MTL - Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke-Chapter 1975 Star Master (20)

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"Master, has been cracked." The sound of the gods' crispness made a surprise, countless data flocked to him, and zero was almost overwhelmed by those data.

It thought that she was delaying the time, but she was also delaying the time, in order to delay the time for that intelligence...

At that time, the iron sword was taken out, and the virtual shadow of the gods disappeared from the screen, and the screen confusingly jumped with various garbled characters.

She lifted her foot and walked out, and the voice slowly sounded. "In the end, you are just created by human beings. You can do everything in the network. You can't have a net. You don't even have a fart."

She raised her hand and waved in the air.

"Do you think this is over?" The zero voice was intermittent, but it was very harsh. "Do you think this is over?"

When I turned back, I stood at the door and stood with a smile on my mouth. The voice was loud and sound. "Of course it is not over. The zero I have seen is a master of justice and fairness for human beings. It is not something you are so uncommon."

"I am the main brain!!"

"Where, you are." When you don't care, you waved your hand and closed the door. "Then you slowly do your main brain."

Mentally retarded.

"Go." When he pulled the phoenix and ran out, he walked out of the air, running, and the sound of the sound of the Dangdang sounded through the night.

They left the underground, and Long Weiwei had arrived. He was anxiously waiting in the same place. When he saw it, he came out and quickly gathered around.

"Homeowner, the mission is completed."

"mission completed."

"carry out."

"Will the people come together?" When asked to release the Promise, he asked.

The Promise crashed into many buildings, and the sound of rumbling was endless.

斩龙卫 each look at the people familiar with him.

"The executive has not arrived yet."


The ten parties were trapped, and the attack outside was too fierce, and he could not rush out.

"Sorry for the executive officer, I am tired of you." The chef took the weapon and back to the ten side. He was full of apologizing.

Ten aspects of color condensation, "less talk nonsense, the owner is still waiting for us."

The chef glanced outside and just hit a light bomb. He quickly retracted his head. "Can we really pass?"

Now there are only fifteen minutes left in the two hours that the owner said.

The ten parties did not expect that they would encounter the party with the most troops today, and they also brought a towed oil bottle. If he was alone, it would be fine to rush out, but this chef could not.

He did not come through selection, he did not have that ability.

The best way is to drop him. He leaves alone, but as an executive of 斩龙卫, how can he leave his subordinates and leave alone.

The ten-party and one-baked pat on the head of the chef, "Get up a little, the oath that you announced on the day of being a dragon and dragon guard is forgotten?"

The chef was beaten and he shook his head. "Never give up at the last minute."

Yes, never give up until the last moment.

The look on the chef's face is getting firmer.

The ten parties are relieved, and the chef said that the breakout plan, "I will attract firepower in a while, you take the opportunity to run."

The chef stared, "What about you?"

"I have a way out of danger. You can protect yourself. Don't give me a hindrance."

The chef snorted and finally replied firmly: "Yes!"

The ten party gave the chef a gesture, indicating the route he left for a while, and determined that the chef understood it. He bent over to the other side and took his eyes to indicate that the chef was ready.

The chef squeezed the weapon in his hand and nodded.

The ten parties immediately attacked the outside, and the firepower gradually concentrated on his side. The chef left from the other side. Before he left, he looked back and saw countless fires surrounding the ten parties. The chef’s heart jerked, and the light in front of him was dark. The figure disappeared in front of him.

When the chef arrived at the meeting point, Wu Longwei stepped forward to help him. "Executive officer?"

The chef pointed to the back.

Look at the back of the dragon, and the back is empty, there is no one.

“Where is the executive?”

"say something!"

The chef’s eyes are hot, “I...executor...”

Qi Longwei pinched the chef's hand and tightened it. "Speak clearly, what happened to the executive?"

"The ten parties haven't returned yet?" When he stood in front of the Promise landing door, he asked indifferently, "What happened?"

The excited dragon guard suddenly snorted, and the chef spoke intermittently about the previous incident.

When you look at the distance, after a while, look back. "Don't wait, leave here."


"Homeowner, executive officer..."

When they looked at them calmly, the dragon guards who tried to gain time did not dare to speak again. They even took the chef with them, and the Promise started and slowly left the ground.

The Promise is rising, the scenery below is getting smaller, and the dragon guards are standing in front of the observation cabin, watching the flashing lights from below, their executives may be there.

At this time, all the light in the ground disappeared, not only the light of the crossfire, but also the light, disappeared, as if the entire planet was powered off at the same time.


There was a bump in the Promise, and the dragons and dragons were not prepared, and some were directly thrown out, and there was a chaos in the cabin. When the Promise stabilized, the scenery outside them had become space.

Farther away, a planet exploded into a cloud of smoke and disappeared into their field of vision.

Yan Longwei looked shocked.

"Executive officer..."

"Hey!" A sorrowful fist with a grief in his face was on the bulkhead.

"It's all my fault. If I didn't hand him over to the executive, the executive might..."

"Don't talk nonsense, the executive may be fine." Someone interrupted him.

However, they all know in their hearts that this may be just a matter of course.

The chef looked pale and looked at the cabin. The executive officer said that he had a solution, but...

Because the ten parties did not return, the entire atmosphere of the dragon and the dragon was somewhat depressed, and the gods walked around them, and the sound of the jingle was so upset that they were upset.

"God, don't you go around?" A dragon can't stand it, and it is mad at the gods.

God’s innocent blink of an eye, “What are you doing?”

"What? If the executive didn't come back, wouldn't you be sad?" They all slammed into the fire, and the fire didn't dare to burst into time. At this time, God was ravaged.

The gods usually go to the nearest ten, and she hangs on his lap all day. At this time, the ten parties are very likely... she is like this, so that the group of dragons and dragons feel good.

The gods were shackled twice in a row, and they flattened their mouths. They turned and groaned. "If you don't come back, you won't come back. If you don't come back, you are fierce, don't look for you to play."

"Wait a minute." A dragon guard pulled the gods.

"What do you do, let me go." God was struggling immediately.

Yan Longwei did not let go, forcing her to face each other with them. "What did you say?"

"Let me go!" God shouted.

"The previous sentence."

There was something wrong with the look of the dragon and the dragon. She thought for a moment. "You don't think that the ten parties are dead?"