MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 341 Leisure game

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Everything has changed, but some things will not change, such as strength.

Without strength, no matter where you are, it is difficult to change your situation.

Fairyland, and the world is not much worse

Originally, I felt that my strength was barely able to pass away. When I saw Bailushan coming and going, after a lot of Luo Tianshangxian, I knew that it is still too early to do whatever it is.

Interpretation is the same as his realm, and he exhausted the real yuan for Chen He to stabilize the fairy nucleus.

Bailu Mountain has a lot of aura, and it has been cultivated for thousands of miles.

I couldn’t go anywhere in the stone fire. I had to sleep in the pavilion. Sometimes I opened my eyes and looked at the master and explained that Chen He was really uninteresting. Even the master’s master did not bring it. Go out and play.

Speaking of Nan Hongzi, I really can't help myself.

When you are interested, you can practice your practice and change your appearance. You will go out.

Yes, the so-called change is usually dressed as a female fairy.

Because there are not many immortals in the immortals, there are countless female immortals with children on the Bailu Mountain. Nan Hongzi can only throw the fat piers at home. After all, many immortals have heard that Lingbi Xianjun sent debts. People, two Luo Tianshangxian, a little fairy with a child.

This virtue of taking the family with the mouth is obviously deep in the spirit of Xianjun, I am afraid that I am eager to find a substitute.

Things have become more and more mysterious. The immortals who have heard the rumors are not willing to get close to this place. They can’t wait to shrink and practice hard. Who knows if they will go out, and the disaster will come to the fore.

The strange atmosphere of Bailu Mountain gradually spread to those small ears.

Most of them are listening to the excitement. They are surprised that there are people like Lingbi Xianjun in the fairyland. Even if they are curious, they will not take their own jokes. Xuan Xian Luo Tian Tian Xian avoids it, and they are not.

People are self-aware, they are all people who are flying and robbing, and they can become a small fairy in Bailu Mountain. Even if the brain is not good, it will be light and heavy.

They lived in remote places and did not have the opportunity to see others.

In the meantime, this has become a rare leisure time that has never been seen in the flames.

Qi Xianjun is not awkward. The pavilion where the Jinguanxian people placed them is located above the top of the top, not close to the dark clouds, and covered with rocks. It is a good place with ample aura and a quiet and quiet place.

The pavilion is divided into three floors, from the alchemy room to the quiet room for cultivation.

Because they dare not talk freely in the room, they are silent for most of the time. If they have something, they will go to the cliff and talk. Looking at the misty rain, the lush scenery of Lingmu, the gas from the bottom of the flame is also flat.

The release is indeed the same as what he promised, and does not distinguish from the flame and Chen He.

His early familiarity with the change of attitude, coupled with the stone fire inadvertently recited the master once had a memory loss for ten years, repeatedly screaming at the complaints of the situation, let the flames of the mood strange.

Isn’t he the same now, not the first time?

Nan Hongzi's Da La La will occupy the alchemy furnace, and do not do anything else, specializing in the pot of unicorn meat.

When you think of it, you open the door and look at it. If you can't think of it, just cook it.

The person who looks at the stove is ready-made, the stone is in the fire.

There is no dissatisfaction with the fat pier. Sleeping in the alchemy furnace is comfortable. This white deer mountain is raining all the year round, and the fire in the stone is upset. This warm place is just right.

Bailu Mountain is indeed rich in water-dried four-leaf lotus, and the spring water on the top of the mountain is open everywhere.

Qi Xianjun waved his hand at random, so he also got dozens of reliefs. They were all raised in the porcelain pool on the first floor of the pavilion. Don’t say that they are taking it. They are sitting near the cultivation, and the soul is also a lot of condensed.

There is nothing special about the days of immortals.

Sitting on a long day, in addition to cultivation, it also needs to be adjusted, so the release of "re-" teaches the younger brother to play chess.

Different from Danqing, there is always two players in the game. Therefore, it is not going to play chess. There is no such experience. He is stubborn and stubborn. He is very strong and loves to stand on the shelf. When he sees the release of the child, he There is a kind of unspeakable pleasure from the flame.

Only this little joy was broken by Nan Hongzi.

"Game haha" Nan Hongzi is not happy.

The little apprentice is content to win the release, but he still can’t afford it.

"Come here, let the teacher see you playing chess, just like the military army."

Nan Hongzi believes in the hand, the head is the road, there is a mysterious machine, the flames are defeated, and lost 13 sets in a row, his face is getting darker and darker, full of killing, amazing.

Touching the nose, Nan Hongzi found an excuse to slip.

The next time I saw the two disciples playing a serious chess game, it was difficult to solve the problem. When the temperament was refined and the appearance was elegant and calm, Nan Hongzi did not see it and forced himself to walk if nothing happened.

Then I sigh in my heart: these two stinking chess scorpions are not aware of them at all.

When Nan Hongzi’s heart was plugged in, the things that came out were also outrageous. He broke into the room of the alchemy furnace, smiled and touched the chess board, and looked at his own fat pier with a blind eye.

"Come on, the poor road teaches you to play chess."

The game is very strange in itself. The mortal said that it is necessary to be talented and talented. It is best to start school when you are young.

There is no danger in the fire in the stone. I only use this as a game. Nan Hongzi laughs while teaching.

One day, Nan Hongzi will hold the fat pier before the two apprentices. He said in an inscrutable way: "Come here, with the next fire in the stone."

It can be imagined that the two brothers and brothers lost almost even the white sons and sunspots.

Nan Hongzi is still talking about the cool words, and his heart is distressed: "The two disciples who are mournful and poor, even can not win a fire, the son of Hongnan I, I really do not know how to preserve."

Not coming to the flames from the flames, the expression is incomparably ugly.

It’s a good time to comfort the younger brother: “No problem, when I was young, I often clashed with Master for a table.”

So the flames of the sages smashed the table from the good, leaving a pile of smashing pieces on the ground.

After returning to the quiet room of cultivation, he lost his forehead to the forehead. He felt that the more he lived, the more he went back. The chess art he learned was useless. It was a pastime for playing chess with his brother. If he did not release it, he did not want to. Touch the chess piece.

This kind of absent-mindedness, how can you learn to play well in this mood of immersing yourself in silence?

The longer you stay in Bailushan, the more you can feel the change of your temperament.

Being taken care of, and indulgent, even the temper has changed a bit.

The mask of indifference and inhumanity can no longer be hung up. Looking at Nanhongzi, this cheap master has a dispensable look and can no longer be maintained. Even the existence of the stone fire is somewhat unusual.

However, the good times are not long, and the accident will always happen.

The wise man must have a loss, and this loss is not expected.

Nan Hongzi has admitted to dying once, and he has never returned to his face. This is the site of Nan Xian Tian Zun. No one can know him. As long as he is not listening to the news, he usually does not disguise himself when he is hanging out in Bailu Mountain.

Then I was stunned by someone who knew him.

The horror in Zhao Weiyang’s heart can’t be added.

He did not expect that Chen He, who should have been chased like a mouse by the heavens, not only did not turn his face to the South Hongzi, but he stayed together and even comfortably stayed at Bailu Mountain.

If you change someone else, you will immediately expose the identity of Nan Hongzi and others, but Zhao Weiyang will not be so rash.

Originally, he said that Chen Wo was helpless and used the release and Nan Hongzi. Now the three men and the disciples are exposed, and they are swaying his face.

Moreover, Zhao Weiyang heard that these three people were brought back by Qi Xianjun himself, but they were the people of Lingxian Xianjun.

This rhetoric is true or false. Zhao Weiyang did not know. He decided not to move and wait for the opportunity.

To put it bluntly, the people of Bailushanxian hope that Zhu Xianjun can quickly pay back the debts. Otherwise, they will be worried all day, and it is unclear who is going to be unlucky.

Not waiting for Zhao Weiyang to think of a poisonous meter, this hanging knife is falling.

Shi Jie and others came to the fifth year of Bailu Mountain.

Nan Xian Tian Zun passed down the sacred prince, and the ravages were changed. Because the sorcerer could not cross the enchantment, he might have to follow the veins and venture into the natural barrier of the western side of the fairyland to attack the fairy world.

This is the big news that has alarmed the whole fairyland.

Since the heyday of the fairy world, the nine heavenly gods took 100,000 immortals and entered the ravages. After almost sweeping away there, the fairyland has not had a headache for a long time.

Only some natural immortals, in order to enhance their strength, will enter the ravages through the enchantment, killing the monsters and absorbing the chaotic spirits.

Just when the fairyland quickly turned the robbers into a place of spiritual practice, suddenly such a thing happened. If it wasn’t for Tianzun’s order, Xianjun summoned the immortals to discuss, they simply wanted to regard this as a lame joke.

Luo Tianshang on the Bailu Mountain, holding the umbrella and grinding the face, seeing Xian Xianjun, waiting for his disciples and subordinates to return.

The immortals are lazy and scattered, and the news lags behind. This is a big event. The little fairy who lives on the ground looks at the sky and has a rainbow of magical light. The headless flies do not stop.

After three or five days, the first one who rushed back to Bailushan, brought back the news:

"Not only us, but the North Xuan Tianzun is also in chaos, but the subordinates of Yuan Cheng Tian Zun have not yet moved."

At the bottom of the heart, Yan Xianjun made a slap in the face and said: "Be prepared to drive, Benjun is going to see the Qing dynasty."

Qing Ci is one of the two immortals under Yuan Chengtian.

Zhu Xianjun, under the banner of sending troops, ordered his subordinates to go to Wanpu Valley, but he turned a corner and visited the "green words that may know the truth."

He holds a jade card and thinks he has a far more vision than others.

Qing Cixian is a question of three, I do not know, blindly filled with silly, met Yuan Qingmi's jade card, eyes are not lifted, Qi Xianjun almost smashed the table, can only leave with great anger.

After waiting for a few princes to go through the search for a time, the immortal man under the demise of Yuan Chengtian was reluctant to follow.

The crowds tempted each other and rushed to the Valley of the Falls.

And said that Yan Xianjun was so angry that the stability of the three men was suddenly lost.

As a person who may know the whereabouts of Yuan Qingmi, Zhu Xianjun immediately called them. Nan Hongzi and Xi Yu are both long and good-minded people. They did not say the beginning and end of the encounter, but only said that they are rising. I met Yuan Qingmi near Sendai.

As for friendship, it goes back to the small world of buoys.

Yuan Cheng Tian Zun has been robbed, and his accompanying fairy can be imagined.

Qi Xianjun did not ask Yuan Cheng Tian Zun, he knew that Yuan Qingmi could not tell others about this.

"Oh, the old fox, who is lying in the dark, is missing at a critical time."

If you are not good enough, you can't directly defy the general trend of the fairy world, and bring your face to the Wan Waterfall Valley.

Here is the famous Jedi of the Immortal World. The seven waters and veins are gathered here. Whether it is the immortal here, or the opposite of the original monsters, after the storm, they are suppressed by the ground. Use real yuan.

The key to this is that it is difficult to get out of this puzzle.

The monsters are estimated to be crazy, and they will find their own way.

When the three men followed the 禹仙君 to reach the Wanpu Valley, a solid array of methods had been laid out outside the valley. The immortals did not plan to venture in and prepare to stay outside.

The golden and silver plaques float in the air and overlap.

Bailushan fairy people are all looking at each other. According to their thoughts: Lingyi Xianjun sent people to collect debts several years ago. There are two possibilities. First, Bailushan will soon have many unfortunate people who owe Yuanxianjun’s human feelings. Eggs, one is my own 禹仙君, I’m afraid it’s not good.

The creditor is in a hurry to ask for an account. Is it afraid that the debt is dying? .

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