MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 358 6: Green plum with bamboo horse (6)

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From the thirteenth to the night of the Siheyuan, the two courtyards had to pass through two streets. At this time, there were not many vehicles on the road. Su and Xie Changan walked side by side, and neither of them spoke.

When I arrived at the door of the house, Su night suddenly stopped and called Xie Changan: "Xie Changan."


When I heard the sound of Su’s night, Xie Chang’an turned her face and looked at her with a smile: “What’s wrong?”

"Nothing, thank you for sending me back."

Su night rushed to Xie Changan with a faint smile, a ponytail, turned and carried a large bag into the courtyard door, Xie Changan stared at the back of Su’s night for a long time, then he smiled and walked toward himself. Going to the door of the house.

Su Guoliang has not yet got off work every day when Su Suliang is out of school. Today, when she entered the door, she saw that Su Guoliang and Liu Li were sitting at the dinner table at home, and five-year-old Su Qingmei was sitting in the arms of Liu Li with red eyes. When she saw the figure of Su’s entrance, Liu Li’s face changed slightly, and Su Qingmei’s eyes in her arms glared and ran down from Liu Li’s arms and immediately ran to the front of Su’s night: “Sister, sister, You are quick to persuade your parents, father and mother to divorce!"


Su was shocked and looked at Su Guoliang subconsciously. This honest man was sitting in a chair with a serious look at this time. He saw a place of ash at his feet. Su couldn’t help but walk up. Novo’s two calls: “Dad?”

"Well, little night, you are back."

Hearing the voice of his daughter, Su Guoliang’s face barely showed a smile. Today he did not go to work. After calling in the public phone booth in the morning, Su Guoliang returned to his home by bicycle and watched Liu Li work in the kitchen. Su Guoliang quietly went to the neighbor's house. The people in the yard knew about the situation of Su Guoliang's family. Only people in this era were reluctant to take care of other people's affairs. Now Su Guoliang took the initiative to ask the door. The neighbors originally did not. I am willing to provoke more and more right and wrong, but it is not easy to see the honest man later, so I told him about the night when Liu Li beat the Soviet Union.

Su night and the words of the neighbors unveiled the veil of Liu Li's hypocrisy.

Su Guoliang is very sad. He feels that he is sorry for his daughter. When she was youngest, the hardest and most difficult time was when Su’s mother accompanied her. She finally had a good life, but she died because she was overworked.

After the wife died, she left the daughter of Xiaoxiao, but Su Guoliang’s counter-scale. These years, her daughter did not speak, and he was busy with work. He always thought that Liu Li would treat Su Qing as he did with Su Qingmei. Unfortunately, it turns out that Su Guoliang was wrong and he was very wrong.

"Dad, do you really want to divorce your mother?"

Su night had already put down his schoolbag and stared at his father.


Su Guoliang nodded hard.

"Su Guoliang! You are not lost in conscience?"

Liu Li, who had been silent at this time, suddenly stood up in a bad complexion: "Who has been helping you to care for this family in the past six years? I am married to you as a cow, a child for you, you Now that the conditions are good, you said that I don't want me to want me. How can there be such a good thing in the world? I will go to your factory tomorrow to find your factory manager! I want everyone to give me a review!"

"Liu Li!"

When I heard Liu Li’s words, Su Guoliang’s face was also gloomy: “Are you busy enough? You have done a lot of things for this family, and I am very grateful to you, but how do you treat my daughter? I want to Neighbors are called to judge? You have to go to our factory? You go! Go now! Come and see who is shameful!"

There is a saying that the rabbit is anxious and biting. The more honest the man is, the more terrible he is when he initiates a fire.

Sure enough, when she heard Su Guoliang's words, Liu Li immediately fell down. She seems to be very hot. In fact, most of the time she is actually bluffing.

"Su Guoliang, Guoliang, you see that Qingmei is so big, you can't live without a mother in a small night, I... I won't beat her in the future, can't she still? You and I are gone, who are you going to find? Which one? A woman, like me, is willing to worry about you and bring you a child?"

Seeing that Su Guoliang was ironic, Liu Li immediately softened her tone. When she turned around, she stretched out and stayed in the late night: "Little night, you don't be angry with your mother for a little night, my mother promises, I will never beat you in the future." Don't marry you! You advise your father, if we are really divorced, what do you and your sister do?"

Hearing Liu Li’s guarantee, Su night sneered in his heart, but his face still looked hesitant: “Dad, mother, she...” “Little night, you don’t care about adult things.”

Su Guoliang sighed. He thought about it all day. As a man, he has an unshirkable responsibility for his family. If he can't even take care of his daughter, then how can he be a man? With a father?

"Wow! Wow!"

Su Guoliang’s voice fell, and Su Qingmei, who was next to Sue’s body, immediately sat on the ground and cried: “I want my mother, my father, I want my mother, I don’t want my stepmother!”

This child...

After hearing Su Qingmei’s words and her crying, Su Guoliang stunned, and Liu Li, who was on the side, immediately squatted on the ground and held Su Qingmei in her arms: “My poor child, don’t cry, mother. Will not leave you, Su Guoliang, I am wrong, I am changing, do you dare to hand over your two daughters to other women's hands?"

Su Guoliang hesitated for the first time when he heard the cry of the little daughter and Liu Li’s words.

Indeed, although Liu Li is the late stepmother of Su, but at least she is the biological mother of Su Qingmei!

If he and Su Qingmei are divorced, how can these two children be safely handed over to other women?

I have to say that the female hostess is really smart. This crying immediately captures the weakness of Su Guoliang.


Su saw the situation changed. She immediately stepped forward and gently pulled Su Guoliang's sleeve: "Dad, you don't want to divorce your mother. In fact, my mother is also very good to me. She beat me because I was not sensible when I was young. I am growing up now, I am sensible, and my mother will never beat me in the future, is it, mother?"

Said, Su night with his big eyes, eyes looking at Liu Li, Liu Li stunned, and immediately nodded desperately: "Yes, yes, the night is the most embarrassing, my mother does not hit you!"


Su Guoliang sighed and turned up in silence, and returned to his room.

Seeing this scene, Liu Li finally took a big breath with her daughter.

Divorce in this era is a big thing for a woman, and Liu Li actually really likes Su Guoliang, an honest man. She also knows that if she loses this man, she will never encounter a second Su Guoliang in her life. It is.

"Little night."

Rubbing Su Qingmei wiped her tears, Liu Li immediately turned to smile and looked at Su night: "What do you want to eat at night, my mother will do it for you."

"Well, eat ribs, my sister likes to eat."

Su night looked at Liu Li with a look of innocence. When she heard her, Liu Li smiled and said: "Okay, eat ribs."

After Liu Li went to the kitchen, Su night also turned back to her small room. She just put down her schoolbag, and Su Qingmei’s little figure appeared in front of Su’s night.


"Well, what happened?"

Su night, while holding a pencil case, he looked sideways at Su Qingmei at the door.

"Sister, don't be angry with your mother, she won't beat you in the future, and... If I grow up, I can protect my sister!"

Su night: Oh.

It’s really a deep sister!

Why didn’t you know how to protect your sister in the past life? Now I want to grab my sister's man, I feel guilty, knowing to protect my sister?

Go to your sister's sister.

Su night sneered inside, but his face still showed a moving expression: "Thank you, Qingmei, my sister knows you are a good boy."

Therefore, the pseudo-Loli God horse, hurry to chase your home's pseudo-right, of course, can not catch up with this is really a problem!

Xie Changan...

Thinking of the man who was suspected of being born again, Su night couldn’t help but condense and glare. What was wrong with this mission?

Read The Duke's Passion