MTL - Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke-Chapter 1987 Star Master (32)

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Everyone is a little confused. If it wasn’t for the big prince to kill, how did he die?

No, maybe it’s the big prince’s suspicion...

This may be the way for the Great Emperor to give himself a crime to sue the uncle.

This analysis makes them feel very reasonable, and it is also in line with the situation at this time, so the big prince's sentence did not bring any favorable situation, but made these people more aware that he killed his majesty.

"You shut me up!" The big prince squatted on the table next to him. "I am dead, and I still care about others. It seems that you are really not afraid of death."

"Last give you a chance, choose!"

Everyone is not snoring.

"Hey master, what do we do now?" Jinxi looked at the scene and whispered to the owner.

When the family owner looked over, he glanced over and said, "Wait."

"When will this wait?" Jinxi was impatient. He turned his head and looked at the other side. He slapped his shoulder to Ji Ji’s shoulder. "Hui Jiazhu, what do you want to think so?"

Ji night was suddenly photographed, and my heart was still amazed. He looked up and shook his head for a while. "Nothing."

Jinxi was suspicious, but his brain didn't have so much capacity for him to think too much, and he quickly shifted the subject.


The people who can be rebelled by the great prince have long been rebellious, so most people are extremely uncooperative, and the big prince is jumping, and when he is ready to kill the chicken and the monkey, his people rushed in from the outside.

"The big prince is not good, someone brought someone to fight."

The big prince jerked back, and the person who was screaming at the letter, "Who?"

"No... I don't know, I don't know, but they are so powerful..." The man was scared and pale. "Our people are not their opponents."

"Don't know?" The Great Emperor was a little dizzy by these three words. How could there be a force that I don't know? The entire emperor he has mastered, and he can't grasp it at this time.

who is it……

He subconsciously looked at the direction of the six families.

No, the people of the six major families are very well recognized, and it is impossible for the six family members.

Xiaolongwei is better recognized.

The group of hapless people who were **** heard someone accident, and whispered to communicate with people around them.

"Someone called?"

"Come to save us?"

"Isn't there anyone who will rob you?"

No one answered their suspicions. The big prince saw that the man couldn’t tell why he came. He hurried out and prepared to see it for himself.

Someone recorded an image outside, and the great emperor took a look. The people above wore uniforms, but he had never seen such a costume. These people appeared out of thin air and were extremely cruel to kill him. .

It can be seen from the images that these people are very skilled and have received unified training.

The Great Emperor sent troops to intercept, but the result was astounding. All the corps actually gave way to them, and finally they came back behind them.

The big prince was dumbfounded, no matter how many soldiers he sent out, it was the result.

When the army approached the palace, the big prince turned back to the banquet hall. However, at this time the banquet hall was bloody. The people he threatened to kill were blind and lying in a pool of blood.

In the pool of blood, stood a person he unexpectedly.

"It's you……"

Mu Bai turned back, smiled slightly, and the voice of the elegant voice sounded, "I have seen the Great King."

Mu Bai still holds a **** sword in his hand. The dead people in this place do not have to guess who they do.

"The people outside are brought by you!" The great prince was hoarse. "What have you done to my army?"

This man he met once, and he helped him a hand, so he was so shocked when he met here in such a scene.

How could it be him?

"His Royal Highness can be said wrong. Those people are not brought by me." Mu Bai kept smiling and turned to face the great emperor. "It is you..."

"Mr. Mu, the master's words, don't forget." Several people were found in the dark, interrupted him, and threatened him with his eyes.

Mu Bai sighed.

These people are really annoying!

"Kill everyone here." The people there gave orders.

The rest of the people here are only the people of the Great Emperor, the three emperors who are soft on the ground, the six great families, and the time and the rhyme. All of them say that they must be included.

The owner of the family held down Jinxi, who tried to rush over, and looked at the other side without saying a word. When the time was still not moving, there was no news on the side of Nishizawa.

Mu Bai looked down at the blood-stained sword in his hand, and when he killed it...

Dare to do it with time, isn’t this a dead end?

He is not so stupid.

"Mr. Mu, start!" The people over there saw Mu Bai did not do anything, impatient urge.

"As you wish." Mu Bai turned back and smiled at the person on the other side.

The people over there only think that Mu Bai laughs a little bit inexplicable, what are they laughing at them?

Then they saw Mu Bai suddenly rushing toward them.



After several sounds, several bodies fell to the ground at the same time.

The big prince was shocked. What is this? Guilty?

"Mu Bai, I know that you are not well at home!" Mu Yi rushed out, "What do you want to do?"

Mu Bai walked over from the body and smiled. "Obviously, I am killing people, and the person I just killed, ordered me to kill you, so you should thank me for your family."

If there is anything in common with metamorphosis - it should be shameless.

The shameless face of Mu Bai and Shi Yan is simply taught by a master. Mu Bai is an elegant shameless face, while the shameless face is ridiculous. When she is shameless, I don’t want to live.

I don’t appreciate it at all. "You kill so many innocent people, don't say it is to save us, what is your heart?"

"I just obeyed."

"Whose who is listening? How do I know if you are telling whether it is true or not? Since you are obeying your actions, why are you killing those people?" The question of admiration is also the doubt of others.

"Because... I don't want to take orders." He wants the prodigal son to turn back and be a good young man.

Enthusiastically, "If you have people behind you, you will not obey your actions if you do not obey. Are you a fool behind you?"

"Three Highness, he said that you are a fool."

This time, together with the great emperor, is incredible to look at the three emperors Shang Shangpu who are still lying on the ground.

"Mr. Mu, what does this mean?" Shangguanpu was full of doubts. In places where everyone could not see, his fingers clasped tightly and angered.

Mu Baiyin’s mouth evokes an elegant smile. “His Royal Highness, in addition to your dear big brother and the lord of the family, the rest know that you are the mastermind behind the scenes, so you don’t have to pretend, my dear His Royal Highness.”

Shangguan Pu’s eyes swept toward the direction of the six families, and the two of Muzong’s expressions were shocked, but there were few changes in the family, not to mention the perversion.

Read The Duke's Passion