MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 432 Fan Wai: The World (7)

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In the private dining room of the restaurant, the food has been on the table, Su Rui and Xu Ce face the face, but no two men have moved the chopsticks first.

"Talk to me."

Su Rui looked up seriously and looked at Xu Ce seriously: "The past of Su Shi, she and the past of criminal justice."

In the past...

Xu Ce condensed the gods. The first time he saw the name of Su night, it was on the task board. On that day, he just turned over a task at random, who knew that it would lead to such a deep tie.

In this world, Su Shi is the first female lord. Criminal Yi is the first male owner, Ouyang Mo is a male partner, and Qin Qing and Li Fei are the main supporting actors.

As for Su, late.

She is the ex-girlfriend who was thrown away by the cannon, a vicious woman who is not happy by everyone?

Xu Ce has already walked through many worlds at that time. He has encountered many male and female partners. He has seen many people who are embarrassed by love and crazy for love, but Su is one of the most special ones.

"She is really stubborn, very smart, but simply makes people feel bad."

Xu Ce said while falling into his own memories -

Su was born in the prominent Su family, but she was rejected by her parents. From her small side, besides being careful, the servant was an outsider.

Her childhood is unhappy and unhappy.

She doesn't know what love is, but she wants love more than anyone else.

She studied various knowledge and skills to arm herself. She was arrogant and arrogant. She was amazed by Miss Su Jiada. However, these are just her disguise.

Her heart was very lonely and very lonely. Until she was sixteen years old, she met her criminal life.

The appearance of the criminal escape warmed the whole life of Su night.

Like a traveler who has been in the desert for a long time, she encountered a fertile oasis for the first time.

The gentle care of the sentence, the sincere care, let Su night feel that it is real.

She is no longer a doll of the Su family. She finally becomes a living person with flesh and blood, someone who cares, and someone who remembers.

Simply stubborn as her, I hope that I can live with Ji Yi, but this time Su Qiqiao retrieved Su Shi.

She is the one who really takes the aura of the woman, and the appearance of Su Shi changed the life of Su night.

Su Qiqiao disregarded everyone's opposition to the entry of Su Shi into the Su family. Because of this, Qin Shizhen did not return to the Su family after three days without returning home.

After Ji Yi saw Su Shi again, he immediately changed his attitude toward Su and night. It turned out that Ji Yi accidentally fell off the cliff when he went out for a trip three years ago. At that time, he was saved by Su Shi and waited for him to wake up. After the Su Shi has left, he has been looking for a savior who has a side in the past few years. After the Soviet Union night, he mistakenly regarded Su night as Su Shi!

Nowadays, the real female host has appeared in the late night.

"According to the mission information I received at the time, the original plot of the world should be the resignation of the criminals and the late Soviet Union. The Soviet Union who was unable to stand the blow decided to buy the murderer and remove the Su Shi. The result was revealed by Su Qiqiao, one is himself. The daughter of true love, the daughter who was rejected by herself, Su Qiqiao’s choice has become obvious! Su was finally driven out of the Su family, she turned to the Qin family, but because Qin Qin and Miss Qin Qing and Su Shi are good friends, she is The Qin family passed the unsatisfactory, because Qin Shizhen did not like it, and finally Su night also became the abandonment of the Qin family. Qin Laozi married her as a marriage chip to the young master of Yuncheng Shenjia, and Shen Jia The young master is a drug addict. Every time he takes drugs, he will beat people. Finally, Su is killed by his hands."

When I heard Xu Ce’s words, Su Rui’s body became colder and colder: “It’s really invincible, the thunder is rolling! The brain-destroyed world should be destroyed, but how can my wife and children follow this story? Going?"

She is not a brain!

"Yeah, Su is out of the story of the world, so I will enter the world."

After Su was retired from her sentence, she did not intend to buy a murderer. She bought a lot of arms and buried all the explosives in the Sujia villa.

She wants to go with everyone!

This is Su night, the most authentic Su night.

Thinking of this, Xu Ce couldn't help but look at Su Rui: "Su Rui, this is the biggest regret in my mission and my life. Do you know? Because I don't understand love, I don't understand women's heart, I thought let It would be nice for her to empathize, but I ignored her feelings. The betrayal of Ji Yi can make her have the same heart, so what happens when the betrayal comes again?"

He played away from Fiji, pulling a little bit out of the apathetic abyss, but at the last moment pushed her into deeper despair.

This is actually the most cruel thing.

This is also the biggest regret of Xu Ce in this life.

"Although this is illusory, what I want to make up can only be made up here."

Xu Ce smiled helplessly.

"You are right, you can only make up here, because in reality, she is doing very well, she does not need anyone's compensation, because she has me."

When he heard Xu Ce’s words, General Su looked up involuntarily and looked at Xu Ce with confidence.


Xu Ce nodded and saw Su Rui’s stalker. Xu Ce had to admit that he could not become a man like Su Rui in his life. He could become another person for his beloved woman.

Xu Ce’s personality is gentle and elegant, but in fact he is very strict and very calm.

There is no skinny chasing girl, or a overbearing president who falls in love with my **** horse, this is definitely not in line with his people!

"Tonight is Ouyang Mo's birthday. Both Ji Yi and Su Xi will go to his birthday party. Su Shi will also go. Don't say that I didn't remind you. Tonight, Su and Susie will have a dispute, and Ji Yi Will drop the night to chase Su Shi."

During the conversation, Xu Ce took a piece of paper and a wallet from his pocket and placed it on the table: "This is the address, I wish you good luck."

"Hey, Xu Ce."

Seeing that Xu Ce was about to leave, Su Rui couldn't help but shouted at him loudly: "Isn't it going to compete with me? It's not like your character to admit defeat so quickly!"

Say good war?

"Give you a chance, not because I admit defeat, but..."

Xu Ce did not say it, turned and walked out of the room.

Really not admit defeat, but do not want to watch her once again experience such a helpless and sad moment, do not want to look at her alone secretly hiding in the corner to cry.

Xu Ce is not a man who is good at swearing, but Su Rui is, and, he is petting the object of squatting, only Su is alone.

There should be no one involved in such feelings.

Such feelings are enviable and also yearning for...

After Xu Ce left, Su Rui refused to take his own computer, rushed out with the wallet and the note--Women, you wait for me!


Dark nights, rugged mountain trails.

It takes a long, long walk from the villa area on the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Wearing a small dress on the high-heeled Sue night, step by step down the mountain road, at this time, Ouyang's birthday party has long been gone, the end of the song.

She originally had to leave with Ji Yi, but for Su Shi, Ji Yi actually drove her off the car halfway, and one drove to chase Susie.


It’s not the first time that he has been abandoned by his fiancé.

It’s only the first time in this barren mountain ridge.

For other girls, it is estimated that they must be scared to go, but Su night still walks down the mountain step by step, walking and walking, she saw the familiar lights.

It is the car of the sentence.

At this time, Ji Yi parked the car on the roadside, through the light of the dim light, the shadow of the shadow can see him and Su Shi figure.

The two men were only pulling at first, and finally they got together and kissed each other.

Su night stood under the tree on the side of the road, and she looked at the two people in the night who were tightly kissing, tears across her face silently.

It hurts, my heart hurts.

He bit his lip and let himself cry, and Su’s hands were already clenched into fists.

Su night, you can't cry!

You can't let anyone see your joke!

In a hurry, wiped the tears on his face, and Su went forward again. Maybe because of her absent-mindedness, her left foot was smashed by the stone. The whole person immediately fell to the ground, and the smooth and white knee appeared immediately. The wound, the blood and the dirt on the ground are mixed together.

It’s really a blessing to be a disaster!

Watching the criminals driving, driving Su Shiyuan, Su Xiao sneered and sneered -

My good sister, a good sister with a good heart.

You can be involuntarily, you can understand yourself.

However, you are so kind, why don't you know how your sister is now?

Don't you realize that your sister is missing?

"Oh, huh, huh."

Su night sneered and wanted to get up, but the pain in her legs and feet made her unable to stand up.

"Don't move, hey!"

A familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

Su night's tight nerves suddenly loose.

"It's you?"

She turned her head and the next tall figure in the night came quickly. When she saw the wound on Su’s body, Su Rui’s face sank, but her eyes were still very gentle and tender: “Hey, don’t mess, I help. You deal with it, your husband's craftsmanship for dealing with wounds is absolutely superb."

Looking at Su Rui light car to help clean up the wound, and even help himself wrap the wound, Su night has not spoken, she just silently looked at the man's serious look, looking at his side face.

This person does not seem to be so annoying as he thought at first?

Although the mouth likes to be cheap, even...

When I thought of the kiss in the office, Su night felt that her face was burning, and he was personally kissed by him. Can he betray the criminal escape?

At the thought of this, Su’s thoughts were complicated. In the past, her world was so single, and there was no warm color in her single.

Later, Ji Yi became her whole world, and now?

If you want to break yourself, will you have nothing to do with your own darkness?

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