t expect my man to be quiet. I have done a big deal. I used to look down on myself. It turns out that my man’s city is so deep, is he going to be a lady?

Just because she saw so many generals who had just led the men were gracious to their men.

"You think too much!" Guan Meng gave her a blank look...

In fact, the example of Guanmeng does not know how many at this moment. Miao Yi’s army is not only in Qingqing, but also in the past, and the various factions and parties that have helped the Qing and the Buddha’s army against the Miao Yi army. In the scope of liquidation, Miao Yi did not have a lot of energy to find out the reasons of a family. I didn’t have the energy to find out whether it was innocent or not, but it was forced to help. So many people are killed because they are dead, not clear. Tell the brothers who are dead and alive below.

Another point is that Miao Yi also needs a big cleansing to shock and stand up, to erase the influence of Qing and Buddha on this world.

The forces and sects that have been handed over with their own have been reported below, and the list has been sorted out, and the list is checked one by one.

As for whether there will be some sects who have taken the opportunity to frame the martial art that had already had a knot, this kind of thing that falls into the grave is inevitable, Miao Yi will not pursue this now, and some sects are risking standing on his side and desperate for him. Sacrifice a lot of disciples in the door, so some results can be closed with one eye, it is a reward for some sects. Will it be calculated from this, depending on the situation in the future, does not mean that Miao Yi will never pursue.

To this end, Miao Yi has used various channels, including those controlled by the Xiahou family in various forces and various factions, and the forces and sects who have escaped from the army after the army’s mistakes have been dug up and cleared. . Guanmeng is an example of this. It is just that the people like Guanmeng do not know that they are controlled by the Xiahou family. They have become confused and become the people in the court today.

As for the whereabouts of these people, Xu Tangran is the clearest. He has received Miao Yi’s decree and rebuilt an organization similar to the heavenly 'monitoring the left side'. These people will become Xu Tangran’s men’s agents who betray their own divisions. The door is the biggest stain and easy to control.

Of course, the world is so big, it is impossible to completely clear the clean, there is no need to slip through the net. But it doesn't matter, either surrender or be listed in the wanted list in the future, until you get it down!

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