MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 85 Bodhi

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Heron had been fighting for several rounds with the beast with a large fangs in front of her. At this time, her eyes were slightly blurred, and she felt that the body was hot and painful everywhere. It must have been burned by the flesh, but the beast was entangled. Tight, he has no chance to breathe, and can only deal with injuries.

His scalp was numb, and the wound was more irritating to his body due to the action of the motion. He shook his head fiercely, trying to clear his brain, and tried his best not to make the pain stronger than his own will.

At this moment, several silver lights flashed in the air. He raised his eyes and looked at it. Jiang Han was rushing out with the Kunwu sword, leaning forward, holding the sword in both hands, holding it high, while the strange beast's When he focused on Heron, he thrust his neck hard.

It was covered with scales and was extremely hard, but Kunwu was really sharp. It was inserted by Jiang Hanzheng with all its strength. The scales instantly cracked and then smashed, exposing the soft skin underneath, and the sword tip was inserted into the back neck a foot deep.

The beast's body shuddered, his eyes turned up, and he fluttered fiercely, knocking them both away.

Heron quickly grabbed Jiang Hanzheng's collar and took him away from the strange beast. However, the strange beast had been entangled with him for a long time, and he had long held him in his heart. He kept looking for him and refused to give in. belly.

Heron had no choice but to use himself as a bait to attract his attention, slap Jiang Han behind him, and while he was out of defense, he was unexpected and unprepared.

Jiang Han couldn't say that he had a rapport with his heart, but also instantly understood the meaning of Master, and immediately flew into the sky, took a sword flower, and the light was shining, like thousands of cold stars, sprinkled on it.

Heron was slightly surprised, staring at the determined expression on his face, reassuring.

At the time of danger, Jiang Hanzheng was also under great pressure. His sword skills were fast and accurate, leaving no room for one move, all for killing.

The beast's eyes were stabbed, and he rushed wildly, rushing forward, forcing Heron to the cliff, a group of spiritual power gathered in front of his chest, and shot straight towards Heron.

Jiang Han was too late to catch up and could not help. When he was desperate to step in the air, his brain was already roaring.

Heron's eyes blurred for a moment, and when he looked carefully, he was locked by this group of spirits.

His brain was moving quickly, and he knew clearly that he had been out of reach at this time, but if he went straight up and hit him with a full blow, he had a great chance to make the animal fall.

He estimated that after the beast was born, a sword was inserted into the neck and head, and his eyes were blinded again, and he was at the end of his death.

No longer hesitating, he differentiated his legs, his heart sank, and went all out to search out all the spiritual powers in Dan Tian. With both palms on top, all the spiritual powers poured out from the palms. The beasts collided, and a huge light burst out.

The spiritual force that was enough to shake the heavens and earth moved the Qingqu Mountain slightly, and the new trees in the dense forest collapsed, alarming a forest of birds and insects, and came out of the nest.

Jiang Hanzheng fell on his knees with soft legs, forced by this dazzling light to be unable to open his eyes, and forced to lie on the ground, thinking of Master, his heartbeat stopped suddenly, his heart panicked, and he felt upside down and dizzy. I dare not think again.

When the light faded, a heavy noise came down from the ground, Jiang Han was opening his eyes immediately, and the body of the strange animal fell down, and rushed straight up.

Heron was sore all over, with a splitting pain in his internal organs. He took a short breath and found that his limbs were weak, and he was lying down like this. He turned his spirit slightly to repair the wound, so as not to scare the apprentice.

To be honest, he still had a setback in his heart. He originally thought that his cultivation was high enough to allow him to do his tasks without regard to his cultivation, but in this world where the flesh is strong and there is no guarantee, everything is based on force. , The power is really never too much.

Seeing Master lying on the ground with blood stains, Jiang Han was cracking his eyes, a lunge rushed to him and knelt down, his eyes rose and hurt, and he wanted to help him, but did not dare to touch him for a moment, for fear of touching To his wound.

The Master has always been so easy-going, handles everything with ease, and has never succumbed to all dangers. When has he been so embarrassed? Jiang Han was suffering a lot of pain, and his brain was in pain. He was at a loss to take out all the medicines in the ring, and rubbed him indiscriminately.

Cooperating with Heron's own spiritual power, his wounds showed signs of healing in less than half a tea time.

During this period, a crystalline and round white bead broke from the body of the strange beast and rose up slowly, as if to take off by wind.

Heron beckoned gently, and he took it off in mid-air, looked closely, and sighed in his heart.

It turned out that the bodhizi left in Qingqu Mountain was swallowed up by this beast. No wonder it is so powerful and has the power to dominate the mountain.

"It really took no time."

The depression in Heron's heart was mostly dissipated, and a smile appeared on his face, but Jiang Hanzheng was still clearly in a bad mood. At this time, staring at this bodhizi, he didn't know what he was thinking, and the muffled sound continued to paint a lot of masters. I hope that it will have a good effect.

Although Heron had healed the flesh wounds with spiritual power, the visceral wounds could not be recovered for a while. Jiang Han was staring at her tightly, and her brows didn't let go for a moment. She looked very worried. Heron looked at him all over Everyone became serious, afraid that he was too worried, forbearing the pain of the internal organs for a moment, swallowing the blood of the throat, and spreading a smile, "Relax, there is no obstacle for the teacher."

Jiang Han was gnashing his teeth, apparently disbelieving his words, and even slightly annoyed that he was so reluctant to himself, "Master, take some more medicine, or take this bodhi, may be able to heal immediately."

Of course, Heron couldn't turn bodhizi into his own use, with a slight face, a serious look, "You are questioning as a teacher? You can heal without a bodhizi as a teacher, but you, use it soon . "

Bodhidharma was light brown in Herron's palm, but it was wrapped in a faint light, and it was a fascinating look at the glance. It was obvious at a glance. Obviously, the temptation of every monk was extraordinary.

Such a treasure, the Master did not even think about it, and gave it to him directly, how can he withstand the Master ’s intention? Han Han is aware of his shame.

Heron knew what he was thinking, and only continued to coax: "Good, eat soon."

Master ’s whispering is like applying immortality. Jiang Hanzheng always obeys him unconsciously, but as long as he thinks of this thing ’s injury, he is full of this bodhizi and he is full of himself. Disgusted, always stubborn and unacceptable.

No matter how softly the Master coaxed him, he never let loose, bit his lip tightly, clenched his fist, stiffened his body and refused to move, insisting on his attitude, "Bodhizi is too precious, and the child is low. The body couldn't bear it, and asked Master to use it. "

When he was talking about it, he would have to bend down. If it wasn't for Heron to hold him, maybe he would kneel.

Heron rubbed his forehead and got a headache. It turned out that the apprentice was too good.

When he changed his look, he pinched Jiang Hanzheng's shoulders, lifted the round and shiny bodhizi, changed another way, and slowly said, "If you use it as a teacher, you will immediately retreat for hundreds of years. Then ascend to heaven, how about leaving you alone on earth? Okay? "

Jiang Hanzheng's eyelashes shook a few times and blinked fiercely.

Even if it is a good thing that a master can ascend, but for him, how does he live without a master? He was so entangled that even though he knew his resentment in his heart, he did not dare to say that he did not want the master to rise up.

"Here, Master ... You, do you want to stay with me?" Jiang Hanzheng's lips were completely bloodless, his eyes stared at Herang without blinking, his eyes moved slightly, dry and red.

Heron stared redly at the apprentice, his scalp was numb, and he waved his hands again and again. "Just laugh."

But obviously his method was very effective. Jiang Hanzheng didn't quit anymore, and after he figured out something, he took the bodhizi and swallowed it.

It was only after he took the bodhizi that he changed his normal state and stopped speaking, and said to him that he would cultivate in the treasure here.

Qingqushan is indeed a good place, and after the beast disappeared, it was a lot safer, Heron was relieved. The master and apprentice returned to the martial arts, and Jiang Hanzheng packed up his simple baggage and went to Qingqushan alone to practice For some time, let Master not worry about worrying.

Knowing that this is an important process for the growth of a teenager, Heron, even though he was worried, let go of him to practice by himself.

On the first day of the apprentice's departure, Heron did miss a lot, but his life didn't stop there either.

Somehow, as if the apprentice had left him, Wu Dingren came to the door on time the next day to find Heron, and invited him to visit his house.

Herron was unhappy and had a good day at his house.

The next day, Wu Ding invited him to admire the scenery on the highest watchtower in the Tianshan Mountains, or asked him to go to the gallery in the village at the foot of the mountain to paint, day after day.

Heron was a little puzzled. He always felt like he was trying to please himself, but he was so lonely that he could not bear the loneliness. He didn't think about it, but whenever he refused the invitation, Wu Ding would insist on visiting.

On this day, Wu Ding prepared a table of wines and served them at Herong House. He came out and asked him to drink together, but Helang was not apprehensive, but after drinking a few glasses of wine, he also treated himself. I feel ashamed for the practitioner to be so presumptuous. Bye bye is like forgetting that the practitioner does not eat grains, eats happily, and the wine is changed continuously, and I ca n’t bear to persuade him, “The wine and meat pass through the intestines. "

"We are practitioners, not monks! Besides, in order to practice in these years, I have not tasted the taste of food for many years.

In the face of uncertain and rogue spattering, with a straightforward tone, Heron argued that he was going to go away.

"Master, are you busy? Come to my house to harass you every day. You have no apprenticeship?"

Wu Ding blinked, and another glass of wine under his belly, "This is not to be afraid that my brother will be left unattended and that he is lonely and desolate in Dongfu."

"You have something to hide." Heron looked at his eyes for half a minute, surely.

The wine glass in the hands of Wu Dingren was hesitated for a while, and finally he confessed, "It's not concealed ... but these days I disturbed your cleanliness, oh no, it's to take care of you, it's your apprentice. mine."

The author has something to say: Xiao Xiaozheng is a little angel. The website has been changed. The website has been changed. The website has been changed. Everyone recollects the new website. New m .. new computer version. The old URL will not open,

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