MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 2 Mad heart disease

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"Everyone knows that it is not worthwhile to pick up the money. How can you marry someone else's child!"

A beard and white old headache heart disease jumped to the feet, seeing that the squatting and meditation did not respond, the old man was even more angry and began to squat sleeves. Net (◎ww◎w.l◎w◎x◎s◎.o◎r◎g◎) Baidu search site remember to remove ◎ Oh pro?wx?.σrg? (Pro, more text content, please Baidu)

At this time, a soft and tender little handcuffs caught the hem of the old robe.

"Do you wake up? Don't be afraid, I will let him send you back!" The old man slammed his skinny chest.

"You are the new grandfather?"


Interpreting the eyes, the people who used to watch the show in the hidden corners face each other.

"Cough, the old man is not a manager, is the owner of the Motian Cliff Black Valley, do you know what the owner is? The valley is the valley of the barn, here is a valley." The old man stood up and pressed his own three trimmed Beard, a wave of arrogance, "This is the film -"

"What about this barn?" Chen Wo squinted his eyes.


In the dark, the laughter came and went, and the old man turned angry and turned his head and roared: "Who is there?"

“This place is a barn, and I am at most a stilt.”

"Buckwheat! Buckwheat grows faster."

The old man had to blow his beard and blink, and picked up a confused child and put it on the futon. He grabbed the chubby hand like a chastity and gently swayed, pointing at the silver bell on his wrist and asked: "You are the person of Chenzhou House. Who are you?"

"Oh, that's... Auntie." The child whispered his mouth.

“What do you do at home?”

The scorpion's low head began to play with the corner.

The old man doubted that he had cast an incomprehensible gaze on other people. The doll would see that he would be out of the coveted year. He said that he was not big, he said that he was not small, and he should understand something when he was right. How do you ask three?

The evil looked at the release, and the old man felt that the release was scared to the child.

The old man groaned in his pocket and found a dry wild fruit for a long time. He handed it over and asked, "You are not playing at home, how come you go to the mountains?"

The squad raised his face and answered a serious question: "I didn't come to the mountains... I was at home, yard, pond."


When can a small doll play in the backyard pond and fall into the enchantment of the Skyscraper to become amber?

The child was fainted at home by a strong man, leaving the cliff late at night!

A group of comprehensions, look at me, I see you, all revealing a puzzled look - kidnapping a small doll, running the dead horse to the mountains, just to throw the child to the bottom of the deep cliff? How much is this?

"Reminder, what is going on?"

In the face of the people's doubts, the release path walked from the station to Chen Wo, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and threw away the dried fruit from the child's hand, and took a basket of steaming buns from his magic bag. The temptation to seduce Chen Wo’s eyes and stare at him.

"Wait for you to come to the meat pack? The sky has not seen this thing for hundreds of years!" The old man squatted back three steps, his face frightened.

The release of the 沣 沣 can not only buy meat bags, but also soft quilts, embroidered satin pillows, tiger head shoes, even apron.

Since I decided to take this child away, how can I have no plans? If you put a grain in the mouth of your child, you will lose it.

Chen He's hard-spoken throat, only staring at the buns, did not rush to catch it.

"This kid is fine." The old man groaned.

Reaching out and touching the child's back of the brain, the eyes were cold and a cold.

There are no natural and well-behaved children, children are noisy, the baby's crying is because of discomfort, the young child's crying is to observe the reaction of people around, if you don't care about him, the child will be dull. Staying in the wood, it looks fine and honest.

Interpretation once again confirmed the location of the congestion in Chen He’s brain and slowly recovered his hand.

The time of congestion and clotting is too long. Forcing the meeting to damage the meridians can only be carried out step by step. It is best to let Chen He practice the exercises and solve this hidden danger.

It is hard for ordinary people to imagine that this child who is sitting on the futon is a fool who is mentally incomplete.

- No, they have fooled the entire Black Valley.

Released a slight smile, and stuffed the meat with the right temperature into Chen He’s hand.

The group was hesitant to look at the hair, and wearing a wide-sleeved robe, always felt that this was different from the people in his memory. The house of Chen Fu is full of sweat, and we are all fat, but there is no such thing in front of us. Instead, it is like the lotus water that is enshrined in the house.

Chen He’s dull head close to the meat pack.

So sweet.

It's very warm, just like the hand that just touched the hair.

Chen He looked up again and looked around. He walked behind him and carefully licked his buns. The heat of the gravy ironed his mouth and soothed the hungry belly.

"The face of this child -"

There was a strong mana who saw the clues. He quickly reached out and calculated that the long white eyebrows dragged onto the cheekbones were very funny.

The dumplings were amused and giggled.

The Taoist man reached out and tried to touch Chen He's bones, releasing a step forward, not blocking the signs.

"You?" The Taoist suddenly realized that "this child is also a trivial number, is it like you?"

The release did not answer, and stuffed a meat packet into Chen He’s hand.

"Well it!" The lord of the valley sighed, "This trouble will be yours, we can leave it!"

When you are finished, just go and watch the fun with the ticket and follow it.

There was a subtle voice in the outside of Dongfu.

"Gull, is this really good?"

"What's wrong with it? When I came to Heiyuan Valley, I was so mad that the whole person was like a dead thing. Now I have a doll to make him special, and save him from being too young to go to the Yin Cao government line! I don't know if the number of places in the government is very tight now?"

"The family of this child..."

"It's just like this number of lives, don't send this son back home." The lord sighed with a sigh of relief. "Is there a hidden heart, can we not succeed?"


Soon after the Darkness Valley owner finished speaking this sentence, he regretted it.

The bottom of the sky is full of boredom, everyone is bored with each other, and now there is a little doll, and the comprehensions feel very rare.

"Gull, the doll is a good thing, don't cry, noisy, teasing and laughing."

Stupid, children are not like this.

"Gull, the child is white and tender, whiter than the Ganoderma doll I raised."

Fool, who makes you not ginseng, that is the most white.

"Gut, the release of the Nanhongzi card, please look at this posture, it seems that I want to be a substitute."

"It's no wonder." Heiyuan Gu touched the beard and said, "The apprentices who have received the remnants have all died. Although the mortal sects are not enough, they often regard the three robberies as the most violent." Life, but to release yourself, I am afraid that it is quite concerned. Put the child in the name of Nan Hongzi, and fill it up as a younger brother to raise the big one.

"It's just a point. Anyway, the men and women of the big martial art are difficult to see once. It is not the basic method of the brothers' teaching." A comprehension person said with self-deprecation, "I am closer to my brother than to the father of the teacher." ""

"If you envy, go and collect a doll yourself, don't lie in front of me." Gu Gu did not say good.

"Hah... this is it."

The crowd immediately made a bird, and they ran without a shadow.

They are not without apprentice younger brothers. They are just such small children. Generally, the self-cultivators are unwilling to accept them.

- They will only ask for the great power of the fairy, and will not bring the child.

Coveted young children are still ignorant of the world. I don’t have three thousand red dusts, I’m afraid that there will be obstacles in the future when I sneak into the road.

Gu Gu thought for a moment and decided to go back and persuade him to hand over the child to the mountain hunter to raise him. He will pick it up later.

Before I stepped into the mountain wall cave house that was used for daily life, some people looked up and whispered and said: "Gull, this child is a bit problematic."

"How?" The black valley owner immediately alerted him.

The soft white scorpion in Dongfu is wrapped in a newly bought small quilt, curled up at the foot of the release, sweetly asleep, and snoring, sleeping is very good, this kind of quilt, not tumbling The child is very worried.

Seeing the black valley owner go back and return, the release of the eyes does not even lift, maintaining the posture of sitting in motion, so as not to disturb the half body of the body on his legs.

"When we just told him to wipe his face, he asked the child how old he was, and the result--"The expression on the face of this self-cultivator is very wonderful, and he is shocked to hear that his apprentice is still vulgar and looks like four wives. .

"Three years old." The troupe replied with a head in his head, looking at the confusion around, as if to find what evidence, but here is not Chen Fu, nor swearing at his nonsense.

Anyway, you should be in Chenfu, so you can get back to the family after you sleep.

Chen He’s performance that is inconsistent with his age has finally aroused the vigilance of the comprehensions, and they have seen it. After patted the back of the squad and waited until Chen Wo was asleep, the sputum rushed to them and nodded.

This is a stunned child, a child with a mental problem, don’t tell him to ask for heaven, it’s hard to know the Governor!

Interpretation does not care.

After knowing Chen He’s insufficiency, he thought about it.

The world secrets the secrets of the school, and even if it is not proficient, it knows one or two.

The technique of Tantric 醍醐 醍醐, is suitable for Chen Wo.

Chen Wo fell from the liberation of the eclipse, and was trapped in it. The meridian was smashed by the spiritual power, which was a good opportunity to fill the secret.

How sharp is the owner of Heiyuan Valley, seeing the appearance of the eyes and the condensed eyes, he guessed it, and quickly screamed to stop: "There is no shortage of mind, this is not a problem, I don't know what the problem is, use the method of empowerment." I’m afraid it’s not right!”

If you have not heard of it.

Seeing that he had to go his own way, Heiyuan Gu’s eyes quickly held the child away.

The squad was woken up, rubbing his eyes and looking around with ignorance.

"Oh, don't be afraid." Gu Gu worried that the child was horrified and crying, and he was comforted.

I didn’t expect Chen Wo’s blink of an eye to ask:

"Are you new to the grandfather?"

"It's the Lord! Hmm?"

The black valley owner felt a bit wrong, he stopped to stare at Chen Wo.

The squad was seen with some fear, shivering slightly, but did not dare to struggle.

"Little doll, what is your name?"

"Chen... Wo." Duanzi said, his mouth is unclear.

The name is on the bell hanging on the silver circle, and everyone knows it. Being able to say his name is not too stupid, but in the next second, the luck of the owner of the valley is broken.

"Where is this?" The scorpion bit his finger, his eyes swept away, but he did not stop at all. He looked around like a totally strange world.

When the owner of the valley remembered that someone had told him that the child had a problem, he was shocked and immediately asked:

"Little doll, how old are you this year?"

"Three years old."

Very good, exactly the same answer. Damn, this little devil did not find himself much bigger than three years old?

"You are not playing at home, how come here?"

"I don't know, I just caught it next to the pond." The group thought about it with his head. "Then I fell into the water. My grandfather, where is this? The grandmother must be very angry, I will never dare to run around." It is."

"You don't know me?" The owner of the valley was shocked. He held the child in front of him and asked him again. "You haven't seen him yet?"

The group looked at him innocently and shook his head.


This child is actually not stupid! It is a mad heart!

"Well, whatever secret method you use, the technique of empowerment, and the spirit of the soul can also be done." Heiyuan Gu defeated the child and returned it to the release: "Anyway, you fed a few white packets this morning." !"

The author has something to say: I don't know what ancient memory loss is called, I use the heart disease.

Chen Wo is not a fool. He is a special kind of amnesia... After waking up every day, the memory automatically deletes what happened before and resets to the point before the accident, that is to say, his memory stays at the three-year-old pond. When you are drowning.

Cough, there is a movie "Fifty First Love" that I have seen, and it is a problem with the protagonist who is always on Sunday.

Finally, rest assured that the treatment is good, this is the Xia Xiu comprehension → _ →

What this chapter says is that the children who come to Bai’s are really fed and white.

Read The Duke's Passion