MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 473 Seed powder

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  Chapter 473 Dropping powder

   When a group of people rushed to the backyard, they saw Qiu Sheng's hands were covered with blood, and shouted angrily, "Where is the doctor!"

  Jiaojiao frowned, and ran into the sister-in-law's room without saying a word.

  Liu Zhihua's eyes were stung by the bright red blood, her legs were so frightened that she almost fell down.

  Bao Ya hurriedly helped her up, and asked the maid beside her sternly, "What's going on here!"

  The servant girl trembled with fright, she knelt down with a plop and said: "The servant girl is not serving in the room, it seems that I heard the young lady say that her stomach hurts, and later the young master's hands are covered with blood, this is all the servant girl knows."

  Bao Ya frowned, and ordered: "Okay, get up and go to the kitchen to have someone prepare hot water."

  I don't know the situation right now, but regardless of whether my sister-in-law is in danger or not, after shedding so much blood, she will have to wash it off after a while.

   "Qiusheng, what's going on, did Mingyue fall?"

  Liu Zhihua's voice trembled a little, Mingyue was not easy to get pregnant, and she had twins in her stomach, if something happened, how could Mingyue accept it?

  Qiu Sheng's complexion was gloomy, suppressing the anger in his heart, he sighed with his mother: "I didn't fall, mother, I don't know what's going on right now, Mama Liu is inside, and I won't know until the doctor comes."

  Mother Liu is Mingyue's nanny, and she is married to take care of the young lady.

  Liu Zhihua's heart skipped a beat, she pushed them away and walked into the house, muttering: "The merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, you must bless..."

  Bao Ya patted her eldest brother on the shoulder comfortingly, and walked in quickly.

   In the house,

  Jiaojiao wanted to check inside, but Mama Liu frowned and stopped her, and said in a anxious tone, "Miss Si, you should wait outside."

   "Mother Liu, I know medical skills, I'll show my sister-in-law first."

   After finishing speaking, Jiaojiao passed Mama Liu and walked inside.

  Mama Liu hesitated to speak, but thinking that the Wang family opened a pharmacy, there was no guarantee that the fourth lady would really be able to take the pulse of others. The doctor hasn't come yet, so that's all she can do.

  On the bed in the inner room, Siming Yue was a big man with a full head, her complexion was snow-white, and there was no trace of blood on her lips. She bit her lower lip tightly and covered her stomach, and did not cry out.

  He didn't feel pain in his body, he just felt so cold that his bones were sore, his body was sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked.

   "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid."

  Jiaojiao quickly walked up to the person, and took the person's hand as she sat down. The palm of the sister-in-law's hand was like a piece of ice. She frowned and used spiritual energy to relieve it, and fed the prepared Huisheng pill.

  Si Mingyue felt dizzy before her eyes, when she suddenly heard Jiaojiao's voice, before she could speak, a pill was put into her mouth.

   Then, a burst of warmth suddenly flowed through my body, and the biting cold was slowly driven away.

  Si Mingyue subconsciously held Jiaojiao's hand tightly, and her vision gradually recovered. After she saw Jiaojiao clearly, she called out weakly: "Little sister."

   "Sister-in-law, I'm here, I'm fine."

  Jiaojiao conveyed spiritual energy with one hand, and checked her pulse with the other, and softly comforted her: "Sister-in-law, don't hold on anymore, just close your eyes and relax for a while, it will be fine in a while."

  Si Mingyue was very at ease when she heard that, she showed a pale smile, relaxed her tense body, and slowly closed her eyes.

  Huisheng Pill is mainly to protect the fetus, coupled with Jiaojiao's spiritual energy to drive away the evil cold, Si Mingyue's complexion returned to rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mama Liu and the two maidservants who were waiting on the side breathed a long sigh of relief. They felt that the Fourth Miss was really powerful. They fed a pill and rubbed their hands on the back of the Young Madam's hand, and the Young Madam was fine. .

  Liu Zhihua and Baoya came in at some point, seeing Jiaojiao treating Mingyue, they stopped and stood aside, never bothering her.

   At this moment, Qiu Sheng came along with the doctor.

   "Come on, let the old man see..."

  The sister-in-law was out of danger, and when the doctor came, Jiaojiao stood up and made way for her.

The old doctor is an imperial doctor who retired from the palace. After taking his pulse, he got up and replied: "It's strange to say that the young lady is fine. Her pulse is a little weak, but her body should not be sweating profusely. Did she accidentally eat the cold?" things?"

  Qiu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, carefully recalled what he ate for dinner, and then told the doctor one by one.

  Finally, he added: "My wife doesn't like greasy food these days. She usually eats vegetarian porridge and vegetables, and occasionally eats chicken soup. Cold things are taboo when pregnant."

  The old imperial doctor frowned when he heard that this kind of living habits could not have caused this. He stroked his beard, thought of something, and went forward to check the pulse in another place, then sighed and shook his head.

  Concubines in the palace often use dirty tricks to compete for favor, but they don't think the same is true in Lord Wang's back house.

   "Master Wang, please move outside."

   After the imperial doctor finished speaking, he took the medicine box and walked out the door first.

  Qiu Sheng showed worry on his face, and his heart that had just fallen was raised again, and he hurriedly followed others to go outside.

  Liu Zhihua held Baoya's hand tightly, and looked at the door worriedly, "Why did you go outside and say, is it Mingyue's belly?"

  Bao Ya hurriedly interrupted, comforting: "Mother, it's okay, the doctor said sister-in-law is fine, so she must be fine."

  Liu Zhihua wiped away her tears, looked at her daughter-in-law on the bed, and stepped forward to help her tuck the quilt with distress.

  Bao Ya walked up to Jiaojiao, and asked in a worried voice, "Jiaojiao, is sister-in-law okay?"

  Bao Ya trusts Jiaojiao very much. Jiaojiao is self-taught in medicine with awe-inspiring talent. She can make pills and help people see a doctor without making mistakes. That's why she asked this question.

  Jiaojiao shook her head, and said seriously: "Don't worry, sister, sister-in-law and the babies in her belly are fine."

  Bao Ya's heart sank when she heard what her sister said, and rubbed her head with a smile.

  At this time, Qiu Sheng outside the door frowned and walked in.

  Seeing her son's complexion, Liu Zhihua thumped in her heart, and opened her mouth, but didn't dare to ask what was going on.

  After hearing Jiaojiao's words, Baoya was not so worried, so she stepped forward and asked, "Brother, did the doctor tell you how your sister-in-law became like this?"

  A well-behaved person, who was fine at dinner, how could he suddenly become like this? There must be some reason.

  Qiu Sheng thought about what the doctor said just now, and felt a little scared, looked at Liu Ma and the two maids with sharp eyes, and said, "The doctor explained that Yue was cast as a fan."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

  Mother Liu and the servant girl who served her immediately changed their complexions, and fell to their knees with a plop, begging for mercy one after another in panic: "Your Majesty's redemption was definitely not done by the slaves."

Madam Liu's complexion turned pale, and she hurriedly explained: "After dinner, the old slave will stay with the young lady every step of the way, and outsiders will never have the chance to get close. These two maids are born in the same family, and they will never do anything to harm the young lady. I beg Mr. Wang to investigate clearly. .”

  Qiu Sheng looked serious, and asked: "After dinner, I will recall all the things Madam has come into contact with. Is there anything unusual?"

  The three of them hurriedly recalled that the two maidservants were already trembling with fright. Mama Liu never noticed any abnormality after recalling, and said with red eyes: "Miss only drank a bowl of hot goat's milk, which was brought by Xiaolan."

  Hearing that she was mentioned, the maid Xiaolan lowered her head and replied on the ground: "No, it's not a servant girl. When the servant girl went to the kitchen to pick it up, Aunt Hua handed it to the servant girl. She didn't open it on the way. She will serve it to the young lady when she comes back."

  Bao Ya frowned. If the poisoner deliberately framed him, he would never be hit by someone. Could it be dinner time?

  She looked at the maid and asked, "Did sister-in-law go out alone during dinner?"

  Xiaolan was taken aback, recalling that Miss Ben's family had left suddenly today, she hurriedly said, "Young Madam took Shuang'er out, and Miss Ben's family was scolded and cried for some reason, and Shuang'er sent her back home."

   Qiu Sheng frowned upon hearing this, and ordered the housekeeper to bring Si Yueniang back.

  Although this is inappropriate, but this matter is too bad, you must ask clearly about the same person.

  The butler left in a hurry, and the three of them, Mama Liu, showed panic because of their own failures.

  Liu Zhihua didn't like that girl in the first place. Looking at the suffering daughter-in-law, she muttered angrily: "Today, the house is full of our own family members. The girl Yueniang looks innocent, but who knows what her nature is. She knows people and faces but doesn't know her heart."

  Jiaojiao pursed her lips after hearing this, recalling the younger sister who first met her sister-in-law's family, although she looked innocent, she smelled extremely unpleasant.

   Dropping powder?

  She has heard in some miscellaneous books that women vying for favor use this medicine to frame each other to conceive, and an overdose of the medicine will also make the woman unable to conceive for life.

  Sister-in-law's appearance of sweating profusely just now is not only hurting the fetus in the womb, but also hurting herself, so it can be seen that the person who gave the drug is vicious.

  While waiting, Miao Miao came to look for Jiaojiao.

   Miaomiao saw that the lights were bright and everyone was here, so she asked Jiaojiao what happened.

  Jiaojiao said in a low voice that her sister-in-law was almost killed and lost her baby, and she is investigating who it is.

   Miaomiao was startled, looked around, and said puzzledly: "These are all from your family, who will harm your sister-in-law."

  Jiaojiao caressed it, and said in a low voice: "Sister-in-law has only been alone with her younger sister in the afternoon, and now she is still waiting for someone to come."

  When Miaomiao heard this, she immediately thought of that younger sister scratching her head in front of Rong Yan, tilted her head and thought about it, and suddenly realized.

"Jiaojiao, I can see clearly today that your sister-in-law's younger sister has a different purpose with Rong Yan. When she pours tea for someone, she makes a gesture of her head there, and then is taken out by your sister-in-law. She must have taught her a lesson. That sister-in-law My sister won't be retaliating with a grudge."

  Jiaojiao was taken aback when she heard that, "Meow, why didn't you say it earlier."

   Miao Miao choked, scratched her head with her paws and said, "She's not an important person, how could Rong Yan take a liking to her, I didn't take it seriously, how could there be so many moths behind her?"

  Jiaojiao's eyes were serious, she didn't say anything, she clenched her fists tightly.

  Aside from this matter, if it is really the kind of poison she has given, as the younger sister of her sister-in-law's family, this kind of behavior is simply useless, and she must vent her anger on her sister-in-law's behalf!

  Suddenly, there was a piercing cry in the distance.

   "Go away—whoever allowed your stinky hand to me! Believe it or not, I will let my brother-in-law tear you to pieces..."

  Amidst the noise, Si Yueniang was forcibly escorted by several maids.

  The housekeeper touched the sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly said: "Young master, someone brought it."

  Qiusheng looked at Si Yueniang, her eyes were red and swollen, she gave up struggling, looked pitifully at the person and shouted: "Brother-in-law, these people brought me here for no reason, what did Yueniang do wrong?"

  Qiu Sheng's face was indifferent, he didn't answer her words, but asked: "Yesterday you were alone with Mingyue, what did you say?"

  Si Yueniang paused while holding the hem of her clothes, her eyes were pure and she said: "I, my sister and I said something about my daughter's family, brother-in-law, if you ask this, could it be that something happened to my sister?"

  Si Yueniang's eyes blurred as she spoke, she looked at the crowd full of worry, and cried, "What happened to my sister? Tell me!"

   "Okay! Why are you making a lot of noise in the middle of the night, and answer whatever you ask." Liu Zhihua shouted angrily.

  Si Yueniang choked, and lowered her head embarrassingly, looking aggrieved.

   Seeing this, the lady of the Si family who followed said angrily: "Master Wang, no matter how poor my young lady is, she is still a noble woman. How can I allow you to treat me so badly!"

   Upon hearing this, Mama Liu rushed over angrily, slapped the old woman, and shouted: "Is it your turn to be so reckless here, old man!"

   Their family just took advantage of their master to become a small seventh-rank official in the capital. Now that the young lady has suffered such a big injury, they are still hypocritical just asking about it!

  When the woman saw that it was Mama Liu, she dared not speak out, gritted her teeth, bowed her head and backed away a little.

  Liu Ma walked up to Si Yueniang, saluted and said, "My young lady almost gave birth, and I only saw you alone during this period, please cooperate with my lady."

  Si Mingyue's eyes widened in disbelief, then she immediately shook her head and said, "I'm my sister's younger sister, my sister treats me better than my own sister, how could I harm someone!"

  Qiu Sheng looked cold, frowned and said: "Since you read Mingyue well, you should cooperate with the answer seriously, instead of making noise here."

   "Of course I cooperate." Si Yueniang said with a guilty conscience.

   "I heard from the servant girl that after Mingyue finished talking with you, you left the mansion with red eyes. What did you say?"

  After Qiusheng finished speaking, Si Yueniang hesitated and didn't answer, her eyes flashed and she gritted her teeth and said, "I, my sister told me that there are guests at home... It's not appropriate to have a foreigner, so let me go home."

   "Nonsense! This woman was exposed because she seduced someone, and she obviously has no face to say it." Meow meow yelled.

  Jiaojiao frowned and looked at Si Yueniang, and said, "Miss Si, sister-in-law would never say that Brother Yan and I are guests."

   Everyone was a little unhappy hearing this. If you want to talk about outsiders, she is the outsider!

  Si Yueniang's complexion changed, and she hurriedly said, "I, I didn't mean that..."

  Bao Ya ignored her, glanced at Xiaolan's maid, and asked, "Didn't you say there was a maid named Shuang'er, she was serving sister-in-law at that time, so she must know what sister-in-law said."

  Xiaolan nodded quickly when she heard this, and said, "Sister Shuang'er is serving her personally, but the servant girl didn't see Sister Shuang'er just now."

  Si Yueniang was startled when she heard that, her back suddenly started to feel cold.

  When she was leaving in the afternoon, she sneaked into her sister's room to spread the powder on Zaozidou, but was caught by Shuang'er. She immediately explained that it was the powder, and Shuang'er had no doubts at the moment.

  But after leaving the mansion, she became more and more afraid that Shuang'er would tell her sister, and when she returned home, she knocked him unconscious and threw him into the woodshed, planning to let Yazi take him to the south in the morning, but before he could act, he was brought here in the middle of the night.

  (end of this chapter)

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