MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 343 showdown

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Under the dark sky, Jinlong slowly lowered his hovering body and sat on the corner of his sword. He said with a sullen face: "I still haven't found the situation."

The monsters quietly stepped back, and there was a magician who couldn’t help but whispered:

"Supreme, in fact, this strategy is very feasible. Some people have said that crossing the Pingtian Temple is the fairyland. Although the road is difficult to walk, it is better to stay in this broken place."

"You know what is below the Pingtian Temple is the intersection of the Xianjiewan Waterfall Valley and the Seven Waters."

Yan Jian is most intolerant of his stupid short-sightedness. He angered: "This road is so good to go and can't wait to run over. It is to find the way for others and to make the pieces of others."

The Wicked Monsters listened to this, but they were indifferent.

What about the chess pieces, the robbery of the original broken place, they have long been fed up.

"you guys"

Jinlong picked it up and stretched his claws to push the violent sword to the side. He said slowly: "Since all of you want to go, I don't stop, life and death, look at luck, don't blame me for not reminding."

Under the genus of the robbery, it is loyal to all, just because of the fear of Yuan Qingmi and the sword, and want to live better.

Now that there is such an idea, now the entire robbery is passing on to the fairy world, how can they give up

After watching the monsters hesitate, they rushed to the distance without hesitation, and the sword's anger rose.

"Cui Shaoxin, what do you think?" Jin Long lowered his head and was interested in watching someone standing next to him.

"The robbers are so big, the beasts and the monks are not killing each other, they don't come back on weekdays. It is not a simple matter to spread such a message to everyone."

Cui Shaoxin smashed his sword and made a happy look: "In this way, I want to congratulate the sage, and for many years I finally found the man."

"You think this is what Yang Xinyue came up with."

Cui Shaoxin’s smile: “I’m not sure about the things of Yang’s predecessors, but the sages are armed with fairy wares. The lower bounds are looking for a sect of the Nanhe sect of 8,000 years ago. The secret of this is that the sages themselves know.”


Yan Jian was too lazy to take care of this guy. He did not tell Cui Shaoxin his identity completely, but obviously the other party guessed something.

Yang Xinyue has the smell of a candle dragon. This is a true thing.

"The candle dragon is bent on killing the masters of our family, inciting the robbers to attack the original fairyland. Is it that I wait to sit and watch no matter?" Jin Long asked the sword with the gods.

"Wait, your order is reversed. It is Yuan Cheng Tian Zun who wants to kill the candle dragon."

Yan Jianxiao laughed: "Yuan Cheng's mind is full, the **** is awkward, and the side of the couch is tolerant of others' sleep. The existence of the candle dragon is a threat to him."

"In fact, the owner of the family also has to thank the candle dragon. Otherwise, he can't know the origin and truth of the fairy world from the beginning." Jin Long shook his head and said earnestly, "otherwise, we will die when we die."

"This is not possible"

Yan Jian looked at his body half-heartedly.

It is clearly integrated, but the temperament is very different, which makes the sword can not help but ponder. When they were alone, how did they go on?

I have reminisced about the "Fenggong feats" of Lingbi Xianjun. The satisfaction of Yu Jian’s discovery that there are nine achievements in his former identity is that his own temperament is definitely a problem for that guy.

Under the banner of saving people, even after the immortals were not happy for their own rescue, they felt that the "help" of Lingbi Xianjun was unlucky. The visit of Lingbi Xianjun was a bad omen. This kind of effort is not good. In the case of this, it belongs to the kindness of your own half body.

What is the sacredness of the Qing dynasty?

Yan Jian felt that this was a good opportunity to teach his brothers. He prolonged the voice: "The chickens and ducks that are raised in the fences are not knowing how to eat and drink, and they will know if they are born. To be slaughtered well"

"Nonsense, what slaughter is the prosperous and dying, the preface of the heavens." Jin Long, a claw fan, "When mortals are born, they know that they will die one day, not so good."

The sword is annoying.

When you don’t remember anything when you are in the world, you can’t say that you can’t fly, and the sword sneers at Heiyuan Gu, who is not a magician. He didn’t even grasp the opportunity and he didn’t think ahead. The boss of Heiyuan Valley said calmly that he was alive and dead, and vaguely felt that something was missing. It should be a short distance from the fly. This is also destined for a day. A magician who can't fly up laughs at what strength.

So I broke up.

"Where mortals know that they will die after a hundred years, this is the only way to cultivate a Taoist monk who knows that his life is long, and that he needs to robbery and fly."

"However, the immortals lived for 100,000 years, but they still had to rob." Jin Long coldly filled.

Yan Jian’s eyes are blinking: “The magic repair can’t fly, Chen Wo’s kid is not doing it.”

"If he is not in the small world of the beginning, the last fairyland, there is still a chance that this kind of luck is not a small world, and it has the ability to trace back time."

Reincarnation, cycle repeat, originally is the world.

"Can you not lift the bar with me?"

Jin Long’s mouth: “No”

Master Mo is very angry, the consequences are very serious, one person and one dragon are smashed into a ball, Cui Shaoxin can't hear them chanting, and seeing this shackle, the interest is far away.

After rolling for a long time on the ground, the sword was pressed by Jinlong and could not be moved.

"If you are young, he is here, you have a good look."

"Jokes, who can help you, not only you, or me."

"If my two apprentices are in the sky, Zhan Yuanqiu is still there"

"I still have acquaintances in the entire Black Valley."

"More than people, this is a demon statue."

"But if I am missing, I won't fly."

Got, continue to fight, then fight.

"You shut up the guy raised by the clam shell."

"It’s a sly scorpion that will talk to you, a fool who has been caught by a group of wolves."

The two couldn’t move, the two suddenly thought it was wrong.

The chief culprit of this black history seems to be Yuanshen Tianzun. If he did not secretly engage in ghosts, they would not fall to such a point.

"If I let me know, who did he become?"

Yan Jian picked up his sleeves and said it was overcast.

"You play, I look at it." Jin Longpan yawned next to him.

After a mixed battle, almost the entire hillside was razed to the ground, the rock was smashed, and the ground was cracked. Cui Shaoxin wisely ran far away, and did not hurt at all.

Yan Jian’s lazy arms stretched out for a long time.

"What to do with the fairyland," Jin Long is worried.

"Follow him"

Yan Jian snorted: "Sneaky play conspiracy, but don't tell us, now there is something we help him clean up the mess, think beautiful, don't pick up the door and be beaten by me, I think I am going to play."

Under the dark sky, there was a scream of laughter.


Jinlong and Qi Jian are also alert to look up.

Can make them both undetectable

The end of the dark, **** sky, slowly reveals a huge shadow, like a mountain, with invisible airflow holding it generally suspended.

Because it is too big, I can't see the whole picture of this guy.

Even the head is a small part, faintly familiar

Jinlong hovered up and blocked the sword behind him. He was about to say something. Suddenly there were two glare-light columns in front of him, and the darkness was dispelled in an instant, and the entire sky of the robbers followed.

"Candle Dragon"

Its view is Ming, and its 瞑 is 晦.

Opening your eyes is a day, and closing is a night, hidden in the depths of the original, it is such a beast.

"The candle dragon, you finally don't shrink in the turtle shell, you are willing to show up."

Sui Jian lived and looked at the front with a stunned look.

The robbers are no longer dark, even though they are still ridiculous. In the distance, they can see the demon sorcerer’s uneasy horror hiding. I thought it was the fairy world. After all, I have never seen the light for a long time, and the eyes of the tempered practice feel A stinging pain.

The huge figure that floated in the sky became clearly visible.

That is a fish, not a dragon

Only the old-fashioned Cui Shaoxin, who showed such a look, quietly stepped back and avoided the shackles of the fish pond.

Both Sui Jian and Cui Shaoxin know this fish, which is the one that kills them into other small worlds and can be seen occasionally in the years of fighting. Yang Xinyue’s swallowing sea beast.

There is a candle dragon in the soul.

So, Yang Xinyue is not a candle dragon. The real problem is the fish of his family.

"The sea and the sky, the world changes, I did not expect the candle dragon brother has become a fish." Jin Long turned into a human form, Yuan Qingmi shook his head and sighed.

"If you become a king, you will be able to get rid of my troubles when you take the opportunity to get rid of me, and destroy the original body with eight heavenly lords."

The swallowing sea beast slowly bowed his head, not hot or cold, saying: "I can return to the former fairyland, relying on a little god, borrowing the body of the sea and regenerating the reincarnation. If it was not discovered by Yuan Cheng Tianzun, let you destroy me. The good thing, I have been practicing in the South China Sea for two thousand years, and after tens of thousands of them, I can re-form it into a dragon."

The sword has become a human figure with Yuan Qing, and turned into a black dragon. At this moment, the leading eyes are a bit subtle.

Because the destruction of the candle dragon plan, it is not their two brothers, but Chen Wo.

The last time I left the flames, the burial souls collapsed, and the swallowing sea beasts were killed after they had not recovered their spirits. The world’s swallowing beasts did not have time to turn the dragons, but Yang Xinyue ran out.

Yang Xinyue

"Your master," Black Dragon asked coldly.

The swallowing sea beast subconsciously touched the belly, then reacted and stunned the black dragon.

"Haha, it’s so good."

Black Dragon Sword held his paws and smiled and said: "In the past, Yuan Cheng Tianzun only knew that you were the fish of the net that escaped when the last fairyland collapsed. He guessed that you were the Yuanxian Tianzun of the last fairyland. It seems that it is completely engaged. Wrong, you are the last fairyland of us, Tianzun's companion fairy, so it is also dragon-shaped. It turns out that your master is not dead, but he is not so lucky, you still don't know your identity right?"


"He has been floating in the small world. When you find him, he is Yang Xinyue."

Black Dragon waved his paw: "The candle dragon, you don't want to be so arrogant, the same is the fairy, we talk about how to escape after the fall of the fairy world, how to let the master continue to live the topic how I see you are very fruitful, the new fairy world When it was formed, it was reasonable to say that the old one had to be divided into three thousand worlds, but the small world in the early days of the floating world did not completely collapse. The current three thousand worlds are mostly derived from the fairy world, which divides the power of the fairy world and provokes my family. Cheng Tian is not happy." .