MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 398 Tianhe Lingjing

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The peak of the day, Kunlun.し

It is said that there was once a mountain in the west of the small world, called Kunlun. After the ancient wilderness was broken, the mountains were no longer the same, and the Kunlun sects, which once stood in the realm of comprehension, did not leave any traces.

The Kunlun Peak in the fairy world has always been prosperous.

When Hansong Xianjun came back, he thought he would see a broken scene. After all, he had "disappeared" for six hundred years. He did not expect more immortals to live here than before him.

The pavilion is connected to the fairy market in the promenade, bustling, more buildings spread all the way to the mountainside, and even the defensive formation has become more complicated than before.

"Is this?" Han Songxian is puzzled.


Qinghe Xianjun is really happy, though, I heard that my home has been ruined, but there is a place to stay, and it is not a share. This is a good thing.

All the people are driving in the air, not everyone thinks like the Qinghe, especially the subordinates of Hansong Xianjun, who want to stop and talk, secretly look at the front of the North Xuan Tianzun, look up and look at Kunlun The fairy palace above.

——That said that there are two more sages under the sacredness of Nan Xian Tian Zun, Bei Xuan Tian Zun here! The prosperity of Kunlun, it will not be because there is a new Xianjun, occupying it here!

However, things are worse than they think.

The Immortal Palace is still awkward, and people who come to meet the North Xuan Tianzun, and seeing Tianzun going out once, brought back so many people, and they were somewhat overwhelmed.

Someone soon recognized Hansong and Qinghe.

"Xianjun! It is the return of Xianjun!" The sound of this caper, delighted with the expression of tears, made Han Song faintly feel a little uneasy.

Han Song Xianjun is very strict, and he does not care for his face. Apart from his loyalty to his subordinates, he does not feel that he is so "welcome", and it is the excitement and excitement of this immortal.

"The trap of the Valley of the Valley is broken?"

"Xianjun has nothing to do!"

This enthusiasm from the pockets, even Qingxiang Xianjun is a bit of a parry, involuntarily step back.

Fortunately, Qinghe is also full of confused, subordinates, tacitly squeezed a law, cut off the spirit of the tide like water, and then face each other.

Yang Xinyue suddenly said: "It seems that Bei Xuan Tian Zun has not been very good in these years."

"What?" Qinghe Xianjun was shocked.

Kunlun is so prosperous and prosperous, far better than that year, what did Yang Zongzhu say?

Wan Waterfall Valley broke open, and Tian Zun personally took the news of two Xianjun, dozens of Jinxian, and hundreds of Luo Tianshen, and quickly passed from Xiangong to Kunlun.

Everyone smiles and smiles, like walking on the road and picking up a top grade.

When I entered the fairy palace, everyone was seated and the reason was finally solved.

- This position is a bit unpleasant.

Bei Xuan Tian Zun sat on the top, he was ready to give Chen Wo also to the position, Chen Wo did not care, he wanted to sit side by side with the brother, if next to the North Xuan Tianzun, Chen Wo did not have much interest.

So Chen Wo was in the first position on the right, Yang Xinyue was opposite him.

Hansong and Qinghe Xianjun chose the position behind Yang Xinyue, and the release was next to Chen He.

Then there is no more, and then the immortals who are seated behind, everyone can see at a glance, all of them are Da Luo Jinxian, and none of them are Xianjun.

"So, we have been trapped for six hundred years, Tianzun, you have already fallen to the point of being alone?" Qinghe Xianjun squatted on the forehead and asked a headache. "Without Xianjun, it is impossible to stick to the territory, so even the site, only What about Kunlun?"

It is no wonder that Nan Xian Tian Zun has brought so many people, and Bei Xuan Tian Zun has come alone.

It’s no wonder that when they appeared, the whole Kunlun almost boiled, and finally there was “Xianjun”, didn’t it?

It is no wonder that Kunlun is so prosperous, it is a great strength of the fairy world, and it is crowded together.

This is how many years have been oppressed by Nan Xian Tian Zun! Resentment disappeared in the first place, and it was too late to ask the situation of the death of the head of the waterfall.

"Cough!" North Xuan Tianzun looked solemnly suppressed the joy of the Mandian immortal. "Today, Hansong and Qinghe returned to the two immortals, but Nan Xian Tianzun also received a gold that broke through the realm of Xianjun in the trapped battle. Xian went back, this person..."

Hansong Xianjun has no choice but to make a cheat sheet for Tianzun, and use the **** to read the voice: "The man is named Liuhe."

"... 流鹤仙君, Seoul and other people meet him in the future, be more careful." North Xuan Tianzun has nothing to do with the words.

After the audience heard it, how did Nan Xiantian respect the side, or is there more than one Xianjun?

At this moment, there are people who come out of the trapped camp with the Qinghe Hansong, and those who were originally in the fairy palace. Some people know each other, and some are obviously the new immortals in these six hundred years.

"The number is not correct." Qinghe Xianjun.

It’s not just standing here, but also the original Nanzang Tianzun. The six hundred years are not too long for the fairy world. How can there be so many Luo Tianxian who they have not seen before?

"Xian Jun Rong, these years, the fairy world is turbulent, all because of the emergence of different treasures in the Tianhe."

"Hmm?" Han Songxian was puzzled to see that he had stayed under the authority of Xian Gong.

It happened that Bei Xuan Tian Zun also said this.

"After the millennium, the Tianhe vibrates..."

Chen Wo knew that at that time, he had just ascended, and Heiyuan Gu had arrived at his small world. He met the Sword Sword, and then the fairy rose to the original. After all, it was the companionship of Yuan Cheng Tian Zun. It is not surprising that the return to the fairy world brought the Tianhe vibration.

"Five hundred years ago, Tianhe appeared in Lingjing, which contained a great aura. The immortal used it to cultivate. In a hundred years, it can be promoted from Xiaozhenxian to Xuanxian. In five hundred years, it can become a heavenly fairy."


The people who came out of the trapped bed opened their mouths. They thought they were in a trapped battle. In addition to being sinned, the violent aura still brought them a lot of benefits. As long as they survived, the realm was high. Very happy, I didn’t expect to be trapped outside the fairy world, but also have such a chance?

This is obviously unusual. Chen He frowned: "What is the scorpion of the fairy world?"

Bei Xuan Tianzun slowly shook his head and said: "It is not a good thing. The flow of the Tianhe River is less than before."

There is a loss, it is the balance of the aura.

"But the celestial people know that Lingjing can enhance the realm, how can they not be crazy about it?" Yang Xinyue said slowly, "Nan Xian lost three sages with you at the same time, and half of the immortals, is eager to make up When you are manpowered, if you unite, block the Tianhe River, and let the immortals find Lingjing, you may still control the situation, but no one of you believes."

Bei Xuan Tianzun put a hand in the branch, and said calmly: "We have deliberation and cooperation in this alliance, but he secretly intercepts Ling Jing and cultivates subordinates. I can only help but keep up."

Moreover, if the North Xuan Tianzun insists on not using the spirit of the immortal on his side, the human heart will be scattered.

For many immortals, loyalty is nothing but attached, and what they value most is their own achievements.

The act of Ling Jing, who manipulated behind the scenes, is clear at a glance.

This kind of bright and straightforward conspiracy, Nan Xian Tian Zun North Xuan Tian Zun even knows, can not break free from this trap.

"It's a good means." Yang Xinyue sighed. When he was a fairyland god, he couldn’t compare his heart to half.

There are some embarrassments in the temple, and they use Lingjing more or less. It is obviously not acceptable for them to give up such benefits.

The same use of Ling Jing, dead on the other side of the two Xianjun, Bei Xuantian respect does not allow them to use more, some immortals still have some dissatisfaction, but fortunately to this point, the brain is not furnishings, knowing to take a lot from the Tianhe Lingjing is undoubtedly a fisherman and a fisherman. It is not good for the whole fairyland.

"Yuan Cheng Tian Zun is not afraid of death, toss the fairy world, we --"

"shut up!"

Hansong Xianjun angered and reprimanded: "Do you think that he did not leave a trail for himself? The Wanshui Valley was in trouble. Originally, Yuan Chengtianzun wanted to destroy this fairyland, and the result was stirred up."

The spoiler. Didn’t follow the yuan’s calculations. Yang Xinyue calmly picked up the fairy tea in the eyes of everyone.

The immortal who did not experience the storm was obsessed with him, and Chen He explained the same treatment.

Interpretation of a big Luo Jinxian, the position is inexplicable in front of it, Chen He Yang Xinyue before the cold pine clear, let them not think much.

"How many immortals died in order to win the spirit of the crystal? Those chaotic auras, enough to force the strength of the Yuan Zun to grow over there? You have the cultivation of today, who dares to say that his life is worry-free?" .

North Xuan Tianzun turned around with some exhaustion: "As long as the Tianhe River is not exhausted, the fairy world will be fine for one day."

Chen He said indifferently: "So it seems that you are in a deadlock and can only get deeper and deeper. If you want to get rid of this predicament, you can only start directly with Yuan Chengtian."

"It's easy to say, how is this possible?"

I originally wanted to say that when I came into contact with Chen He’s gaze, they couldn’t help but open their eyes.

"Yuancheng Tianzun is connected with the fairyland air transport, and it is indeed a self-seeking way to do it."

"If you try your best to create a new fairyland, you may be in the middle of his heart." Qinghe Xianjun is enough to see someone's mind, now whoever says killing Yuancheng is fine, anyway, there is a plan for the second fairyland, clear It must be suspected that this person was sent by Yuan Chengtian.

"Can't advance or retreat, to date?"

Hansong Xianjun was depressed and angry and said to himself.

In fact, there is still an idea, everyone can think of it, just too ridiculous, so no one mentioned - instead of Yuan Cheng Tian Zun, bear the air transport of the fairy world, so that the hands of Yuan Cheng Tian Zun, there is no worries.

Chen He felt the spirit of the spirit move slightly, raising his eyes to see the release.

He shook his head toward the brothers: there was a stone in the middle of the master, and there was nothing to do.

Over there, Yang Xinyue finished the tea and said something that made the people horrified:

"Ling Jing is out of the Tianhe River, but Yuan Cheng can't do whatever he wants. He can do this, in essence, because the fairy world is unstable."


"As for the source of instability, it is the trap of the Valley of the Falls. Originally, he wanted to let the veins ruin the fairyland here. I used the Millennium and Tilian to turn into the sun and the moon, and this pressure was broken. But the day of the formation is a fairy. Still unstable, now the array is gone -" Yang Xinyue slammed the palm of his hand. "Now there will be no more Lingjing in the Tianhe."

"Is this statement true?"

"Of course." Yang Xinyue laughed. There was once a fairyland who gave him a practice. What can I do, what can't, and people who are clearer than him?

Bei Xuan Tianzun’s look is awe-inspiring, and he screamed: “I am ready to go, Tianhe Lingjing is broken, and there are only those who are now in your hands. The people of Nanxian Tianzun will soon attack Kunlun because they want to win Lingjing.”