MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2200 Guilt

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The war has not ended yet. He has not lost yet. Niu Youde dared to call the emperor. Once the news spread, the people in the world thought he was defeated. ??

The crux of the matter is that the Fourth Army has left his control, and the people who rule the four military sites will not help him to say good things. For the monks in all parts of the world, it will be clear about the specific situation. For them, even the four armies do not listen to the control of the young master. The situation of the young master is definitely not good.

And the most important point is that once the war is in a long-term stalemate, the replenishment of resources is a problem. If the sects of the world think that he is not good, then what resources will be provided to win the preferential treatment after the court, I am afraid that Worried that the offender has a virtue, I am worried that if the cattle have a victory, they will find them.

Niu Youde is called the emperor. If he can't be annihilated, the adverse impact on him will only grow bigger and bigger. What shakes his authority over the world!

The chanting of the Buddha’s hand stopped and his face was heavy, and the influence on the Green Lord also applied to him...

As expected here, Miao Yi said that the emperor did not shut the door to the emperor, but told the world that it would be widely known.

Miao Yi’s news channel is extremely powerful. The South Army, the East Army, and the Northern Army’s channel network are not mentioned, and the Huangying family’s group will be more openly supporting Niu Youde, and there is strong support from Xiahou’s family. Everyone knows the world, and gives the world a illusion that the world is green and the Buddha is weak.

Through the channels of major proliferation news, dozens of crimes of Qing and Buddha were also announced:

Resentful of green, Foley wants to smoke, fight for power, and frame the brothers and whites, and imprison the demon.

Reprimanded the Green Lord for not being guilty of the crimes of the former East Army, the commander of the King of the Nine Lights, officially for the reign of the Nine Lights, and the old man who was acquitted of the old man, who called for the hiding of the old department to respond to the Tianjun, who was born with Niu Youde. Fight together to faint.

It was blamed for the murder of the former Southern Army and ordered the king of the king to demon, and forced the Niu Youde, who was still the Governor of Nether, to attack and attack Defang.

It was denounced that the young master had placed a spy in the side of Niu Youde.

It is denounced that the Qing dynasty ambushed the tens of thousands of guards in the wild and murdered the southern army to command the king and the cattle.

It is a slap in the face of the green master's picking up and Cheng Taize's self-defeating, thus secretly dispatching 800 million guards to sneak into the sneak sneak to the Neptune to the South Army to command the king of the cattle to have a painful killer, fortunately, the cattle have the ability to fight, Commanded properly, annihilating 800 million sneak attacks on the Guards.

It is a resentment that the Green Lord is constantly recruiting beauty in the harem, forcing his tribute, and the harem is in captivity.

The singer of the Qing dynasty secretly let Jiang Yiyi pretend to be a thief, and he is an official wife and daughter.

In short, I announced dozens of counts of small and small in Qing and Buddhism.

The most important crime is to blame the Qing dynasty for destroying his wife. As the Emperor of Heaven, he violated the law of the heavens, and the female servant of the sinners was warlike, and he was pregnant, and he was privately out of the cold palace. The Lord and the War were persecuted and imprisoned. After the summer, Xiahou Chengyu was rescued by the Xiahou family. The emperor Qingyuan respected his mother and was humiliated. He was attacked by the Qing dynasty, but he was forced to fight against the thief, forcing the parties to encircle and cruel the emperor. Respect killing. After the summer, Xiahou Chengyu was in pain, and asked the former old department and the current Southern Army to order Tianwang Niu Dede to attack the stunned king.

The Southern Army ordered the king of the cattle to have been repeatedly persecuted by the Green Lord. Once he endured it, he couldn’t retreat. The Qing Lord was angry with others. In the face of Xia Hou’s Xiahou Chengyu’s **** blood, the Southern Army ordered Tianwang’s determination. All parties in the joint forces will fight against the war, calling on the world to fight against the faint!

When this news came out, it was really shocking to the world. In addition, there were a lot of forces in the dark, and many people in many ways helped to testify many of the crimes. It’s true that the world’s educated youth and Buddha are so It is ridiculous. In particular, the smothering of the wife and the murderer caused the anger of the woman in the world, and the insulting of the lord was inevitable. The war was also nailed to the column of shame, condemned by the woman of the world, and became synonymous with the monks, day and day. Spurned by night...

Snapped! Inside the dragon, the green master smashed the jade message of the transcript, and the black face became the bottom of the pot. The undulating chest proved the anger in his heart.

The Buddha Lord was not shocked. He blinked his eyes and shattered the jade scum. He swept out his sleeves and said, "The things inside are a bit of a fake, and you know better than anyone else. You did not do the right thing. At this time, the war is on your dragon. Your pet still doesn’t like you. If it’s not because of her, Niu Youde can find such a good provocation. opportunity?"

Qing Zong stared at him and said: "If you want to add sin, why?"

Lord Buddha: "If you know that you want to add sin, don't think too much, or think about how to smooth the rebels, as long as the cattle are degraded, then the sin to be added is naturally for you. The cow has a German horse to see The trend has already gone straight to the public, and this is a stagnation that can't wait to remove the last obstacle, and Guangling has already broken into the unknown star field, perhaps it is our chance."

Qing Qing calmed down his emotions and said: "It is already obvious now that Xiahou's family has stood behind Niu Youde. The soaring people are quietly swallowed up and estimated that they can't get away with Xiahou's family. I will not see the clues, I am afraid that Guangling’s own heart is also clear, and may not be able to escape the pursuit of Niu Youde. Whether it’s Ling Ling or Guang Ling Gong, I know a little bit, and my heart is a bit arrogant. It will not easily surrender, and this has indeed given us the opportunity. Once Niu Youde has forced it too much, the public will have to cooperate with us."

The green master shook hands on the rosary, "Catch up!"

In the mountains, the temples, the Daxiong Hall, the old monk presided over the disciples, and then led several monks to go out.

However, in the air, I saw several people in the clouds, intercepting the shots, and the two sides fought a fierce battle.

Similar situations have been born in many places.

In the starry sky, a group of people rushed to fly, and Miao Yixun, who put down the star bell in his hand, gathered around and sighed. Shen Sheng said: "The Xiahou family came to the news that the Buddhist disciples all over the world have received the decree of the Buddha and began to assemble."

Cheng Taize looked solemnly: "Your Majesty, the disciples who are all over the world can not be a small number of people who are fighting, and they are afraid that they will not be worth 1.5 billion people. The Green Lord is now expected to have gathered the remaining 1.2 billion Guards. There are also 1.3 billion people led by the Buddha. If you add 1.5 billion people, there are almost four billion troops. With their equipment advantages, we are afraid that we may not be able to take advantage of it. Expected!"

Miao Yi: "This point, I naturally understand, so I can't let the 1.5 billion people gather. Now Xiahou's family is already trying to stop it. There are so many people scattered around the place, Xiahou's family is too busy. Now 朕All the troops of the South Army, the Eastern Army and the Northern Army will be required to use all the personnel under the countertop, the operators of Tianjie, the operators of the black market, and the others, as well as the various factions that can be influenced, the forces that can be used. If you use it all, you must stop the 1.5 billion soldiers. If you can't solve it, you must drag them down. You must not let them gather to put pressure on the main attackers!"

Ascendas: "Your Majesty is relieved, it is of interest to all of you, and there will be no reservations about the power that can be used by the court. However, in order to be safe, Chen proposed to call 100 million people and convert them into a group of millions of horses. The team will be sent to various places. Once the enemy team is larger, the team will be rushed to defeat immediately. Otherwise, the scattered personnel will not be able to fight against the enemy's large-scale personnel. This affairs must be handled by a special person. The distraction of the people from all sides can’t be touched.

Miao Yi said: "The words are reasonable and accurate! Since Teng Wang has already knowed about this, the things that block the enemy's assembly will be handed over to you for unified command, the coordination of all parties and the dissemination of all aspects of the news. Will support you!"

"Chen's purpose!" Soaring and arching.

He then asked for 100 million people, quickly divided into 100, and ordered to go to various places, and then from the South Army, the Northern Army and the East Army, some of the key personnel in the coordination, collectively into the storage Space and Yunzhiqiu met and coordinated.

"Your Majesty, the young man of the Buddha and the Buddha have been biting our way to the side!" Yang Zhaoqing suddenly reported the news.

Cheng Taize said: "Your Majesty, this way, the situation is afraid of being unfavorable to us. If we force the public to be too embarrassed, it will be difficult for the public to cooperate with the Qing and the Buddha. Even if they do not join hands, once they find Guanglingong We also have the danger of being attacked by the enemy."

"You don't have to worry, there are countermeasures early!" Miao Yi sneered, turning back to Yang Zhaoqing: "Notify the repair side!"

"Yes!" Yang Zhaoqing took the lead.

Miao Yi drank again, "There is no way!"


Miao Yi said: "Give you 300 million people, and immediately go to the Bafang Temple to attack. Remember, it is not for you to lay the Eight Fang Temple, but to lure the enemy to help!"

"Yes!" Heng has no way to lead Then ordered 300 million people to leave.

"Dragon letter!" Miao Yi will click again.

"In!" Long Xin stepped forward.

Miao Yi touched a piece of jade, "Give you 200 million people, immediately follow the path indicated above, and arrive at the destination and listen to the order."

"Yes!" Long Xin took the lead and ordered 200 million people to leave.

Desert sand, desolate gorge, many holes in the cliff, Baolian 窈窕 standing in a hole, looking down, a group of righteous disciples at the bottom of the valley are practicing swords.

Baolian was still immersed in the news from the outside world, and she also confirmed it to Yunzhiqiu. She was also very surprised. She did not expect Miao Yi to be an emperor. She couldn’t help but think of her identity, and she became unconsciously Scorpion.

Yun Zhiqiu promised her that she could not run a position in the sky.

Scorpio? Pauline couldn't tell what the mood was, but she secretly felt that the man's ambition made her feel at a loss. She never thought about what to be a god. (To be continued.) 8

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