MTL - Siheyuan: The Final Winner-Chapter 443 Xu Damao is about to collapse

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  Chapter 443 Xu Damao is about to collapse


  It will be seven o'clock.

  In Lou's villa, Lou Xiaoe, Xu Huizhen, and Chen Xueru all cried like tears.

  Yes, Xu Huizhen and Chen Xueru also had to evacuate with the Lou family because of their composition.

   This is what Jiang Pingan discussed with the two earlier.

   Cai Quanwu also went with him.

  Their savings have long been exchanged for gold bars.

  As for their shops, they were handed over to the street.

  Originally, their business is also a public-private partnership. Since they are not here, it doesn't matter if they earn more or less.

  Of course, the property rights of the store will always be theirs, and this cannot be escaped.

  Lou Tan said: "Peace, the time is coming, don't worry."

   "When they get there, we will take care of them, so there will be no problem."

  Although the Lou family went late in Hong Kong Island, and they are not considered top rich when they go there, they are not bad.

  In recent years, Lou Xiaoe's elder brother, Lou Xiaokun, has been working hard there and developing steadily.

  To be honest, the assets of the Lou family are only a lot more than in previous years.

   It's just because Lou Guangcheng and his wife have always been lucky and hard to leave their homeland, so they never left.

  Now for the sake of Lou Xiaoe and the two children, and in order not to implicate Jiang Ping'an, they have to face reality.

  Lou Xiaoe's family didn't know about these two women until today, so they didn't say anything.

   After all, it is a family from the old society, and they are open to this and are used to it.

  Xu Huizhen and Chen Xueru leaned on Jiang Ping'an's arms, wiping away tears.

  Jiang Ping'an pondered: "The medical conditions over there are better after all.

   "You go there to give birth, and Xiao'e and aunt will take care of them, so there is nothing to worry about."

   "I'll be here in April and May next year, so we can reunite together?"

   Both of them are good at doing business, and they probably won't be able to stay idle.

  Jiang Ping'an was not afraid that they had nothing to do, and gave corresponding instructions.

  Of course everything is changing, and how to operate it depends on their adaptability.

  Chen Xueru choked up and said, "It's agreed, I will go there on time next year."

   "If you dare not come, I will never forgive you in my life."

  Xu Huizhen said: "After we leave, please ask the street to rent out the house at home."

   "Xueru and I have a lot of belongings that we haven't had time to move away, please help us deal with it."

   "Especially those old furniture, you have to hide them for me, and don't lose any of them."

  Chen Xueru nodded and said: "Yes, yes! There are still a lot of silks and satins in the warehouse in my backyard!"

   "Are you buying again?" Jiang Ping'an frowned.

  Chen Xueru shook her head and said, "No, it's still from previous years."

   "It's not that you don't know, the business has been really bad in the past two years!"

   "Silks and satins are worn by rich people. The key is that the rich have a hard time these days."

   "I have advanced a few batches of goods, but all of them are backlogged and not sold much."

  Jiang Ping'an nodded and said, "All right, I will keep all your things."

  After letting go of the two, he turned to help Lou Xiaoe who was sitting on the sofa, and said:

   "It's getting late, I'll take you to the car!"

  Lou Xiaoe nodded slightly, her legs were trembling, and she let him help her to walk out.

  During the day today, how greedy...

  The two cars belong to the Lou family.

  Originally only one was prepared.

  But after Xu Huizhen, Chen Xueru and Cai Quanwu were added, another car was transferred.

  They are all imported cars, and Lou’s family has three other cars of the same car, which are placed in other houses.

  As for the driver, I prepared one first.

  But there are two cars now, and Lou Guangcheng can only drive one himself later.

  It's getting dark, it's time to set off.

   Everyone saluted and got ready, and got on the car one after another.

   I am no longer reluctant to let go, I know the severity.

  After seven o'clock, two black cars drove out of the small courtyard of the villa and disappeared into the night.

  Jiang Pingan watched them leave, thinking that Lou Xiaoe and the others must have been howling.

   But there was no other way, it was a blessing to be able to leave so smoothly.

   Looking away, Jiang Ping'an went back to the house and looked at everything in the house.

  Leather sofas, TV sets, record players, projectors, mahogany furniture, valuable antiques, old paintings, ancient books...

  Jiang Ping'an didn't spare any of them, and put them all into the space.

   Throughout the night, he traveled all over the capital, going to various properties to put away all the things inside.

  Including Xu Huizhen and Chen Xueru's family, they are all valuable things, and they cannot be cheap for others.

  After collecting, I will also erase my own traces and footprints, so it is always right to be cautious.

  Go to work normally the next day.

  Blink, three days have passed.

  This morning, Jiang Pingan was working in logistics, and Xu Damao ran in with grief and indignation.

   "Jiang Pingan, Lou Xiaoe's family is gone!"

  Xu Damao pushed the door open and asked eagerly.

  Jiang Ping'an's expression changed, he got up and asked:

   "What do you mean? What's the matter?"

   Liu Bing followed in behind, pulled Xu Damao and walked out, saying:

   "Xu Damao, don't implicate me if you want to die, come out with me quickly."

  Xu Damao opened it hard, his eyes were red, and he shouted loudly:

   "Early this morning, I received the mail from the post office."

   "Open it and look, inside is the divorce agreement and divorce certificate between Xiao'e and me!"

   "I don't know when I signed the agreement. I don't even want children. I'm so confused!"

   "Woo... I was impatient, so I ran to Lou's house to have a look. The building was empty and there was no one there."

   As he spoke, he threw the divorce agreement and divorce certificate on Jiang Pingan's table, knelt down and covered his face and howled.

  Jiang Pingan waved his hand to signal Liu Bing to go out, took a look at the two things on the table, and asked:

   "Don't cry, this might be someone else's prank?"

   "Impossible! The words on this agreement are indeed signed by me." Xu Damao got up and wiped his tears.

   "But I don't know when I signed it!"

   "My two children, woo woo, isn't this killing me?"

  Jiang Pingan nodded slightly, then frowned and asked, "Then what's the matter with the divorce certificate?"

   "Good guy, what kind of conflict did you have with Sister Xiao'e, you have children and you still want a divorce?"

  Xu Damao shook his head straight, with a sad face and tears streaming down his face, and said:

   "I don't know, I can't remember when I divorced her at all."

  Suddenly, he thought of something, his face changed, he gritted his teeth and said:

   "I remembered, it's my father-in-law playing tricks on me."

   "Last week, I went to see Ezi and the child, and Lou Guangcheng tried his best to persuade me to drink."

   "I guess he asked me to sign it while I was drunk."

   "As for the divorce certificate, with his contacts and the divorce agreement, are you afraid that you won't be able to get the divorce certificate?"

   "Drinking is wrong, drinking is wrong!" He slapped himself hard, and said:

   "Xiao'e and the two children must have been coerced by that old **** Lou Guangcheng, woo woo..."

   "My poor baby, I left my father at such a young age, Lou Guangcheng, I swear to you!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion