MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2186 Hand picking stars

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Stretch your fingers, point to the long nails inserted in your body, pick a finger on the index finger, and a long nail stuck in the body jumps out, bringing out a red and black halo in the water.

Slightly still, confirming that there is no abnormality, Lin Hai's index finger is picking up in the air, the snoring sounds, and all the long nails jump out in succession, and finally only the chain that holds the shackles is left.

Lin Hai put his hands down and waited silently.

Just after the last spike jumped out, the rhythm of the ink mist in the mouth gradually slowed down until it was still.

Gradually, a mana fluctuates from the body, and the fluctuations become stronger. The water in the channel slowly rises like a boil.

Two green lights suddenly flashed, and a pair of big eyes opened, and the eyes were green, and the body slowly twisted, shaking the chain that bound the body.

Until the two green eyes stared at Lin Hai's body, the huge body of the body calmed down.

Lin Hailu smiled and nodded at it.

The body immediately twisted again, and the violent, slamming chain crashed into the water.

"Oh..." A boring and depressed snoring came, and a powerful airflow squeezed out the water that was poured into the waterway.

Boom!蜈蚣 suddenly twitched the body and twisted, a loud noise.

In front of Lin Hai, the earth and stone collapsed, such as the sky and the ground, and the hidden body rushed out of the soil, and waved his hand, and the earth and stone that came under the pressure, rose to the sky.

The earthquake trembled and the lake blew into the sky like a column.

A green figure descended from the sky and landed on the grass on the lake.

An old man with a long chain of hands and a chain of hair must be green, with green light in his eyes faintly flashing, his face full of suffocation, letting the swept down the water wash his body.

After the sprinkling of the lake fell to the ground, the same green forest of the sea was floating on the opposite side of the green man, the latter's green and green.

"Wu Chang, we met again." Lin Hai sighed.

The hands close to the chain waved around, the chain flew away, and when it fell to the ground, the green man, known as Wu Chang, looked around with his eyes wide open, and no other figures were seen. The eyes sighed and stared at Lin Hai Shen’s voice: “Lin Hai ,why you?"

Lin Hai asked: "Is there any problem?"

Wu Changshen took a breath of breath: "When Bai Ye said that I had lived in the same year, his disciples would come to lift my ban. Can you become a disciple of Bai Ye?"

Lin Hai shook his head and said: "This is not known, I just received a notice from Bai Ye to help you get out of trouble, only to know that you are trapped in the wooden planet."

Wu Chang slightly silent, and Xu Xudao: "When Bai Ye said that when I was out of trouble, I was when I saw the demon Lord. I don’t know where the demon Lord is, let me go to sin!"

Lin Haidao: "The demon Lord is still in the town demon tower."

Wu Chang’s eyes glanced at him. “Is it not because of Bai’s ability that I have not been able to save the demon master? I have no faith in it. Why did he trap me for years?”

"The world is no longer the world of the year, even Bai Ye himself is trapped in the tower..." Lin Hai said about the things that have been trapped in the past few years. "If today’s big change, it should be the time, Baiye. Call me, just for this matter..."

"Green and Buddha are two shameless dog thieves!" Wu Chang Yang snarled, and all of them had to be sent, and their eyes looked back, and they sighed again: "As you said, as in today’s big battle, all the star gates are probably under control. How do I get there?"

Lin Hai: "This is not necessary for you to worry. Bai Ye has already prepared, and he has a secret road to me. I have called the disciples of the Muxing Palace. You can just follow me!"

"What is it, what is it?"

The two quickly rushed away...

Planet of the sky.

Boom! A volcano on the top of the volcano collapsed and scattered, and the molten blast exploded.

As the melting power of the sky was resting, a huge fiery lizard with a chain on it rushed out of the falling molten slag, and the iris circling in the sky.

An old man standing on the body of the fire lizard, with white hair tied with a ponytail, the clothes swaying in the wind, the eyebrows a little cinnabar, the sacred wind bones, just like driving the dragon in the sky, it is the main day of the palace.

Wenhuan really double-sleeved, and flew down, and the palm of the hand shot down. The molten concrete below the square stopped the flow. The volcano fell and the melt also calmed down, and it floated on a burnt black half. At the top of the volcano, the heat wave below slammed the shackles and looked up at the huge fiery lizard in the air.

"Hey!" The fiery red lizard roared in the sky, like a wild beast, and the body shape fluttered, facing the Wenhuan below.

At the time of the rush, two red eyes suddenly emerged with flaming flames, quickly wrapped up the huge body, and burned two long chains dragged in the hand. The two fire chains dragged like two fire wings and slammed into the volcano. The temperature on the ring is true.

A volley of fireballs violently exploded, the fire was shining, and the big lizard in the fireball turned into a red old man.

The old man trembled his arms, swaying two long fire dragons and rushing to the top of the mountain.

Wenhuan really had a big sleeve, and a cold light came out of his sleeves, as if it was a shocking, screaming fire chain.

Hey! The metal tremor sounded two times in a row, and the stone on the far side of the earthquake shook.

The chilly light flashed around, and two fires were cut off one after another.

The cold light back and back, Wenhuan really has a big hand, the cold light is hidden in the big sleeves.

The old man who came with the flames fell on the opposite side. He stepped forward and stepped out of the flames. The flames that flashed backwards suddenly caught up, and instantly disappeared into the back of him. The disappearance of the fire disappeared without a trace. The old man was dressed in red, and he was all red, and he was reddish. He screamed: "Wenhuan, how is this old goods? Baiye said good to his disciples?"

Wenhuan is really refined and elegant: "Fire is true, temper is still unchanged. Do not understand what you say, Baiye let me take you to see the demon Lord..."

In the uninhabited land, among the snow-covered snowfields, the snow-covered ice surface splits and spreads rapidly, and the cracks are getting bigger and bigger. The largest crack gap is gradually like a canyon, and the snow is falling.

A figure flashed, half floating in the air, a white robes, a silver hair silk long and under the feet, the body is like a cover of silver yarn, and sometimes with the snow drifts. Under the rich lips, the silver beard is hanging down the chest, and the golden eyebrows of the eyebrows are covered with folds. It is not someone else. It is the main dress of the fairy palace, and it looks quietly below.

In the cracked ice valley, there seems to be something breathing under the covered ice and snow. The undulating ice and snow suddenly collapsed, revealing a huge body of cockroaches, an ice armor, and a humanoid flame is beating under each ice armor. The big eyes of the cockroaches gradually opened, and they looked at the sky that screamed in the snow. The light flashed and suddenly condensed into a fat middle-aged man.

The same is white as snow, but the body is obese, floating in the air, and looking at the pair of clothes.

The dress is indifferent: "Yin Erlang, can you sleep well?"

The fat man in white, known as Yujiro, looked around and gradually frowned: "Women's clothes? How are you..."

At night, the stars are dotted with the waves of the sea.

The left child came from the jungle under the night and walked into the dark cave.

At the end, stop at the edge of the mountainside and look down at the basin below.

In the basin, there are many bones in the bones. A copper pillar stands in the white bone. Under the copper pillar, the south wave of the upper body is closed and the knees sit quietly. The strong body has a radiant glow, like a dragon pattern and a moiré.

In the dark mountain basin, the south waves are like fireflies in the night, and the fireflies are eye-catching.

In this state, Nanbo has been in full for ten years. He has been sitting here for a full decade and has never had any movements, but the radiance of his body has become more and more intense.

In the past ten years, Nanbo has not let her send people to practice. She does not know how long Nanbo needs to last. Recently, she has come to visit repeatedly. She only thinks that it is a good time because of the outside movements. However, Nanbo said that everything is based on his cultivation. Without his permission, there is no movement, so she does not dare to act rashly.

Secretly sighed, the left child turned and went to the beach under the night to look up at the stars, I do not know when to hide.

Suddenly, there was a violent light behind him, and the left child turned to look at it. I saw the ray of sunshine in the cave, and a mana wave that was almost suffocating to the center of the cave swayed in all directions.

The left child slowly turned and widened his eyes.

The spread of the force fluctuations suddenly plunged into the cave, and the glow inside the cave also quickly converges, and it instantly returns to darkness.

She walked quickly toward the hole, and wanted to see what happened. When she got to the hole, she slammed it and quickly stepped back to the side. She squatted and said: "Predecessors!" His eyes lifted and he looked awkward and seemed to find the law of Nanbo's eyebrows. Disappeared.

The color of the bronze, the bald head brightly lit in the moonlight, slowly walked towards the beach by the barefoot, and a coconut tree blocking the road in front of him suddenly disappeared into the wind and disappeared with the Nanbo stopped quietly Standing quietly on the beach.

I don’t know if I’ve read it wrong. I quickly followed it up and looked at it quietly. I found that the law of Nanbo’s eyebrows really disappeared. I thought of the Xiaguangguang just now, and tried to ask: “Predecessors, your Has it been restored?"

Nanbo, who has a straight nose and a prominent cheekbones, has been silent for a while, and he slowly said: "There is no return to the peak, but it has already returned to the soul of the gods, and it is enough. Even when those strong people are still there, No one is my opponent."

The left child is happy, just want to say something compliment, and suddenly see Nan Bo slightly looked up, she followed and saw a few meteors across the night sky.

One of Nanbo’s arms did not know when to stretch out. Five claws were caught in the night sky, and they caught several meteors that crossed the night sky. The air flow in the whole body, the weather in the heavens and the earth changed, and the quiet sea instantly formed a stormy wave.

I don’t know if it’s my own illusion. I found that a meteor seems to have stopped in the night sky. It’s not right, it seems to be diverted.

I opened my eyes and found that the meteor actually flew over here.

The stream disappeared and turned into a dark meteorite that flew toward the side.

A table-like meteorite plucked a strong wind, and when it was dozens of feet away, Nanbo’s five claws suddenly pinched.

boom! The petrochemicals were blown up by dust, and the strong winds that were thrown away were also dissipated in nothingness.

The left child was shocked and stunned, and a thought flashed in his head, and his hand could pick up the stars! (To be continued.)

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