MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2184 Starving and timid

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Whether it is Huayitian or Qu Changtian defeat, please sin is appropriate, but his young master can't make a crime for others. The defeat of this war is not on the two generals, but the decision of the highest commander of his youth. The mistake was made, and the hard-working students sent the army into the trap of others.

Of course, he would not say that he was wrong, but he could not push the responsibility at this time.

In front of it is a star gate, the forward army is arrogant, ignoring the guards, and immediately attacking when the refusal does not retreat. The strong Emperor behind the scenes opens the passage, leaving a dead and wounded, no matter which side of the forces.

"Your Majesty, the Western and Northern Army's people are mobilizing on a large scale, and they are fully clearing up the Guards in the country, officially working on us." Wu Qu also reported a bad news.

For those who are sitting in the world, what is the world chaos? It’s bad news coming one by one.

Suddenly out of control, the bad news came one after another. At the beginning, it really made Qing’s main temper, but now it’s calm. Since the defeat, the reaction of Yu and Guang’s people is expected. It’s not surprising, and it’s not guilty. Regenerating gas, now is the time to calmly solve the problem.

Qing main road: "The enemy is my widowed, and the local Guards will save their strength. Don't touch the hard, first break into the unknown star field to hide, and wait for the imperial drive to reunite and reunite the body and the army."

Wu Qu understood what he meant. His Majesty had to gather all the way to save the horse and maximize his strength. He returned: "Yes!"

Qingzhu: "Only the Western Army and the Northern Army have a movement? Is the East Army taking off?"

Wu Qu: "The East Army has not had any movement for the time being."

The young master sneered aloud. "Take off this is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. I want to see the two sides fight for you to die. In the end, he will come out and be cheap, and don’t look at his own weight. Shangguan, you will immediately talk to Tengfei. Let him gather people to listen to the dispatch of the shackles, and he can publicly announce that he will be the king of the East to command the king, and reward him with 100 million broken bows, try to pull him over. If he does not, you will tell He, the battle in the South Army has ended, you can pick a soft persimmon, and the army can change it at any time to destroy him!"

Shangguan Qing should be down, "Yes!"

The broken army on the side has finally made a sound. "Your Majesty, there is still one of the biggest problems to be solved. The whole world is in full swing. The Star Gates have been blocked. The general personnel cannot communicate normally. The localities are also closely controlled. They are also under strict control. Starbells must not be used normally. The local sects have also contracted to avoid disasters. I am afraid that it is difficult to monitor the left spies and it is difficult to pass on any information. Don’t expect Xiahoujia to provide any support. The intelligence acquisition of the army is a problem. If we continue this way, we are afraid that we will not even know how the enemy army is mobilized. The two eyes are black. Like a scorpion and a scorpion, the enemy can grasp our movements, but we even I don’t know where the enemy is, how can I fight this?"

Qing master sighed, "Shangguan, inform the group Yinghui, the life of the group will be hidden in the local members all move, hidden observations in the vicinity of the passages around the world, will be reported in a timely manner. Also, the high crown, let the monitor right everywhere The people are all moving and acting accordingly."

"Yes!" Shangguan Qing and Gao Guan acted.

The Green Lord no longer speaks, no expression, but the mood is getting heavier. The loss of 800 million people means that 800 million pieces of broken bows are in the hands of the enemy, and this has already been evenly matched with him. Not to mention the other.

No one dared to mention the serious troubles caused by his commander-in-chief of the Guards of the Guards.

The first confrontation between the Guards and the rebels has ended, and the enemy has been mistakenly trapped under the trap. The Guards have lost their lives and 800 million people have been destroyed.

The South Army, which cleaned the battlefield, also counted the damage.

After summing up the battle damages, Qingyue came to Miao Yi to report to him. "Wang Ye, the enemy's 500 million people are all annihilated. There is no living, and they have seized about 500 million pieces of broken bows. There are countless other resources. The door exit lost nearly 60 million people in the first battle, and lost nearly 300 million people in the first battle. Most of the losses were under the attack of the archaic bow in the early stage of the enemy. Our department lost a total of 360 million people and nearly 200 million wounded. The treatment of wound healing is being organized. Among them, 30 million seriously injured people are afraid that it will be difficult to continue fighting in the short term, and the rest can be restored as soon as possible."

Miao Yi beheaded, and under such superior strength, it also damaged so many people. This Guard’s combat power is indeed fierce. Counting the seriously wounded who can’t fight again, deal with the 500 million Guards. It is the price of nearly 400 million people, and it is really killing one hundred thousand people.

Yang Zhaoqing is on the sidelines: "External people and horses cooperate with the Nether army to annihilate the guards of about 30 million. The Nether army lost nearly two million, and the loss of the headquarters has also exceeded ten million."

"Hey!" Cheng Taize sighed. "Although I have annihilated nearly 300 million Guards, my own people have lost almost 500 million. Huayi Day brought about two million people to break through and succeed. He ran away."

Miao Yi smiled and said: "Brother, I want to make a good point. This is what I want to do at any cost. It is a decisive glimpse. It is also a glimpse of the balance between the enemy and the enemy. It is vital now. Succeeded, there are now nearly 800 million broken bows and more than 3.6 billion horses. Even if they are facing the Qing Dynasty, the Green Lord is not afraid of our opponents. Isn't it worth the pleasure?"

Cheng Taizehehe said: "Wang Ye said very much!" But my heart is awkward, your strength is enhanced, my strength is reduced by a third, more and more can only rely on you.

Yang Zhaoqing said: "Wang Ye, there is still a problem. The hundreds of millions of guards outside are hiding and no longer confront me."

Miao Yi frowned, if these people hide, it is really a trouble.

Yang Qingdao on the side: "I am afraid of not only the Guards in the South Army, but the news that the squad is defeated by the squad, the Qing lord must have been informed, and let the hundreds of billions of squadrons have no meaning, and let There is no difference in their death. The Western and Northern Army also launched a settlement of the Guards. At that point, the men and women were not opponents of the two armies, and they were afraid to hide. As a result, the intention of the Green Lord was obvious. We must try our best to preserve our strength. We only annihilated one-third of his strength. He still has one-third of his hand. The scattered damages scattered around the country are estimated to be one-third, as long as they can be saved. Gathering the guards in the various military forces, he still has a large number of people in his hands."

Cheng Taize’s dagger: “This Mr. Yang is right, as long as he can concentrate on the rest of the people, the Green Lord is not afraid of any party’s forces, and they can all fight! At present, the Green Lord has already led the army, and it is estimated that along the way. No one dares to face the edge of its 800 million clusters. The Green Lord is likely to have gathered all the way along the way. It is estimated that it will take a long time for the cluster of people in his hands to exceed one billion troops! The 800 million squadrons led by the Lord are also about to leave the customs. Together with the 500 million people who have already come out, the Qing dynasty is full of momentum!"

The dignity in his tone means that everyone can hear that all parties have their own minds and save their own strength first. I am afraid that no one will concentrate on strengthening the road for the South Army to stop the Qing Dynasty. Being forced to this point is desperate, and it is very difficult to defeat the words of the Green Lord! Hard!

"If you can hold the people in the bliss world, it is possible for all parties to make up their minds to join hands with the Green Lord. Otherwise, Ling Ling is the first to dare to act rashly. He will be the first to face the great army of the Buddha. He is attacked by the enemy and fights with the Lord and the Lord. He is not afraid. The biggest possibility is to withdraw and retreat!" Yang Qing reminded him, indicating that Miao Yi should come up with the so-called counter to the Buddha.

"No hurry! I have my own plan in the Buddha world. When I haven’t gotten the shot yet, I will wait until the Buddha’s army has come out of the Buddha’s world.” Miao Yi waved her hand and raised her eyebrows: "Tengfei is not willing to send troops." This person wants to ride the wall to watch the tiger fight, but it is the biggest variable. Once he falls to the green master, the trouble is not small, first clear the hidden danger, and then concentrate on the other!"

Cheng Taize stunned: "Wang Ye means to avoid the main front, attack and take off?"

Yang Qingdao: "It is not necessary to attack, and it is the best policy to push down!"

Cheng Taize: "Since the flight has decided to sit on the wall and sit on the wall, I am afraid that it will not be easily contacted by Wang Ye. If Wang Ye is forced, he will enter the unknown star field to hide."

Yang Qing smiled and said: "It is to take the opportunity to force him to hide a little bit to solve it. It is also necessary to force him into the unknown star field."

Cheng Taize is curious, "How?"

Yang Qing looked at Miao Yi. Some words he couldn't say, I saw Miao Yi would like to talk.

Cheng Taize has something to know, and he followed his eyes to Miao Yi.

Miao Yi smiled and said: "There is nothing to say to the elder brother. It is not a false statement to get the Xiahou family. The biggest advantage of the king is that he has the most powerful news channel in the world. Xiahoujia has been operating for many years in the world. The family, he thought he could not find him if he was away from the king?"

As soon as I got to the point, Cheng Taize was not stupid, and I was shocked. I realized everything in an instant.

With the hands of Ascendas, the harem disputes were provoked, and the mother and son were forced to rebel against each other, forcing several to deal with him into Taize. At the same time, he also forced the Qing to give up his support for Cheng Taize, forcing him to become a partner and to annex him into Chengtai. Ze's people, combined with two forces, defeated the Qing attack. Imagine this time, the Western Army and the Northern Army also took the initiative to fight against Qing, but they took the wall there. Once the cattle had the right to take off, the takeoff fled to the unknown star, and the surrounding was blocked by several parties. go with? Now, I am going to the Green Lord and the Green Master. I am sure that I will take the lead. This is not what I want to take off. The whereabouts of the flight into the unknown star field is under the control of Niu Youde. At this time, Niu Youde has completed the previous plan. Sitting on the current 3.6 billion army, the number of broken bows captured by the light reached 800 million. Once it was trapped, the 1.5 billion army that took off could not be the opponent of Niu Youde, except for surrender. Can the road go?

That is to say, once Niu Youde has taken over the army, he will control nearly 5 billion people, and with his equipment, a force that can compete against the two teams, will be the most powerful in the world. One of the people, but also for the next world to compete for the most solid foundation.

Cheng Taize didn't want to change his expression, but after trying to understand this series of plans, he couldn't help but twitch. The emotional family had a premeditated plan to annex the entire army in the morning, not just wanting to eat him. Taize's people, he almost lost and sprinted, you are dead and alive, in fact, are the pieces in the hands of people, and they fight for the benefits of fishermen, why bother!

"Wang Yexiong is a big deal, Cheng Taize is not as good as a sigh!" Cheng Taize could not help but shake his head and smile.

Miao Yi said with relief: "At this moment, my brother was naturally going to plan for his brother. Now he is a family, naturally different yesterday."

Cheng Taize sighed and asked: "Is the prince now to concentrate on the people?"

Miao Yi sighed: "The troubled brothers ordered your team to gather, avoid the green leader, and prepare for meeting with our ministry. Please do not disclose this plan below."

"This is natural." Cheng Taize nodded.

Miao Yi said again: "In addition, the Qingzhu can even give up the Tiangong. This Niu Wangxing also has nothing to reluctantly. I also hope that my elder brother will inform us that we are ready to evacuate."

Cheng Taize agreed: "When this is the case, if you stick to this place, you will lose the flexibility of the situation, and you will be in a passive beating situation. When you withdraw!"

In Niu Wangxing, in the Wangfu Garden, a group of women are happily greeted by a group of guests, and the group of Chengtai Ze’s diligence is polite, and the hostess of Yunzhiqi is also enthusiastic.

On the surface, in fact, all of them are worried, including Yunzhiqiu.

Usually a group of women may not have any feelings. At this time, I know that my man is leading the army and the Emperor to fight you. I understand the consequences of the defeat. All the prosperity and wealth will disappear, and it is a problem to keep your life.

Before the two sides received the two kings to worship as brothers of different surnames, the two women were not happy on the surface, the sisters and sisters called each other with enthusiasm and broken, seemingly closer than the sisters. In fact, I am also happy in my heart. I know that the two forces have united and I feel more secure in my heart.

Even the good things that these women can feel, for those who are fighting, naturally can boost morale.

"Sisters, how are you looking at these things?"

In the pavilion, Yun Zhiqiu has come up with treasures that have been accumulated for many years. It has been brightened out and the choices of Cheng Taize's diverticularies are all the treasures that she usually loves.

At this time, there is nothing to love or dislike, and the things that I like will be taken out to give people a heart. Although I know that Miao Yi is a strong party, she knows the importance of Cheng Taize to Miao Yi now, even if these The woman’s bad words can’t be changed to Taize, nor can these women be unhappy about what is bad at Cheng Taize’s side, and whoever said it clearly.

At this time, Yun Zhiqiu is even more noble than these women, and he is also very pleased, and these women are happy.

The gift to the children of Taizawa is even more scary.

The family of the Citadel side also received the meaning of Cheng Taize. The worship is a fake, and the surrender is true. Otherwise, it is difficult to protect the life of the family. This Yunzhiqiu has a great influence on Niu Youde, so that they can be careful.

In this way, both sides are full of laughter, and they are very diligent and get along very well.

"Anniling! Great! The 800-strong man of the Guards has been annihilated by Wang Ye and Cheng Wang!"

Murong Xinghua came to praise Yunzhiqiu loudly.

Yun Zhiqiu’s eyes are bright, and the loud voice: “I will immediately inform the whole government!”


"Win it!"

"Really won?"

The women on the scene were boiling, happy, and the heart was finally released.

However, a group of women rejoiced for a long time, and there was an order. "The maiden! Wang Ye ordered the palace to pick up and evacuate immediately..."

The family at the side of Cheng Taize received the news almost at the same time.

I don't know why I want to evacuate, isn't I winning?

A group of women made another mess, some people became less attractive, worried about what was wrong, and quickly packed up and prepared for the withdrawal of the army...

In the palace of the king, in the temple, Yan Ling, who stood in front of the star map compass, slowly raised his head. "So fast won? The 800 million guards are gone?"

Tang Henian sighed: "With the heart and mind, I waited for the enemy to jump into the trap. I had already prepared everything. I just waited for the battle to be decided. The result was naturally very fast, not too unexpected."

There is a spy on this side of the Niuwang House. The good news is open, and the news is soon known.

寇凌虚微微颔, I found out that the star bell personally confirmed to Miao Yi, after collecting the star bell, sighed, "Niu Youde said that nearly 900 million people lost!"

Tang Henian said: "But it got 800 million broken bows!"

Ling Ling’s mouth was stretched and stretched, and some of them were too big. “I’m so big that I’m so big, I still want to ride the wall. Now, Niu Youde wants us to seal up and flee, to take off, I see how he will take off!”

800 million pieces of broken bows! The balance of strength of the four armies was completely broken. When I heard that Niu Youde had set up a trap and waited for the Qing army to go to he realized the problem of breaking the bow and was eager to break the bow of the guards in the territory. Sweeping into his hands, he can take off and refuse to send troops to cooperate. He was restrained by the 500 million soldiers in the Buddha world. He did not dare to make a big deal. He had not found anything cheap. The guards in the country had hid, and he missed the opportunity!

To be sure, Guangling Gong must have also taken a lot of broken bows. As a result, he became the most disadvantaged one. Once the balance of power is broken, if the future is weak, I don’t know what will be provoked. After the disaster, how can it not be big?

Tang Henian: "Let them play!"

"Yeah!" Yan Ling nodded. "The situation is changing rapidly. The Qing Abandoned the Heavenly Palace. Niu Youde abandoned the Wangfu. We can't get rid of it. We have to prepare for the random response. We immediately ordered the Wangfu to clean up and prepare to evacuate. !"

Guangtian Wangfu, also in front of the star map compass, Guanglinggong slowly shook his head and sighed. "900 million people exchanged 800 million pieces of broken bows. Value, too much value! Unfortunately, we still started late, even 100 million sheets. Didn't get it, Niu Youde this guy, really daring to starve and timid!" Go back and ask: "Niu Youde let us cooperate, block the flight and escape, he wants to take off, how do you Look?"

Gou Yue: "The idea of ​​Niu Youde is not wrong. Soaring may fall to the Green Lord at any time. It is indeed a problem and must be solved. Wang Ye, the most important thing is that Niu Youde got a lot of broken hands. The bow of the law, combined with the people of Cheng Taize, Yi Cheng later, let him consume some strength in the soaring side is not a bad thing, it is best to let the soaring drag him, the green master will inevitably rush to let them kill each other, Good for us!" (To be continued.)

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