MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2193 There are unknown people approaching here

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Ascension seems to understand what, "Do you mean breaking the bow?"

寇凌虚: "Not bad! This king promised to help you, you pay for the broken bow, the king did not say wrong?"

Soaring face hate, sneer, not hate, but hate, because I understand, 寇凌虚 really want to deal with him, treat him as a meat on the chopping board, you can arbitrarily fish, one by one When he was bullied, he wanted to see how the bite of the hook was going to cry.

However, the play still has to continue to play. Soaring and taking out a piece of jade, Yang is in his hand, loudly: "Yu Lingxu, things have been given to you, and the delivery of jade is also here. If you want to pay the bill, you can clearly say that you can’t Stinking here!"

寇 虚 虚 虚 虚 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , How can I help you die? I promise, the following brothers are afraid that they will not agree, do not believe you ask them, can two million broken bows change the lives of hundreds of thousands of brothers?"

"No!" He suddenly raised his hand and shouted at the side of his general.



The Northern Army’s men immediately responded, shouting loudly, and they were indignant, and with the sound of fluctuating mana, the scene of three billion people shouting together could be imagined.

Standing on the edge of his father, he took off and smiled.

In the face of such shouting shouts, soaring is very calm, not meant to be scared.

I don't know the people below the plan, and my face is a little scared.

寇 虚 抬 raise his hand, the screams of this one and the other quickly subsided, "Teng brother, not my own to be embarrassed, you have heard the opinions of the brethren."

Takeoff asked: "What do you want?"

寇凌虚: "It is better to give up all the broken bows in your hand. Even if this is over, the king can give an explanation to the martyrdom of the Northern Army. How do you see it?"

It’s ridiculous to take off, and this is ridiculous. Even if he handed over the broken bow on his head, let’s not say that Ling can’t talk, but how can it be handed over? You all handed it over, the other side is looking for you to trouble you that you have not finished, what should I do?

Only by saying this, you know that people are looking for trouble, and they don’t want to let you go safely.

"If I don't pay?" Soaring took a drink and changed it. He may not have the confidence to go to the top, but this time it is different.

"Teng brother, it is boring to toast without eating and drinking fine wine." Yan Ling raised his hand and made a gesture.

The encircling people immediately rushed and set off the offensive posture.

As soon as he took off and looked at his eyes, a general with a mask on his back was slightly stunned, so he no longer snorted.

The masked general stood in the commanding position and slammed the sword in his hand. The group of people who stood in the group immediately showed the broken bow aiming around.

"Put the arrow!" The mask will be smacked with a sword.

The snoring sounded in the starry sky, and countless streams of light shot in all directions.

寇凌虚等 and other people's face changed slightly. I didn't expect that soaring would be too lazy to talk about it. I dared to take the lead.

The pro-military shield in front of him guarded him back into the big array.

The Northern Army was naturally not vegetarian. The French bow was attacked and the attack was officially launched. A shielded cone cone dragon was struck by the arrow rain, and the fierce killing sound shook the starry sky.

"I have never seen such a big war for many years!"

The commanding power of the commanding war was handed over to a general who was under the command of the army. The singularity of the battle of the internal warfare was quite a sigh of emotion. The eyebrows were slightly worried. It was not worried that they could not win, but the attitude of soaring to death made him a little bit The heart is worried, if you really want to do this, the death and injury will be huge, which is not in line with his original intention.

He couldn't help but wonder, isn't the veteran's deterrent and the cows derby so much worse? Soaring to the cattle, there is only a share of the Germans, and he is going to die.

However, my concern has not lasted for a long time.

All the way, he did not fear the death of the man to break a point of defense of the soaring army, immediately tore the line of defense, disrupted the other side of the law of the bow attack, and the follow-up army to follow up a **** way. He is also worried that this battle will take too long. I did not expect that the following fierce will open the situation for him so quickly. This has to give him a lot of damage and the value cannot be estimated!

"Okay! It’s a warrior!" 寇 虚 猛 猛 猛 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Warriors, be sure to protect them, and bring back to see the king, the king will give them a credit, reward! Reward! Reward!"

A series of three ‘reward’ shows his mood and shows how much he appreciates the people who took the lead.

On the side of the horse, I heard the words of the prince, one by one, and I want to rush to the merits. Otherwise, when will this be the time to look forward?

Everyone is too aware of the weight of Wang Ye’s words. Wang Ye’s public statements in this way will naturally not renege on the words. Those who have turned back are personally interviewed by the prince, and the praise is so high. It’s a long way to go back, and it’s indispensable to be rich and rich. Surrounded by beautiful people, they are all at your fingertips!

Tang Henian smiled and smiled. He also believed that those who had such a meritorious service must reward themselves to boost morale. Otherwise, whoever will rush forward in the future, so not only will they be rewarded, but they will also be rewarded. I watched all the drooling, so that everyone felt the value of this sale!

He waved his hand and gestured to the generals on the side. Someone on the side immediately asked the warriors who were not afraid of death to take care of them.

He also said that he was excited and clap his hands, and he wondered if he would return the money to the warriors.

With the arrival of a North Army striker, there was a follow-up attack to expand the gap. The defensive front of the Soaring Department collapsed completely, and the broken bow did not work. The North Army’s large number of people poured in, and the two sides smashed each other. One piece, the battle is getting hotter.

Killing the sound, shouting the killing sound, screaming, fierce roaring, reverberating in the stars.

However, Ling Ling was soon wrong, and frowned: "Is the strength of the people who are flying so far so strong?"

During the killing process between the two sides, the team of the soaring team was quite brave and not so easy to fight.

As everyone knows, quite a few of them are the people of Miao Yi Nan Jun. They have experienced a big battle and eliminated some weak people. They also have some experience of such a great war. They also have certain experience in cooperating with the players on the offensive defense, at least not. Easy to panic. Another part is selected from the people of Ascendas and Cheng Taize. The purpose of Miao Yi is naturally not to be lost.

On the side, I will notice another question. "Wang Ye, do you see the main commander of the other party, why do you wear a mask? There are also large and small commanding generals who seem to wear masks."

Everyone carefully observed, and this is indeed the case.

I don’t know for a moment, so it seems that the mobilization of the other person’s horses in the battlefield seems to be somewhat unreasonable. It seems that it is gathering on the outside of the battlefield. It is obviously close to the side. Is it still impossible to attack this side?

寇 虚 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 左右 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇

At this moment, the generals responsible for looking around were urgently reporting: "Wang Ye, there are unknown people approaching here!"

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, only to see thousands of people rushing to the side.

"There is still there!" Someone shouted again, and then saw thousands of people rushing.

寇 虚 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快 很快

At this moment, the thousands of squads that rushed in all directions suddenly expanded their ranks, and the vast army of countless people gathered around the battlefield.

"It's the South Army! Niu Youde..." He screamed and pointed.

Miao Yi, who wore the armor, led the powerful army, and others were at the forefront.

"The enemy's main will be Qingyue, it's not good, we have counted it!" Another person waved his finger to the enemy's main army in the battlefield, and saw that Qingyue had tore off the mask on his face. The look of the clown.

Yan Ling’s face changed a lot, and he hurriedly said: “Meet the army!”

The tens of millions of people around the guards immediately merged into the battlefield, and they could not integrate with the army. With these people around him, they could block the attack of Niu Youde.

However, as soon as he entered the battlefield, he realized that he was in trouble. He and Ling Xuan and other talents understood what was wrong with the other party’s unreasonable mobilization. Qingyue had previously swayed a large army to block them in the battlefield. I can't see the name of the church. At this time, I know that I want to isolate the shackles and avoid the hustle and bustle of my own people.

In an instant, Yan Lingxu personally attacked with the people, and the people in the battlefield were madly facing outwards, wanting to meet with Ling Ling.

However, Qingyue can make them succeed, and even command and order, at any cost to block kill! "The outside suddenly sounded and shouted."

Miao Yi waved a hand and made a command. The encircled army rushed out of the four directions and rushed out 50 million people from all directions. They cut into the battlefield and supported the people who were suffering from the crazy attack of the Northern Army to prevent the integration of the two forces of the Northern Army. The enthusiasm of 200 million people immediately caused the overwhelmed man to be greatly decompressed in an instant, and even more deadly smashed the squad and the entire North Army to the hard-boiled students.

"Put the arrow!"

Numerous streams of light were shot at the 50 million people who were isolated from Ling Ling, and the moment was fierce.

The pro-military counterattacks, the shield armor fights to defend the defense, desperately to protect the lingering in the middle.

寇 虚 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇 寇

Now, without explanation, he also understands that this is the trap of Niu Youde. The soaring man is just a bait. The purpose is to entangle his army and not let his people run. It is no wonder that it is so easy to break the defense of soaring. It is clearly a slap in the face, and it is a big joke! (To be continued.) 8

Read The Duke's Passion