MTL - Single Player Only-v2 Chapter 109 Full grid progress bar (5)

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的 The landing point of this giant wood is very accurate, and Yue Qiang's position is also very accurate.

If Zhao Yuan continues to pursue, this extremely heavy piece of wood will surely smash him into a bloodshed.

He was forced to stand still.

低 The young man with low strength relies on the geographical position to win a little respite again.

But this time is too little. Zhao Yuan was only blocked by the giant piece of wood, then continued to catch up, and reached behind Yue Qiang again. As just now, he didn't want to kill the young man at once, so he re-applied his skills and pressed a palm against Yue Qiang's right back.

The two palms of Zhao Yuan shook Yue Qiang's two kidneys. So in his opinion, this embarrassed guy is already dying.

He has a perennial military experience and is very experienced in torture in the army. He had conducted in-depth research. Although the common tortures of Mo, Pu, Pu, and Gong were cruel, they could not cause extreme pain to the enemy. But through his powerful palm and special methods, he can destroy human internal organs, cut off vitality, and cruelly torture the enemy.

The human body uses only one tenth of the kidneys in a quiet state, so if two kidneys are cut off, one can also survive. But since then, you can't do heavy work and exert heavy energy. If a person loses two kidneys at the same time, then he is dead and dies in extreme pain.

Yue Qiangsheng, who fled in front of him, withstood his two palm strokes, but his expression remained unchanged. He still kept his bow and arrow calmly and calmly, constantly triggering the organs in the village, causing trouble for Zhao Yuan's pursuit. Soon, he shot all six arrows in the arrow pot. Then he threw the arrow pot on the ground, and the longbow was thrown aside, turning around and facing Zhao Yuan.

There was no trembling in the muscles on his face, and there was a lot of blood in his eyes.

He is very calm.

Zhao Yuan couldn't understand his calmness, so he asked, "Does it hurt?"

Wu Fanxin's effect on the senses was terrifying. Even if he suffered ordinary injuries, Zhao Yuan felt pain in the heart. The puncture wound on his arm was the worst injury he had suffered since his mental ability had grown. His facial expression was distorted at the moment, in addition to the anxiety in his heart, it was because the injury was too painful.

Because of this, he also knew very well that the young man in front of him had two kidneys broken, and Yue Qiang, who had the same mental ability, must feel more than ten times the pain!

Zhao Yuan was about to appreciate Yue Qiang's distorted expression due to pain, but unexpectedly found that he was still very calm.

He calmly threw down the long bow of the sword pot, and calmly set up an ordinary boxing frame, as if this was a competition, not a duel of life and death.

Zhao Yuan was angry.

I was angry at his calmness, angry at him without saying a word. Therefore, when Yue Qiang punched him, he didn't rush to kill it in a hurry, but raised his hand and pulled off a piece of meat from Yue Qiang's arm.

Blood dripping.

的 The position of this piece of meat is also very particular. Injury at this position of the arm will not cause people to break muscles and fractures, will not affect the movements, and will only make people feel severe pain. This is the experience summarized by Zhao Yuan.

He hoped to torture this weak opponent, and saw the painful expression on his face, just like the captives he had abused before.

He didn't care about Yue Qiang's fist in the air attack.

This punch has a unique way of exerting force. As far as Yue Qiang, who is only slightly stronger than ordinary people's physical fitness, can punch such a punch, it is already quite good. This punch fell on his chest and could even cause some damage to him. But that's it.

Zhao Yuan didn't care about those injuries. "I'm curious, I'm curious when you can support it," he said.

Xun Yueqiang's boxing power is not light, he only devotes a small part of his energy to catch those threatening boxing powers. A large part of his energy was devoted to making small wounds to Yue Qiang.

小 These small wounds are not fatal and will not even affect their mobility too much. But there is a characteristic that it is very painful.

"Your willpower surprised me. Even me, being injured and suffering from extreme pain, cannot guarantee the accuracy and precision of your moves. You are a tough opponent with willpower." Zhao Yuan said, " So I want to challenge your limits. "

She Yueqiang said nothing and punched silently.

"The gap between the second-order and the first-order of mental ability is like a gap, insurmountable. You have no chance of defeating me, why do you insist?"

"Do you want to kill me and upgrade Brahma?"

渊 Zhao Yuan sneered, and then interrupted a rib of Yue Qiang. He precisely controlled the way he fractured, allowing both sections of the rib to penetrate Yue Qiang's alveoli, so that he would get double pain.

"If you really think so, then I can only say that you are right."

"There are too few people who have the mental ability like ours, so I think there are many things about‘ Brahma ’and you do n’t know.”

"If you can really kill me, I mean if, then it is very likely that your Brahma will really gain a second-length growth!" Zhao Yuan said, "The Brahma is not like other mental ability. Obtained through penance and gain, but obtained through killing! Because the essence of Brahma is not penance, but plunder! "

"This is the reason why I plunder the mental capacity of others. In fact, I don't want to kill people. I just kill more, and I gradually get used to it."

事实上 "In fact, there is a better way to improve Brahma's heart." Zhao Yuan kept Yue Qiang bleeding while patiently and carefully introducing Yue Qiang's intelligence about his mental ability. "This method is to kill the heart."

"Killing the heart is better than killing people. If you can make a person with a mental ability feel desperate and despair to give up his original heart, then you will get better promotion effect than kill him directly! I am willing to mutilate people for this reason, such as a reckless savage husband, such as a silly and naive girl, but that girl seems to have failed? "

"Of course, and now you."

不过 "However, you are different from them. It seems to make you lose hope. Is it difficult?"

"Do you really hope to kill me? Maybe it is really possible. Because Brahmin also has weaknesses."

渊 Zhao Yuan said something in his mouth, but the movement in his hand never stopped. After a period of fighting, the situation before the two became somewhat strange.

It's not like fighting, it's like sadism.

Regardless of his attack on Yue Qiang, he only focused on making him more injured. He broke Yue Qiang's ribs, tore off his muscles, sprained his fingers, and wounded his internal organs, without hurting his joints and vital points. Zhao Yuan looked at him constantly injured and smiled.

Xie Yueqiang's punching force caused some damage to him, but it was completely within the controllable range.

So he continued to say leisurely: "The Brahmin heart has a weakness. This weakness is a bit strange. This ability can be used freely and without restriction, but once you kill someone or plunder others' mental ability, you cannot use it. , You have to wait a day before you can recover. This is one of the reasons why you came to my big account to challenge me, but I let you go. "

"This weakness is the exact opposite of how it works out. So you have hope of victory."

"Hope is that you can find someone to let me kill first."

"If I lose the blessing of my mental ability, then your chance of winning will increase from zero to 20%."

"By the way, your boxing skills are really good. The method and angle of the force selection are all in place. I appreciate it."

Compared with the opponent's good time, and talking while playing, Yue Qiang at this time is very embarrassed.

He was almost unable to count the bleeding wounds all over his body, and the number of dark injuries inside his body was even unknown. If it were an ordinary person, even if it could endure the amazing pain, the serious injury would be enough to make it ineffective.

But he didn't look like he was going to fall.

He still moves freely, and the angle at which he punches is still tricky and difficult to prevent.

Not only that, Zhao Yuan was surprised to find that although this person who looks ordinary in any aspect is still ordinary, it seems to be a little stronger than at the beginning.

The magnitude of the increase was not obvious, but Zhao Yuan noticed it.

He felt that Yue Qiang was getting heavier and he was moving faster and faster. From time to time, there are some punches that are obviously all-out efforts, which obviously exceed his limit. He doesn't need to buffer after punching, but can fight all the time!

On the other hand, the first injury he suffered, that is, the part where the muscles on his arm were torn off, has a tendency to heal gradually!

He is gradually recovering!

渊 Zhao Yuan has a clear understanding of his palm strength: if the viscera of an ordinary person is crushed by the blow of his palm strength, it should have fallen down at this time. But Yue Qiang's body didn't seem to have the concept of "internal injury". He had been moving fast and fighting.

Zhao Yuan felt that this was wrong.

His own first-degree Brahma is almost useless, just like a white board.

But the guy in front of him, the more severe the injury, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

He originally thought that this might be the reason for his determination, but he gradually rejected the idea. Because it is impossible for someone to make all the attack moves perfectly under this extreme pain, and even the facial expressions can not be twisted.

Zhao Yuan couldn't figure it out. He didn't know how Yue Qiang did it.

He had a bad feeling.

So he started to take it seriously.

Xun Ning force was on the intact arm, and he punched at Yue Qiang with one punch.

一次 This time his goal is not torture, nor is he to break his muscles and bones. The goal of this punch is Yue Qiang's heart!

拳 The punch is as fast and powerful as before. Before, Qiang Yue faced all kinds of abusive tactics of him. He turned a blind eye and just focused on his fist.

Zhao Yuan originally thought that it was Yue Qiang who could not avoid it.

But this time, when he aimed at the heart attack, Yue Qiang's strategy changed.

He shifted his body a short distance to the right.

Ji Yueqiang is not slow, but it is still too slow compared to Zhao Yuan. So the fist moved a few feet away, and the body had only a few inches to move.

A few inches is enough.

Zhao Yuan did not expect that he could see the goal of his fist and react in advance. So this punch is different from the previous attacks that absolutely hit the target.

A little bit crooked.

This time, I didn't hit the heart and hit the armpit.

The power of the fist was so great that it shook a rib of Yue Qiang again. But Zhao Yuan's right fist was also firmly clamped by Yue Qiang's upper arm and left chest!

Wu Yueqiang's body added another serious injury. But at the same time, Zhao Yuan also paid the price. His intact arm was caught and lost his flexibility.

After Zhao Yuan's life-threatening blow was missed, God was not surprised, but smiled. He said, "I didn't expect you to hide your strength and dodge my punch. But do you think my injured arm will not work?"

说 He waved his injured left arm while talking.

虽然 Although he lost his flexibility. But the distance between two people is getting closer!

虽然 Although his left arm was penetrated, it did not hurt his bones and was still strong! The fist wind brought by the arm waving even made a whistling sound, and the speed of the fist can be seen!

This time, his goal is the head of Yue Qiang!

拳 The power of this punch is too great ~ ~ It will definitely be blown if you hit it.

拳 This punch is too fast, the two are too close, and Yue Qiang still has Zhao Yuan's arm under his arm. The two people lose the space to dodge at the same time, so Yue Qiang can no longer dodge as before.

She Yueqiang did not hide at all.

His free hand was equipped with an iron bar, and then he poked up with the bar. The black and white part of the tip of the iron bar is aimed at the hollow on Zhao Yuan's arm!

的 The couple watching the battle in the distance saw their frowns and whispered when they saw this!

Although Yue Yueqiang was at an overall disadvantage in this battle, every previous response was just right. With careful preparation and strong perseverance, he narrowed the insurmountable power gap to the present level.

Although the man's spectator position is far away, he can see clearly. When Yue Qiang clamped Zhao Yuan's arm under his arm, he thought that Yue Qiang had any hidden means to use, but he did not expect that he picked up the iron bar.

How can a slender iron bar block the fierce iron fist?

The man stared at the place with his eyes dead and shouted, "Lose!"

On the other side of the horse, Jun Zhao, Zhao She, kept pinching the armrest of the seat, until then he suddenly let go, and his tight figure became relaxed. He whispered, "Win."

The dust seems to have settled, but at this moment, the situation on the field changed again!

The man in Guan Guan released his wife's hand fiercely, and Zhao She stood up directly from the seat!

The two people stared at the battlefield intently, exclaiming at the same time: "How is it possible ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile Users please read.

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