MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 42 Threat

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At the time, Jiang Jingda's office was performing an unexpected drama.

Heron had just come to the company for a round, and when he was tired, he rested in the office without intending to interrupt his work.

Jiang Jingda said okay, but the gesture of signing on his hand stopped long before he sat down on the sofa and kissed his eyebrows.

Such a docile gesture made him so happy that he couldn't help going any further.

There was a sudden noise at the door. A female figure hurried in and naturally saw the gestures of the two.

Helang was awakened by this noisy movement. Jiang Jingda immediately grabbed his shoulder and patted him on the back. He seemed to be soothing a child.

Because no one in his office could come in easily, Jiang Jingda was also relaxed a lot. I did not expect Meng Xinyue to be unrecognizable. She was hurried to his floor, and even broke into it, so she would be seen by her. To this ambiguous scene.

But the emotions on her face were obviously abnormal, and there was no doubt or surprise, and her eyes were even brighter, revealing such a smirk.

Herang was blocked by Jiang Jingda, unable to see her expression clearly. After seeing her coming, she knew she was embarrassed, so she immediately packed her things and turned away, saying she was afraid to disturb them.

Jiang Jingda wanted to speak, and Meng Xinyue congratulated Heron with a strange smile.

"What are you doing? The case is over, Ms. Meng, you have no reason to come to Jiang, let alone go straight to the president's office." Jiang Jingda was so disturbed by her, the baby in her arms was gone, and she had to deal with her. , Naturally feeling bad.

Meng Xinyue's expression was uncertain, and Jiang Jingda's eyes became more and more strange.

She slowly paced to sit down on the sofa, thinking for a long time, just selling the key and not talking.

On the same day, she asked Jiang Jingda to investigate the itinerary, and found that he was not quite right about the young master, and had observed it personally in the position of a private detective. Their dialogue and ambiguous actions made it impossible to believe that they were simple. Brothers.

There was a response in her heart, and she did not expect that the man he liked was actually such a person, not only homosexual, but also his brother.

No wonder he has always been cold-hearted towards himself, and he is also like wood to her. After being annoyed, Meng Xinyue had to start counting and realized that this was a card that suppressed him.

Now that he has been removed from his list of objects, Meng Xinyue also has less pretentious stance, and does not want to pretend to be more disguised. He will open the door to see him get engaged to himself and let Jiang's next project continue to engage with them The cooperation of the Meng family allowed her to rely on Jiang's reliance to overcome the difficulties of the Meng family.

Jiang Jingda turned around expressionlessly, and didn't know how to think.

Originally, Meng Xinyue still had a good idea. When he saw him, he ignored him, and his tone was too heavy. "Think about it yourself. What will everyone think of you then? Um? Jiang ’s father will leave it to you, right? Going to keep it in your hands in this way, affected by your reasons? "

She deliberately sneered, trying to make Jiang Jingda move, but no one knew it would not help.

Meng Xinyue's dare to threaten Jiang Jingda also aroused a lot of courage. When he saw that he had always been gloomy, indifferent, and flustered, he finally compromised: "I just want you to get engaged with me, take a step back! I just want the Meng family I'm not interested in exposing your affairs. "

That's it, she doesn't want Jiang Jingda's love, but as long as she can have the status of Mrs. Jiang and get his help, she can let the old woman in the family shut up completely and never take her again.

Jiang Jingda thought for a long time, but nodded.

He wasn't afraid to be exposed. To be honest, he wanted to make the things he liked Lang Lang public, so that everyone would stop thinking about him.

But he never lived for himself, he had Jiang's shoulders on his shoulders.

And Jiang's value is Lang Lang. He can disregard his reputation, but he can't humiliate Jiang at all.

When the news of their engagement came out, Heron felt that he might not have known it until the last.

No matter how concealed Jiang Jingda was, he was only delaying.

Heron sighed slightly, never expecting that he was actually engaged to her? He had no intention of interfering in his feelings, but if Jiang Jingda wanted to continue with this woman, he still hoped that he would wake up and avoid accidents.

The engagement banquet was quite lively, but the guests were all relatives from the Meng family. Meng Xinyue was dressed up to attend, and Jiang Jingda's hand seemed to be telling something.

Jiang Jingda's old classmate was also present. He was still admiring Meng Xinyue's beauty, but when he saw Heron, he immediately turned his attention and recognized him as the small group before. He couldn't wait to reach him.

With a bright smile, Xiao Yang wanted to pinch his cheek as he did when he was a child, but withdrew his hands in a timid manner under Jiang Jingda's gaze and shifted the subject. "Your brother is going to get married, don't say a few words."

Heron held his glass and hesitated. What could he say?

In the eyes of the guests, the sentence of blessing came in handy, "I wish the elder brother and grandpa a hundred years old together, white-headed and old-fashioned.

Jiang Jingda nodded, his brother and brother met him with a glass of wine, but the wine glass on his hand was almost crushed, and his heart was aching.

It turned out that the blessings received from the beloved one would be so hurting. Every word of him seemed to be careless and stabbed his heart.

After sending the blessing, Heron's glass of wine was also on his head, and he immediately chose to go home to ventilate.

Jiang Jingda seems to be getting more and more busy lately, but this is also a good thing. When Helang reads the newspaper every day, he can see the news of Jiang's. He also gets financing or the project is a great success.

It seems that the objects of this world have good abilities themselves. As long as they are not subject to any accidents and disturbances, success is just around the corner.

Heron couldn't help but relax his mind, wandering around all day, regardless of schoolwork.

But life will never be so unpredictable. When he received a familiar number one day, the sound from that end seemed strange at this time.

That person is Jiang Jiao.

A gentle smile and sly eyes appeared in his memory, Heron suddenly realized, and said hello to him.

"Don't you want me? Why don't you come back—"

Jiang Jiao's clear and cheerful tone usually became low and husky at this time. The first sentence was to ask this.

When he saw the note left by Heron on the same day, he panicked all morning, but thought carefully that his sudden return home might be important, so he ran silently, so he waited for him with patience. .

He didn't think about calling him, but he should have changed the number after returning home, so he couldn't get through.

He waited so long, thinking that Heron should have finished everything, and he couldn't wait any longer. He had to find someone to check and get his latest number. Otherwise, if everything couldn't go away in Britain, he would He should have gone straight to him.

Jiang Jiao desperately wanted to get his news and answer, especially the last sentence on the note saying that he should be compensated for liquidated damages, which has always made him worry.

But helpless Heron's tone was even colder than before. Jiang Jiao was quite weak and had a sense of decadence. He had to keep asking Heron whether he had settled the domestic affairs and when would he return to Britain.

It was just that he softened and soaked for ten minutes, but Heron didn't speak.

However, he did not refuse. After thinking about it, the wedding date announced at the engagement banquet of Jiang Jingda and Meng Xinyue was also ready. Perhaps it is the reason of the last world. He always has more or less shadows, thinking about him going to Britain to avoid To avoid it, I hung up the phone and started booking tickets.

However, Jiang Jiao thought that he refused to return, and lost his soul for a long time with the phone that was hung up, and finally turned to anger. His long-pressed temper also began to erupt, and he called again, threatened by contract, and asked Heron Return to yourself immediately.

Now that Heron is still under labor contract restrictions, as long as Jiang Jiao thinks, he can still use the contract regulations to cause him some minor troubles.

It was just that his tone was a little heavier, and Heron frowned. Even if he had deliberately resisted it, the thought of wanting to go to England for a while just faded away.

When he held a contract to talk to him, even with a hint of threat, he felt like he was being used.

And he hates using it the most.

Heron lowered his eyes, and didn't want to explain more, just told him, "I will compensate for the penalty, Mr. Jiang."

"No--no, baby, I really love you--" The voice on that end suddenly changed, and he murmured in a loud voice.

Heron had hung up the phone expressionlessly.

He thanked Jiang Jiao for his careful investment of investment experience and management techniques when he was in the United Kingdom, so that he could obtain the huge amount of funds in the short term through his expertise and antique collection, so that he can solve the company's funding problems at a critical moment .

But he couldn't respond to his feelings. He had no other choice but to cut off. Maybe in the future, he would do his best to compensate him.

Jiang Jiao's incident seemed to be an accident, and it was also his hurry in the world, and Heron intended to let it go.

But it didn't take long for Jiang Jingda to make a phone call, and his voice was unclear: "Have you booked a flight ticket to Britain?"

The words came from his cell phone and behind him at the same time, Heron turned in surprise, seeing that he was standing behind him, watching him quietly.

Jiang Jingda seemed to be different. In his seemingly calm eyes, a huge storm was secretly brewing, waiting for the opportunity to take off. It took him a long time to speak, his voice hoarse and dark.

"Lang Lang, are you leaving?"

The author has something to say: 高 high energy in front ... brother is going to be hacked ... the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollected the new URL, the new m .. the new computer version ... The new URL will open, and the old URL will not open in the future.