MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 51 Painting all over the world

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Ao Li really does not seem to be the master of a religion who has shouldered the whole demon religion. After getting along, Heron felt that under his cold appearance, what might be hidden was a young man who knew nothing about the world.

This idea made Heron smile.

Ao Li saw him look at him with a smile, and immediately shook his body, urging him badly to urge him to pour tea, and then rolled back to draw pictures for him.

Herron was so obedient that he made tea for him and returned with a new row of paintbrushes.

In the past, he stood opposite Ao Li, painting with a desk spaced apart from him, but this time, he prepared a chair to sit next to him.

Ao Li watched the man take his seat naturally, and the awkward strange feeling in his heart appeared again, looking coldly.

Heron deliberately didn't pay attention to his frosty eyes, sorted out the drawing paper on the table, and picked up a wooden case to smooth it out.

"The subordinates sit next to the leader, and the leader can see more clearly."

This explanation is quite good. His natural and serious attitude convinced Ao Li, making him like a wild animal dormant and quietly momentarily, watching his movement quietly.

Heron grinned, shook her head helplessly. Obviously, this person does not exclude those who are close to others, but he is like a beast guarding his own territory. He has to show others his own majesty before he quits.

This time he painted all the people in the teaching, including the left guardian who Ao Li sees daily, and several elders who have been in the teaching for a long time, including Ge Rulan, Ge Tangzhu, ghost doctor, and even elder The man with hair bun ... whether he likes it or not, he makes their image jump on the paper in a stroke.

About 70% or 80% of the time, Heron stopped writing and said, "These are all Christians. They have different personalities, each has good and evil, but they are willing to follow the leader. The opening is to go to the soup for you. Do n’t you feel lucky? ? "He sighed slightly.

Ao Li frowned slightly, it seemed that he didn't quite understand what he wanted to say, and his eyes were faintly confused for a moment.

He never thought about these things, he just knew that he was strong, so many people were willing to listen to him, and other things, he never thought about. Including the unification of these subordinates, dominating Wulin, he did not seem to think about it, and he did not know if he could withstand their expectations.

His life is just alive.

Ao Li's mood seemed a little tangled. He rarely communicated with people and never had any ideas from their words, but Heron's words made him think.

Seeing that he frowned, it seemed that nothing had been thought of before, and Heron stopped.

He picked out a soft handle with a delicate grip and put it in Ao Li's hand, and wanted to teach him to paint, which is one of the reasons he wanted to sit next to Ao Li.

"If the leader has any interest, he can try it as his subordinates draw."

Ao Li held up the pen, hesitated, and finally chopped it down and shook his head to refuse.

Heron asked patiently, "Does n’t the leader want to paint or copy what his subordinates paint?"

Ao Li remained silent, and stayed with him until it was dark.

Seeing Heron's back disappear a little, his eyes moved to the table in front of him, the painting he made, and the writing brush he handed to himself today.

He took a deep breath, straightened up, and scribbled on the empty paper until the disciple in charge of the lamp dared to persuade him.

The next day, Heron got up much earlier than before, and came to Ao Li's usual hall in advance.

There was no one in the hall, only the messy table setting was seen.

Helang took a closer look, and there was an uninked painting on the desk, which roughly outlined the humanoid frame, the lines were astringent, and there was an ink mark. He guessed that the painter must be hesitant when painting. Unsure.

Heron pouted and looked at the many papers that had been crumpled into a rough mass.

He carefully unrolled the papers one by one, and found that the contents of the paintings were exactly the same, except that the eyes or eyebrows had flaws in the nose, so they were discarded by the owner.

And the man in the painting ... Heron pursed his lips, how did it feel that he was painting? But the disciples who were cleaning were never allowed to touch the objects of the leader, and the drawing paper and tools on the table were even more so.

"lay down!"

A reprimand came from behind him, and Heron immediately lowered his hand and stepped aside respectfully.

I saw Ao Li standing at the door, frowning in anger, and didn't step forward, and came to the table directly.

Heron nodded his head slightly, and put his right hand to his chest. "Leader, Goodnight ..."

Just before he finished speaking, Ao Li became angry and angry, sweeping the painting on the table to the ground with dark face.

"To shut up!"

Heron stopped talking and retreated afar, for fear he would blast himself out of the door again.

He thought that Ao Li would be punished a little bit when he was angry, but he didn't move, it seemed that he was just sulking, and Helang was confused, and he didn't know what to do.

While taking a break, he planned to ask Zuo Hufa for advice. How should he deal with this situation?

So, he first found all-round Ge Rulan, but she told Heron that Zuo Hufa was on a mission, presumably to make trouble for the white people and let them clear their bones.

Heron nodded suddenly, he thought that Zuo's duties were similar to him, and he was regarded as a high-ranking servant, but now he knows that he still has to do tasks ...

Ge Rulan looked at him, gave him a glance, and sighed: "It seems that you are not a simple right guardian." She thought that the boy would learn a lot of things around the leader after taking the **** and being a guardian. However, on the contrary, he became more and more stupid. He didn't even figure out his responsibilities. He was afraid that this method of protection was in vain.

Heron touched his nose and told her frankly, after all, he only drank tea and poured water around the leader every day to write and draw.

Ge Rulan's eyes widened, but he never expected that he was doing what these subordinates did in front of the law.

But looking at his health, he didn't look as bad as before.

She pulled the ribbon on her shoulders, looked around, suddenly lowered her voice, and was intrigued, "Since you are already protecting the Fa, and serving the Lord every day, you must know a lot of anecdotes. It ’s okay to tell her sister ... … For example, what is the personality of the leader? When you hear people say that the leader is irritable, are you not afraid? What does the leader look like in your eyes? "

Heron listened, and touched his chin to ponder, the leader in his eyes?

"A little ... naive."

His answer surprised Ge Rulan, "What ?!"

She tapped Heron's head. "You really can't vomit ivory out of your dog's mouth! But you have to be heard by others, otherwise your head will be insecure! Don't talk nonsense!"

Heron nodded obediently, not refuting in front of her.

In fact, he had some thoughts in his mind. He didn't think that Ao Li was as bloodthirsty and cruel as other people said ... Although he did not have a good temper, he had never seen anything wrong with him, even if someone had made a mistake. He only glared at them a few times to scare them. There was no real punishment. Compared to the imperial palace he had stayed at, this demon was even easier.

Little by little, it was clear that Ao Li was not a real violent person, and Heron acted as if he were a dead man, so he provoked him all day.

But Ao Li refused to talk to him, only to see him draw.

Heron slightly pursed his lips, and found that it was not suitable for him to actively solicit, so he planned to draw his own thoughts into the painting.

Ao Li heard that his main action painting was still expressionless, but there was no gloom in his eyes, and he was happy.

Herron also relaxed, twisted his wrists, and changed the fine-grained style of the weekdays. He changed a few soft and hard brushes and used different colors.

Ao Li felt fresh and stared for a moment without blinking.

It can be seen that in the painting, the two are traveling side by side, and then there are different scenes behind them. One is a white pear flower that blooms just right, the other is a peach blossom that is faint and pink, and the other is a little red plum. , The flowers and trees make snow, the seasons are messy, but the weirdness is full of fun and beautiful.

The scroll was not short, and Heron slowly unfolded it and continued to paint with it.

A little further away is the picturesque Jiangnan, the paintings and lanterns on the river, the fireworks in the air, the crowd on the other side is bustling, and the lovers are paired.

When such a scene reaches the margin, it is the desert yellow sand, the solitary smoke soars into the sky, and the goshawk soars, but there are still green mountains stacked behind them, valleys crossing, scattered villages at the foot of the mountain, and streams.

After reading this painting carefully from beginning to end, it is as if they have swept through the four seasons together, witnessing the flowers blooming, and also visiting the beauty of this world, this grass and trees, mountains and mountains Water is fascinating, as if each scene contains a story, and the clutter is intriguing.

Ao Li looked fascinated, and fell into the painting for a long time and could not return.

Heron's soft and low voice sounded at his ears in a timely manner, "If there is a chance in the future, there will be thousands of mountains and rivers, and the subordinates will take the leader to swim with them."

Ao Li froze, looked at him puzzled, and muttered, "Why treat me like this ..."

He and this person are not close to each other and are not familiar. The two have only known each other for a few months, not to mention the relationship between their subordinates.

Everyone was in awe of him and entrusted him to a high altar, but why wasn't he afraid? Should you insist on being with him, so special to him?

All these questions have met in the beginning, like a hard seed stuck in his heart, making him uncomfortable, but gradually growing branches and leaves, spreading in his heart.

Heron put away his pen, and should take it for granted, "It is right for your subordinates to treat you well." He has only one mission object in each world, and he should be right for him.

Ao Li pondered for a long time, but just shook his head. There was something inexplicable in his heart. Perhaps he didn't think this answer puzzled him.

Heron saw that he was still struggling, and the relaxed smile on his face gradually faded. He took a look at his hands and exposed skin, and there were some inconspicuous scars on it. He looked old and could not heal.

He leaned slightly in front of Ao Li, with a touch of pity.

"Because, the leader ... seems lonely."

The author has something to say: Hey ears have always been used to writing about festivals, but this time it is still not abusing dogs. Everyone is happy on Qixi Festival ~~ Are you single or have you left the group ~? The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollects the new URL, the new m .. the new computer version .., everyone opens it at the new URL after the collection, the old URL will not open in the future,