MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 500 House transfer, money room

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  Chapter 500 House transfer, money house

  The next day.

  Jiang Ping'an went to the high-quality rolling mill to work for more than an hour before taking time to see Yi Zhonghai.

  Of course, I made an appointment with the leader of the public security side before I went, and I went there half-publicly and half-privately.

  When I arrived, most of the police station personnel greeted me at the door.

   After exchanging pleasantries as usual, after entering the police station, another deputy waited in front of the corridor.

   "Ju Ren, I'm sorry, but I asked you to come in person for such a trivial matter." Jiang Ping'an stepped forward to shake hands.

   Bureau Ren said enthusiastically: "Haha, they are all serving the people!"

   "Besides, you, Director Jiang, are running around for the masses and finally came to our place once. I have the nerve to neglect you?"

   "Aren't you a guest?" Jiang Ping'an laughed and asked, "Is your sister-in-law okay? Are your nephews and daughters okay?"

   "Okay, I was still talking about you a few days ago, and said that when you are free, I must invite you to my house for dinner." Ren Ju laughed.

  Jiang Ping'an said politely: "I invite, I should invite."

   "When I'm done with this work, I'll make time to get some supplies and bring them there, and try my sister-in-law's craftsmanship."

   "Haha, you're being polite, just go there empty-handed. We're too polite, but it's a good thing." Ren Ju said.

   After exchanging pleasantries, the two went to the small conference room to listen to the work report of the police station instructor and understand the case.

  Things are simple, not a complicated case.

  After listening to the report, Jiang Pingan held a small meeting with the public security personnel to exchange views.

   Then, there was time to meet Yi Zhonghai.

   "Ping An, you're finally here!" Yi Zhonghai said with a haggard face, relieved in his heart.

  Jiang Pingan handed him a cigarette, lit it for him, and lit one himself. After taking a sip, he said:

   "Master, you are too careless, how long has it been, and you have gotten into trouble again."

  Paused, continued: "I exchanged opinions with the police, I'm afraid you won't be kind this time."

  Yi Zhonghai's heart tightened, and the mood that had just been relaxed was suspended again, and he asked anxiously, "How should I say?"

  Jiang Pingan glanced at him lightly, and said:

   "All the evidence is ironclad evidence, and you were caught by the police on the spot, and you can't get away with it."

   "You have to be mentally prepared to suffer for several years. This is the result of a lot of favors I got in."

  Yi Zhonghai's face paled suddenly, the cigarette in his hand dropped to the table, and he said dejectedly: "It's over..."

   It's over, eating mush is a trivial matter, the key is that the job is definitely gone.

   Any unit will not hire workers who have committed crimes.

  As long as Yi Zhonghai is convicted, he will definitely be expelled, which is predictable.

  Even if you eat the glutinous rice in the future, it will be difficult to find a job when you come back.

  Even if he has the skills of an eighth-level fitter, it is useless!

   It can be said that Chen Xueying drove Yi Zhonghai into the bottom of the valley with one move.

  If there is no Jiang Pingan to protect him, he may even be in danger of his life.

   After a moment of embarrassment, Yi Zhonghai seemed to be several decades older, and his energy was completely gone.

   "I'm going to eat mush for a few years now, and it's not yet decided. I'll try my best to say something for you." Jiang Ping'an said.

   "Hey, the big case of two hundred yuan, sir, you are also sloppy, didn't you remember last time?"

  Yi Zhonghai came back to his senses, and said dejectedly: "How did I know that Chen Xueying would harm me?"

   "She did the mental calculation without intention, and she prepared all kinds of evidence, leaving me no room for excuse."

  Jiang Pingan nodded slightly, took a puff of cigarette, and said:

   "In order to save your life, Da Ma, Sha Zhu, and the deaf old lady all mortgaged their house."

   "As for the money, I'll go outside and find a way. The cost will not be less than last time, and the period will be five years."

   "I will transfer the entire house to Yushui, and transfer it to her, at least it will stay in the yard."

   "If you transfer the ownership to someone else, it may be very difficult to get it back in the future. You have to know about this."

  Yi Zhonghai nodded and said, "Thank you, it's very rare for you to be able to do this."

   "But if I eat mush, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get the house back in the future, hey..."

  He knew without asking, that in order to save his life, he would have to spend three to five thousand.

  Thousands of dollars, in the past, he could get it out.

  But after Zheng Gang killed him last time, and he spent a lot of money on medicines, his savings were all used up.

   In five years, with the salary of Da Ma and Sha Zhu, I'm afraid I won't be able to save thousands of dollars to redeem the house.

   As for himself, let alone think about it, it is still unknown whether he will be able to come out in five years.

   Even if you can go back safely, it will be difficult to find a job in the future.

   Right now, Yi Zhonghai was very lucky, he had asked Jiang Ping'an to help Da Ma find a job.

   Otherwise, after he went to eat glutinous rice, he would have no income, and the aunt might have difficulty finding food and clothing.

  Jiang Ping'an sighed, and said, "Let's reform it well, and we'll talk about the future."

  "There is no unparalleled road, you must persevere, otherwise our efforts will be in vain."

  Yi Zhonghai was moved to tears.

   It's hard to see the truth. If Jiang Ping'an hadn't been honest and protected him everywhere, he would have eaten peanuts long ago.

   After visiting Yi Zhonghai, Jiang Ping'an left the room and met He Yuzhu and Da Ma outside.

  After telling the two about the situation, Da Ma passed out on the spot.

  After He Yuzhu pinched her, she woke up slowly, and then howled.

   "Go and see the uncle first, hey..." Jiang Ping'an said.

  The first mother quickly stopped crying, followed the police to visit Yi Zhonghai with tears streaming down her face.

  He Yuzhu also sighed, and said to Jiang Pingan:

   "We went to the street early in the morning and transferred the house to Yushui."

   They dare not neglect this matter, Jiang Ping'an is also borrowing money for them.

  It is equivalent to transferring the money they borrowed from others to Jiang Ping'an's name.

   But Jiang Pingan tried to keep the house in the yard as long as they transferred the house to the rainwater.

  This is tantamount to giving them a chance to get the house back.

  Although the chances are slim, there is always hope.

  But once it is given to an outsider, hope is basically gone.

  Jiang Pingan nodded and said, "To save my uncle's life, it is estimated to cost 5,000 yuan."

   "Talk to the aunt and the deaf old lady about this matter, and I will help as much as I can."

  He Yuzhu nodded and said, "Thank you, I will work hard to make money and pay you back in the future."

  Jiang Pingan patted him on the shoulder, feeling very satisfied.

  He just likes the way other people work hard to help him earn money.

   "In the future, you should play your part. Don't cause trouble, and you won't be able to." Jiang Ping'an said earnestly.

   "You have to perform well at work, get promoted earlier, and the higher the salary, the more hopeful you will be."

   "If you take private jobs outside, don't pick and choose, earn money if you have money..."

  He Yuzhu nodded like a chicken pecking rice, how dare he cause trouble now, he wished that others would not trouble him.

  Although it is difficult to redeem the three houses, he still has ideas about his own house.

  Jiang Pingan saw his expression and said meaningfully:

   "One thousand and five, as long as you can save enough fifteen thousand within five years, the house can be returned to you."

   At that time, the money will still be his, and the house will still be his.

  (end of this chapter)

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