MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 8 not married

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  Chapter 8 Not Married

after awhile,

  Qiu Sheng and Liu Weiqing just came back, followed by two little radish heads.

  Liu Zhihua saw Qiusheng, thought of his behavior just now, frowned and said: "What's wrong with you today, Wei Qing finally came to the house, and you dragged him out without even drinking your saliva. Why are you in such a hurry."

  Liu Zhihua has a good face. The Liu family is all educated people. Although she doesn't know a few big characters, Qiusheng has been to school. Isn't this a joke and impolite.

  Qiu Sheng's handsome face was blunt, and he pursed his lips, not knowing how to explain it.

  He was afraid that Wei Qing would accidentally tell about his private school, so he asked someone to give him some instructions.

Seeing this, Liu Weiqing on the side hurried forward and explained: "Auntie, don't be angry, I made an appointment with Qiu Sheng to answer a question from my master last time. Qiu Sheng was fascinated, and he answered it before me, so I asked for advice." There was a delay."

  Aunt Liu patted a branch of flowers angrily when she heard that, and said with a smile: "Look, ask beforehand, Qiusheng is so promising and you come up with a lot of criticism, but you are wrong about this."

  Liu Zhihua choked, hearing that Qiusheng was smarter than the grandson of old scholar Liu's family, she couldn't help being happy.

  She looked at her son embarrassingly, and couldn't help but lower her voice and said, "Mother is in a hurry, so you shouldn't be in such a hurry. Next time, don't be so reckless."

  Qiu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, pursed his lips and nodded, "Mother, I understand."

  Jiaojiao walked up to the elder brother on her short legs, stuffed all the peanuts she peeled off in her hands to him, patted his hand comfortingly, and softly said, "Elder brother eat."

  Qiu Sheng knelt down and picked up the little girl, put the peanuts in his hand to the little girl's mouth, and said gently: "Brother doesn't eat it, Jiaojiao eats it."

  Jiaojiao shook her head and insisted on handing the peanut beans to the elder brother, "Elder brother eat."

  Qiu Sheng's heart was warm, and he put a peanut in his mouth, and stuffed the rest into his pocket, "Brother, just taste it, and the rest of Jiaojiao can be eaten by sister and brother, okay?"

  Jiaojiao nodded, "Okay." She ran up to Er Ya with the peanuts in her hands, and handed a few peanuts to her sister first.

At this time, Aunt Liu waved to Erya and Xiao Li with a smile, took out a handful of fried peanuts with shells from her pocket, and shouted: "Erya, Xiaoli, there are a lot of peanuts here, auntie, eat them here." .”

  Xiao Li's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly ran to Aunt Liu, looked up and stared at the fried peanuts, raised his hands eagerly, Hanhan said: "Auntie, Xiao Li wants to eat."

   "Okay, auntie, here you are. If you eat peanuts, you can't go to the tree hole to play. Be obedient and next time auntie will bring you delicious snacks." Aunt Liu instructed and stuffed his hands full.

  Xiao Li sniffed happily, held the peanut in his arms and replied happily: "Ma'am, Xiao Li won't drill into a tree hole."

  Aunt Liu touched his head with a smile, seeing that Erya hadn't come, she beckoned to Erya and urged, "Erya, come quickly."

  Erya’s face was dark, she touched her shofar braid embarrassingly, she hugged her younger sister and shook her head, and said, “Mother, I’m an older child, so I don’t need to give it to you.”

   Aunt Liu was amused, and walked towards her while laughing and said, "You girl, even older children can eat peanuts." Then, she put the peanuts in her hand directly into her pocket.

   Erya smelled the aroma of roasted peanuts, and couldn't help swallowing, clutching the peanuts, she subconsciously glanced at Liu Weiqing who was beside her elder brother.

   Liu Weiqing was looking enviously at the group of younger brothers and sisters of his friend, when he saw Erya secretly looking at him, he smiled with her.

   Liu Weiqing has handsome features, and this smile makes him even more handsome.

   Erya was dumbfounded, and the little black face felt a little hot.

  Jiaojiao tugged at her sister in confusion, and Erya came back to her senses. She looked at Aunt Liu in front of her, hurriedly bowed like her elder brother and the others, and said: "Thank you for the peanuts."

   "Hey, look how well Erya knows how to behave, she's talking nonsense, Erya is so well-behaved, next year I'll find an embroiderer in town, and I'm sure I can find a good family in the future."

   After finishing speaking, Aunt Liu smiled and touched Erya's small face. This girl is a bit darker, but her eyebrows and eyes are very lively. If she is more white, she must be a little beauty.

  The ten-year-old Erya already knew how to be shy. Hearing Aunt Liu's words, she clenched her hands together awkwardly, "I don't want to marry."

   Marrying means going to someone else's house to work, so she doesn't want it.

  She wants to catch a lot of fish, earn a lot of money, let her family live in a big tile house, and buy a lot of beautiful clothes for Jiaojiao.

   "Oh, how can you do it if you don't get married, those nuns in the nun's nunnery don't get married." Aunt Liu seemed to have heard some joke, and touched Erya's face amusedly.

  Erya pouted and dodged, picked up Jiaojiao and walked out the door to find her father.

   "The little girl doesn't understand anything about movies, and now she's like a wild boy. She doesn't understand these things when you tell her. Let me teach you when you are older." Liu Zhihua followed with a smile.

  Although she said so, she was also worried about her daughter.

I don’t know what evil she did, Erya is smart and capable, but unfortunately, she is too dark-skinned. The boys in the nearby villages all joke and call her a black girl. She often gets angry and fights with others, and gradually her reputation is not very good. Well, she still doesn't feel at ease if she really wants to marry.

   Forget it, I’d better wait until after Qiu’s birthday, and if I can help my sisters at home, I’ll let them find a son-in-law for a door-to-door, so that I won’t be angry with my in-laws.

   Aunt Liu also shook her head and smiled, "That's right, Erya is only ten years old, so she's still far from getting married."


  It's almost time for lunch,

   Mrs. Liu returned with her grandson. It is not easy for the Wang family to eat meat. They eat less, and their family of six eats more.

  Liu Zhihua and Wang Zhuangzhi chased after them and brought them a bowl of meat, but Aunt Liu didn't accept it even after exhausting her words.

   back home,

  Liu Zhihua expressed emotion, sighed and said to Wang Zhuangzhi: "Aunt Liu gave another bag of peanut seeds. The Liu family has helped our family a lot, but we have nothing in return. I feel very sorry."

  Wang Zhuangzhi was also grateful when he heard it. The price of peanuts is expensive this year, and it is obvious that Mrs. Liu intends to help them.

  He sighed and patted his daughter-in-law, and said with relief: "It will be a long time in the future, but when our family gets better, this kindness will definitely be repaid, so there is no rush."

   "Hey, it's the same reason."

  The husband and wife entered the house, and found that the family's four little radishes were sitting upright on the kang, holding chopsticks and staring at the meat in the pot, but no one ate it, apparently waiting for them to come back.

  Liu Zhihua was happy and soft-hearted, stepped forward and put the meat confiscated by Aunt Liu on the table, and said with a smile: "The meat will be cold in a while, hurry up and eat."

   "I want chicken legs."

  Xiao Li was about to get up to get it, but was grabbed by Erya, "Xiao Li, please sit down for me, and let the elder brother share it with us."

  Xiao Li sniffed, sat down obediently, stared at the chicken legs in the bowl without blinking, almost drooling.

Seeing this, Qiusheng smiled, got up and gave one to the impatient younger brother, and then picked a bigger one for Erya, and finally put the two chicken legs in the bowl in front of the younger sister, and said softly: "Brother, don't you?" Love to eat chicken legs, Jiaojiao's body is just right, eat one more and grow up quickly."

   "No, one is enough for Jiaojiao."

  The delicate and chubby little hand only picked up the bowl that belonged to him, and pushed the bowl back to his elder brother.

  The chicken legs were hot and exuding a fragrance. She opened her mouth and gnawed, her mouth and chin were full of juice, and her black eyes were bright.

  (end of this chapter)