MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 4 Teenagers don’t know how to taste

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Fairy magic, of course, is easier than a mortal roll of books.

A jade slip, as long as it is placed on the forehead with the knowledge of the gods, the internal records are immediately known.

Three thousand jade **** look a lot, but if you read fast, you can solve the problem with a cup of tea.

On the fifteenth year of Chen Henian, the practice was only nine years old. The spiritual power is empty, and only one of the boxes of jade **** has been seen for one-seventh.

Poor Chen He pinched the jade ball, his expression changed dramatically. From doubts, surprises, and embarrassment, I finally got rid of God.

He has been at the bottom of the sky for nine years. He wakes up every day and can't remember what happened yesterday. Only the more refined and the aura in Dantian will not disappear with the memory.

The master Nan Hongzi, who had long since died, entered the road with martial arts. Of course, this is also the way to teach Chen He.

A master of amnesia is still a master. When Chen He picked up a hundred pounds of boulder, he wanted to lie to himself in Chen Fu, and he couldn't explain why he didn't have memories after the age of three.

It seems that the scene of catching the pond at the pond yesterday is still vivid, and I will be at the age of the hair-blinking--the top secret method will let Chen He have a mind that matches the age, will wear clothes and recognize the characters, and know the changes of the four seasons and the night. Knowing things (when you see something, you know what it is, and you will use it) can't cure the fascination.

Every day, someone tells Chen Wo that the one who lives with you is your brother.

Growing up Chen Wo is not a good lie, too ridiculous story, intuition makes him difficult to accept, usually he believes in the fastest is the identity of the release.


The brother who has already set aside the valley, but still prepares him for daily eating and drinking.

In addition to going to Heiyuantan for practice in the morning, the rest of the time must be with the brothers around him.

Chen He did not notice his dependence, nor did he find that he was patiently cared for and cared for because he only knew the release of this day and could not compare.

Now everything is in the box of jade balls, let him read it.

Jade Ball faithfully recorded what happened every day, without missing any details. From the soft fat group, they stumbled on the river beach every day and were deceived by the "old gods" and cried and laughed. After releasing the dumplings, they wiped their faces and wiped the face with the muddy sugar. They held the fat pit. The small hand writes, teaches the short leg of the group to stand up and practice the martial arts, and helps him to adjust the internal interest. These are all vivid.

When I woke up the next day, Chen He never felt hungry, and did not feel the muscle pain caused by practicing martial arts. In the time when Chen He was destined to forget, it was like a habit to release him silently. I am afraid that even if I did not know how much I had done.

- When I was a child, I was bullied and cried by the guys in Heiyuan Valley. Although I was so angry and angry, I found that the biggest gain of this box is the wealth that symbolizes those years. The memory he once owned but lost.

Chen He is a bit embarrassed, and there are countless familiar and strange self in Cangyu, but in the end it is fixed in the smile that is always light and light.

The white-shirted teenager squatted on the floor, and the hand holding the box shivered slightly.

Tomorrow, he will once again forget all the precious memories carried by this box.

"Brother, I want to remember forever..."

The right shoulder was put on a hand, Chen He was shocked, immediately realized that the release of the sputum had come back, but also saw that he was arbitrarily turning things over, not arrogantly red-eyed.

"I accidentally kicked it, and the box was not locked." Chen He explained indiscriminately.

A few days ago, Shiyan had just personally dismantled the small group shackles tied to the sides of Chen He’s head for his younger brother, and gathered his hair into a bundle. This meant that he had grown up and was no longer a child of the total age. At this moment, I saw Chen He's feelings flustered, and I couldn't wait to find a way to sew it in. I had a small short-legged scorpion in front of my eyes and I couldn't help but bend my lips.

The white-shirt boy is there, and his head is full of words that are "ridiculed by the brothers."

Release the sleeves, the box is automatically closed and returned to the original place.

Seeing Chen He straight hook to see the box, Shi Yan slowly swallowed his hand into the young robes, and found a small ball that was also carved by Cang jade.

Chen Wo quickly grasped the hand of Shi Yan, and his eyes unconsciously revealed the color of pleading.

For the release, Chen He is too fresh.

——There seems to be some incitement in the heart, but because it is too slight, it is quickly released and ignored.

The younger brother has been very well-behaved since he was a child. Even if he is practicing hardships, he is also the most standard action in a proper manner. When he is a child, his legs are short and the plum piles are used. He feeds what he eats and never complains. Heiyuan Valley is isolated from the world, and Chen Wo does not ask the brothers to give him anything like ordinary children.

Sure enough, it was impossible to be cheated, decided to retaliate against those who are old and disrespectful?

Interpretation of the eyebrows, too anxious, with the repair of Chen He, now anyone in the Heiyuan Valley can overthrow him to the ground.

"Brother, I only need this one, this one." Chen He stared at the jade ball in his hand.

Then he slammed his finger on the head of his head and explained it to him - but it would be a good idea. With this jade ball, you can have today's memory, and when you want to go over the box, Can the things in the box be secret?

Released the hand and pointed out the beginning to draw a seal on the box.

Chen He, who has caught the jade ball, is satisfied. From the memory he has just checked, he knows that once he promises himself, he will not regret when he is sleeping or forgetting. He can always remember today is enough. As for the box. Those who come to Japan, like the brothers, always have all belong to him!

Chen He sneaked to the side to practice martial arts.

The fists are brought to the wind, the mysterious body is closed, the body is moving at random, and the antelope is hanging. In the realm of cultivation, the method of nurturing the atmosphere, and in turn learning the martial arts in the world, how can there be no leaps and bounds?

"Brother, I went to the stream to take a bath." Chen He finished, and the head did not dare to go back to Dongfu.

He grabbed the jade ball tightly and stopped until he got into the woods by the pool.

Since no one cares, the breathlessness has not found any strangeness. Chen He easily jumped over to an avocado tree, leaning against the branch, holding one hand and holding the jade ball in his hand.

"Well... what do you want to say to me tomorrow?"

Chen He thought for a moment, and made up his mind, whispering to the jade ball: "Don't believe people other than the brothers, especially don't believe what they said! The brothers are well recognized, wearing a red dress, wrists wrapped around a string of silver The rosary is the best person in the entire Black Valley."

"The name of the brother is called 沣, and the pronunciation is a bit like ‘Master’. Fortunately, he is not my master, otherwise he cannot directly call his name.”

"The brothers go to Heiyuantan every morning to practice, don't bother him."

"The owner of the valley said that the icy stream from the bottom of the mountain at the bottom of the mountain is filled with yin, and the black sea pool of the mountain stream will flow to the Forget River in the land. There is a dead city and a bridge in the river. The brother is not a Buddhist brother. He Meditating at the waterside of the pool every day, the force of the tempering of the rosary is introduced into the Nether, just for the two apprentices he has long since died, hoping that they will suffer less from reincarnation."

Speaking of this, Chen Wo is a little unhappy, he relies heavily on the trunk, and then sighs after a long while:

"It’s really troublesome to repair the real world. Master will refine the magic weapon when the apprentice is alive, work hard and pay more attention. Do the disciples have to worry about them when they die?

Our Master has long since died, and no one cares about taking care of the brothers. ”

The white-shirt boy frowns in the sun, and hesitates to say: "The long-browed old road thought that I would not remember, once told me that the life of the brother is very bad, he is alone, the teacher is mourning, the defection The apprentice is still killed by the prostitute, so don’t mention the family in front of the brothers, find out what you are, and don’t even mention the teacher!”

"Also, the brothers never speak, don't be surprised. Because the brothers are repairing the Zen, the only way to cultivate the truth is to make a redemption, and to say that the body, mind, and tongue are the foundation of the sin industry, so the brothers The practice of Heiyuantan, reading the Buddha’s heart that he did not understand before, was closed from 19 years ago, and even the minds of the gods were rarely used."

Chen He’s eyes showed a familiar but unfamiliar scene: the half-length body was immersed in the water, the water was cold and tangled, the long hair was scattered, the rosary was smashed from the fingertips, the color became more transparent, and the tail of the rosary did not enter the water. In the same way, the spiritual power attached to the beads is turned into a solid body, and the silk is overflowing, and the pool water flows to the ghost.

If you don’t read the scriptures, you don’t know what to say.

Just because of inexhaustible obstinacy, they are all praying for the return of the dead to peace and joy.

"The brothers' apprentices must be smarter than me. Seeing that the brothers are so good to them!" Chen He said sourly, and soon took a picture of his own mind, serious introspection, "No, I am still alive. Never be in the brothers." Say this in front of you."

The breeze swayed the branches of the pears, and the juvenile white clothes were hidden. The jade **** in the hands reflected the sunlight and exposed their existence.

Interpretation did not bother to find Chen Wo.

When he listened invisibly, he just heard his younger brother say it seriously:

"Hey, the gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late. Although the old guys deceive me very badly, but I can't beat anyone now. Correction, even after another hundred years, I still can't beat those old monsters, but, Things are man-made, there must be a road before the car to the mountain! There is a saying in the realm of repairing the truth, but the brothers are going to find the troubles of the younger brother, but the master will go to find his apprentice, and the tactics will be more effective than him. When I am out of the valley Some are opportunities to collect debts!"

Released and laughed.

In the spring and the wind, the teenager leaned on the branches, staggered, and looked thoughtfully.

"So there is a very serious problem now, my brother, he - how many enemies?"

The author has something to say: There is no rebirth in the Black Valley, here is the Taoyuan that the protagonist grew up happily.

Tomorrow, I am ready to open the story, let the protagonist get involved (╮_╰)╭