MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 350 21: The warlord's little sister (21)

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In a blink of an eye, it’s a new year. Today’s Yin’s compound is dead. Since Yin Beige and Yao Bai’s fans have turned over, he rarely returns to the old house, but now Yao Fangru has taken the initiative to move to a partial hospital. live.

She also thought that it was transparent. Yin Beige didn't love herself. Now she can't have children. Even Yao Baixian has abandoned herself. So what is the way out for her in Yin?

In this case, why should she go to find it again?

She would like to see how long Hua Yaolan can be favored in the Yin family?

The fact is as Yao Fangru expected, because there is no child, Hua Yaolan was very fond of Yin in the beginning, Yin Beige also took special care of her, but after a year, Hua Yaolan has been delayed in pregnancy, Yao Bai The fiber is getting worse and worse on her face.

At this time, there was another big event in the Yin Family Courtyard.

Hu Huiyue and a playman stealing, love, actually caught by Yao Baixian people!

This is definitely a shame of the Yin family. This incident made Yin Shun particularly angry, and the handsome man was actually brought a green hat by a play. If it was passed out, would it still be worth it?

That night, the play was shot and killed, and Hu Yuniang was drowned in a digging pig cage in the old well of the Yin family backyard...

This incident seems to be a simple stealing and emotional incident, but it makes Yin Shun suddenly wake up. He is busy as a coach, and the entire Yin family is handed over to Yao Baiji. The original Yinshun is very trusting and trusting. Yao Baixian, but the recent incidents in the backyard happened one after another, thinking about the death of Yin Beiyue, the death of Su.

One piece of this pile, which one has a relationship with Yao Baixian?

Just when Yin Shun was in a hurry for his backyard, the war in the north finally spread to Liaocheng. At this time, Yin Shun had to let go of his family and personally took the Yinbei song to lead the troops.

This time, it took a long time to play for half a year. When Yin Shun and Yin Beige came back, it was already late summer and early autumn.

At this time, the busy scene of Liaocheng, the people are busy collecting crops, and the wineries of various wineries are also busy. Yin’s industry is quite a lot, but it’s always Yin Chengmo’s care. At this time of the year, because of the chaos of the war, Yin Chengmo did not have time to come back in the field. Yin Shun had no choice but to hand over all the industries to Su Rui for management.

Originally, he was not optimistic about his three younger brothers. He did not expect that he would handle everything in an orderly manner, and he was more powerful than Yin Chengmo!

Could it be that these three younger brothers are really open? Well, maybe because he and Xue Linglong have been together for a long time, learned her savvy?

"Big brother, in fact, these private products in the family, I and Linglong can help you take care of."

Su Rui did not understand the words too well, but Yin Shun was a shrewd person. In the past few years, he could not know the thoughts of the second couple.

Compared with Yin Chengmo, who has become a climate, Su Rui is naturally harmless.


When he heard Su Rui’s words, Yin Shun laughed and patted him on the shoulder: “The third child, when your second brother is not there, it depends on you!”

"Big Brother's instructions, how can you dare to go to the field? Big Brother, you have been so tired for a long time on the front line? Do you want me to ask Linglong to find a few people to sing songs to the house to solve the boring?"

Su Rui looked down at Yin Shun with a low eyebrow and a proper test.

When I heard Su Rui’s words, Yin Shun stunned and immediately remembered the white smoke in the Linglong Building. The long and delicate of the girl’s head, and the obedient and obedient can sing and dance. I used to be because of the strength of Yao Baixian. The matter of mentioning Nayong, now, after Hu Huiyue’s death, the entire backyard is empty, and the handsome coach, even a small donkey, is there any fun in this life?

"Mingye, the white girl of Linglong's family is still there. I want to carry her into the government. What do you think?"

"This is naturally a good thing! Two months ago, my second brother got a sleeve dance into the door. I was very happy at the time. I think that Daxie is also a reasonable person. She will be very happy for the big brother. After all, big brother. But a marshal, how many women in the backyard do not do it? People who don’t know, think you are... fear inside!"


When I heard Su Rui’s words, Yin Shun’s brows picked: “I will be afraid of Yao Baixian? I just watched the couple’s number of children and gave them Yao’s face!”

Although the Yao family was not in Liaocheng, it was also a local tyrant. The rise of the Yin brothers did not help the Yao family.

Do not let Yao Baixian not cover the sky in the Yin family compound for so many years.


I learned that Yin Shun actually wanted to be jealous, and that he was going to be carried into the house, but it was also the person of Linglong Building. Yao Baixian immediately felt that something was wrong -

The Northern Songs have people in the Linglong Building.

Cheng Mo also met the people of Linglong Building.

The lady of the third child is the proprietress of Linglonglou, and now the marshal is also the person of Nalinglou, is this too deliberate?

Xue Lingzhen...

When I think of that face, Yao Baixian is particularly annoyed.

That night, Yao Baixian personally took the soup to Yin Shun and sent it to his study.

"What you said, I have already considered it. You have to admit that I have no objection, but... I must not be a person in Linglonglou. I can help you find some candidates, or else, how do you see Jane Blue?"

Jane Blue?

When she heard Yao Baixian, the blue behind her immediately stiffened her body and looked down pale.

Yin Shun in front of the desk raised his face coldly and looked at Yao Baixian: "Is this home, is it that I have the final say or do you have the final say?"

"Nature is the master, you have the final say."

Yao Baiwen said with a warm smile: "Come, Master, I want to drink the soup!"

Said, she moved the soup to Yin Shun in front of it.

"I don't drink!"

Yin Shun raised his hand and overturned the steaming ginseng soup. The hot soup was splashed on the back of Yao Baixian's hand: "Yao Baixian, you always say that the second child's step is good and good. So what about you? Everyone knows that he hurts his man, and finds him a person who knows the cold and knows the heat. Yao Baixian, how have you been good to you in these years? These things in the backyard, the marriage of Beige and North Vietnam, Yao Fangruo’s That broken thing, have I ever thought about it with you? Now I have to pay a nap, what do you mean by pushing it like this?"

When I heard Yin Shun, Yao Baixian looked at his red back with a dark look: "Master, when you were young, when did you stop, when did I stop? Now different, people in Linglong Building have problems! In short, I don't Will let the people of Na Ling Lou Lou enter the Yin family!"


When I heard Yao Baixian, Yin Shun also smiled coldly: "I have to greet the lord, I am not guilty, I am going to the second room! I have to banquet in Liaocheng!"

"You... Yin Shun, you are so against me, don't you feel lost?"

When I heard Yin Shun, Yao Bai’s face finally changed.

"Defiant? You and me are in the end who lose heart, who knows in their own heart!" Yin Shun has no longer want to endure Yao Baiji again, more than 20 years of husband and wife, when talking about love points, these years, perhaps true It’s almost exhausted...

At the beginning of October, Yin Shun smashed the white smoke as the wife of the second room. Since then, the Yin family backyard is a **** hurricane...

Read The Duke's Passion