MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 391 Broken

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The clouds and clouds are stirring.

The gods are solemn and solemn, and they are surrounded by water.

In the midst of being trapped, suddenly the wind and snow are all over the sky, intermittent rainstorms are pouring, the spirit is chaotic, and any heaven can not last.

Hansong, Qinghe, Luyi, and Liuhe were all guarding one side, and they were forced to suppress the aura around them. All the cents gathered near them and sought shelter.

The most relaxed of these is the Qing Dynasty.

There is Yang Xinyue, even if Qinghe Xianjun goes to sleep, there will be nothing here.

Liu Hexianjun became the unlucky one. He was very concerned about his identity. When he encountered such a thing, he would never hide from appearance, but he could not withstand such long delays and quickly became Strong support.

There are also some immortals standing on the peaks of the distant mountains, full of anxiety and circle outside the circle, the president does not talk about love! .

"How come you don't see the subordinates of Xianjun?"

"Hey, still on the edge of the dead mushroom! I can't think of it. It turns out that Xian Xianjun is the spirit of Tianzun, and Nanxian Tianzun is actually impersonating, this --"

After all, the immortal who spoke did not dare to disrespect God. Others could not help but sneer:

"Nan Xian Tian Zun has never said publicly that he is one of the nine celestial gods of thousands of years ago. It is a rumor from beginning to end, this hand is really high!"

"Nonsense! The mushroom is open to the mouth. Who knows if it is true or not?"

The immortals who are trapped in the trapped camp are all subordinates of the two heavens and the north and the north. What are the inconsistencies?

The stone fire sits on the canopy, and it looks up confusedly and asks Nan Hongzi: "Dao Chang, are we not catching fish?"

"Yeah, a big fish!" Nan Hongzi language with pun.

Shi Zhonghuo bit his fingers and fell into meditation: the master took his master's pot of broth away, and Nan Hongzi declared that he was coming to the "willing to hook". Where is this fish?

The fat eyes turned and turned.

At this time, the entire trapped squad suddenly swayed. In the hot springs of the Yunxiao Mountain, a thick purple gas was ejected, and it instantly smashed into the Huagai Ziyun, covering all the spring pools, and spreading along with the direction of the water veins.

The four princes were slammed back and forth by this force. The original squadron was instantly broken and broken.

Yang Xinyue blurted out in shock: "Air transport?"

"What?" Qinghe Xianjun thought he had got it wrong.

The thick purple gas condenses into thousands of illusions, and there are the sounds of Fengminglong, Qingyue, and the waters of the Jinlian Spring Pool, and the thousands of clouds and horses.

The immortals are all panicked.

God can not touch these purple gas, the soul is like being taken by the purple gas, the fairy core is even more tremorous, although the real yuan is in the body, but can not call the minute.

"The purple gas is coming from the east, the sky is looking west, the three thousand worlds are empty, and the original air transport is like this-"

Qinghe Xianjun muttered to himself and looked at Yang Xinyue subconsciously.

The swallowing whale, originally in the arms of Yang Xinyue, was excited and cried.

Yang Xinyue's face has become difficult to look at.

He is very familiar with this air transport, not any small world, it is the beginning of the floating world, the former fairyland! The air transport that once had a life-critical relationship with him was now in front of him.

Just, it doesn't belong to him at all!

Yang Xinyue is excited by the swallowing whales.

He feels that this dying vitality has nothing to do with him. Even if it is forcibly absorbed, it has no use, because the beginning of the float is already a brand new world, just as he traveled to the frontier and saw Nanhe. In the old land, it is not the old days to see this great mountain.

The loser is no longer, and the water is difficult to collect.

Yang Xinyue’s connection with the original fairyland was completely cut off. He would not die because of it. The prosperity of the small world in the early days was no longer related to him.

Lu Yanxian Jun eagerly reached out, purple gas passing through, his face suddenly appeared a few minutes:

"How can the air movement in the small world be here? Isn't it a lack of aura and it is fading?"

All the celestial beings have come back to God, and they are all full of surprises.

Among the clouds and mountains and rivers, the unlucky unicorn lie down, breathe, and the silver squid jumps out of the water, making an excited cry: "Get this gas transport together!"

Chen He can't hear anything.

At the moment when the soul returned to his body, he vomited a blood.

From the meridians to the skeletons, they can't bear this force. The time when he became Xianjun is still too short. This is already the first time that the realm has climbed. As a result, the body can't keep up, and it has been countered by the real yuan.


Chen He vaguely called.

He wants to tell him that he is fine, but he can't say a word.

- Zhan Yuanqiu, it is really a bad thing.

Chen Wo smiled in his heart. When he just wanted to turn a capable subordinate, how could it become like this?

He wants to be a god, but he never thought about the air transport of the small world. It has a very different meaning. As a fairyland, it even has the danger of collapsing at any time, and it has a chance to float. It is really hard to say that it is a blessing.

The air transport was sent by Zhan Yuanqiu inadvertently.

The most terrible thing is that if you can send out the air transport, it proves that it is already a careless person of the air transport. This piece of purple air that envelopes Yunxiao Mountain is probably only one tenth of Zhan Yuanqiu’s own possession.

Zhan Yuanqiu is not an immortal, and he has nothing to do with air transport.

He stuffed the whole fairyland with something that was rushing to Chen He.

Chen He thought that he would only persuade Zhan Yuanqiu's reincarnation to say that he was simply crying and laughing. What kind of reincarnation would this person with his own small world air transport go to reincarnation?

The founding father of the mortal world? Or do you cultivate the wizards of the real world without bottlenecks in the future?

Such a big move in Yunxiao Mountain, of course, the white jade in the distance is of course aware.

The original Guanghua flashed, Shen Yubai stood tall and looked at the lingering purple air. He said to the lady around him: "When I noticed the time of the Taoist retrospective, I guessed what kind of person is worthy of heaven. Do you do this?"

Mrs. Liang’s arm stretched out in her sleeve and turned into a horrible spider's foot. She casually used this to hook Shen Yubai's waist and said with a smile: "I don't want to transport the gas to Chen Wo." It’s a bad time, and the heavens are not regrettable.”

Shen Yubai smiled hard.

There is no good or evil in heaven, no preference, otherwise it is really depressed.

On the Yunxiao Mountain, the silver carp lingered for a long time, only to think of it to find the same sorrowful retreat, this look was not good, the release is actually intended to force the spirit to leave the body, help Chen Wo.

"Don't be too close, air transport is the Lord!"

The release of the deaf ear, the soul of the soul has emerged, stepped into the purple cloud.

His younger brother was half-sinking and lying in the spring pool, full of blood, golden blood dyed the pool water, a cluster of green fire floating in the air, uneasily leaping.

Burning the heart of the fire, taking the real element of Chen He's collapse, more and more powerful.

It attracts the continual movement of the earth's veins, and the water veins can hardly hold back the signs of this overturning destruction.

Interpretation felt that the soul was cut by the sharp wind, but after he approached Chen Wo, the green fire drifted away reluctantly, blocking the impact from the purple gas.

"Sister brother..."

Chen He’s consciousness is not so clear, and he instinctively feels that this is a safe local literary.

The icy stream of petals in the valley of the Black Plains, barefooted on the futon in the cave, the soft sole suddenly touched the hair that was scattered... The rounded scorpion did not hesitate to pull the knees Climb up, and then shrink in the chest to release the security and calmly snoring.

In a blink of an eye, the unspoiled flower tree became a dead tree.

The valley is silent, there is only one grave.

He broke into the sky, came to Huangquan from the fairyland, Sanshengshi should not, but the bridge was not present, and the paper money in the township was swaying. Only the man turned and walked out of the fog and smiled at him.

- Anyway, the brothers are here.

Chen He vaguely heard the sigh of silver carp:

"The forgotten river you see is boundless?"


"The wider the bridge, the more open-minded the people are, the less worrying, the lack of cause and effect, and the narrowness of the mind, and the entanglement of the body. As for the Forgotten River, people who can walk in a few steps are not sad."

"Your desires are too much, the obsession is too deep, and there is no margin in forgetting Sichuan."

Chen He heard his cold voice: "What about that?"

He does not need to come to life, no need to cross the river.

"You ask too much -"

Chen Wo blinked: "But I asked for it!"

The purple cloud of the Huayu Mountain is like a long whale that absorbs water and sharply gathers it. The spring pool is tumbling, and the water surface is rapidly falling. Chen He slowly stands up and sets foot on the shore.

Green fire woven boots, purple gas crown.

Looking at the release of the soul, Chen He raised his hand and hanged up the water unicorn.

"Congenital water, trace the roots, start!"

Then the unfortunate water unicorn was thrown into the sky by a strong force. The dizzy brain did not want to understand what was going on. Yunxiaoshan spurted out seven seventy-four ninety-six water columns, which just happened to trap the water unicorn. among them.

This is the chaos of the earth's veins, which relies on the spirit of the celestial spirits, and reconnects with the power of a new heaven.

"Leave the jade card to the 禹仙君, the unicorn meat to the master, 浣 sword, are you deliberate?" Chen He said to himself, turning his hand from the mushroom withered land, calling the jade card.

"Or coincidence?"

The legs of Kirin are still in the storage bag of the sword.

"Fu Wanling, descending Tianyu, broken!"

Yang Xinyue suddenly changed his mind and looked up at the sky. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, and he did not move.

I saw that the sky was dark and the sun and the moon fell.

The peaks of the mountains are overturned, and the chaos is rising from the sky. Everything has changed. The immortals can't drive the clouds and roll into the ground.

It’s a loud noise!

When the heads of the celestial bodies climbed up, they only felt the pure spirits of the spirits coming from the face. It was not the kind of violent chaos, and the sky could not be seen, because the Tianhe River was higher and more endless.


"The trap is broken!"