MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 100 Never look back

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Kong Huai felt bad, and once again used the nine turns to shield the shield, but it was too late. There was no blink of an eye. Jiang Hanzheng's sword tip was in front of him. At this time, the magic weapon in his hand did not play any role. Defensive effect.

Although this thing is powerful, it only works for monks below the Jindan period. Naturally, there is no obstacle to the monks in the high level ... In this case, the people in front of them already have the Jindan period? !! When did this happen? He was unaware?

Kong Huai stepped back and forth, frightened, and lost the Master who thought he was a weak and deceitful person who needed care. Who could have thought that he would look like this? !!

If I wish to see the opponent in trouble, the pleasure in Jiang Hanzheng's heart is constantly rising, all the once depressed inferiority and suffering are transformed into the idea of ​​sadism. In this secret situation, all accidents are likely to occur, then the master is unfortunately killed and died. Is it possible under the claws of the monster of the Golden Dan period?

The Master has always trusted him, and he believes that his speech will not be doubted by the Master. In any case, his Master will protect him thoroughly.

As long as the person in front of him disappears, no one will ever capture the Master ’s attention, and no one will be able to get close to the Master like himself. .

At this point, Jiang Hanzheng had a dry mouth and a swollen head. A sense of excitement that had never been before made him tremble with blood, as if killing Kong Huai, all the goodness he expected would come again.

He has already digested most of the power in Nedan. While he is in control of the powerful power, the meridians are faintly aching. It seems that the veins will be strained and the vitality will be damaged in the next second, but he really enjoys it This powerful feeling had to try to ignore these discomforts and immerse themselves in a brand new one.

The person in front of him was even more insane than the party, but he didn't know it himself. Kong Huai's forehead was covered with sweat, and his mind was forced to calm down, knowing that if he tangled with him again, he might really be buried here.

And once he cuts out and uses the killing move, the two will only lose each other. It is impossible for the Master to blame him. In any case, he cannot retreat from the whole body, it is better to stay away now.

For the first time, Kong Huai was so embarrassed that he was chased and killed by his juniors who have always been pessimistic, and Jiang Han was chasing after him, and even left the legacy behind him. At the entrance.

Kong Huai stopped suddenly, and when he saw the several large stone pillars supporting the entrance, his brain instantly moved back a few steps, jumped out of the cave, and shot the palms towards the stone pillars.

The cave has been here for thousands of years, and it was not strong at first. They just fought underneath and destroyed several places. At this time, he deliberately destroyed the stone pillars used for support, and the entrance was crumbling.

When the stone pillar crashed to the ground, the entrance collapsed immediately, and the figure of Jiang Hanzheng who chased out was hidden among the high rocks, and there was no sound.

Kong Huai breathed a sigh of relief, staring at the quiet huge rock pile for a few seconds, restless.

However, considering Jiang Hanzheng's unrelenting desire for killing, he felt that this man had no mercy, let alone he had even intentionally killed himself. Kong Huai did not know whether he had gone into trouble or had been taken away. In short, he had been determined to be a dangerous existence, and if he was killed, he deserved it.

Kong Huai's eyes gradually became indifferent, and eventually he chose to leave.


Suddenly, countless megaliths fell from the top of his head. Jiang Han was shocked and immediately used spiritual power to protect his vitals, but his shoulders and limbs were abraded by rubble. The pain made him sober, and he realized what happened.

He came to the cave of inheritance, and wanted to kill the big brother, so he pursued it very much, but he was secretly calculated by the big brother, so he was trapped in the stone pile.

This kind of thing happened naturally, but it made him think back that his heartbeat speeded up. Jiang Han was not unaware that his thoughts were gradually becoming more radical, and he also vaguely realized that he was changing because of the power brought by this Nedan. But he was unwilling to stop.

If he wants to continue to deal with things warmly and watch the Master be enthralled by others, then he would rather welcome such a brand-new and publicity himself and do what he wants.

In front of Jiang Hanzheng's eyes, there was darkness that couldn't be seen, and there was a roar in his ears. It seemed that he had fallen into a silent abyss, no one was redeemed, and familiar panic and confusion surrounded him again.

Just before the war, he consumed too much spiritual power. At this time, he was exhausted, injured his limbs, and there seemed to be warm liquid flowing down his forehead.

He still had expectations, but as he struggled, things got worse.

The cave here is not simple. In order to protect the place of inheritance, there are countless internal organs. When he came in, he was fine, but it collapsed at this time, but it was triggered unintentionally. In a small space, there are countless rocks and stones. Dawley's arrow shot, making him difficult to defend.

It is inconvenient to see things in the dark. Although Jiang Han has tried his best to avoid it, it is unexpected that the arrow is stained with poison. It is only a joss stick time. The toxin will paralyze his nerves, lose his whole body, and darken his eyes. And can't make it out.

Is it over?

Jiang Han was slumped to the ground, with Venus in his eyes, and his anger was losing a trace.

The strong unwillingness made him clenched his fist in anger, no, no ...

Only then did he gain the enviable power, and before the world could enjoy his glory, how could he stop there?

Not to mention, Master is still waiting for him to go home.

Jiang Han was biting the tip of his tongue hard, and the pain of the taper heart made him wake up, and he told himself that if he was toppled and fallen, this would be his end point.

Master saved him and gave him a new life. How can this life end?

The strong desire to survive forced him to push away the hundred-pound boulder pressed on his shoulder. The space between the stones was narrow and it was difficult for an adult to travel. Heritage futon.

Now that he can't turn back and can't regret it, he can only let go of it. He wants to win, he wants to live, he wants everything from the master.

He no longer needs to be alone, just like he is in the dark at this moment, weak and weak, waiting for the favor of heaven.


At Tianshan, everyone was looking forward to the entrance to the mystery, waiting for the two disciples. After Konghuai also returned smoothly, all three had returned. Although they returned without success, at least they were safe. .

Unfortunately, there is a time to open the mystery. At this time, there is still half an hour before the mystery is closed. As long as the first disciple came out, Heron was already uneasy and tried to contact Jiang Hanzheng in the mystery.

However, due to many restrictions during the game, he could not enter as a real person, and the letter paper crane transmitted into the mystery did not answer. At this time, he saw Kong Huai coming out, and Jiang Han was missing his figure, and his face changed.

"Where is it ?!"

Kong Huai stared at him and stopped talking.

Herron was unwilling to think deeply about the gloom on his face, only thinking that he was unwilling to tell himself, and didn't plan to ask more questions, and passed him directly, but turned himself into a secret place.

Bai Lingzhao, who assisted in the game, didn't care about anything. He pulled him, his eyebrows frowned, "Live! Secret Realm is about to close at this time, agitation and chaos are even more serious. Even you may not be able to retreat! Don't look back once you're done! "

Heron flicked his sleeves, sighed, and turned without regret: "Then, don't look back."

If Jiang Han really has any strengths and weaknesses, and his world will come back to this, he might as well take a risk and try, maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

After finishing his speech, he resolutely turned around, and then he hid in the entrance of the mysterious area, leaving nothing but exclaiming and retaining.

The airflow in the mystery is getting stronger and stronger. Every time you stay for one more point, you get one more point for danger. Heron walked through the entrance to an unfamiliar scene, walking with a sword, and holding a treasure hunting magic weapon in all directions. Relying on the apprentice's things, he quickly determined the direction.

It's just that the stone wherever he goes is like a relic somewhere, not like someone is here.

Is something wrong?

Heron's eyes narrowed, his gaze moved to the huge pile of stones in front of him, and he observed that the soil that was crushed or tumbling around was still moist. It seemed to have just collapsed, so he approached slowly, and the magic weapon in his hand also The more he shook, the more certain he was.

It seems that the child is really under this boulder, but is he still safe? Heron didn't dare to think, but felt that his temples were aching, and his eyes were faintly dark. Even though he had placed his hopes on the disciples, it was really hard not to worry about it. Was the collapse an earthquake or other abnormal changes?

Repeatedly confirming to the rabbit that Jiang Hanzheng has not died, Heron finally has a count in his heart, but he still can't relax.

For a moment, a familiar figure burst out into the air, like lightning, rushing for a few steps in the air like Qingyan, and finally came forward to him.

This man is simply Jiang Hanzheng. It seems that he survived stubbornly in adversity, and by virtue of inheritance, he has made many breakthroughs and changes.

At this time, he was a powerful look like never before in Heron's memory. His whole body was strong, and even he felt a little pressure.

However, although Jiang Han was radiant on the front, his eyes were deeply tired, so he formed a paradoxical state.

Heron looked at him for a second, and although there was a doubt in his heart, he temporarily suppressed it, breathing a deep sigh of relief, and holding the lost student in his arms.

Jiang Han was startled by this sudden embrace. He froze in his arms for a few seconds. A heart seemed to fry on the pan, his brain kept on nourishing, and he finally bent his lips involuntarily and became more forceful. He hugged his master back.

It is reasonable to say that a real person must not enter the secret world to interfere in the game, but why does the Master appear? Everything goes without saying.

Sniffing the cold incense from his nose, his tense spirit was relaxed, and it seemed that the Master could have emerged from his mind to overcome all difficulties and stubbornly broke into the mysterious state. Of course, he would never forget to imagine that Master made him Fascinated fortitude eyes.

His master, sure enough, will still come to save him, just as many years ago.

The author has something to say: I just opened a plug-in directly to Xiaozheng. Get stronger and forget it. I feel that the length of the development cost is too long. Now it's time to grow up 23333 and change the cover to play. The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollects the new URL, the new m .. the new computer version .., everyone opens it at the new URL after the collection, the old URL will not open in the future,