MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 466 plague gone

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  Chapter 466 The plague leaves

   "Don't call out, be careful not to fall in again."

  Rong Yan saw the cat so active, and Mulu reluctantly lifted the cat aside. As he raised his arm, he could see his **** and strong muscle lines at a glance, his chest muscles were half exposed, his face was gorgeous, and his figure was also exceptional.

  Jiaojiao just opened her eyes when she accidentally saw this again. She blinked her eyes and stared at them twice, then hurriedly closed them again.

   She didn't intend to watch this time either!

   "Ah! Who told you to touch me, the water drops are falling on me! I'm so wet..."

   Meow Meow pawed him angrily, and then wanted to **** the ginseng Jiaojiao from Rong Yan's hand, "Bring it here, you..."

  Rong Yan was afraid that he would throw away the ginseng again, so he raised the ginseng, raised his other hand and patted its cat's head, and said seriously: "Don't be naughty."

   "Ah, give it back to Meow!"

   Miaomiao showed her sharp claws and was about to scratch his arm, Jiaojiao hurriedly said, "Stop, Miaomiao, let brother Yan take a bath before we talk, let's go out first."

Miao Miao choked upon hearing this, retracted her paws and looked at Rong Yan angrily, and yelled angrily: "Ben Miao originally wanted to take Jiaojiao away, but this scoundrel didn't let go, I'm so angry! I'd better tell him to forget it now. "


  Jiaojiao didn't have time to stop, Miaomiao had already jumped onto the opposite screen and carved words with her paws.

  Rong Yan saw that the cat became irritable again, raised his eyebrows and shook his head, if he had to rely on him to contact Jiaojiao, he really couldn't bear this arrogant guy.

   Seeing Miaomiao engraving, he realized that it had something to say, and put his big hand on the side of the tub to look over.

  Meow Meow wrote: Jiaojiao is ginseng.

  Rong Yan was startled, then his eyes fell on the ginseng in his hand, his eyelids quivered and he asked tentatively, "Jiaojiao?"

   Meow Meow nodded fiercely, "Yes!"

  Jiaojiao also said weakly: "...Brother Yan is me."

  Rong Yan couldn't hear, and the ginseng didn't move. He frowned and looked at Bai Miaomiao, and asked solemnly: "What's going on?"

  Ginseng is a dead thing. Can Jiaojiao survive in this state?

  Miaomiao rubbed her paws, and continued to engrave impatiently: Don't ask, it's just like this after being injured.

  Rong Yan's black eyes were deep, and he didn't doubt these words, after all, Jiaojiao has secrets and illusions.

   "You can communicate with Jiaojiao, so maybe Jiaojiao can hear me?"

   Miao Miao nodded with him, and responded with a meow.

   Rong Yan lowered his eyes, stroked the ginseng with trembling fingertips, and said softly: "It's nothing, take your time, brother Yan will always be with you."

  Jiaojiao wanted to cry when she heard that, but she held back and obediently responded, "Well, with brother Yan by my side, Jiaojiao will work hard to recover."

   Miao Miao also felt a little distressed when she heard it, and looked at each person, then resignedly carved words with her paws to show Rong Yan.

  Jiaojiao said yes, she will work hard to recover.

  Seeing this information, Rong Yan heaved a sigh of relief, raised his hand and placed the ginseng on the soft blanket beside him, his eyes were gentle, and his heart relaxed a lot.

  It doesn't matter if it becomes like this, as long as Jiaojiao is by his side, he will be at ease.

   "What are you doing there, men and women can't kiss each other, I want to take Jiaojiao out!"

  Bai Miaomiao jumped onto the table, grabbed Jiaojiao and slipped out the door.

   "Send it back after a cup of tea."

   Rong Yan reluctantly instructed.

   Miaomiao ignored him at all, and disappeared.

   Rong Yan smiled a little more, got up from the tub, casually wrapped up his black inner robe, and called out: "Xuan Liu."

  Xuan Liu approached outside the door and responded, "The subordinate is here."

   "Prepare silk brocade and silk cloth, huanghuali incense sandalwood furniture, earthenware ornamental utensils... Arrange the house next to me according to the environment that Ginseng likes." Rong Yan ordered.

   "Yes, this subordinate will go now."

  Xuan Liu left in a daze.


   Two days later, the plague broke out in the Empress Dowager's palace.

  The palace hastily suppressed the news, but the news still got out.

  Jiaojiao has not returned from the palace yet, the Wang family is very worried when they hear that, Liu Zhihua and Mingyue are anxiously waiting for Qiusheng to come back in the front hall.

  Liu Zhihua looked at the door, tears came out, and cried: "I knew I went to bring him back yesterday, look at this, if something happens to my baby, I don't want to live anymore..."

  Hearing about this this morning, she remembered that when she was a child, there was a plague in the village on the other side of the mountain, and no one in the village survived.

Siming Yue's face was gentle and her eyebrows were slightly frowned. Although she was worried, she still softly comforted her and said, "Mother, it's just that the Empress Dowager's palace is stained, and the Empress Dowager's palace is far away from the Empress Dowager's palace. Besides, Jiaojiao knows medical skills by herself. The sound of the wind will surely protect."

  Liu Zhihua couldn't listen, she held Mingyue's hand tightly and wept.

  Qiusheng never came back from court, Baoya and Meng Junzhong, Aunt Liu and his party also left Beijing yesterday, and other relatives have also left in the past two days, and now only their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are left in Zhuangyuan Mansion.

  Suddenly, Uncle De ran into the yard.

   "Madam, Young Madam, Master is back!"

  Hearing that the head of the family came back, Liu Zhihua stood up suddenly, took his daughter-in-law's hand, and said excitedly: "Mingyue, your father and the others are back!"

  Si Mingyue showed joy, and heaved a sigh of relief in her heart, she replied: "Yes, mother, let's go to greet you."

   The two ran out excitedly, just in time to meet Qiu Sheng and his party walking in.

  When Qiu Sheng saw his mother, his face became stiff for a moment, and he narrowed his eyes and called out: "Mother."

   Rong Yan, who supported Wang Zhuangzhi, nodded, and called: "Auntie."

  Wang Zhuangzhi looked at his wife with an illusion of a world away, his eyes were a little hot, thinking of what Rong Yan had ordered, he said in a deep voice with guilt, "Mother, I'm sorry."

  The smile on Liu Zhihua's face faded, she was stunned for a moment, and looked behind them, muttering: "Where is Jiaojiao, where is my mother's baby?"

  Seeing this, Si Mingyue's eyes immediately turned red, and she hurriedly looked at her husband and choked up, "Where's Jiaojiao?"

  Qiu Sheng walked up to the side of the lady, held hands and patted her to comfort her, opened her mouth to speak but stopped, and said hoarsely: "Jiaojiao is still in the palace."

Liu Zhihua couldn't find her, so she turned around and grabbed Wang Zhuangzhi's clothes, crying and shouting: "How did you become a father, our Jiaojiao! Why did you leave her in the palace, knowing that the palace is full of plague, I'm afraid that Jiaojiao won't catch it!"

  Wang Zhuangzhi took a step back after being shoved. He looked a little haggard after recovering from a serious illness. He cried out in guilt and pain: "Damn, it's my fault that Jiaojiao got hurt..."

  The moment he woke up, he felt shocked and unbelievable. He clearly felt the knife shot into his heart. How could he survive in this situation!

  Ke Rongyan told him that in order to save the immortal she begged, Jiaojiao was seriously injured in the end, and she couldn't recover in a short time. In order to prevent the lady and the others from worrying, he had no choice but to cooperate and lie to hide it.


   "What nonsense are you talking about! You give me back Jiaojiao..."

  Liu Zhihua crazily beat the head of the house while crying, Jiaojiao is her heart, why didn't she take care of this one who suffered thousands of knives!

  Wang Zhuangzhi bowed his head and suffered silently. He deserved it. He is a dog who can’t change his eating shit. Why did he save that person? Otherwise, so many things would happen later...

   Mingyue also leaned against her husband's arms to wipe away tears, and Qiusheng's eyes turned red.

  When he heard the news from the national teacher, he was completely dumbfounded. From childhood to adulthood, he was smart and sensible, and everything went smoothly. In a place as rigorous as the imperial palace, he would never have imagined that such a situation would happen.

   But it's too late to say anything now.

Jiaojiao in Rong Yan's arms had already burst into tears, and said choked up: "Mother, don't blame father, don't cry, Jiaojiao is fine, Jiaojiao will definitely practice hard and return to you sooner. "

  The Miaomiao in the back couldn't bear to hear it, so she jumped into Rong Yan's arms and patted him with her paw as a reminder, "Say it, say it, don't make us Jiaojiao cry again."

Rong Yan stroked the cat, pursed his lips and said, "Auntie, because Jiaojiao went to the queen mother's palace yesterday, she was banned. I just asked someone to go to see her. Right now, Jiaojiao's life is not in danger, but for a short time I'm afraid I won't be able to come back, you need to make long-term preparations."

  Liu Zhihua was stunned, and there was only one message in her mind.

  Jiaojiao really caught the plague!

   Her eyes went dark and she fainted.

   Rong Yan quickly supported him with his quick hands.




  The plague broke out in the imperial palace. Apart from the palace people, the nobles who were infected included the queen mother, two concubines, and Princess Huixin.

  Plague was first discovered and isolated by Princess Huixin. Princess Huixin knew medicine and did not run around, so it did not endanger the queen's palace.

  The common people talked a lot, and they all praised Princess Huixin's spirit of self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice in the face of danger at a young age.

  The empress felt deeply guilty about Princess Huixin, and personally carried the prince to the door to apologize and apologize, and also sent gold, silver and jewelry, as well as a decree from her wife.

  Liu Zhihua was canonized as the second-rank wife, but Liu Zhihua missed her too much and was bedridden due to a sudden illness. Mingyue, the eldest daughter-in-law, received the empress on her behalf.

For the sake of the safety of the palace and even the capital, after discussing with the national teacher, Prince Gong issued an order: the two concubines of the queen mother and Princess Huixin were sent to an empty courtyard of a Buddhist temple outside the city, and they were not allowed to travel freely. other courtyard.

This move won the voice of the people, and they all praised Prince Gong and the national teacher for their sincere efforts for the people. The Jin imperial family had damaged their reputation earlier because of the emperor’s incidents. For the sake of the people, the two reversed the reputation of the royal family by virtue of this incident.

  The day after the decree was issued,

  When the carriage surrounded by black cloth left the city, there were no pedestrians on the street, and all the shops on the street had been informed to close their doors.

  The empty road was particularly deserted.

  Rong Yan led the Wang family to stand on the street. It was not known whether it was the wind blowing or the palace servants were deliberately arranging the veils. Everyone saw Jiaojiao through the window of the carriage.

  Jiaojiao is dressed in white, her snow-white face is fairly ruddy and healthy, her hair is tied with a double ring, which is only decorated with a pink ribbon, and she is resting her chin on her chin.

  Liu Zhihua's eyes blurred, and she opened her mouth to shout, but Wang Zhuangzhi quickly covered her mouth.

   "His mother, there is a decree in the Holy Spirit that the common people are not allowed to go out of the street. If you open your mouth so rashly, disobedience to the emperor will not only make things difficult for Qiu Sheng, but we Jiaojiao will also be sad and weep."

Liu Zhihua angrily pushed the head of the house away, covered his face and knelt down to cry bitterly in the street, crying in a low voice: "What time is it, you still say these heartbreaking words, my poor Jiaojiao, how can I eat it?" These are bitter..."

   "Ma'am, the servant is going to serve the young lady."

  Aqin gritted her teeth and rushed towards the carriage quickly.

  The Wang family didn't pay attention to her at all. They only heard this sentence, and before they could stop her, they saw that she had already run over there.


  Mingyue's complexion changed, and she shouted full of worry.

  Rong Yan frowned slightly, but didn't say much after that, she was still loyal.

  Seeing this, Liu Zhihua wanted to rush up to accompany Jiaojiao, but was stopped by her family. She lay on the ground with red and swollen eyes and slapped her hard, crying, "My Jiaojiao..."

  Aqin walked over there and said something to the palace servants, waved her hand towards the old lady, and shouted: "Don't worry, old lady, I've been solid since I was young, and I will definitely take good care of the lady."

   After finishing speaking, Ah Qin got into the carriage.

  Aqin didn't know that the lady on the carriage was a fake, seeing the lady's eyes were red and weeping, "Miss, I'm sorry for being a servant."

  The hidden guard pretending to be Miss Baojiao jumped his eyelids, ignored her at all, and hurriedly shouted out the window: "Father, I'm fine, you don't have to worry!"

   "Don't shout!" shouted the general.

  The carriage was once again covered tightly by black gauze, and the walking team speeded up and left.


  Liu Zhihua got up and wanted to chase after her, but she was weak because she hadn't eaten for a day, and she fell to the ground as soon as she took a step, and the kung fu carriage that got up again had already gone far.

Mingyue and Qiusheng hurried forward to help, Qiusheng persuaded softly: "Mother, didn't you say that Jiaojiao is a blessing, just now Jiaojiao's rosy complexion doesn't seem to be sick, besides, we Jiaojiao can do medicine by herself, and Aqin is by her side Waiting on the side, let's go to the temple to visit Jiaojiao after the plague is over."

  Mingyue hurriedly nodded and echoed: "Jiaojiao just shouted that there is no need to worry, there must be a solution."

  Liu Zhihua was still crying when she heard it. These are all speculations. Jiaojiao has always been sensible, so naturally she won't worry them.

Rong Yan's handsome face became more gentle, and he stepped forward and said, "Auntie, I have sent someone to clean up the courtyard behind the temple, replaced all the clothes, bedding, tea chairs and tables with new ones, and delivered a lot of fresh ingredients Unlike snacks and snacks, Jiaojiao is different from the Empress Dowager and the concubine, who are far away from them. The house where Jiaojiao lives has been infected with plague-killing herbs. Prince Gong sent three imperial doctors to follow, and I often follow up. I won’t let Jiaojiao suffer.”

  Liu Zhihua's crying sound stopped abruptly, she looked at Rong Yan with tears in her eyes, and choked up with gratitude, "Thank you."

  Jiaojiao has never left them since she was a child. She just loves her daughter and is afraid that her daughter will suffer. Now that Rong Yan's arrangement is so careful, she feels much more at ease.

  Wang Zhuangzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and echoed: "Ayan is still careful, and I will trouble you a lot in the future."

  Qiusheng also bowed gratefully, and Mingyue also bowed slightly to thank: "Thank you, Master Guoshi."

  Rong Yan's face was calm, and he answered with lowered eyes: "It's okay, it should be."

  Rong Yan's trick deceived everyone. No one ever suspected that Jiaojiao in the carriage was a fake, so the matter came to an end.

  (end of this chapter)