MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 11 : Generation of married kings (10)

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The weather is getting colder, and it’s winter in the blink of an eye.

Su’s body finally recovered gradually under the care of Si Yu’s unreasonable price. She began to appear high-profile and frequently appeared on various official banquets. The various bureaucrats in Kyoto seemed to know Su’s for the first time. In the winter wrapped in silver, she is always in a red palace dress. It is too dazzling and bright, although her face is still pale, but this paleness is more than her delicate facial features.

Thanks to the blessings of the original Lord, having such a good appearance makes Su night more like a duck. In the past, she rarely went out in the late night. In her life, there was only the man named Xuan Ruirui, and now the late night is gradually revealed. The advantages and talents of the original owners who were ignored were not long before they became the most popular characters in Kyoto.

Although the rumors about Xuanyuanrui have been violently suppressed by the people of Yuefufu, privately, the people of Kyoto are still talking about such a topic. Many people are waiting to see the fate of Su’s night, and waiting to see Xuan Ruirui’s joke.

If Xuan Ruirui’s life before the age of 20 is smooth sailing, then since the late night of Su’s departure, Ye Zhi’s painting became his righteousness and his life began to be full of trouble.

From the beginning of the suspicious deception to the illusion, Ye Zhizhuo often said some inexplicable words. Xuan Ruirui was very distressed at the beginning of his lover. Looking for a lot of people to see the doctor has never been effective, even the company is also The situation of Ye Zhihua was helpless. In the end, Xuanyuan Rui had to invite the Taoist priests from the Jingwai Taoist Temple to go to Wangfuli. The result was even more disturbing.

"Wang Ye, please forgive me, the prince and you and Wang Hao are incompatible with each other. If you continue to reluctantly together, you will be troubled, and you will not be able to live!"

For the long road, Xuanyuan Rui is furious!

If Ye Zhizhi did not help herself, she would have been killed by Xuan Yingqing’s wolf ambition, how could she interact with her own character?

When I got married, I found someone who had been in the Qintian Superintendent.

Eight characters, eight characters...

Xuanyuan Rui told himself that the leader must be wrong, but... Xuan Ruirui was hesitant when he thought about the bad things he had encountered recently.

If so, what is the Taoist saying is true?

Otherwise, how can it be so clever, since two people have been together, they have repeatedly encountered trouble, and Ye Zhi painting is also plagued?

After a few days of trouble, Xuan Rui Rui finally sent people to Qin Tianjian and Ye Fu secretly inspected it, and the results obtained surprised him.

The character of Ye Zhihua is fake!

The birthday character she used when she married herself was actually Ye Zhijun! As the investigation went deeper, Ye Zhihua and Ye Zhizhen exchanged eight characters, and Ye Zhizhi replaced Ye Zhihua’s marriage to Xuanyuanqing.

For a time, Xuanyuan Rui was a bit worried about the whole person -

Why do you know how to deceive yourself?

Was it just because she didn't want to marry Xuanyuanqing? Is there any other conspiracy inside?

It is said that Xuanyuan Rui is actually a good player to play tricks, or how can it be mixed in the royal family?

With the bad things one after another, Xuan Ruirui’s mind that was stunned by love began to wake up again, and IQ also followed the straight line. This deep thought made Xuan Ruirui feel a cold sweat.

If everything is a bureau from the beginning, how terrible is the black hand behind the entire bureau?

Therefore, the conspirators are all brain-filled, and the result of too much brain filling is the sauce purple drops.

The spirit of Ye Zhihua is no more than a day. The original Xuanyuan Rui also accompanied her every day. The gentle words of soft words can make Ye Zhi’s fearful heart settle down, but now because of my heart’s doubts and scruples about Ye Zhi painting, slow The slow Xuanyuan Rui rarely appears in the courtyard of Ye Zhihua.

This kind of change happened quietly. At first, Ye Zhihua was still ignorant. After a long time, she finally panicked and refused to take care of herself. She repeatedly fell into Xuan Ruiru’s study and wanted to see him. The result of the meeting is naturally unhappy.

It’s about to go to the year, and the kings of all places have to return to Beijing to regain their lives. Xuanyuan Rui has long heard the wind, knowing that many royal children are paying attention to the night, and Su Yufeng will return to the dynasty one month later. In order to stabilize the Su family, this time I have planned to marry the Su family again. As for the marriage, the objects are all selected by the Su family!

When she thought of her childhood sweetheart to marry another woman, Xuanyuan Rui’s mood was extremely violent.

Recently he has tried to avoid meeting with Su, but there are still a few times, and she has been seen far away.

In the memory, the girl who is always sick and gentle, but at this time, she is so bright and flamboyant, she said that the sorcerer’s medical skills are superb, but Xuan Ruirui did not think that Si Yu would actually have a **** for the Soviet Union, and the centuries-old of the ancestors’ ancestors for many years. The medicine is used to adjust the body to the late night, which makes her gradually recover. Now the night of Su can already live like a normal person, even a married child.

Every time I think of it, Xuanyuan Rui is burning in the fire. He has loved the girl for so many years. He has never touched it before, but he has to bear the joy of other men. This scene is just a thought, Xuan Ruirui I feel unacceptable!

It can be said that Xuanyuan Rui at this time is somewhat regrettable.

However, he did not regret that he abandoned the Soviet Union on the same day and sent her to the cold park. He just regretted leaving the night and left, she did not leave her as much as possible.

After all, according to the situation at the time, Su night still had deep feelings for him. As long as Su is still staying at Yue Wang, then Su will still stand on his side.

Seeing that the days of General Su Da’s return to Beijing were getting closer and closer, the forces of the various parties were eager to move, and Xuan Ruirui finally couldn’t help but hand over the post to the General’s Office.

The worship of Yue Wangfu was directly sent to Su Rui’s hand by the housekeeper.

Looking at the big characters on the dragonfly and phoenix dance, Su Rui just had some disdainful sneer: "This Xuan Rui Rui is really thick enough."

The butler at the side saw Su Rui's bad tone, and immediately asked with a low-browed eyebrow: "Less master, do you want to reject the people of Yue Wangfu?"

"No, don't refuse."

Su Rui blinked, and the suffocating suffocation filled the room at this moment: "There are too many people who are unsightly, and it is a good thing to solve once."

The dimly lit candlelight reflected Su Rui’s face. At this moment, the shackles of his eyes made the housekeeper who used to use his haze to involuntarily fight a chill. He knew that the young master was afraid to move the real thing. Some people really I am going to suffer...

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