MTL - Single Player Only-v2 Chapter 117 Man grid progress bar (13)

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Yue Qiang feels very bad. [Read the latest chapter ..]

He felt like he was in a mess and clueless.

He has found a lot of clues from the beginning to the present, but he can't string them together anyway.

The clues that have been obtained seem to indicate enough information, but they cannot be fully described in any case.

It feels bad.

The clues are tangled up, forming a big thread. There are countless thread heads on the big thread group, and each thread head seems to be able to fully describe the whole thing, but if you think about it a little, it is extremely confusing.

Qiu Ning, Corpse, Art, Memory Unlock, Game, Skill, Player, Story Animation, Conversion, Entry, Stand-alone ...

Even the mysterious progress bar.

Obviously can be connected in series, but I do not know where to start.

He sat in a daze on the bed.

Tone left the bed. She returned to the table, studied the three animal skins, and walked back.

She sat down on the bed, side by side with Yue Qiang, and then she turned her head.

Face to face.

Although he could not open his eyes, Yue Qiang could feel her attention.

She said, "What do you think of me?"

Yue Qiang stunned.

"Ask you, what do you think of me?"

Yue Qiang felt a little strange. He thought for a moment and said, "You are a very smart person, but why do you say this ..."

Yin shook his head firmly and waved his hands, expressing dissatisfaction. She said word by word, "Why don't you say I'm pretty?"

Yue Qiang was a stunner again.

These few words are totally inconsistent with the style of the sound. She is usually a very intelligent image, the kind of girl who does not need to rely on her face to eat at all. Of course, the sound is naturally very beautiful, and it is the kind of female star after surpassing the p picture. However, she is too clever, so Yue Qiang will subconsciously forget that she looks great, and even subconsciously forget that she is a girl.

Girls are usually more emotional, right? Few are as sane as she is?

So Yue Qiang felt that her question was a bit strange. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "Well, you are really pretty."

"Well, that's fine," Yin said. "You look better now than before."

"At that moment, you were sitting on the bed alone, staring blankly in front of you. Your eyes didn't change, and your body was rigid and motionless. This state is very bad, and it's easy to happen." She said.

"Do you know how long you were in this state just now?"

Yue Qiang did not answer. He didn't know how long it had been, but he felt very bad, feeling a mess in his brain. Then I kept thinking, thinking about it, but without a clue. He didn't know how long the time had passed, it felt like only a short while.

"It shouldn't be long, right?"

"It's been a long time. It's been more than an hour."

Yue Qiang was surprised. He didn't know he could be in a daze for so long.

"It seems very easy for you to fall into this state." Yin said, "Just think about one thing and don't think about time. I've seen you learn skills twice in this state, which hurts the body. Great. "

She said calmly, without too undulating tone, but revealed a slight concern: "If you are studying a certain technology, a theory with a large depth and a narrow breadth, this kind of concentration is fine. But what you just suspected was yourself It is the world that doubts, so it is easy to get confused. "

"There is also a saying that you can easily understand.

"You can't figure it out, and then you can't come out, and then the whole person is bad. You don't even realize it yourself."

"Ask that irrelevant question, of course, to wake you up. I'm not bored enough to care about how well I look and look good." Yin said, "Do you feel better now?"

Yue Qiang changed his pose. Then he was surprised to find that his body was extremely stiff. It's like sleeping in a discomfort posture for a long time, and the whole body muscles are numb and sour. Then he knew that it was indeed a short time.

Looking at the girl with a calm face, a slight gratitude rose to his heart.

"So what did you just say?" She said.

This time Yue Qiang learned to be smart, he quickly replied: "It's beautiful, especially beautiful, super beautiful."

"You should say I'm very smart." Knowing that he came over slowly, she nodded and smiled slightly. "Pretty is not useful. But smart can solve the problem."

"Now that you take it easy, I will take a look at the current situation as a whole." She said, "Because if the problem continues so much, you will still unconsciously fall into that state later. If you did n’t sort it out before, yes Because I ’m not sure about it myself, and the amount of information is not enough. Now, you successfully killed Zhao Yuan and entered the game again. There have been many, many changes, and I have a basic conclusion on many things. "

The tone of the tone is very formal, and then seeing Yue Qiang sitting in a serious manner and listening carefully, he couldn't help but be a little bit reluctant: "I'm a bystander, I'm calmer, so I think more comprehensively. And you once told you everything Pass me so that I can draw a more sane analysis. "

"Maybe the situation is not as complicated as you think. Let's draw a line and analyze it to see if we can sort everything out."

"Just draw a thread."

The tone was emphasized again.

"There are a lot of threads now, such as your female coach, corpse, artist, memory unlock, games, your special skills, players, story animation, conversion, entry, stand-alone, mood ability, progress bar ... analyzeable content The more you do, the less you can catch the key things. So, we only draw one of the most critical threads. Then the question comes, what do you think is the most critical threads? "

Mood ability? progress bar? Player? Yue Qiang thought for a while, then felt that every clue seemed important ...

"The thread I draw is 'worldview'." Yin said.

After listening to this, Yue Qiang patted his mind hard.

"Yeah! This is so obvious ~ ~ As long as the problem of the worldview is solved, the remaining problems are solved. This is a very simple problem." He blurted out, feeling suddenly realized.

Then he was decisive and sweated. Such a simple question, but sitting on the bed thinking about it, I haven't figured it out yet ... embarrassing.

"Then how do you think you can organize your thoughts after drawing the thread of" World View "?" Yin said.

"It's very clear, as long as you figure out what the world is, if it's a game, if it's not a game, and why my world has changed ..."

At the beginning, Yue Qiang said with confidence, but the more he said, the lower the voice.

Not to mention the game world, just his own world, he was completely confused.

Yin pursed his lips, looking at him as if he suddenly found the excitement of the new continent, and then said more and more emboldened. She stretched out her hand, helped Yue Qiang to sort out her clothes, and then said, "So it's me? How about you?" (To be continued.)



Read The Duke's Passion