MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 416

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  Chapter 416

  The next day,

  Early in the morning, the story of Concubine De's search for death and life spread widely.

  Many people heard the news yesterday, but they couldn't hide it this morning.

   Later news came that the emperor had been assassinated. When the people in the palace heard the news, they were panicked and restless.

  The queen mother did not show up, but the queen stepped forward to appease everyone, telling everyone not to worry, the assassin has been found, other things can wait for news.

  Compared to the uneasiness of other people, the Wang family is in the most calm and relaxed mood.

   Concubine De has an accident, Princess Jinyuan must not have the energy to bother her, and their family is much more relaxed.

  Prince Hongzong came to find Jiaojiao with books early in the morning. There was some chaos in the palace today, and the Taifu who taught was suspended for a day.

  Jiaojiao accompanied him to study together.

  Zong'er held the Book of Songs in his hand, glanced curiously at the book that Aunt Jiaojiao took out, and asked with a puzzled face, "Aunt Jiaojiao, what book are you reading? Why are these words so complicated?"

  Jiaojiao choked, and explained in a low voice: "This is a Buddhist scripture, and reading can purify one's mind."

   "The imperial grandmother often read the Buddhist scriptures, why is it different from this one." As he said, Hongzong came over and looked again.

   "Hey, why is this word faintly golden..."

   "Well, maybe the person who wrote it accidentally used the wrong ink."

  Jiaojiao said casually with a smile.

   This is what Ah Que took out of the space. It is said that it is a Buddhist scripture that has been enlightened. Just looking at it can calm the mind.

   Hongzong nodded, "So that's the case." He picked up his book again and looked at it seriously.

  Jiaojiao smiled, and then also studied the Buddhist scriptures in her hand. Some of the words on it were recognized, but most of them were not.


  The voice of the **** came from outside.

   "His Royal Highness, Prince Gong sent someone to send a message, please accompany the servant to the Imperial Study Room."

   Hongzong was taken aback when he heard this, and then responded in a childish voice: "Got it."

   After finishing speaking, Hongzong put down the textbook in his hand, and said to Aunt Jiaojiao, "Zong'er will come back later."

   "Zong'er, I'll take you there too."

  Jiaojiao put down her book and got up, she was worried that he would go as a baby, the palace was in a mess, who knew if there were any assassins left.

  Zong'er originally wanted to say no, but Aunt Jiaojiao had already held his hand, so he didn't say anything, and obediently followed the others and walked from the door together.

   Jian Jia and the **** who were waiting outside the door looked on, and they bowed their heads in salute.

   "The slave has met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Princess Huixin."

  Hongzong opened his mouth and ordered: "The prince wants to go with Princess Huixin, and you will lead the way."

  The **** showed hesitation, and replied respectfully: "His Royal Highness, Prince Gong only announces one person."

   Jiaojiao glanced at him, and said in a playful voice, "I won't enter the imperial study, but just walk along the way with the prince, it won't affect them."

   Hongzong also nodded in approval, and glanced at the **** dissatisfied, "Hurry up and lead the way."

  The **** wiped the sweat from his brow and could only respond: "Yes."

   Jian Jia hurriedly walked behind the lady, and whispered, "Miss, why don't we go."

  Jiaojiao said to her: "It's okay, Jian Jia, I'll send Zong'er and come back."

  The Wang family came out after hearing the sound, and saw Jiaojiao leading the crown prince and preparing to get on the chariot, Liu Zhihua hurriedly shouted: "Jiaojiao!"

  Jiaojiao heard her mother's voice, secretly said badly, and let Zong'er go up first in a blink of an eye.

  She looked back at her parents and explained: "Mother, I will take Zong'er to the front of the hall, and I will be back in a while."

  Liu Zhihua and Wang Zhuangzhi ran over, looked at the daughter worriedly, and then at the prince beside him, unable to say anything to stop them.

   But the palace is in a mess, how can Jiaojiao **** the prince, if there is something wrong, their family will not be able to survive!

  Bao Ya and Meng Jun walked over, Bao Ya looked at her sister and said, "Jiaojiao, why don't you let Brother Jun go with you."

  Liu Zhihua nodded in agreement, "Your sister is right. How can you two kids do it? Meng Jun is good at martial arts and can protect the prince."

   While talking, a Royal Forest Army suddenly came from a distance.

  The man headed by him was tall and tall, and he quickly stepped forward to salute and said, "Wang Cheng of the Yulin Army has seen His Royal Highness and Princess Huixin, and is ordered by the national teacher to pick up the prince and go to the front of the hall."

  The eunuch's body was obviously stiff, and he stood nervously to the side to reduce his sense of presence.

  Seeing the escort, the Wang family breathed a sigh of relief.

  Jiaojiao felt relieved when she heard Brother Yan's name, she patted Zong'er's little hand, and said, "Zong'er, then follow Wang Shiwei."

   Zong'er looked calm, grinning and said to Aunt Jiaojiao: "Okay, Aunt Jiaojiao doesn't have to worry about Zong'er."

  Jiaojiao got off the chariot, Wang Cheng nodded respectfully, then nodded with the Wang family, and then led a group of people away.

   "Oh, you girl is very careful, how can you protect the prince, if you don't stop you today, parents will have to worry to death right now."

  Liu Zhihua sighed, hugged Jiaojiao, and touched her head with a worried look.

  Jiaojiao hugged her mother and smiled, obediently said: "Mother, Jiaojiao knows that there are so many imperial soldiers in the palace, and Jianjia is following Jiaojiao, her martial arts are so powerful, Jiaojiao is safe."

   "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. You are not allowed to go anywhere today, so just obediently follow your mother."

   "Baby, this matter is up to your mother. When we get out of the palace smoothly, where do you want to go, dad will accompany you..."

  Jiaojiao rubbed her ears, and could only obediently respond: "Jiaojiao knows."


   When it was almost noon, Prince Gong made an order on his behalf.

  The father of Concubine De colluded with spies, with evil intentions, and threatened the safety of the Jin Dynasty. Anyone involved in this matter was given a whole body, and the rest of the family was exiled to the West.

  As soon as the imperial decree of the main hall was issued, the Queen Mother followed closely behind to issue the imperial decree.

  Concubine De was thrown into limbo, and Princess Jinyuan was confined for a year, devoting herself to chanting Buddha and praying for the Jin Dynasty.

  The Imperial Forest Army in the palace guarded the gates of each palace, and yesterday's banquet detainees had to go to Dali Temple for interrogation.

   At the same time, the Wang family was leaving the palace in the carriage of the national teacher.


  Besides the palace, there were fewer hawkers on the streets that used to be bustling, and people gathered around to talk.

   "I heard no, the emperor's assassination was life-threatening."

   "Hey, the world is going to be uneasy again. Fortunately, the people at the pier said that there seems to be another war in the border defense. Now that the emperor has such a thing, what should we do?"

   "Let me tell you a secret, the change of emperor one after another is said to be due to the conflict between the Qin family and Grandpa Tianshen, which is why there are many injustices..."

  Wang's family returned to Zhuangyuan Mansion, and naturally heard these gossips on the road.

  Bao Ya was still at a loss, and muttered: "It's strange, we only learned the news in the palace, how come the common people outside know everything."

  Meng Jun also found it strange, and said, "There are commentators in every street. I think everyone already knew about it before us."

  Qiu Sheng looked cautious, and said calmly: "This matter is indeed not right."

  The words and deeds that were circulated just now seem to have been deliberately released by someone.

   After thinking about it, Qiu Sheng still had to go to the Imperial College to talk to the teacher.

   "Father and mother, settle down and have lunch, I will go to the Imperial College."

  Liu Zhihua grabbed him, frowned and said, "Qiu Sheng, there's a lot of chaos outside, so don't run around today."

  Qiu Sheng gently pushed his mother's hand away, and comforted him: "Nothing mother, I have important things to do when I go to the Imperial College, so don't delay."

   "Auntie, I will go with Qiusheng."

  Meng Jun stood up, patted Qiu Sheng on the shoulder, and the two exchanged a look.

  Qiu Sheng nodded with him, smiled and said to his mother: "My brother-in-law is with me, so mother can rest assured now."

  Although Liu Zhihua was still a little hesitant, she knew that Qiusheng would not be delayed in doing business, so it was reassuring to have Meng Jun by her side.

  She nodded, pulled the two of them along and told them: "If you encounter troubles on the road, don't meddle in your own business. The two of you should follow closely, and don't get separated."

  Meng Jun nodded in agreement, and Qiu Sheng also responded: "Got it."

   Jiaojiao didn't know what to think of, she turned her head and said something to Jian Jia, and Jian Jia immediately untied the silver whip from her waist and handed it to the young lady.

  Jiaojiao handed it to Meng Jun, and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law is holding this for self-defense. This whip is very powerful. No one can get close to it within two meters when it is swung."

   "Thank you, little sister."

  Meng Jun took it with a smile, and the next second he realized that the handle was not right, he picked up the whip and watched it carefully, the shock in his eyes was obvious.

  At first, I just thought the name was the same, but it turned out to be the Silver Flood Whip, one of the top ten weapons on the list.

   Originally, I wanted to ask the little girl where she got it, but when I thought about the skills of the national teacher, I was not surprised.

  At this juncture, Qiu Sheng didn't ask his sister about the origin of the whip, but rubbed her head in relief, and said with a smile, "Young girl, I will bring you a good-looking book when I come back later."

  Jiaojiao nodded obediently, and did not forget to ask: "Brother and brother-in-law, please pay attention to safety."

  Meng Jun nodded, "Yes."

  Qiu Sheng smiled and replied, "Okay."

  At this time, the boy brought out the horse.

  The two of them waved their hands, then got on their horses and left.

  Bao Ya looked at the back of the person, naturally worried in his heart, sighed and said: "After a few days, let's go back to the town quickly, this big place is not safe for people to live in, it is not as safe as a small place."

  Wang Zhuangzhi nodded with emotion, and echoed: "Baoya is right. The prosperity of a big place is not suitable for us. Although a small place is a bit out of the way, we can live a stable life."

  Liu Zhihua glanced at the two of them, "Okay, it's still too early to go home, Qiu Sheng's marriage has not yet begun, so he has to settle down before returning."

  Bao Ya sighed, forgetting about this matter.

  Wang Zhuangzhi rubbed his head, and quickly said with a smile: "Yes, Qiusheng's important event is important, and it doesn't matter if you stay longer."

  Liu Zhihua gave him a look, "Spoof."

   "Let's go, go home quickly."

  While walking, Jiaojiao turned towards the distant sky, and sighed in a low voice: "I don't know what happened to my little brother."

  I heard several times today that there are wars outside the border, and my brother has not received a letter for a long time, which is unavoidably worrying.

Baoya who was beside Jiaojiao couldn't help feeling a little worried about my little brother, but he still patted his little sister's head, and said soothingly: "Xiao Li is so powerful, and with General Luo guarding him, Da Jin is still a big country. The war will definitely send people to support, but I haven’t heard anything so far, I guess it’s just some young people, Jiaojiao, don’t worry.”

  Jiaojiao heard this, smiled and nodded, "Yeah."


  The Wang family had just settled down in the mansion, when the servant at the gate came to report that someone was visiting.

  Liu Zhihua murmured in surprise: "It's a mess today, whoever has nothing to come to visit."

  Wang Zhuangzhi asked the boy, "Who can you tell me who he is?"

  The servant hurriedly said: "Go back to the master, the nobleman said that his surname is Wang, and he is a relative of the master's family."

king? Relatives?

  Bao Ya, who was sitting drinking tea, curled her lips, and Jiaojiao immediately guessed who it was, and said with a blink of an eye, "It can't be the big brother who has never met."

  Liu Zhihua snorted coldly, and said angrily: "If Wang Zetao is that white-eyed wolf, get out of here as soon as possible."

   "This," Wang Zhuangzhi is also a little uncertain, but there are really no other relatives surnamed Wang in the capital.

  The servant was also taken aback by the master's anger, bowed his head and did not dare to say anything, and waited quietly for orders.

  Wang Zhuangzhi looked at the lady like this, and it was not easy to open his mouth to let people in, so he got up and said, "I'll go to the front yard to have a look, it's not the best, if it's really that beast, I'll have to scold her to relieve my anger."

  The servant hurriedly nodded, "Yes, sir."

  Wang Zhuangzhi just stepped out of the door, Liu Zhihua couldn't sit still anymore, got up and said: "No, if it's really that white-eyed wolf, I have to scold him severely."

  Liu Zhihua walked quickly towards the door, Baoya and Jiaojiao looked at each other, they also got up and followed out.

  Jiaojiao has never met this big hall brother before, only heard her mother tell a lot about him, when the two walked to the gate.

   From a distance, he saw a woman with a big belly. The woman had a virtuous face, and she was walking towards her mother with a smile, greeting her affectionately.

And behind the woman is a man in blue robe, his appearance is very similar to his uncle Wang Chuansheng, his eyebrows are raised high, his thin lips are pursed into a horizontal line, his face looks very cold, and there is a domineering look behind his hands aura.

   "Hey, these are the two younger sisters that Ze Tao often talks about! They look like angels, and my sister-in-law has never seen such beautiful people."

Before Jiaojiao could react, the woman came over with a smile and took her and Baoya's hands. The woman had a beautiful face, bright and graceful, her eyes were very easy-going when she smiled, and she took people's hands to praise her. non-stop.

   "Third Aunt, it still has to be you. Look at how good your daughter is, I must be blessed, and bless the one in my belly to pass on such a good-looking..."

  Her belly looks very big, which doesn't match her slender waist. It's scary to look trembling. Baoya and Jiaojiao didn't dare to break free for a while, so they could only let her talk.

  Liu Zhihua frowned, and hurried forward and said: "Why are you running around in such a big month, and you don't want to enter the door, go back quickly."

The woman looked aggrieved, touched her belly and said: "Third Aunt, Sujin saw you both for the first time, and she felt kind after meeting you. For the sake of Lin'er in my belly, please don't drive us away. "

  Liu Zhihua choked, but her stomach was too scary to stand for such a long time, so she waved her hand helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, your stomach is too scary, hurry up and find a chair to sit on."

  (end of this chapter)

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