MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 424 recommend

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  Chapter 424 Referral

  Old Madam Rong's complexion eased, and her heart dropped, she took the second girl's hand and patted it, and said, "It's good that you're fine."

Rong Qinglan knew that her grandmother was worried about Xiaoliu, and after helping her into the room to sit down, she said, "Grandmother is at ease, not only Qinglan is fine, but Xiaoliu is also fine, the emperor's life is saved now, and the overall situation of Prince Gong's power will naturally not be chaotic. Be back later."

  After hearing this, Mrs. Rong's face became a little more relaxed. She patted her granddaughter's hand and said with a smile, "Well, Qing Lan said it, and grandma believed it."

"Qinglan has loved Dongpo pork since she was a child. Grandma ordered the kitchen to stew it long ago. She also made a lot of your favorite dishes. Madam Zhao also arranged for someone to buy the horseshoe cake in Fengling Pavilion. You can eat hot and fresh…”

  Mrs. Rong held the hand of her second granddaughter, and said affectionately with a smile on her face.

  Rong Qingyan poured a cup of tea for her grandmother, and when she handed it over, she jokingly said, "Grandmother loves the second sister, forget that Yan'er is behind her."

  After hearing this, Mrs. Rong turned her head and took her hand, patted it, and said with a smile: "You are all grandmother's favorite, but grandmother really loves your second sister more, you girl, it doesn't work if you eat it."

Qing Lan began to practice martial arts with her master at the age of thirteen, traveled and practiced alone at the age of fifteen, wandered the rivers and lakes for two years, and was named the lord of the city at the age of seventeen. Be pampered.

  Rong Qingyan naturally knew the hard work of her sister, so she happily clasped fists with her sister, and said heartily like a hero in the rivers and lakes: "What the ancestors said is that the small ones are incomparable, and the city lord Rong has worked hard."

  Funny Rong and Mother Rong laughed straight away, Mother Rong smiled and said: "Look at this girl, she doesn't look like a woman who got married and had children."

  Rong Qinglan leaned over and raised her hand and gave the fourth sister a brain break, and said with a smile: "This matter has caught up with the acting, be careful to let Lele laugh at you."

Rong Qingyan didn't know which joke was triggered, she laughed a few times, and then said: "Stop talking, I tell stories to Lele at home, and I often play various animals, Lele has long been familiar with it gone."

  Mrs. Rong was in a cheerful mood, and suddenly remembered the banquet yesterday, and asked, "Qing Lan, why don't you visit that little Jiaojiao for grandma?"

  Hearing about Jiaojiao, Rong Qingyan and Rong's mother also became interested.

Rong Qinglan saw that everyone was looking at her, she shook her head helplessly and smiled, "It's useless to look at me, what can Xiao Liu say if he cares, I look pretty good, Xiao Liu can't be liked by everyone, since he can Look, it must be that girl has some extraordinary skills."

Rong Qingyan hurriedly said: "That little girl is only twelve years old this year, how capable she is, I guess it's because of her pleasing temperament, I met that little girl five years ago, and Xiao Liu treated people differently back then. , I think the two are destined."

  Five years ago, she went to Qing'an Temple to look for Xiaoliu. When she saw Jiaojiao, she would never have thought that such a baby would be a future sister-in-law, but at that time Jiaojiao was smart and cute, and she was very likable.

  Five years have passed, and her appearance has become more and more outstanding, and she is as attractive as ever.

  Recalling the little girl, Rong's mother said with a smile: "Mother, I saw it today too. Jiaojiao is very good-looking, and she is quite rare."

  Although Rong's mother has never been with anyone before and doesn't know their temperament, as the saying goes, love comes from the heart, that cute and innocent look, she is still very satisfied with the innocent girl.

  Old lady Rong listened to everyone's compliments, her face became softer and softer, she held the Buddha beads and turned around, grateful to the Bodhisattva in her heart.

  Xiao Liu likes it, and the women in the family are also satisfied, so she is naturally happy in her heart.

  She believes in Buddhism, and doesn't like rivalry and conspiracy in her family. She educates her children first of all to be filial piety, and secondly, the family must be harmonious. If these two points can be achieved, it will be the best luck for the family.

   "Is there a gift for meeting someone for the first time?" Mrs. Rong asked.

Mother Rong choked, shook her head and said, "Stop talking, Qinglan and Jiaojiao just said a few words and gave a string of beads. Yan'er and I didn't take turns at all, so we could only look at each other anxiously." .”

  Rong Qinglan continued: "Knowing that the ancestors valued etiquette the most, Qinglan gave away the clear water glazed beads that she got. The girl is still young, and we will have opportunities to give it away slowly in the future."

Rong Qingyan nodded, and said with a smile with her grandmother: "Second sister is right, Jiaojiao's elder brother is the newly promoted No. You might meet them on the street.”

   Mrs. Rong smiled when she heard this, "It's not easy to be the number one scholar. He is a motivated boy, and his tutoring must not be bad."

Rong Qinglan nodded, the little girl's identity as princess may have been begged by Xiaoliu, but it is impossible for the champion man to have an affair, without a family to be around, and to fight off layers of powerful people to come out, fame is just a matter of life. It will take some time.

  Rong Qingyan smiled and said: "Besides this elder brother, Jiaojiao also has a sister and a younger brother. The elder sister looks very upright and looks capable and agile. In short, the whole family is not bad."

  Mrs. Rong nodded with a smile. She respected Xiao Liu's choice, so she didn't investigate the Wang family. She was very happy to hear the news from her granddaughters.

   "Although grandma has never seen it, but after hearing your description, I already like it."

   "Grandmother believes in Buddhism, I think she will like it more when she meets her." Rong Qingyan said with a smile.

  The Empress Dowager is a believer in Buddhism, and even the Empress Dowager's compliment on her delicate face is related to the Buddha, the grandmother would probably like it more.

Mother Rong knocked on the table, and said to her daughter: "All the good things are praised by you. It's too early to say anything now. Let's talk about Lele's birthday banquet. It's almost here. A few years ago, I held a banquet at Murong Mansion. , why not do it in our residence this year."

Rong Qingyan scratched her head and explained: "Mother, Lele's birthday banquet was prepared half a month ago at Murong Mansion. Isn't it a bit of a mess recently? Relatives from far away probably won't come to join in the fun, and the banquet posts are also Just send a few close friends, and simply have a meal at home."

  Rong’s mother heard that she didn’t celebrate her birthday in Tirong’s mansion, it’s because she didn’t think well, she just said those words out of her head, and the son-in-law’s post was sent out, Lele’s surname, Murong, naturally wanted to entertain guests at Murong’s mansion.

Mrs. Rong smiled, raised her hand and waved to Mother Rong to signal her to sit down, and said to the fourth girl: "Okay, then grandma will bring a whole family to cheer you on, and celebrate Lele's birthday lively. "

  Rong Qinglan nodded, leaned on the chair and said with a smile: "I won't leave for the time being. It's the first time to celebrate my niece's birthday. As the second aunt, I have to prepare gifts carefully. I'll ask the little girl what she likes later."

  Rong Qingyan heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that Niang and the others were not dissatisfied, she nodded with a smile and said, "Well, fine, next time on Lele's birthday, I will discuss it with my mother-in-law in advance and spend it at our Rong's house."

  Old Madam Rong twirled the prayer beads and replied: "Mrs. Murong is an elder, so she should ask. After all, she lives not far away. It doesn't matter which house you go to."

  Mother Rong also echoed: "Your grandmother is right, it's the same in any house, mother just said that quickly."

Rong Qingyan nodded, still taking this matter to heart, there are not many juniors in the family, the elder brother's eldest son is already ten years old, and he is not as serious as a child on weekdays, the third sister is married far away and has a son and a daughter but There were also few visits, and the one in front of me was Lele.

  From birth to now, everyone in the family loves Lele very much. It's just a birthday, so it's different. She will bring Lele to the house next year.

  Speaking of the children, Mrs. Rong inevitably looked at the second girl again, and asked with a smile: "Qing Lan, it's not too early for you to get married, when will you and Hanqing have a baby?"

  Rong Qinglan was afraid that her grandmother would ask this topic, so she hid herself and didn't dare to answer the question. She didn't think about it or escaped.

  She laughed haha ​​and said, "Old Ancestor, I've always been used to being unrestrained. If I give birth to a baby, won't it trap me, and I'll talk about it after I have had enough fun."

  Mother Rong frowned, she couldn't persuade this girl to go in no matter what, she was really worried.

Mrs. Rong smiled, "Women's family, although they practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies, they will also wear out their bodies. It will be too harmful to have a baby at an older age. It is better to raise one earlier while you are young. If the baby hinders you It's a big deal, I brought you here when I was born, grandma, you and mother will be fine all day long, and I'm sure I'll raise you up for nothing."

   These words made Rong Qinglan choke, and could only say: "The granddaughter dare not listen to the old ancestor's words, and she will think about it carefully when she returns."

   "Your grandmother is someone who has experienced it. As the saying goes, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of your eyes. You must listen to your grandmother." Mother Rong instructed.

  Rong Qinglan nodded, "Mother, I understand."

  In order not to let the big guy talk about her childbirth, Rong Qinglan hastily changed the topic to another place.

   "I came back this time and saw that there is a magnificent pharmacy in the capital. It seems to be called some good medicine. I didn't notice it when I came back last year. Do you know this pharmacy?"

  Rong Qinglan didn't just pick up topics randomly, she came here this time with the intention of buying a batch of medicinal materials to take back.

Mother Rong nodded with a smile, and said, "You are really asking the right person. Mother often goes there to get medicine, and she is very familiar with the shopkeeper Song. That medicine shop opened four years ago, and the medicinal materials in it are better than those in other shops. The variety is complete, and the effect is better.”

"Perhaps you didn't notice that Liangyao was originally a big shop, but after two years of opening, it was replaced by a grand shop. It is said that a hilltop manor was sold to grow herbs, and last year, the restaurant next to it was sold and renovated into three floors. The pharmacy is very high, the pharmacy is very large, and the business is getting more and more popular. In the past two years, many merchants have come to their house to buy goods, and it is not an exaggeration to make a lot of money every day."

  Rong Qinglan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he leaned forward and asked, "How can such a large pharmacy be opened safely without someone to take care of it? Mother, do you know who is behind it?"

Rong's mother thought about it for a while, the medicine has been spread for so long, and it has never been reported who is the master, she shook her head and said: "Mother really doesn't know, the master probably doesn't want to show up, or doesn't want people to discover his identity." .”

  Rong Qingyan raised her finger and pointed at it, and said in a low voice, "It couldn't be opened by the empress in the palace."

  It is naturally impossible for the emperor to be able to withstand the pressure of so many forces in the capital. Naturally, the emperor is a high-ranking and powerful woman in the harem.

  Rong Qinglan shook her head, "Probably not."

  The hands of the harem can't be stretched so long. Besides, all the empresses are backed by their families. They are in the harem, and all the shops under their names are managed by their families.

  The good medicine she goes to is different from ordinary pharmacies, and even all shops that do business.

First of all, the service is eye-catching. The drug boy and other store staff are about the same height and shape. They look upright and show eight smiles. All of them are amiable. No matter how high or low they are, they treat customers with comfortable manners without being too overbearing. please.

The second is that it is clean and tidy. The place where the eyes look is very bright. There are seats and tea and snack tables on each floor. When she was wandering around, she saw many people sitting there and talking. The owner is so wonderful. I think he must be a caring and considerate person.

The shelves where medicines are placed are very delicate, with mosquito repellent sachets hanging on the top, corresponding names are written under the grids of medicinal materials, and a notepad and a charcoal pen are hung next to each shelf. Taking medicines is actually special Symbolic records are incomprehensible to others, and the interior is orderly and will not be chaotic.

Chicheng’s supplies are not sufficient, especially medicinal materials. Chicheng still has 8,000 elite soldiers. The soldiers have to train frequently. Those who go to the mountains and seas will inevitably suffer injuries. It's fine if it's not good, and it's also mixed with medicinal materials that have gone moldy after being soaked in blisters.

  She knew that the emperor was afraid that she would have too much power in her hands, and her intentional methods would not be able to compete with the royal family, so she purchased medicinal materials from far away places every year to ensure that the people and soldiers in the city had enough medicinal materials.

  However, some time ago, the emperor even ordered to prohibit the private sale of a large number of hemostatic and anti-inflammatory medicinal materials, especially the sore medicine. All purchasers must report to the subordinate government offices.

   What the soldiers are still lacking are these herbs. She visited several places, but no one dared to sell them, so she came to the capital.

  There are many pharmacies in Jingcheng, but the amount of those medicinal materials added together is not much.

  At this moment, she accidentally saw the medicine.

   Looking at such a large pharmacy, she seemed to have an idea in her heart.

  This kind of large-scale pharmacy must have its own large herbal medicine library, and pharmacies usually store two years in advance. They must have a lot of anti-inflammatory medicinal materials in their hands, which is what she values ​​most.

  She wanted to find the person behind the scenes and make a deal with him.

  Rong Qinglan said to her mother: "There is a shortage of medicinal materials in Chicheng, so please introduce me to that Shopkeeper Song."

  Mother Rong naturally responded with a smile when she heard about it: "Okay, no problem, that shopkeeper Song is usually in the store in the afternoon, so let's go in the afternoon."


  Zhuangyuan Mansion,

   "Jiaojiao, Benmiao is a cat, are you serious?"

   "Of course it is serious, Miaomiao is my good friend, how good it is for us to play together!"

  Look closer.

  Jiaojiao in the room is arranging chess pieces, while Miaomiao on the opposite mat curls up sleepily.

   "Meow, let's start now."

  Jiaojiao took the black chess piece with a smile, rested her chin, blinked her nimble eyes, carefully inspected the chessboard, and then carefully lowered the chess piece.

  Meow on the opposite side, it stretched lazily, glanced at the messy chess board with its head, raised its paw and randomly pushed out a white chess piece.

  Where does it know these things of human beings? It is purely played by Jiaojiao.

  Jiaojiao looked at the position of the chess piece, her eyes lit up, she smiled and hurriedly held the chess piece to block the way, and said shyly, "Meow, I have a hunch, I'm going to win this round."

  Miaomiao sighed helplessly, Jiaojiao is good at anything, but she is fighting this chess offender, she has never played this kind of thing before, and she accidentally beat her when she was practicing, so... this game is not sure.

  (end of this chapter)