MTL - Six-Year-Old Child, Baojiao, is Busy with Kingdom-Building-Chapter 413

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  Chapter 413

  The Wang family did not dare to show their anger, and looked at the national teacher cautiously.

  The other party is a princess, even if she is a national teacher,

  This, this approach is too bold.

   Jiaojiao looked towards the door, and asked worriedly: "Brother Yan, Xuan Liu won't be held hostage by the princess, right?"

  Rong Yan shook his head, and said in a clear voice, "No."

   "That's good." Jiaojiao patted her small chest and let out a sigh of relief.

  Qiu Sheng's eyes were still full of sorrow, he bowed his head and said calmly: "Thank you, the national teacher, for saving the siege, I have caused you trouble."

  Wang Zhuangzhi also walked forward awkwardly, looking at the national teacher apologetically, the princess’s father is the emperor, the national teacher is the emperor’s subordinate after all, because of their family affairs, the national teacher will definitely be blamed to some extent.

  Rong Yan saw the worry on their faces, and said calmly: "It's okay, the princess has nothing to hide, how can the pillar of the country be slandered by a few words, even the emperor can't condone it."

  Qiu Sheng's eyelids trembled, it turned out that the national teacher heard those words, he pursed his lips and said, "Thank you, national teacher."

  When the Wang family heard this, they were grateful and relieved.

   "Let someone prepare some meals. After eating, go to bed early. Don't go out no matter what you hear tonight."

  After Rong Yan finished speaking, the Wang family was taken aback, and Bao Ya subconsciously asked with curiosity: "Dare to ask the national teacher, what happened in the palace?"

  Rong Yan didn't hide it either, and said calmly: "The emperor was assassinated, and he is arresting the murderer."

  Bao Ya covered her mouth in shock, and everyone else's expressions also changed.

  Jiaojiao was not too surprised because she learned about it from Miaomiao.

   When Qiu Sheng heard the news, his face was the most serious. The assassination of the emperor was unusual, and it was related to the grand occasion of the country.

  Rong Yan took out a golden sign from his pocket, handed it to Qiu Sheng, and said: "Take it, it will be used when going out of the palace when necessary."

   Qiu Sheng saw that it was a gold medal bestowed by the emperor, and immediately shook his head and said, "This thing is precious, so let the national teacher keep it."

  Rong Yan glanced at him, and said in a low voice: "Without it, you would not be able to leave the palace, and you would be taken to Dali Temple for interrogation. You can afford it, and how can the young and old in the family afford it?"

   Qiu Sheng choked and was speechless for a moment.

   "Keep it close to you, and don't pass it on to others." Rong Yan said as he put the gold medal in his hand.

  Qiu Sheng didn't say anything more, nodded and put away the gold medal.

  Wang Zhuangzhi expressed gratitude, made a big gift and said: "The great kindness and virtue of the national teacher, our family will never forget it."

  Rong Yan raised his hand to help him up, and said softly: "You don't have to be polite, uncle, it's just a little effort."

  Liu Zhihua pinched the handkerchief in her hand and hesitated to speak. Before because of Jiaojiao, she was very disliked by the national teacher, but now she feels a little ashamed.

  At a time like this, others are afraid of causing trouble, but he protects their family and gives such a valuable sign. Letting them go without permission will be a big crime on his head.

  Jiaojiao also thought of a lot, pulled Brother Yan's clothes, and asked worriedly: "We are all gone, will the emperor blame Brother Yan?"

   "No." Rong Yan raised his hand to caress her head, but he lowered his hand just half way up, what Jian Jia said was still in his ears.

  The little guy was very sad because of his family's words.

  How could he be willing to be sad, he should pay attention to these habits in the future.

Jiaojiao didn't notice Brother Yan's actions, she nodded very trustingly, and then thought that the emperor was seriously injured, so she probably didn't have the time to blame Brother Yan, so Jiaojiao sneaked closer and asked, "Brother Yan, if there is something wrong with the emperor, What about the queen and prince?"

  Rong Yan pushed her head back a bit, and said with a smile: "People are cautious, and there are many things to worry about. This matter will not affect the queen and prince, don't worry."

  Jiaojiao smiled naively, and said happily: "Sister Yun and Zong'er are also my good friends, so I naturally want to ask."

   "Well, I will protect Jiaojiao." Rong Yan said softly and patiently.

  Jiaojiao suddenly thought of the bad princess again, and pouted again: "Brother Yan, there is another princess who wants to marry the eldest brother, but we don't like her."

  When the Wang family heard this topic, they also pricked up their ears. Qiusheng wanted to stop the little girl, but Baoya grabbed him quickly.

  Bao Ya patted the elder brother's shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice: "If the national teacher really has a way, I can find a way to repay the favor in the future. I really can't regret marrying the princess."

  Qiu Sheng stopped talking.

   Stop the little girl from wanting to accept the teacher's love, but after that, if the imperial decree really comes down, is there any room for him to turn around?

   The answer is obvious.

  Even his younger sister could understand something, Qiu Sheng lowered his eyes and bowed his head in silence.

  Rong Yan heard about this, and said bluntly: "This matter can't be done, Princess Jinyuan's mother's family is involved in other countries, and the emperor's health is not good, no matter what the reason is, it can't be done."

  Jiaojiao's eyes lit up, and she immediately looked at her elder brother happily.

  Qiu Sheng suddenly raised his head to look at the national teacher, the concubine De's mother's family is involved in other countries!

   Isn't this a crime of collusion?

  The big stone that Qiu Sheng was pressing on his heart disappeared immediately. This kind of serious crime can be punished with death, or demoted to the common people.

   Baoya breathed a sigh of relief, luckily, otherwise it would be really worrying to marry such a superior ancestor and go home.

  Although Wang Zhuangzhi and Liu Zhihua didn't understand those crimes, he could tell from the words that Qiu Sheng didn't need to marry that princess.

   "Brother Yan, you are simply our lucky star."

  Jiaojiao was about to hug someone happily, Rong Yan hurriedly took out a blueprint from her arms and handed it over, Jiaojiao caught it in confusion, and looked through it curiously.

   "What is this? It looks a bit like a map."

  Rong Yan said to everyone: "This is a simple map of the palace, memorize the route on it, and burn it after memorizing it."

  Qiu Sheng glanced at the Imperial Teacher again. It is a serious crime to spread the blueprints in the palace without permission. He...

   The others didn't know, so they happily gathered around to have a look, and kept thanking them.

   "Oh, the national teacher is really careful, there is such a thing, no one can lead the way out of the palace smoothly..."

  Liu Zhihua also looked excited, looked at Jiaojiao, and then at the national teacher, hesitating whether to ask to keep someone for dinner.

   After all, people have helped so much, logically speaking, they should be kept for dinner to thank them.

  At this time, Rong Yan spoke.

   "Xuanliu stays outside to hold hands, and talk to him about something."

   After finishing speaking, Rong Yan gave a few more instructions and left.

  Jiaojiao followed to the door, looking at the back of the person leaving, she always felt that Brother Yan was a little different today.

  The Wang family was very happy, all the difficulties they encountered were resolved, and everyone was grateful to Rong Yan in their hearts.

  Liu Zhihua said embarrassedly: "No matter what you say, this national teacher is indeed a good person."

Wang Zhuangzhi also nodded and said with emotion: "I can see that the national teacher's temper is too good, we don't care about the collision, look at the princess before and after entering the door, she looks completely different, and if she doesn't like it, she will scare her like that. people."

  Bao Ya took advantage of the opportunity and said: "The national teacher is called a prime minister who can pull a boat in his stomach. Only a broad-minded and generous person will not care about these things. It is indeed rare for a national teacher to be able to do this with a noble status."

   After finishing speaking, Baoya gave Meng Jun a wink beside him, and said, hurry up and help.

  Meng Jun coughed lightly, and echoed: "Well, Baoya is right."

  Bao Ya smiled, walked up to her parents and said, "Look, Brother Jun doesn't praise others easily. A man can best see a man's nature. The character of the national teacher is no problem."

  The corners of Meng Jun's lips raised slightly, and he shook his head helplessly.

  Liu Zhihua and Wang Zhuangzhi sounded reasonable, and Wang Zhuangzhi whispered to his wife: "We misunderstood people a little bit, and we have to be more polite to them in the future. They don't care about it, and we can't climb the pole."

   Liu Zhihua choked, it wasn't because of Jiaojiao's incident at the beginning, but today the national teacher seems to be deliberately avoiding suspicion.

  Hey, thinking of this, Liu Zhihua frowned, could it be true that she gave up because of those words?

   "His mother, do you listen, you are not allowed to show your temper in front of others in the future." Wang Zhuangzhi instructed again in a low voice.

  Liu Zhihua was a little annoyed thinking about things, and heard that the head of the family was still talking here, so she said angrily: "Stop talking, I understand."

  Wang Zhuangzhi choked and scratched his head, wondering why the lady got angry again.

  Bao Ya looked at the two of them, hugging the little girl to cover her mouth and snickering, Jiaojiao also smiled, with a bright smile, and the rows of neat and lovely millet teeth were very pleasing.

  Liu Zhihua looked up and saw Guaibao, but she couldn't get angry when she saw Guaibao's uncommon appearance, and said with a smile: "You two ghost girls, this is the first time you have laughed at me today."

  Bao Ya hurriedly put her smile away.

  Jiaojiao said sincerely: "The second time."

  Liu Zhihua laughed angrily, stepped forward and knocked on her forehead, and sighed with a smile: "You silly girl."

  Jiaojiao retracted her neck to hide, Liu Zhihua rubbed her little face curiously, and asked suddenly: "By the way, don't you girl want to tell mother a surprise? Hurry up and say it to make mother happy."

  Jiaojiao was taken aback for a moment, then realized belatedly, she scratched her ear and said, "Is that sister Si?"

   This time it was Liu Zhihua's turn to be dazed, "Miss Si? What's wrong with her?"

   Baoya on the side hurriedly said, "Mother, what Jiaojiao means is, what do you think of Miss Si?"

  Qiu Sheng coughed lightly when he heard the words, glanced at Bao Ya, and motioned her not to talk nonsense.

  Bao Ya looked away, ignoring her elder brother's gaze.

  The eldest brother is not too young anymore, the male college should marry, and the female college should marry, there is nothing to be shy about.

   You can't let the girl mention it first, take this opportunity to talk to your mother, maybe you can go to propose marriage in two days.

  Liu Zhihua recalled the girl she met in the morning, and her impression was that she was gentle and charming, with a very good face and a nice voice.

   "Miss Si is very lovable, very nice, what do I ask my mother for?"

  Liu Zhihua looked at the two girls inquisitively, always feeling that the two girls were hiding something from her.

  Jiaojiao smiled, "As long as Mom likes it." Then she blinked at her sister.

  Bao Ya cleared her throat, and said directly: "Mother, the girl that brother likes is Miss Si."


  Liu Zhihua froze for a moment, then immediately turned to look at her son, "Qiu Sheng."

  Wang Zhuangzhi didn't even know about this, he heard that he looked at the two girls in disbelief, and then at Qiu Sheng, and said excitedly, "Oh, what's going on here?"

  Qiu Sheng's face turned hot, and he didn't know what to say.

  Liu Zhihua smiled when she saw this, clapped her hands and said happily: "Oh, what a flood, the Dragon King Temple was washed away. The family doesn't know the family, and the one you meet in the morning is your future in-laws!"

  Qiu Sheng heard this and hurriedly said, "Mother, it hasn't been decided yet, so you can't say that."

  Liu Zhihua laughed even more cheerfully, covered her mouth and said, "Okay, don't say it, mother understands, it's not good for Miss Si's reputation."

  Wang Zhuangzhi reacted, smiled honestly, and excitedly said to his wife: "His mother, you can rest your mind now. We are talking about Qiusheng wooden fish bumps in our ears every day, but we don't know that they have already found it."

  Liu Zhihua raised her hand and pushed him when she heard that, and cursed guiltily: "Shut up! Who said those things, don't speak ill of me in front of the baby!"

   This one who has no eyesight, pokes her boss in front of the children, this is not to make Qiusheng think that her mother is talking bad about him behind his back.

  Wang Zhuangzhi also realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly said with a smile: "No, I just remembered wrongly, so I didn't say anything."

  Qiu Sheng smiled helplessly, "Mother, just ask whatever you want."

  Liu Zhihua's eyes lit up when she heard this, she leaned over and said, "Qiu Sheng, how long have you known Miss Si?"

  Qiu Sheng said shyly, "It's been four years."

   "Oh, you baby, you have known each other for so long, and you haven't told your family. If your sisters didn't tell you today, how long are you going to keep it a secret?" Liu Zhihua looked at her son in disapproval.

  Bao Ya also murmured after hearing this: "It's similar to Brother Jun and I. We're both engaged to get married, but you still keep it from both parents. Brother, it's really your fault."

  Jiaojiao watched her elder brother being scolded, and hurriedly helped her and said, "It's okay, it's not too late, elder brother will treat sister-in-law well and make up for it in the future."

  Hearing the word "big sister-in-law", Qiu Sheng's ears turned red, his face was soft, and he didn't refute these words.

Before he won the first prize, he was just a commoner student. Mingyue, as the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of War, would not have known the difficulties during the period. The two of them had known each other for two years, and he never exceeded the distance. , he had some confidence to accept her letter.

   Until now, if the national teacher helps, he can't guarantee the future of the two, so how can he talk to his parents.

  Liu Zhihua saw that people didn't speak, sighed and muttered: "You child, you can't speak beautiful words since you were young. You have known other girls for so long, and you don't tell your family members. Fortunately, the girls didn't think you are a liar."

  Hearing these words, Qiu Sheng didn't know what to think, suddenly the corners of his mouth turned up, and he recalled the beginning.

  Not long after he first came to the capital, he often felt that someone was following behind him, thinking that it was a gang committing crimes trying to steal his purse. Someone didn't know that it was Mingyue disguised as a man and leading a maid to watch him secretly until they met Mingyue a year later.

Thinking about it now, I feel a little emotional, Qiu Sheng's face was gentle, and he said to his mother seriously: "Mother, this matter is indeed my fault, Mingyue is kind and simple, she is a rare good girl, it is my good fortune to meet her. "

   It was rare for Liu Zhihua to hear her son praise such a girl, and she raised the corners of her mouth and pretended to be serious and said: "You just know that she is a good person, so how long does it take for your mother to propose marriage?"

  Qiu Sheng didn't expect it to be so soon, and said with a red face, "Mother, I've only met Mr. Si's family not long ago, and I'm afraid it will be misunderstood if I mention it now."

  (end of this chapter)

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