MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 346 doubt

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The North Xuan School on the Daxue Mountain in Guanwai is a mysterious place in the mind of the monks. ,

They lived in a simple way and did not participate in anything in the realm of cultivation. Even in the past 800 years, only the name of Nan Hongzi and Xi Yu was widely known. Others, such as who is the head, what is it, how many disciples there are, can only guess.

Every time I think of the North Xuan faction, there are only two possibilities.

It is not the news of "Beixuan Mibao", which is the feeling of the monks in the Mahayana period.

Originally, the comprehension of the real world, the family of you, today, once, I will send it once a day, mixed in many of the looters, and the occasional North Xuan faction is not eye-catching.

However, the small world at the beginning of the gradual decline gradually became less and less, and the presence of the North Xuan faction became abrupt.

The number of people who robbed the robbery was very stable. Half of the people in the area were able to become immortals. Although the years of the monks were based on a hundred years, if they were carefully examined, they could still find the "abnormality" of the North Xuan School.

The conspiracy of the aggregator was born.

This is all the things that have been found since the flames were made.

He knows the identity of the release, knows the origin of Nan Hongzi, and has been to the ruins of Daxueshan for a long time.

Because the spirits of the past generations have also been burned out, they can only find that the last head of the North Xuan faction is Nan Hongzi. Whether he has a brother or sister in Nan Hongzi, whether he is flying or not, these are mysteries. .

From the thought of the post-flame consciousness, in order to release it, he may face more than a Nanhongzi, but a group of Nanhongzi who occupy the name of the teacher.

This is really not a happy news.

The flame is very impatient with these.

This is the subconscious mind of the crisis, although the release of the sentence left a sentence, let the flames live against the count, but from the flames do not dare to gamble, in the North Xuan faction and in front of themselves, what will choose

A group of people opposite, this side only stands on their own, for those who are from the monks of the right way, it is obviously the teacher's door.

Even now, it is one of the "teachers" in the flames.

The dissatisfaction from the flame has not disappeared, but it has become more and more fierce. The release is very good for the younger brother, and it is not good for Nan Hongzi. What is necessary for the flame is the difference and uniqueness. Any time any situation is in your own control, obviously this point Now I have a serious challenge.

Hidden dangers are always solved.

There is no expression on the flame surface, and there is not much murderousness, but the kind of coldness that is not good can't be hidden.

The immortal took the sword and looked at it and refused to let the flames come out. But he sighed first.

"Well, etc., how did you leave the Hansong Xianjun Xiangong suddenly appeared, stirring up the sensation of the fairy palace, and the mysterious disappearance of the shackles, and related to Seoul."

There is no answer to the explanation.

He flew for three hundred years, except for the ancestors of a North Xuan faction who had seen it in Shengxiantai. No one had ever appeared.

Shi Zu, the master of Nan Hongzi, can understand things clearly and clearly, and obviously know where the release is, but the entire North Xuan faction, together with Bei Xuan Tian Zun, is a pair of people who don’t ask. Lightly look like.

Now say this, what is the use?

"It’s the idea of ​​Nan Hongzi’s, and it’s a mystery.”

This release interrupted the other party's words: "You suspect that my younger brother is Yuan Cheng Tianzun."


The immortal swallowed a resounding question about "Is it not". He looked at his sleeves and looked solemnly: "I don't want you to say that this guess does exist, but who is Yuan Cheng Tianzun, for me, what is it? use"

After releasing silence for a long while, he slowly said: "This encounter is also a coincidence. The ancestors are going back, telling Xianjun and Tianzun, I am waiting for the trip."

When the other party heard it, there was an anger in the eyes, but the face still maintained the indifference of the extraordinary and refined, cold channel: "If so, why should I keep up with the grass?"

Released a look at the intersection blocked by the collapsed rocks.

"In the name of interception, it is not a long time to talk about it. If there is something in the ancestors, let's talk about it as soon as possible."

That immortal smiled and pointed to the two good words:

"It’s all because of Nan Hongzi, there is no such thing as a teacher, and you can teach you to talk to your ancestors. It’s also like this. It’s not too big or too small.”

Similar reprimands, I have heard countless times in Daxueshan hundreds of years ago. It’s really a lot of itching, and the debt is not too much. The left ear is right in the right ear.

One of the favorite things of Nan Hongzi at that time was to apprehend the apprentice to shoot the table with himself.

The people of the North Xuan faction, if they have nothing to do, "watch by", look unchanged, no one knows what they want, sometimes they will deliberately help release and stop the way of Nan Hongzi.

The face of the head can't be hanged, and the apprentice and the grandson are thrown to the horizon, standing up and reprimanding.

The release will at least stand in the same place, listening absently, and Nan Hongzi has long since ran away.

Therefore, at this time, the ancestors of the ancestors wanted to blame. After listening to the last sentence, they knew the next sentence. It was all wrong. The difference was that the long-term long-term argument of the other party only opened its head and it was abnormally rested.


The immortal shook his head: "All things are unpredictable, strange and unspeakable, and it seems to be in the fog, unable to find a path. You are mixed into the 禹仙君 here, it is really daring, 禹仙君 is the confession Nan Xian Tian Zun’s life, arresting your people."

Well, if you don’t meet Yuan Qingmi, why not invest in the net.

It’s not natural to stay here for a long time, but I’m not willing to let people go.

There is no plan to explain the cause and effect, and the position is not moving. My heart is quickly calculating the way out after the exposure of the line: the place of Wanpu Valley is really bad, and there is great risk in going deep.

It is not doubtful about his ancestors, but about Chen He. Any gambling is not willing to try.

"To do this, you are careful."

The immortal thought, and turned back and said: "Wherever you go, remember not to believe Yunchen Xianjun, I look at this person, Tianzun's abnormality in these years, my suspicions are from him."

After that, I climbed over the rocks without a hand, and there was no vigilance in the eyes of the release of Chen He, so I left.

After a long time away from the flame, I asked: "I heard that Master is enlightening himself, and he actually has a teacher."

Look at this mountain climbing posture, like other monks and immortals, not very good at martial arts.

"There are some, just don't mention it on weekdays."

Interpretation said that half suddenly remembered that there is not much memory from the flame, in fact, there is no need to explain, but the words have already begun, naturally will not be recovered: "It is a teacher and apprentice, actually a friend. When Master visited the world in the early years, The ancestors accidentally met, because the North Xuan Gong method was inexplicable, and our Master’s heart longed for it, so I simply worshipped the North Xuan School."

He looked down at his younger brother and saw him look good.

"The head is not the trend of the trend, the people who use the means of the sects, even if they fly up for many years of temperament or change, they will not lie."

"Knowing people knows no one." Throwing a word from the flames.

Interpretation had to say: "Master will solve this."

I don't know why, I feel that my brother is more unhappy.

"I have never heard of this person's name"

"The ancestors used the pseudonym when they went down the mountain, because his real name is somewhat, um, it is not easy to call."

Speaking at random, I waved the stones into two characters: Luo Bo.

From the flame:

There are a lot of ramps in the Wan Waterfall Valley. When a certain fairy turns over the rock, he will wait in a corner of the road and wait for a lot of immortals. Finally, he will see Nan Hongzi’s vigilant figure.

There is also a group of Xiaozhenxian next to it, and Nan Hongzi deliberately grinds and drags it to the end.

Suddenly after the wind began to wind up, Nan Hongzi shunned, but did not reach the other party's deep real yuan, was dragged to the dark corner of the mountain stone.

"In the Valley of the Falls, I dare to waste the real yuan and find death." Nan Hongzi hit the palm of his hand.

Close, it is to find a fight.

Sure enough, I heard a sigh in my ear, and I was a little bored:

"When your apprentice cuts the wound, you are fighting against it."

"Nonsense, how can you explain it to you?"

"Another apprentice"

Nan Hongzi’s long sigh, he didn’t care: “The little apprentice is released, and I have an apprentice when I have a look, but I can blame it on my head.”

"Is it suddenly disappeared in the cold pine fairy, this is not your ghost." Luo Bo real face, you say that the day I am not the same expression.

Nan Hongzi puts the dust on his shoulders, and the posture is more like a high-ranking person than the other side. His hand stretches and dismissively says: "Evidence?"


Luo Bo real people helplessly said: "He did not move for three hundred years, suddenly left, not Chen He came, naturally you are teaching, is there a third person?"

"I don't want to add sin," Nan Hongzi said lazily.

"You, you think about it with your brain. How can the fairyland be a beast? It should be in the robbery. If you help you escape, you don't feel a problem."

"There are too many problems in the fairyland, I think I can come over."

Nan Hongzi rushed to the Luobo real person before anger, raised his hand to stop, Zheng color asked: "Tianzun will also personally demarcate the front, help Chen He kill the smoldering dust, and send his memory back, why release Chen Hefei For a hundred years, Bei Xuan Tianzun is so indifferent, don't tell me because I suspect that Chen He is Yuan Cheng Tianzun."

When Luo Bo’s real mouth opened his mouth, he was blocked by the last sentence of Nan Hongzi.

For a long time, he whispered: "Since that lower bound, Tianzun has been retreating. I have never seen it once. I only heard that Tian Zun has seen the release of the monk, and the Hansong Xianjun has arranged this matter properly. At that time, I was breaking through the realm of Luo Tianshangxian, and I didn’t ask, but

Luo Bozhen suddenly said with God:

"The ancestors of the division said that things are not right. It is very likely that the North Xuan Tianzun has been coerced and cannot move, so they have done nothing in these years."


"I am suspicious of the culprit, but Yunchen Xianjun is the reincarnation of Yuan Cheng Tian Zun"

Read The Duke's Passion