MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 450 Greetings

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  Chapter 450 Greetings

  Wang Zhuangzhi didn't accompany them much, Zhihua met Liu Auntie and the others, he went over to say hello, and after a while he went to say hello to Mu Kuan.

   There is only one day left before the wedding, and the roads of the Wang family's mansion are full of maids and servants posting red happy characters and hanging red silk. The house soon became a piece of red seals, so festive and lively.

  At the moment, Jiaojiao is eating mung bean smoothie with her sister. It’s hot today, so a bowl of cool and delicious mung bean smoothie can quench both heat and thirst.

   There is a bowl in Miaomiao’s small dish, it doesn’t eat, but curls up with its eyes closed to sleep leisurely by the air-conditioning.

  Bao Ya saw how the cat would enjoy it, and joked with a smile: "Look at how Jiaojiao spoils it. It's something that ordinary people can't eat. This little thing is regarded as a cool guy."

  Jiaojiao glanced at Miaomiao, smiled and said, "Miaomiao is so smart, if we can't stand the heat, we can also learn to take a few big pieces of ice and put them next to the bed to enjoy the cool."

  Bao Ya heard her sister's protection, so she shook her head with a smile and no longer talked about this little guy, but said with her fingers: "Brother has settled down. When I get married next year, there will be Xiao Li and Jiao Jiao left in the family."

  Speaking of the little brother, Jiaojiao sighed in disappointment, "Big brother is getting married tomorrow, and I haven't heard from the little brother yet, so I don't know if I can come back soon."

  Bao Ya comforted him after hearing this: "There is no fighting in the border town now, so we should be able to come back in time. It's still early, maybe we'll be back in the evening."

  Although Bao Ya said so, Bao Ya was also a little uncertain. Xiao Li should have replied to the letter logically, but it was more than 20 days before the letter was delivered, and the other party had not replied to a single letter, which inevitably made people worry.

  Bao Ya ate a mouthful of smoothie, changed the topic and asked again: "Jiaojiao, Guoshi, is there any news in the past two days?"

Jiaojiao pouted when she heard this, she shook her head and said, "It's been four or five days since I saw her, and I don't know what I'm busy with, tomorrow is my elder brother's big wedding, he hasn't come to the house until now, and I don't know if he will attend tomorrow. "

  Bao Ya smiled when she heard this, "Four or five days is nothing. Your brother-in-law and I didn't meet each other until half a month and twenty years ago, and we only talked a few words when we met. You are much better than us."

  Jiaojiao's cheeks suddenly became hot. In fact, she was too clingy. Brother Yan would take her out to play when he came, and even if he didn't come, he would send someone to bring him something delicious and fun.

   "Miss, the Fourth Miss of the Rong Mansion sent a greeting card."

  Aqin ran in with a smile, talking in a hurry.

  Jiaojiao's eyes lit up when she heard that, she put down the ice cream and stood up, "It's Sister Qingyan."

  Bao Ya was also a little curious, and smiled and said to A Qin: "Quickly open the greeting card and see what it says inside."

  Aqin glanced at the young lady, nodded Jiaojiao and said, "Aqin read quickly."

  Aqin just opened the greeting card, but the smile on her face disappeared when she looked at her, and said with a frown: "Miss Si said that she is invited to see you tomorrow."

Jiaojiao was also taken aback, and Baoya frowned and said: "This Fourth Miss is confused. Everyone in the capital knows that the Si family and our family are married, and tomorrow is the wedding day. She wants to ask someone out at this time. for what."

  Aqin scratched her ears, and hurriedly said: "Perhaps someone misremembered the date, I will go to Rong's house to check later."

  Jiaojiao nodded, and ordered: "Aqin went to ask face to face, and see what is urgent about Sister Qingyan. On the day of the eldest brother's wedding, it is indeed inappropriate for me to go away as a younger sister."

  Aqin nodded, "Yes, the slave must ask clearly."

   Seeing this, Bao Ya didn't talk too much, but he still felt a little nervous.

   What’s the matter, it’s also the mansion of the national teacher. The national teacher has visited their house three times this month. No matter how poor their family is, can they even remember this kind of day wrong?


   Rong Jia.

   Rong Qingyan handed Lele to the nanny, and asked the personal maid after returning to the room.

   "Xiaohuan, have my invitations been sent to the Wang family?"

  The servant girl Xiaohuan bowed and nodded, and said back: "If you go back to Miss, the servant sent someone to deliver it early in the morning. Miss Jiaojiao should be watching right now."

  Rong Qingyan nodded, smiled and said casually: "Although the day after tomorrow is a bit rushed, it is Xiaoliu's birthday after all, and Master Bu has also returned from a sea trip, so we can have fun with Jiaojiao."

  Xiaohuan narrowed her eyes, raised her hand to pour a cup of tea for the young lady, and said softly, "The Sixth Young Master didn't tell Miss Jiaojiao because he loved her so much. When Miss Jiaojiao comes the next day, this will be the biggest surprise for the Sixth Young Master's birthday."

Rong Qingyan sighed, although she was already a mother, her brows and eyes were still pure and lively, she held her chin and said, "I don't know if I did something right, Xiao Liu has always disliked others being his boss, since he didn't want to tell Jiao Jiao, I sent the letter rashly, and when I find out, it may be another round of accusations."

With a slight smile between Xiaohuan's brows and eyes, she said gently: "The sixth young master has always been the closest to the young lady, and he is also very fond of the young lady. How can he blame the young lady? Besides, women are careful. If the sixth young master's birthday is not told to Miss Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao will be the one who will be the one who is the most loved one." When Miss Jiao finds out about it in the future, she must have regrets in her heart."

When Rong Qingyan heard this, she felt that what she said was right, so she smiled and said: "Xiaohuan made a point, but I didn't even think about it. Xiaohuan is always careful, and she is the one who knows my daughter's family best. thought."

  Xiaohuan smiled calmly, nodded and saluted and said, "Miss Miao Zan, these are what Xiaohuan should do."


at the same time,

  Rong Yanren was in the imperial study, looking at the map of neighboring countries with Prince Gong and the others.

  Prince Gong showed a stern face, pointed at the corner of the Qiang Kingdom landmark, knocked heavily and shouted: "The terrain here is weak, if he really dares to cover up our country's criminals, he will definitely make them pay the price!"

General Fang stroked his beard, glanced at Rong Yan, and said in a cold voice: "Princess Shengyuan fell off the cliff, officers and soldiers searched for two days and two nights, but no one was found. At that time, the national division was in charge, and even a mere woman couldn't be caught. How can the national teacher and Prince Gong provoke the main beam of the Jin Dynasty, it is better to abdicate as soon as possible."

  Rong Yan didn't change his face when he heard that, but just glanced at him lightly, and said coldly: "If General Fang really covets my position, why don't you go and talk to the emperor, maybe the emperor will let you take the lead."


  General Fang was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick, he swung his sleeves and scolded: "You are disrespectful."

  Prince Gong frowned, and directly slapped the memorial at the side on the chopping board, and said angrily: "He is old and disrespectful, so the king may say?"

   General Fang choked, but naturally he didn't dare to say anything.

Prince Gong's eyes were as sharp as eagles, and he looked at them and said angrily: "If the national teacher hadn't discovered the remnants of King Yang first, maybe something would have happened, you all don't know anything, and now you're going to put an afterthought on me." , you can bully others when you are old, and this king is still here!"

  Everyone bowed their heads in shame, and General Fang, who was named by name, was even more blushing, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists to swallow the bad breath.

  (end of this chapter)