MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 422 father-in-law

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  Chapter 422 Father-in-law visits

  Miaomiao immediately went back to the room to inform Jiaojiao, and Jiaojiao immediately took her sister to the front hall,

  Meet a maid sent by Liu Zhihua on the way.

   "Second Miss and Third Miss, Madam told the two ladies to go to the front yard, and said that sister Jian Jia had returned." The servant girl leaned over and said.

  Jiaojiao raised her hand to signal her to stand up, but Baoya said directly: "Understood, let's go."

   Jiaojiao walked faster than the maid because she was worried about Jianjia.

  When the two rushed to the front hall, Jian Jia, Daddy and Brother were all sitting on chairs drinking tea, and they all came back safe and sound.


  Jiaojiao took the lead in running over and took Jian Jia's hand to look at her, and apologized in a low voice, "I'm sorry Jian Jia, I was negligent, and I shouldn't let you go out at such a late hour."

There was warmth in Jian Jia's heart, she hugged the young lady and smiled, and sighed: "Miss, what did you say, obviously Jian Jia is going to go by herself, and it's all right, she even dispatched masters, young masters and aunts to find me, The servant girl's heart is warm."

  Jiaojiao held her hand, shook her head and said, "After this time, next time someone will follow and protect me."

   "Miss absolutely dare not say such a thing, how can the servant girl He De..."

  Liu Zhihua in the seat heard the conversation between the two, and just now heard from the head of the family that a man saved Jian Jia, and she said in fear:

   "Although Jian Jia came late, we have already regarded you as a member of the family. If there is something good or bad, our family will naturally commit a serious crime, so no matter what you do, you must pay attention to your own safety."

   Jian Jia heard this, her heart warmed, she nodded respectfully and said: "Thank you Madam for your love, Jian Jia will remember it."

Liu Zhihua also instructed the maid who was present together: "It's not easy for everyone to be women. If you go out, you have to be careful in the future. Don't go out when it is dark. When you meet those vicious people, hide far away." Yes, if you really can’t hide, go to a crowded place, and you can always find a chance to escape.”

  The two maids serving in the room were flattered and responded with a salute: "Yes."

   While everyone was talking, Bao Ya couldn't sit still anymore, and gave Meng Jun a wink. After a while, the two left one after the other.

  After Liu Zhihua cared about it, it was Qiu Sheng's turn to ask who the visitor was, if he had seen his face clearly, etc. How could Jian Jia dare to take Yang Wang's mansion out, so he could only pretend to be confused and say that he didn't see clearly when it was dark.

   Jian Jia did not bring Qihe back to Wang's house, but settled him in the hospital.

  Except for Wang Zhuangzhi who had seen Qihe, no one else saw it with their own eyes. Wang Zhuangzhi was not a careful person, and others only thought that he was a hero who saved Jian Jia by acting righteously, and did not say too much.

   This incident is over.


  The next day,

   When Jiaojiao woke up, Jian Jia was no longer there, and the little maid who served her combed her hair explained: "Sister Jian Jia said before she left that she was going to the dining hall to buy soup dumplings for the young lady."

Miaomiao stretched out on the bed, her eyes lit up when she heard the soup dumpling, and hurriedly said to Jiaojiao: "I want to eat the soup dumpling in the restaurant, but unfortunately there are too many people in line, I just smelled it. Taste, I haven't tasted the deliciousness of buns yet."

  Jiaojiao smiled when she heard this, rubbed her eyes and said, "Jian Jia is caring."

  The little girl combing her hair thought it was the young lady who was talking to her, so she hurriedly answered, "Sister Jianjia is very kind to others, and she is always careful about the young lady's food and clothing. She is the most caring person I have ever met."

  Jiaojiao smiled, and nodded in agreement.

at the same time,

   Jian Jia walked into the clinic wearing a long veiled hat and a food box in her hand.

  Yaotong didn't recognize who she was, so he stopped someone and asked, "Who is the girl looking for?"

  Jian Jia didn't explain to him, she lowered her voice a bit, and asked directly: "What happened to that young master yesterday?"

  Yaotong was stunned for two seconds, then suddenly realized, he hurriedly raised his hand as an invitation gesture, and said: "That young master woke up early in the morning, just now he looked at him as if he was packing his bags."

   Pack your bags?

   Jian Jia frowned, and walked quickly over Yaotong towards the backyard.

   When Jian Jia arrived, she saw Qi He was holding on to the door panel with a weak face, and one foot had already stepped out.

   "Young Master Qi!"

   Jian Jia stepped forward quickly, frowning, and quickly helped him back to the room.

  Qihe breathed a sigh of relief invisibly, leaned against her weakly, coughed lightly and said, "Jia'er, I've almost recovered, don't delay here, leave quickly."

   "How is your health, I will naturally ask the doctor."

   Jian Jia entered the house, closed the door and took off the veil.

   "I brought breakfast for the young master, eat it while it's hot."

  Qihe hesitated to speak with a face of disapproval, finally heaved a long sigh, and sat down on the chair helplessly.

   Jian Jia didn't say anything more, just quietly took out the food and ate lightly, and took out the chopsticks to wipe.

   "Jia'er, if not,"

Before Qihe finished speaking, Jian Jia interrupted him, pursing her lips and said, "Young Master, you can't repay him for saving your life. I have saved some silver taels over the years, and when Young Master recovers, I will take the money." Go live elsewhere, and find a good girl to spend the rest of your life safely."

  A look of surprise flashed across Qihe's eyes, and he hurriedly said: "Jia'er, you know what I feel, why do you still say these things to hurt my heart, don't you have some difficulties?"

   "There is no reason, Jian Jia, a maidservant, is not worthy of a son."

   Jian Jia suppressed the bitterness in her heart, without showing any emotion on her face, raised her hand and handed him the chopsticks.

  Qihe looked anxious, pushed away the chopsticks, grabbed her wrist and said, "Jia'er, without you, what's the point of my life? Did you just say that because you didn't want to burden me?"

   Jian Jia didn't look at him, and said indifferently with clenched fists: "No, the appearance of the young master has seriously affected my life, so if the young master is really for my own good, stay away from me in the future."

  The closer he is to himself, the more dangerous he will be.

   Qihe looked at him in disbelief, let go of her hand with a disappointed expression, and said bitterly, "So I was the one who disturbed Jia'er."

   Jian Jia's heart ached, but she pursed her lips tightly and didn't say much.

  Qihe stalemate for a while, then said with a desolate expression: "Miss Jianjia, please go ahead, Qihe will not pester you with shamelessness, and will never bother you again in the future."

   Jian Jia's eyes were foggy, she clenched her fists tightly and turned around, her voice was a little hoarse and she said, "Master, take good care of your wounds, I will come back tomorrow and give you some money."

   Jian Jia put on the veil and cap, opened the door and left without looking back.

  Qihe's complexion changed instantly, he desperately tried to make Jian Jia even more devoted to him, but he never imagined that this woman would be so hard-hearted that she would send him off with money.

   However, she underestimated herself too much.

  The grace of saving lives is greater than the sky, how can it be repaid by dozens of taels of silver.


   Jian Jia walked out of the gate of the hospital, her face covered by the hood was already covered with tears, she bit her lower lip, and did not make a sound.

  She glanced at the sun, then walked to the next street.

  Arrived at the dining building, a young boy who looked like a servant ran over with an exquisite food box in his hand, and said with a flattering smile, "My dear sister, I have already lined up to buy this soup dumpling for you."

   Jian Jia opened the food box and glanced at it, then took out the money bag, squeezed out a few pieces of silver and handed it to him, and said lightly: "Thank you."

   "Oh, you're welcome, if my sister has such good business in the future, remember to look for me at the back door of the restaurant."

   Jian Jia didn't want to talk to him, so she nodded lightly to him to indicate that she understood, and then left with the food box.

  The young man looked at the pieces of silver in his hand excitedly, put the silver on his teeth and bit it, and finally said with a smile: "This money is very easy to earn. With so many more businesses every day, wouldn't it be prosperous?"


   Wang Family,

   Jian Jia bought the famous soup dumpling in Beijing, and everyone enjoyed it.

   Jian Jia didn't dare to show other emotions, for fear that the lady would find something wrong.

  Jiaojiao has actually felt it, but she didn’t say it. Jian Jia is sad, she has deep feelings for Jian Jia, and she can’t bear to interrogate her about Yang Wang’s mansion and Princess Shengyuan. Let’s talk about it later.


  After breakfast, Qiu Sheng was about to go to the Imperial College, but Master Si came to visit.

  He was surprised and pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly straightened his robe and went out to greet him.

   "Oh, why did this in-law come here suddenly?"

  Liu Zhihua Wang Zhuangzhi hurriedly arranged their clothes for each other, and the two looked anxious, and they went to greet each other together.

  This is the future in-laws, so I have to make a good impression on them.

  When Qiu Sheng rushed to the door, Mr. Si stepped out of the carriage with a serious face.

   "Qiu Sheng lost his way, Uncle Si forgives me."

  Master Si looked him up and down, his eyes were very harsh, why did he quietly abduct his precious girl, which made him unable to sleep last night.

   Today, the court was distracted, and he didn't even listen to Prince Gong's question. Fortunately, the national teacher helped to excuse him, and Prince Gong asked him to go back to the mansion earlier to rest.

  He became more and more angry as he thought about it along the way, so he came directly to the door.

   Having nothing to say to him, Master Si snorted as if venting his anger.

   Qiusheng looked at people like this, and at the same time was puzzled, he thought that it should be morning time, why is Mr. Ke Si here, and why is he so angry?

   "When Mr. Si comes to visit, he is greeted at some distance."

  Liu Zhihua and Wang Zhuangzhi came out to greet people with smiles on their faces.

  Seeing this, Master Si put away his displeasure, and nodded with the two of them, "Sorry for bothering you."

  Wang Zhuangzhi hurriedly waved his hands, and said with a smile: "Don't be polite, it's our family's blessing that distinguished guests can come to our house. His mother and I wish you could come more often, why bother you."

  Liu Zhihua also hurriedly smiled and said: "My family is right. Mr. Si's family has a relationship with our family. We are not familiar with the place where we live here. It will be lively if we have more acquaintances to visit."

  The two of them had already regarded him as their in-laws in their hearts, so their words were very sincere, and their faces were even more cordial.

   This made Mr. Si a little embarrassed. This family is all honest people, and the daughter is very rare for Qiusheng. It is indeed out of style for him to come to his house rashly because of a moment of displeasure.

  Master Si coughed lightly, and hurriedly said to Wang Zhuangzhi and the others: "I'm just passing by, I want to say hello to you, and I'm leaving after saying hello, my wife and children are still waiting for breakfast."

  Qiu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and Uncle Si clearly seemed to have something to say just now, why is he leaving now? Could it be that it is inconvenient for parents to talk?

  Liu Zhihua heard Master Si's words, and felt that her in-laws were a good person, and she was able to think about going home to eat with his wife and children, which showed that she was a tender person.

  She smiled and said: "Then I won't leave Mrs. Si today. Our house is not far from your house. Come back later when you have time."

  Master Si likes to get along with others happily, and is most afraid of being dragged and wasted time. Liu Zhihua's words made him look relaxed, and he also said straightforwardly: "Okay, I will definitely come to sit down sometime when I have time."

  Liu Zhihua hurriedly looked at her son, and said with a smile, "Qiu Sheng, hurry up and see off Mr. Si."

  Qiu Sheng nodded, looked at Master Si and said, "Uncle Si, Qiu Sheng will see you off."

  Master Si originally wanted to say no, but when the words came to his lips, he changed to: "Alright."

  Mingyue can't procrastinate like this, it's time to mention this stunned young man, what's the matter with procrastinating, Mingyue, a girl, has more courage than him.

  Liu Zhihua and Wang Zhuangzhi kept winking at their son. This is his father-in-law, so talk to them more to make a good impression.

  After receiving the message from his parents, Qiu Sheng's family nodded with a helpless smile, waved his hands and said, "Mother and Dad, you go back first, I'll see off Uncle Si."

   "Oh, okay, you can go."

  Finally, Qiu Sheng followed Mr. Si into the carriage.

  The carriage drove away slowly, and Qiu Sheng was about to ask Uncle Si what happened.

  In the end, Mr. Si stared at him directly, and said, "You like Mingyue."

  Qiu Sheng was startled by these words, and unconsciously curled up his palms on his knees, nodded calmly, and nodded seriously: "I like it."

  Master Si choked, "You, you bastard!"

  Like why didn't he come to the door earlier, but let Mingyue tell by himself, he is still not a man.

The more Mr. Si thought about it, the more angry he became, "I'm here to talk to you about this matter today. You can't come to the door to explain it clearly, and my silly girl won't tell me. If your aunt hadn't pointed it out yesterday, you two wanted to hide it from us. when?"

  Qiu Sheng only thought that Uncle Si disliked his low status. He looked up at the person sincerely, and said firmly with his eyes:

"Uncle, it's my fault for this matter. I know that my uncle doesn't like me, but I will prove to my uncle that I am no worse than others. If a child from a noble family can give Mingyue the wealth and power, I will only have a lot more in the future. And I will treat Mingyue wholeheartedly, she will be the only one in this life, and I will never take concubines."

  Master Si choked, and murmured in his heart that this made some sense. Although he was afraid of wolves and tigers in the past, at least his attitude is correct now.

Mrs. Si lost his temper, but he was still dissatisfied and said: "I don't underestimate your origin. My ancestors were also from peasant households. I really don't care about status. The most important thing is character. You are still a passer-by with me." , I'm angry that you didn't come forward to explain to us earlier, but you want Mingyue to speak out, I am wronged for my daughter."

Qiu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Uncle, I didn't understand you at first, and I trapped myself in a dead end. Now I have already understood who you are, and without the intervention of others, naturally I will not suppress this emotion."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Sheng also explained: "Yesterday, I explained to my parents, and my parents also reprimanded me, and then urged me to come to propose marriage. Take your time."

  Master Si waved his sleeves when he heard this, and said angrily, "Take your time when you are old, and you will learn to use your brain well. You are not as good as your parents in these matters."

  (end of this chapter)

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