MTL - Single Player Only-Chapter 66 Isolated

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There was a bad hunch in Ji Yueqiang's heart. Because these corpses disappear too abnormally.

This is not the Gao Wu world. Most of the skills, strength, equipment, and various factors can be explained barely through science if they are converted into the real world.

However, it is difficult to explain the situation where all the corpses on the ground have disappeared, and even the blood stains are dried.

Unless ... the person doing this has the power to exceed the physical limits of ordinary people.

The man is full of calculations. Among the people of this level, only Zhao Jun can lead Zhao Yuan. The janitor who is in charge of the progress point transaction always smiles, giving people an unpredictable feeling, and may have such strength.

However, it now appears that there is a third such person beyond the limits of ordinary people.

猜测 Guessing from known information, such a person who exceeds the limit seems to have a certain attribute that exceeds 40 points, and it is not very strong. However, Yue Qiang deeply understood that the strength of such a person lies in that he is completely agnostic and cannot guess the limits of his strength at all. Based on the plot animation of the midfield, it is inferred that the strength of Zhao Yuan's power must exceed 40 points, but how much is it? It may be 40 points, 50 points ... but it may also be 100 points, 200 points!

强 How strong is 200 points! Yue Qiang can no longer imagine. 15 progress points can be exchanged for a freely controlled attribute value, so if you want to increase a certain attribute to 200 points, 3000 progress points are needed.

What is the concept of 概念 3000 progress points? Relying on killing ordinary sergeants, then you need to kill 30,000 talents. This is like letting one person fight the entire super-organized army!

Although it may be said that the way to improve attributes is not just a way to exchange progress points, the comparison of 30,000 people against one person is too exaggerated, but this can also reflect this kind of person who exceeds the limits of ordinary people How rare it will be.

This person who surpassed the limit is expected to wipe out all these corpses with a wave of his hand. If you meet this person in a while ... no, if this person intentionally opposes him, or even intends to kill him, he has no chance.

Ji Yueqiang closed his eyes and considered for a short while, then opened his eyes, he still decided to fight.

High risk is equal to high return, and high difficulty is equal to high reward.

If the person who destroyed these bodies targeted him, he is now dead. Then he is still alive, indicating that this man's destruction of the body may be other reasons. So Yue Qiang decided to move forward.

At this moment, Ai Qian said: "Considering the information I have obtained and the analysis of the road when I came, this is indeed the entrance of the Mojia Dazhai. And the coffin painted, as well as the treasures and female corpses in the coffin are also nothing. There is no doubt here. If you carefully searched the house at the end of the passage, you should be able to find the way to the real Dazhai. "

Ai Qian instructed four sergeants to guard the front hall of Dadong, and then took the remaining six sergeants and walked deep into the passage with Yue Qiang and Yin.

Passing by the huge rock, I saw a large circle of red on the ground.

Sure enough, the tiger corpse here was also missing.

The blood on the ground was the same as the front hall of Dadong, as if it had been cleaned by a cleaner. If not carefully observed, the crimson blood, mud and gravel mixed here, it is almost impossible to tell that there was a huge tiger corpse here yesterday.

He walked for a long time, and the armored sergeant who explored the way forward reported:

大 "Mr. Ai, there is only a small house in front, there are no other exits. We looked carefully in the small house, and found an entrance under the wooden table in the center of the house. Please, Mr. Ai, look over."

I really do.

Ji Yueqiang glanced at it, then hurried forward, and came to that small room.

The wooden table in the middle of the squatter house where the archiving module has been opened has been exposed, revealing a deep hole below, surrounded by a bit of planed dirt and gravel.

Looking from the outside of the cave inward, I was a vertical ladder, dark inside, no matter how you looked at it, you couldn't see the situation below.

Ji Yueqiang glanced back: "Can you feel the following?"

She Yin has always closed her eyes, but she has the bonus of the "Eye of True Sight" ability to see the situation ahead. Yue Qiang didn't know the principle of this skill, so he asked this question.

"I can't feel it." Yin said for a long while, and answered, "It seems ... there is a strange power to stop me."

I ca n’t help but just send someone to explore.

He didn't know what was behind this hole. It is the Mojia Dazhai in Liuanhuaming Youyi Village, or the Mojia tomb in silence.

At this time, Ai Qian had six armored sergeants beside him. They were in a state of intense alertness, and under the command of Ai Qian, three of them entered the cave along the vertically downward ladder.

The three armored sergeants kept a certain distance at the same time as they descended, not too far or too close, so that they could take care of each other in the event of an accident or call for support.

Ji Yue was strong outside the cave, listening to the footsteps of the three sergeants, and showed no signs of disorder.

"It has reached the bottom of the hole, and there is a passage ahead."

"It's very dark. You can't see the situation in front of the passage. The brothers above bring a few torches and a few ropes down."

Ai Qian agreed. With his eyes, he motioned for a sergeant to take three torches and suddenly said to the other sergeant: "Wait a minute, you, yes, you follow him. The two of you are wrapped in rope around your waist. Support. It's more secure. "

These two sergeants also went down.

The five people below 前 walked towards the passage deep in the ground cave first three and then two. From time to time, "normal" and "safe" reports are heard.

After carefully dispatching two groups of sergeants to explore the road, Yue Qiang finally reached the bottom of the cave through a vertical ladder. Somehow, he just felt wrong.

There are two groups of people in front of Tong Mingming who are exploring the road, and the torches can still be seen faintly at the corner of the passage. He still feels wrong.

Perhaps in this kind of place, "everything is normal" is the biggest abnormality?

At this time, the top of the three men, Yue Qiang, Ai Qian, and Yin, is a hole, not far ahead is the two waiting sergeants, and a little further ahead, the torches of the three sergeants in front are reflected.

Suddenly, the reflection disappeared.

The reports of the three sergeants also came to an abrupt halt, and the sound of three crickets, "咚, 咚, 咚", fell to the corner, which seemed particularly harsh in a quiet environment.

三个 The three people in front lost their voice in an instant.

Bian Aiqian was a little bit upset by this tense atmosphere. He shouted aloud, "The first three, report!"

Long for a long time, no response.

By the light of the torch, Yue Qiang found that Ai Qian's face became a little ugly.

Silently lost three manpower. And the most important thing is that these three people still don't know how to hang up. Without fighting or calling for help, the three sergeants stopped.

The two sergeants tied to the rope looked a little scared, and one of them said, "Master Ai, why don't we ... retreat?"

Ai Qian hesitated a moment and said, "This way, you, pull the rope and walk in front, the four of us pull the rope and walk in the back, and you explore the way in front of you. But don't go too far after the corner, stop when you see the three sergeants in front, At least you must know the current situation of those three people ... After you go back, your reward will be five times! "

Jain Sergeant didn't want to go. Hearing the reward five times, he picked up the rope and walked forward.

The three Yue Yueqiang and another sergeant followed, watching him turn around the corner and walking forward, everything was normal, he reported his situation from time to time.

When Yue Yueqiang and others followed the corner, they saw a weird scene.

军 The sergeant said, "Everything is OK, wait a minute, I see the first three ..."

When he said half of what he said, the body fell down without warning, and the body fell to the ground, making a sound, and the sound responded in the passage.

The echo is enduring.

Ji Yueqiang felt that the whole body of cold hair had stood up, and somehow hung up one more. There was also no sign of being attacked, as if these sergeants walked to their feet and fell asleep!

The torch in front of the puppet also went out as the sergeant fell to the ground. The black hole in the passage could not see anything.

此时 At this moment, there was another rapid footsteps behind him!

Ji Yue turned the picture back fiercely and was ready for battle. At this time, even if there is a monster that is scary, he will not have any accidents. However, he did not see any horrible monsters.

I hurried over, the sergeant who stayed at the table in the small room ~ ~ This sergeant was originally left in the small room, just like the four sergeants in Dadong, if there was any situation, they could support at any time. Now he panicked down the ladder, turned around the corner, and came to the crowd.

"Master Ai, it's not good, it's not good ..." said the military breathlessly, "the outside passage is the passage connecting to the front hall of Dadong, and it was suddenly closed!"

通道 The channel connected to the front hall of Dadong is the channel that was found at the beginning of the sound.

一旦 Once this passage is closed, it means that they have made no progress at this time!

Some inexplicable things happened one after another. I originally thought that there would be no accidents, but I suddenly lost four sergeants. Now even the way back has disappeared!

Ji Yueqiang felt that the tension in his heart had reached the limit, just like a taut spring, which would be broken with only a little external force. However, a few people haven't waited for all these shocks to be digested, and the metamorphosis is reborn!

The armored sergeant who came over to report and the armored sergeant holding the end of the rope fell down at the same time!

The torch shone, and the trajectory of the fall of the two men was extremely clear. One person was still reporting the other day, and suddenly his feet fell to the ground. The other person held the end of the rope. When he fell to the ground, his fingers clung to the rope without loosening.

These two last sergeants, like the first four, died without warning.

Ji Yueqiang took these situations seriously, but he still could not find any signs of being attacked.

In just a few minutes, only three Yue Qiangs remained in the tunnel.

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