MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 441 hot chat

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  Chapter 441 Chatting in full swing

  Wang Zhuangzhi washed his face and came back, and when he entered the door, he pulled Rong Yan affectionately to talk.

   "Ayan, what did uncle say just now, alas, yes! The wild boar weighs at least three hundred catties, and its tusks are very sharp..."

  Rong Yan didn't show any impatience on his face, but smiled and praised him for being amazing.

   Qiu Sheng choked when he saw it.

  Jiaojiao also blinked her eyes, but after drinking three glasses of wine, how could Daddy be so enthusiastic about Brother Yan?

  Seeing the situation, Qiu Sheng couldn't get in the way. His friends were still in the study, so he whispered to his younger sister, "Jiaojiao, brother, go to the study. Wei Qing and the others are still waiting."

  Jiaojiao heard that Big Brother Wei Qing was coming, so she went out with Big Brother.

  Jiaojiao came out of the courtyard and said: "Brother, Brother Wei Qing and the others don't come to the front hall, but they want to save lunch. I'll ask Aunt Hua to prepare more dishes."

  After Qiu Sheng heard this, he felt that the little girl had really grown up, and said with a smile: "Brother has ordered the butler to prepare before entering the door. The national teacher is here, and they are not used to sitting here. It is better to relax in the study."

  Jiaojiao scratched her head when she heard this, nodded and said: "Okay then, elder brother will go to accompany his friend first, and we will invite someone to come to the front hall after Brother Yan leaves later."


  After Qiusheng left, Jiaojiao listened to her father's loud voice coming from the room, she pulled her ears and let out a long breath.

  Daddy is also very good at talking.

   Thinking of what Dad said just now that Mother had a headache, Jiaojiao was not sure whether Mother really had a headache or she didn’t want to see Brother Yan, so she called a maid from a distance and told her to go to the kitchen to bring a bowl of hot soup to the backyard to see the situation.

  If there is no disease, forget it. If you really have a headache, the hot soup you just boiled has spiritual water in it. Drinking it will also help if you have a headache.

  The maid hurriedly responded and left in a hurry.

  Jiaojiao stood in the yard, and suddenly wanted to ask Aqin if she was back, but looked around, only to find that Miaomiao was nowhere to be seen.

  Jiaojiao called softly: "Meow."

   "My cat is on the roof~"

   The meowing sound was lazy, as if she had just woken up.

  Jiaojiao heard and looked, Miaomiao was nesting on the roof ridge, if you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

  Jiaojiao wanted to ask about Aqin, but if she yelled and asked, everyone in the room could hear her, so she waved to him to signal him to come down.

   Meow Meow poked her paws forward, stretched her waist long, and then jumped down.

  Miaomiao muttered arrogantly: "Jiaojiao, you finally think of me, Miaomiao."

  Hmph~ Just now he threw it at the gate and left it alone, he only had Rong Yan in his eyes, not it at all.

  Jiaojiao was also a little guilty, knelt down and stroked its fur, then hugged it in her arms again, and whispered softly: "Jiaojiao is wrong, you must pay attention next time, please forgive me, Miaomiao."

  Miao Miao snorted arrogantly, and muttered: "Anyway, Rong Yan is more important than me in your heart. I know it all too well, so it's useless to be angry, and you can't change it, so let it be."

  Jiaojiao couldn't laugh or cry after listening.

  Looking back at the yard, I carried Miao Miao to an empty corner, and then went into the space to take out two bunches of candied haws for it.

   "Sweet and sour candied haws, Miao Miao has a quick taste."

  The candied haws are crystal clear under the sun, and the red hawthorn looks very appetizing.

  Miaomiao couldn’t resist the temptation, so he opened his mouth and took two bites, and then started to eat with puffy cheeks.

   The sound of crunching and crunching sounds delicious.

  Jiaojiao was also a little greedy, so she peeled off one and stuffed it into her mouth, biting the crunchy rock sugar slices, which were mixed with soft, sour and sweet hawthorns, which was very delicious when eaten sour and sweet.

   "Well, this candied haws tastes better than last time..."

  Miaomiao also nodded, and said inarticulately: "It's much more delicious than the one wrapped in white sugar."

   One cat and one person sat on the rock in the corner, shining in the warm sunshine, you ate one bite at a time.

The two were eaten quickly, and Miaomiao touched her stomach before saying: "Ben Miao went out to look for Aqin, and happened to see your second sister and Aqin together, so Ben Miao went over and meowed at her twice, then The girl is pretty smart, she guessed right away that Jiaojiao is back home, so she went to help your second sister do the shopping."

  Jiaojiao nodded when she heard this, "So that's the case, that's good."

   After finishing speaking, Jiaojiao put her chin in her white hands, and muttered casually: "Jianjia has been gone for several days, why hasn't she sent a letter yet?"

   Miao Miao choked when she heard this, and guessed that she must have been punished. Where can she still send letters? I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future.

  But it doesn't want to tell Jiaojiao about these things, if it talks too much, it will only make Jiaojiao feel sad for no reason.

  The kind of affectionate girl will be a disaster in the future if she is recruited back, the new Aqin Jiaojiao is quite satisfied, and that girl is also quite clever, which is the best of both worlds.

   Miaomiao staggered the topic and said, "Jiaojiao, I still want to eat candied haws, so I want to go shopping on the street and see how they make them."

When Jiaojiao heard this, she took out the remaining strings in the space, touched the cat's head with a smile, and said: "I still have some here, you can eat as much as you want today, and let Aqin go out to buy some more tomorrow." return."

   Miaomiao looked at the handful of candied haws in Jiaojiao's hand, her eyes sparkled, her happy paws reached up to get two skewers, then she jumped onto the roof with her arms in her arms, and began to chew happily.

   Seeing this, Jiaojiao shook her head and smiled.

  Liu Zhihua walked into the yard with two maids, and saw her daughter holding two bunches of candied haws, looking up at the cat on the roof.

  Liu Zhihua took a closer look and found that the cat was actually holding two bunches of candied haws in its arms, and said in amazement: "Oh, maybe that cat snatched Guaibao's candied haws."

  Jiaojiao heard that it was Mother, she turned around and walked over, and said with a smile: "Mother, I gave it to Miaomiao."

Liu Zhihua laughed, touched her daughter's little face, and jokingly said: "You girl, where do cats eat? They spoiled candied gourds for nothing. By then, all their fur will be covered with sugar. Remember to ask the maid to clean it first. , otherwise you'll be rubbing against everywhere."

  Jiaojiao smiled, nodded obediently and said: "Understood, mother."

Liu Zhihua glanced at the room, and asked in a low voice: "Jiaojiao, who are the guests at home, mother thought it was someone from the Wang family, but just now the maid said he was a very handsome young man, could it be that he came to see your elder brother? "

  Jiaojiao shook her head, blinked at Mother, and asked back, "Mother, is your head hurting?"

   "Mother isn't sick, but she didn't come here because she saw people in the Wang family having a headache." Liu Zhihua whispered.

  Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, pinching the hem of her clothes with her small hands, and then said: "Brother Yan is here."

  Brother Yan? Liu Zhihua was stunned for a moment before realizing that the national teacher's name was Rong Yan.

  She was thinking about why she didn't come these two days, and here she is.

  Liu Zhihua straightened her clothes subconsciously, raised her hand to straighten her hair, cleared her throat and asked her daughter, "Jiaojiao, is your mother dressed like this?"

  (end of this chapter)

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