MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 384 14: Abyssal Charm (End)

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The Wasteland Mountain Range, the fine iron ore mine, is a mine belonging to Baker City, and is also the private industry of Asno. It was originally used to hire the wandering demons in the city to work hard, but now the entire mine is The Meizu that Lilika adopted from the outside.

Meizu is weak, Meizu's men are better, those Meizu women are petite and less powerful than ordinary female demons, so they are subject to many times of whipping every day.

Moreover, there are unpaid labor here. The Lord’s House only provides their three meals a day and accommodation. Of course, no one has tried to leave or escape. Those who escaped are caught directly. Tortured with fire magic, and those who proposed to leave, the Lord's Office also allowed them to leave, but the premise of leaving is to take out enough crystal coins in exchange for their freedom, after all, Lilyka rescued them when they spent A lot of big coins.

Vivian is one of the rescued abyss charms. She is often beaten because she is thin. Her body is getting worse and worse, even worse than when she is being trafficked.

At this time, the gratitude to Lilika in her heart has already become an endless grievance.

What kind of person? They are all lies, which is simply the lie of the Lord's wife.


The pain on the back made Vivian back, and she looked up slightly. The pair was guarded by the ruthless blue eyes: "Is it lazy? Don't hurry up to work! Otherwise, there is no meal tonight!"

On the back, the burning pain, Vivian but can only continue to bend to work, perhaps because her body is too weak, she just took a few steps, just a flower, the whole person fell to the ground !

"Hey! Say you! Not yet!"

The whip with the magical power fell again, and Vivian had already closed her eyes.


A low, hoarse voice came over, Vivienne stunned, and the whip in the expected did not fall. She opened her eyes and looked up at the woman who walked slowly in the red moonlight.

She is also an abyss Meizu, but she is wearing a clean magic robe, a calm and ordinary face with a cool color.

"It turned out to be a late night!"

It’s natural to be a late night, she has been with Ding Jiajia, and her name has not changed.

Although her name is awkward for the Mozu in the abyss, who made her a red man next to Miss Shirley?

Who doesn't know Miss Shirley all over Baker City now?

Although she is an abyss enchantress, but it is a mutant abyss enchantress, has a very powerful ability, and the appearance is also beautiful, she is also the favorite woman of the lord.

Because of Ding Jiajia's reason, Su night is also a celebrity in the entire city of Baker.

After all, she is the maid of Ding Jiajia, and she is still a trusted confidant.

"Su night, how come you? What is the matter, though."

In front of Su night, the guard immediately lowered his posture, and even the tone was particularly flattering.

Seeing his two faces, the envy of Vivienne's face is also the Abyss Meizu. When can I be like this adult, can open the seal and speak, can you not be enslaved?

Seeing the envy of Vivian's eyes, Su night gently hooked the lips and said: "This Meizu, Miss Shirley wants, I want to take her away!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The guards on the side immediately stepped forward and untied the magical flaws of Vivian.

"You are so lucky, don't go out with the adults!"

Vivian couldn't believe to stand up, because she was too excited, she tried to stand up several times before she could stand up, but she couldn't talk at this time, but she stared at her eyes with a big smile and timid look. Su night.

"Okay, let me go!"

There was no nonsense in the evening, and he turned and left.

Vivienne followed up naturally and the two men returned to the residence of Ding Jiajia in the Lord's House when they took the carriage of the Lord's House.

Seeing the people brought back by Sue, Ding Jiajia’s gaze was: “Is this the person you selected?”


Su nodded late. When Ding Jiajia was busy and consolidating his feelings with Asno, Su night had been staring at the mine for a long time. Vivian was chosen by her.

"You choose, I am relieved, this respect, oh, is the wonder of the Abyss Meizu!"

When I heard Ding Jiajia's words, Wei Wei'an on the side immediately shrank her neck and lowered her head.

Yes, the Abyss Meizu are small and exquisite, although not comparable to the abyss of the abyss, but the general Meizu are also very delicate, but the Wei Wei An in front of the eyes is very ugly, which is why she has not been good The price, often the reason for being transferred in the slave market.

If she can choose, she definitely doesn't want to be so ugly. If she can choose, she doesn't even want to be a mysterious Meizu. However, does she have a choice?

"Vivienne, do you want to be beautiful?"

At this point, the sound of the hoarse voice of Su was so low that it was like seeing Vivian's thoughts. Her tone was full of deadly temptations.

Think, why not? In this endless abyss, if there is no force, at least it should have a good appearance, so that at the very least, you can live by relying on men.

This is not self-defeating, this is the law of survival in the abyss.

Seeing the bright dawn of Vivian, Su continued to smile: "I can help you become beautiful, you can help you get a high position, even... I can make you become a noble aristocrat!"

How is this possible?

At this time, Vivian was like listening to the Arabian Nights, incredulously watching Su night, staring at her every move.

Su night took out a small dagger from his own arms: "At night, Miss Shirley will send you to the lord's wife, you just need to take care of others and don't pay attention, insert this dagger into her body. Remember to avoid the key, just let her hurt, of course, you can not do what I said, I will not send you back to the mine, you are here to do a low-level slave for a lifetime!"

When I heard Su’s night, Vivian was almost without hesitation and quickly robbed the dagger in the hands of Su.

Su was satisfied with a smile, and Ding Jiajia, who was laughing at the side, was screaming at the moment: "Yes, you can see people in the late night. I am a woman who has the ambition to do big things."

Green tea 婊 white lotus **** horse is the most annoying.

That night -


"Killing! Killing! Help!"

From the palace where Lilika lived, the scream of the low-ranking maid came out. At this time, Lilika fell to the ground. She tried to gather magic, but she failed.

How could this be?

In the darkness, a silhouette appears slowly.

"It's you!"

Lilyka looked at Su’s figure, and the whole person was amazed: “Is Shirley sending you to kill me? I, I can’t threaten her, why is she so vicious?”

"Vulgar, Lilyka, are you sure you are not talking about yourself?"

Su night picked up the magic potion on her face, and she immediately replied to her original appearance.

"The temple, Your Highness!"

Lilyka screams -

How come, how could it be His Highness?

"Lilyka, you don't care about my identity, but you have to unite with Asno to kill my father, encroach on our Baker City, Lilika, today, I am coming to you for debt. of!"

During the speech, Su night took out a bottle of magical medicine again, gently sprinkled it, and fell to the Lilyka on the ground, and immediately stunned.

"Vivienne, you are lying next to Lilyka."

Su night ordered a sentence, Vivian immediately did.

"It's a child, Vivienne closes your eyes. After a few minutes, you are the wife of the entire Baker City."

Lord lord!

Wei Wei’s heart was shocked, and she immediately closed her eyes.

Three months later, Baker City.

The three-year lord's party was held as scheduled. At the party, Asno and Belia suddenly attacked. The two men had to make the entire Fit family uneasy. After a short cooperation, Asno and Belia also tore. Broken face, and Ding Jiajia naturally took the opportunity to leave Baker City with Su.

At this time, Asno in Baker City still has only one wife. Of course, in the eyes of outsiders and Asno, this person is His Highness, but only she knows that she is actually Vivian.

On that day, Su’s dagger to Vivian was dedicated to the soul. She weakened Lilika’s soul and then exchanged her and Vivian’s soul with the soul ban. This time the experiment was very successful, when Vivian Open her eyes, she is already the lord of the lord, and the ugly inferior Meizu, was imprisoned in the prison, after being endlessly tortured, half thrown out and thrown out...

At this time, Asno has already begun his own journey in the middle abyss. He and Vivian walked through the streets of Baker City in the carriage of the Warcraft, and there are countless devils worshipping.

In the most broken place in the city, a ugly, ugly abyss enchanted woman looked at the weak direction of Asno and Vivian, and she wanted to tell everyone that she was the real lord lady, but unfortunately now She, let alone speak, can't even walk...

At this time, she hated the Vivian, who had robbed her identity, but did not think of it at all. The identity of the lord’s wife was originally stolen from others...

Read The Duke's Passion