MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 49 Yantai

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Ghost doctor's publicity may be unsatisfactory in middle age, making him particularly fond of mentioning the period when he was young when he was young, pulling Heron to talk for a long time without relieving his ambitions, but leaving a trace of shame.

Heron's injury was accompanied by new injuries while he was being reared. Every day he sought ghost doctors and occasionally encountered him to study some poisonous weeds and flowers.

The ghost doctor is studying the poison he is best at, and when Heron is here, he wants to show off and teach him something.

"This poison, don't keep thinking about how to detoxify, what kind of herb and medicine can be used to detoxify! Don't be so distressed. Just use poison to attack the virus!"

The ghost doctor said, picking up a poisonous weed with the object, "Look at this, this sedge grass is highly toxic, and this rotten bone flower is also highly toxic. But when the two are combined, they are neutralized. Nothing at all. I think that then, that Lord Jing Jing was poisoned by the assassin, old man, just try it a little, and he was cured without any effort-really, no more than half a tea time! "

Heron thought it was interesting and asked questions frequently.

Seeing him smart, the ghost doctor's eyes lit up, "Yes, boy, you're going to fight in the ring, right, my husband can help you."

Heron didn't understand what the ghost doctor said at first, but he surrendered his sword obediently.

The ghost doctor looked at it carefully, his eyes were shining, and he praised it as a good product, soaked carefully into the potion.

Heron felt wrong, and quickly asked for his intentions.

The ghost doctor held him uneasy, his eyes narrowed into a crack with a smile, and he proudly said, "Hey, old man, this is a good thing. The poison that has been collected for more than a decade has developed such a king of poison— — "

poison? Heron finally knew that he wanted to add a layer of poison to his sword. He was not good at rejecting it, but he was always disturbed by conscience and asked him, "Isn't this too sinister, mean?"

The ghost doctor shrugged in disapproval, "But we demons are despicable."

This answer is true, Heron was lingering and groaned for a long time, or he was changed to another poison, at least not lethal.

The ghost doctor didn't know whether he understood the kind of good intentions in his heart, and only muttered a few words, or he helped him to harden his sword with poison such as anesthesia.

A black gas faintly surrounds the processed Ethereal Sword, intertwined with Zhenwu sword qi, clings to the sword body, and the sword glows, even if the ghost doctor has lived for half his life, he ca n’t help but boast How rare is this sword.

Heron closed his sword and thanked him again and again.

"If you succeed, don't forget the benefits of the old man when you become an amulet." The ghost doctor laughed.

The arbitrariness of his words was not taken seriously, and it was considered good for the kid to come down from the ring alive.

He didn't discourage him, but he also knew that the young man was strong-blooded, ambitious, and wouldn't rest if he didn't try to say anything. He just shook his head and wondered if he would come next time. Medicinal herbs money.


One day before the ring, Helang heard that a weird man who used to poison had beaten the previous master and became the master of the last day.

So when he snoozes tomorrow, is he competing with this person?

Heron was well prepared, came to the platform to take a look, and stood on top of it with ambitious looks. It turned out to be the long-haired bun he encountered when he first came. He was told that his name was Zheng Zheng.

During this time, he has made a lot of changes, the whole person looks even more weird, his skin is bluish, his back is sloppy, and the silver light on his hand flashes like a claw.

It is said that Zheng Zheng had a conflict with Heron on the same day. After losing a moment of counseling, he sent a breath of sullenness in the back mountain of the demon, and unintentionally found a poisonous method discarded by others.

He happened to not be in the desired copy, and he did not restrict his disciples in the demon religion, so he moved on with evil thoughts and began to cultivate.

There is also a reason for this kind of exercises to be abandoned. It is also during this practice that Xunzheng discovered that people will develop pustules or skin wrinkles due to toxic penetration.

Although the human body is not painful, it has been spurned to become so ugly.

However, there are many people who have changed their appearance in practice because of their practice. As long as they have real strength, he doesn't care much.

What's more, this poisonous move is indeed poisonous. It can cause people to be poisoned in minutes, and it does not require ordinary hard work to practice the basic skills.

When Heron came to the stage with the incredible cry of everyone, he was seeing him, and he squeaked his teeth immediately, the new hatred and the old hatred rushed into his heart.

With his malicious eyes, Heron was extremely dissatisfied, and a small cluster of flames was gradually brewing in his peaceful heart.

Her gentle and soft appearance made the audience laugh for a while, and laughed and said that all kinds of white faces can come on stage, but there are also some female family members who rarely see such a white man. They cheered for a while.

The presiding elders usually watched the battle on the sidelines, but this time, perhaps because Heran's temperament was incompatible with the devil's personality, he was also interested and asked the two of them, "Why do you want to protect the law?"

Qi Zheng was lifting her bun in front of her eyes, confident, "Naturally, he is the one who has helped the culprit to kill the baidao! One martial art!

The man under the stage also shouted a few words, and the scene was boiling.

In this confusion, Heron did not squint, stood against his hands, and spoke only a few words, "Guard the lord."

The scene was still, and then many people laughed and shouted at him on the stage.

"Hey, boy! Do you know how powerful the leader is ?! I'm afraid that a finger can make you dead without a burial place! Where can I say the word guardian!"

Similar sounds are chaotic and endless.

And in the attic, there is a secret room that can clearly see the situation of the platform.

Upon hearing Herron's answer, the person covered by the dark curtain slowly opened his eyes, stared at the figure for a while, and then spoke slowly, ironically: "I can't help it."

The short-haired man beside him repeatedly claimed that he was slightly annoyed by the words of the people on the stage.

He was the only guardian around the leader. This young disciple who had never seen it dared to say such big things as soon as he came and wished to sit with him.

"The disciples who are so low on martial arts dare to speak wildly! According to their subordinates, they can be knocked out within a few strokes, and the martial arts that he is doing are arrogant and unreasonable. I'm afraid it is against him. To be smashed! "

The silent man heard his noise and frowned, "Shut up."


The ring race was still in full swing, and Zheng Zheng didn't want to talk to him too much, and gave him a claw preemptively.

The dark green powder scattered slightly with his silver claws, Heron knew that he had used poison, a sword swept lightly, the sword gas moved slightly, and all poisonous powder was swept back.

He resolved a move so easily, Bian Zheng smirked, and still used poisonous powder attack, but this shot speeded up a lot, but a few rounds, Heron's eyes were enveloped by the poisonous powder in the sky, in between When he saw the flash of silver light, his hook and silver claws protruded sharply.

Heron flashed slightly, but the bottom plate was still stable. He didn't plan to be forced back by him. He turned his wrist slightly and gently held a sword flower. Then, the sword body quickly waved, and the sword light flew around with sharpness. The sword style formed a top-secret defensive formation, which made the opponent unable to start and launched an attack invisibly.

The blades brought out by these layers of sword shadows are extremely sharp, and they are clearly avoiding it. The strong sword spirit still persecuted him. With a little carelessness, countless openings were ripped in the clothes.

He gritted his teeth, turned over to Heron's side, lowered his body sharply, looking for his vital attack.

Heron jumped up, avoiding one of his sweeps.

Before waiting for Heron's body to fall, Zheng Zheng rushed to him and used close combat to find opportunities to touch him.

He also had toxins on his skin. As long as he could touch Heron, it would be enough for him to be greatly affected, and he would be completely powerless for any moment.

Heron knew his mind, and began to play hide-and-seek with him.

After dozens of rounds, the two seemed to be indistinguishable from each other, and the people in the audience stared at each other without blinking.

Ge Rulan inhaled slightly and sighed to the human beings next to him: "Second brother, the poisoning kid was poisoned as soon as he came up. I thought Xiao Lang would surely be hit. I didn't expect him to escape ..."

Ge Wenjing nodded holding his hand, "Xun Zheng's own effort is not terrific. He relied on the poison he used to win repeatedly. Today, however, the little brother Zhuo doesn't seem to be afraid of poison ... Maybe some expert advice, you see him. Seems to be more than capable of dealing with these poisons. "

With so many rounds against high-level disciples such as Zheng Zheng, Heron has already made great progress, but the opponent has been caught off guard and his movements are unpredictable. He is also nervous and careful.

Fearing that this would continue, the other party would show more gimmicks, Heron held his breath and concentrated on Dantian, intending to use this deep internal force.

Finding a gap, Heron flexed his right hand, retracted the sword from behind, and slammed his left hand.

There is no trick in this palm, but it is simple and powerful. Although he had expected it, he was also involuntarily shocked by this coercion. His feet were weak and momentarily unstable, and Helang found an opportunity. Immediately withdrew the sword.

However, he did not directly use the killing stroke that hits the key, but waved the sky sword again in front of him. This killing force is not great, that is, in the mission, it can not cause fatal injuries. Sighing, calling him stupid, wasted this opportunity.

Heron was unmoved, and continued to hold his thoughts calmly.

Under the layers of silver in the shadow of the sword, his black hair was raised high, his white clothes were moving around, his eyes were peaceful, so that he could not even feel that he was competing on the devil's stand. It's like a flamboyant boy holding a jade fan, doing a pleasing performance.

Indeed, he did not have much lethality in this move, but he hit a very wide range. Even if Qiang was able to dodge his skill, he was slightly scratched on his shoulder.

Such a small mouth does not affect the battle, so I think so.

But when Heron immediately put his hand away, it seemed that the dust had settled down, and everyone was aware that something was wrong.

However, Xu Zheng's complexion changed drastically, knowing that the opponent's sword must have stilts, otherwise why his body lost his strength instantly, and even his vitality could not be luck?

With only a trace of strength left, he softly scratched the ground and cursed: "Did you make poison? Despicable ..."

The man in front of him obviously made troubles repeatedly, but when it was his turn to lose, he had to shirk responsibility, blaming others for despicableness, Heron shook his head, and returned a smile: "After all, I am a demon in the devil."

The gongs and drums were loud, the shouts from the audience burst out, and the people in the stands finally moved.

"Teacher, you see ... Do you want to take this person as your guardian?" Zuo Hufa asked carefully.

The man paused, still shaking his head.

Still, he glanced over the ring.

The defeated man with dreadlocks lay down on the ground, shouting at the man in white, "I tell you! Don't think that I can win the law and be a protector! The leader will not want you!"

The sentence was clear and audible, and the person who had already decided suddenly repented, "this seat ... wants."

The author has something to say: In fact, the leader is a little cute ... (No)

Anyone see that there is hip-hop in China ... The ears are so cute and millions of cp, so sweet ... I want to write a fan qwq and sell a cute one ... Please leave a message? ? The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollects the new URL, the new m .. the new computer version .., everyone opens it at the new URL after the collection, the old URL will not open in the future,

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