MTL - Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke-Chapter 1998 Star Master (43)

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At that time, the iron sword was pulled out and put into the hand, and the virtual picture changed. "I want you to see this."

Shangguanpu looked at the picture and suddenly the whole person froze.

In the picture, the person who is exactly the same as him is looking at him, and several dragons and dragons are quietly appearing. The people there are not sure to see through this side, or they find danger, and they turn to see the dragon.

"Shangguanpu, I have let you hide a little, have I found it?" The sound of the time was clearly transmitted to the other side through the virtual picture. Shangguanpu pushed the table to the dragon and ran, and ran away.

The picture followed him to move, he opened the door, and the golden dragon on the dragon's body outside the door swayed, there was no way to escape.

Shangguanpu was caught by Qilongwei. He struggled to say something. Unfortunately, the voice could not be passed. Xiaolongwei did not hesitate to hold Shangguanpu’s neck. The owner said that he was a prince, don’t make it too bloody.

When Shi Yan removed his gaze, the ‘ Shangguanpu’ standing in front of her gradually disappeared, and the body fell to the ground.

This kind of person must of course rush to death, or leave him to find trouble for himself, she is not stupid.

She has seen the routines of various routines.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, I will kill it first.


The person brought by Shangguanpu, after the death of the real Shangguanpu, had not had time to run, and was suddenly subdued from the clouds. The whole process was only a few seconds, and the time stood in the middle, even a finger. I didn't move my head.

This is the real king. When you really face the game, you don't need a trick. You just need to stand there and you can win.

However, no one knows how much time has been spent behind her.

This is a war without smoke. When it comes to its own power, it disintegrates all the forces of Shangguanpu, but the way she disintegrates is not moderate, so this matter has become a very controversial issue in the history.

At that time, the ten parties brought the people over. She sat on a stone, squatting her legs, and licking the seeds like a second-hander. "Xize, the summer house, how much have you told me?"

Nishizawa knew that she was asking this question.

Nishizawa felt that it was all over too fast, as fast as a tornado. When she chose her, she was right.


The price is also great.

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "I know that you won't compromise so easily, so I started the early summer at the beginning. At that time, I also asked myself that it was worthless, but my soul told me. It's worth it, because I don't have a way, I can't deal with zero."

"You already know that when I was in the early summer, I chose to die. It was because she knew the ending of the Xia family. It was a bureau that I set up. There was a father in the family. At that time, he actually had some unclear thoughts, but he was only at home. The people didn't find out, so I designed to let the father of the family meet with the early summer, and let the early summer hear the prophecy."

"I didn't know how to choose in the early summer, I was gambling. Fortunately, I gambled and she chose to let you live."

"As for the alliance, I just added a little fire. They have already had this idea, but they have never had a chance. The chance is just right. The death of the early summer will stimulate you. This is what I expected, I The original plan was to blame Shangguanpu. However, I did not expect that you would make such an excessive act, and did not give me the opportunity to blame, causing my plans to be stranded again and again."

"Xia's family is like this. I can only change the plan. I have a late summer, so when the butterfly rescued her, I took her away."

Sizeton paused. "You know all about it later. This plan failed, but I still hold it in my hand at the beginning of the summer. I know that I will use her one day."

For Shangguan Pu, time is an accident.

For him, Feng Ci is an accident.

However, these two accidents are beneficial to him.

"Do you know at the beginning of summer?"

"She doesn't know, she doesn't know from start to finish."

When he jumped from the stone, he told the ten parties to "take him up."

Xia’s business is completely clear. If she was not so impulsive at first, she might have discovered the plot of Nishizawa, but it was a young man.

If...but not, she will not meet Feng.

At the beginning of the summer, you used your life and exchanged for the guardian of another person. Are you happy?

You should be happy.


On the Promise, Nishizawa was taken to the disengagement cabin, and ten aspects of the expressionlessly pushed him out of the cabin.

Nishizawa was injured and had no ability to resist. He could only let the ten parties act.

"The Ten Commandments..." Nishizawa's eyes reflected the starry sky that was constantly passing over the cabin. He was thrown down so unprotected. The Promise was still in the transition, and he would not be able to live.

He will not let him go, and he has already understood this, but he did not expect that she would let herself die.

This is probably his most unexpected point. She hardly afflicts people. She can never slash with a knife.

She is undoubtedly tormenting him, showing how much she hates him.

"What is the last words of Lord Nishizawa?" The ten parties stood in the hatch, and there was no personal feeling in the serious face.

"Ten party, tell her, let the time and space administration a way of life, from the beginning to the end I am planning, everyone else is obeying."

The ten parties fixed him, "Is there still?"

Nishizawa was silent for a while, opened his lips, lowered his head and shook his head. "No."

Shifang Ma slipped off the hatch, and across the door, Nize's figure was a lot of blurry, and the ten parties set their heads down automatically.

"Ten of ten parties." God did not know where to come out, and suddenly hugged the thigh of the ten-party, originally set up for ten minutes, the result of a gods hit, and immediately detached.

"Get out of the cabin... Countdown...3...2...1..."

The disengaged cabin was ejected, and the ten parties seemed to see the slightly surprised look of Nishizawa. Then they turned into a white light spot and disappeared into the interstellar space. When he looked again, he could not tell which one was the ejected compartment.

Shifang shook his head and looked at the collar of the ten parties. "How did the master let you out?"

"The owner said that I don't have to work anymore!" God was very happy. When the main brain was really boring, she looked at the data and she spit.

The ten parties look at their personal terminals and are offline. He switches modes and re-boards the personal terminal.

If God does not work, the Star Network will be unable to log in.

Those who have just discovered the recovery of the Star Network, many of them have just landed, have not contacted the long-lost relatives and friends, they found that they have been forced to log out, and then log in, they are unable to log in.


Nishizawa’s ending is open-ended. You want to die when he is dead. You don’t want to die if you don’t die.

I should be able to finish hahaha tomorrow.

The ending of Shangguanpu is so simple, because this is what I can do, not other female lords, there is no big fight, there is no contest, there is nothing to die from death, I am full of strength!


Ah, ah, ah, vote for the monthly ticket recommendation! ! !