MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 93

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The host knew as soon as he heard it, "Huh? Is there still a conflict?"

With a little girlish playfulness, this look is the favorite look of her fans. She has the maturity of an adult and the beauty of a girl. It can be said that Chi Sui is really born to eat a bowl of rice as an actor. However, a person who can rely on his looks to eat has a very good brain. But whether Chi Sui wants to use it is another matter. Like now, she can say whatever she wants, and her manager in the background is afraid that she will have a headache again. "Zhao Qiao! I've never acted with someone who likes to be chatty and troublesome, and I don't want to cooperate again next time!"

Host: "…"

The agent in the background: "..." Come on, this ancestor doesn't know the importance of talking in this kind of live broadcast. Chi Sui just doesn't care, she is different from most people in this circle. The purpose of entering this industry was not very pure at first, and she never thought of working in this industry for a long time. It's just how you want to come. Speaking of which, she is also a miracle in the entertainment industry. Generally, such a person, with such an edge, is not blocked by Xue Zang? Not even an audience. But Chi Sui is just the opposite. She is so unconventional and maverick, not only that no one hates her, but on the contrary, many people also fall in love with her minute by minute because of her personality. And because of the superb acting skills, the fact that he is not a professional but can be hanged out of the class has attracted countless fans.

She didn't deliberately hype any character, but she was always herself in the showbiz.

Later, after Chi Sui became popular, many people wanted to imitate her and take this road. The final result was rather appalling. Not only was he scolded by others, but he was also scolded by Chi Sui's fans...

Now, for Chi Sui's manager, the biggest problem facing him is definitely not the embarrassment of media friends, but the mouth from his own actor. He didn't treat his career as a career at all, he just did whatever he wanted.

Hearing Chi Sui's complaints about Zhao Qiao, the host was stunned.

Zhao Qiao is not an unknown newcomer. In fact, before Chi Suihuo, Zhao Qiao has almost established a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. In the second year of high school, Zhao Qiao was discovered by a talent scout, and he was poached to shoot a youth movie at that time. A rookie in high school took over the role of such a heroine. Although Zhao Qiao didn't have any acting skills at that time, but the youth movie of that year was to sell feelings, sell the plot, and the director was also very bold, using The male and female protagonists are all newcomers, and Zhao Qiao is an instant hit. What's more important, Zhao Qiao's acting skills have been improved a lot in recent years, and the year of the college entrance examination was filled with one of the best film schools in China. . Although Zhao Qiao's acting skills were not very good in those years, the face can still be said, and he has accumulated a lot of fans in a few years. Up to now, Zhao Qiao, who has been crawling and rolling in the circle for several years, naturally took off the title of "newcomer", not to mention, she is still the first sister of the media company she signed with.

Nowadays, when the host didn't know how to answer the call, Si Nian seemed to have found this embarrassment. She took the microphone and spoke slowly to break the embarrassing scene. "Yes, Xiao Qiao was also called by me. Ah Sui and Xiao Qiao have known each other for many years. If I knew they were still uneasy when they met like this before, I wouldn't call them both at the same time. on the phone."

The host finally woke up at this time, Si Nian gave her a good step, and she followed the trend, "Huh? Miss Zhao was also invited by Si Nian. ?"

Si Nian nodded, smiled and said, "Yes, in high school, we used to sit together and have a good relationship. It's just..." She sold a little bit, "You too Seeing that the relationship between Ah Sui and Xiao Qiao is not good, hahaha, the two of them are always flirting with each other. This point has not changed a bit since when they were in school! I always want to overwhelm each other's momentum... "

Si Nian said that, Chi Sui's words just now are not difficult to understand. This is the true friend in the entertainment industry. No matter how you blackmail each other, the relationship is still as good. Together they will fight like ordinary people, not really discord.

"I heard that you are going to participate in a real adventure jungle variety show?" Gradually, when the show came to an end, the host threw this question.

Chi Sui took over, "Yeah." She blinked, "Well, I can give you a report."

Breaking! This is so provocative! In an instant, the atmosphere of the audience was almost ignited by Ike Sui.

Chi Sui did not hide it, but kept raising her eyebrows in the direction of Si Nian, "Everyone who has seen it before knows that there will be a lot of powerful little brothers and sisters in it. Group, it just so happened that this time the program group invited our Nian Nian wife's team, so Nian Nian will participate in this! Because most of the screenwriters participated, then our little followers will naturally be together. Therefore, when the time comes, everyone must Don't forget to tune in to our show!"

Host: "..." Is this still her variety show?

However, she is also very curious about Si Nian's wife!

The interview is drawing to a close, and it will be over soon.

Si Nian waited for Chi Sui in the background and asked, "Would you like to have a meal together?"

Chi Sui shook her head: "Go ahead, Han Yu finally has a vacation. Besides, don't we have time to meet again soon?" She was referring to the filming they were going to have together next week. .

Si Nian was a little worried when the topic came to this point. Even if she didn't understand it before, she now understands a little bit. When Chi Sui entered the showbiz, it was purely because he wanted to attract someone's attention. She thought that the other party would definitely jump out to block the work environment that she didn't like the most, but she didn't expect that the man was indifferent, just casually chatted with Chi Sui about this issue through the mouths of Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu, and advised her to quit. This was not the result Chi Sui wanted, and then she jumped into this circle even more without hesitation, as if she was a little angry.

But even if she did it, she couldn't get Shi Feiwan's attention.

Maybe she did, but she didn't see it.

"Are you really going to join us in this variety show?" Si Nian frowned, "You know Xiao Qiao is because of that Ji Chunnian thing, relax, you want to do it again What? She won't be happy or relieved when she sees it."

Chi Sui naturally knew who Si Nian was talking about.

When she heard this, she sneered, "You think too much, she is not that kind of person. Of course, she will not worry about me, a passerby who is not worth mentioning, let alone her It doesn't matter to me whether I'm happy or unhappy."

Such negative words made Si Nian frown. She wanted to say something else, but Chi Sui seemed to know what she was going to say next, and interrupted her quickly before she could speak, "I still have something to do, I'll go first, we'll talk next time when we're free. By the way, pull Zhao Qiao's little goblin over and tell her not to think I'm not here, I won't know if she speaks ill of me behind my back! I'll take care of her next time we meet!"

Speaking, Chi Sui left as quickly as a gust of wind before Si Nian stood up.

Si Nian stood alone, looking at Chi Sui's disappearing direction, sighing helplessly.

"it's me."

Si Nian's whole figure seemed to relax when he heard this voice.

She turned back, with a bit of anger and shame on her face, "Why did you come here?"

The person who came was Jiang Hanyu. She looked at the time and knew that Si Nian had finished recording, but there was no one at the door. She was worried and came over to have a look. "I'm afraid you'll be kidnapped."

Si Nian burst into laughter, suddenly remembering what she said in the interview just now about her past with Jiang Hanyu, with a playful look in her eyes, "How is it possible? Didn't we write a guarantee letter in high school? The kind that never leaves anyone in this life.”

These words made Jiang Hanyu react for a while. She looked at Si Nian, her mind was a little empty, and she obviously couldn't remember such a childish thing in the past. Or, she remembered it, but now she doesn't want to admit that she really did this kind of thing.

"...You remember the things from your childhood!" Jiang Hanyu said, from her voice, she could hear a bit of helplessness.

The middle school girl at that time has grown up and has become a great and ordinary person who protects the safety of the people.

Si Nian was very casual in front of her, leaned on her and nodded, "Yes, I remember everything that happened with you very clearly. Jiang Hanyu, if you dare to say that you forgot , I'm not finished with you!"

Time is sometimes strange, it can make the formerly serious people become naive, but it can also make the formerly naive people mature.

Jiang Hanyu smiled slightly, held her shoulders, and took her directly into his arms. Although she still looked slender and thin, the body wrapped in the police uniform contained great strength. "Well, I dare not. Are you tired?" She changed the subject, "Would you like me to go out with you on my back?"

Si Nian: "...Are you crazy?"

Jiang Hanyu raised his eyebrows, "No, if you want, I can hold you out."

Si Nian: “…”

In the end, of course, Si Nian didn't let Jiang Hanyu hold or carry herself out, unless she really didn't want to see anyone.

Si Nian shook his head, "Did you see A Sui just now?"

"Well, I said a few more words, but she left in a hurry, what happened?" Jiang Hanyu asked.

"Isn't she going to participate in that outdoor reality show next week? I talked to her about Teacher Shi, and she didn't seem to be in a good mood. I wonder if it was because of Teacher Shi. , I deliberately went to participate in the reality show, wanting to stimulate Teacher Shi..." As a bystander, Si Nian himself didn't feel that Shi Feiwan really only had a teacher-student relationship with Chi Sui.

Jiang Hanyu drove the car out of the parking lot, "Well, are you worried about her safety or what? If it is safe, I can go back and tell my colleague on that team and let him next week. Protect Chi Sui when you participate in the show. As for Teacher Shi, don't think about it, we can't get involved in other people's feelings. "

This concludes the topic, Si Nian does not deny the correctness of what Jiang Hanyu said.

The second week of the show is coming soon. This reality show is very popular in China. It takes a long time to record one episode. One episode is broadcast every week, and a complete program can be broadcast for one month. Generally, there will be about twenty people participating, divided into two groups of ten people each. Among the participants, 14 are public figures, and 6 are soldiers or professionals who have a certain ability to survive in the wild. Like this time, the program team invited the detectives from the Criminal Police Brigade where Jiang Hanyu was working.

Twenty people were placed on an island by the program crew, and there were no filming personnel. The whole island was covered with surveillance. Detect emergencies in time for rescue.

Twenty people entered the island empty-handed, and there were all kinds of supplies on the island, including food and weapons. Of course, the weapon has no substantial damage effect, but if it hits the vital part, the system will determine whether the contestant is eliminated. The final result of winning or losing depends on which group is the last survivor on the island. This is an adventure game and a treasure hunt game. Finding water and food is a treasure hunt, right?

The ten people in each group are also divided into five groups, two pairs. Before the ten groups of people set off, they will first select the place they want to land on the island map given by the director, and then they will be sent to their destination by helicopter.

Jiang Hanyu naturally teamed up with Si Nian. Although this was a lottery, the six special guests could choose their partners at will, just like the current Chi Sui, who was also selected.

The choice of where to fly was decided by Jiang Hanyu, because before that, all the two groups could not communicate with each other, and when they finally landed, they would not know whether they would meet the enemy.

When the helicopter is over, the voice between everyone is turned on. Each team can communicate with each other. The place Jiang Hanyu chose was closer to the coastline, and they landed very quickly.

Si Nian has also been to the seaside, but this is the first time she has seen an island with a strong original flavor.

"Hold me, don't let go." Jiang Hanyu walked in front, pulled Si Nian and said.

Si Nian let out a "hmm", Jiang Hanyu is more experienced in outdoor survival activities like this than she is. Although this program has been broadcast in China for several months, the place chosen by the program group is different each time. Even if Si Nian studied a few episodes of the program, it was only talk on paper.

Soon, Jiang Hanyu took her to the small house here. They were all temporary tents set up by the program team. From inside, Jiang Hanyu found "bullet-proof clothing" and "helmet", which were actually a kind of sensor that blocked the body from being shot by the enemy.

Jiang Hanyu put these on Si Nian, put them on by himself, and straightened his helmet.

"What about you?" Si Nian knew that the supplies here were scarce, and now Jiang Hanyu kept all the things he protected for himself, and she didn't know what to do.

Jiang Hanyu pursed her lips and smiled, "It won't really die, but even if it's a rubber bullet, it will still hurt. I'm used to it, you'll be different. At least wearing this, It won't hurt much."

"Then..." Si Nian wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Jiang Hanyu.

"Okay, don't take it off, just keep looking for it later. Dear, listen to me here, you know?" Jiang Hanyu's eyes were dark and shining, his eyes were bright, When he looked at Si Nian, he had a look that could not be refuted.

At this sight, Si Nian laughed lightly.

"What?" Jiang Hanyu asked.

Si Nian shook his head, but Jiang Hanyu's eyes were still on her. She couldn't bear the burning eyes, so she said, "Well, I just suddenly thought of the past." Jiang Hanyu is also like this. Once he makes a decision, he will not change. He is stubborn and determined. But the only difference between now and the past is that she used to do whatever she wanted, but now, she is just stubborn and persistent for her own good.

Jiang Hanyu raised her eyebrows, "Wife." She lowered her voice suddenly, "We are still on the show, if there is anything wrong, let's say it privately, don't be heard now, you also give I'll save face!"

Hearing this, Si Nian wanted to laugh even more. "Oh." She held back her laughter. She was working very hard now. Looking at Jiang Hanyu's nervous face, she couldn't help it. She lay on Jiang Hanyu's shoulder, buried her whole face in it, and smiled.

Although Jiang Hanyu seems to be calm, he is actually very nervous, right? But she still has to make a "it doesn't matter I don't care" look, which is very cute.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Hanyu asked in a low voice. Probably due to the nature of her work, she reached out her hand to gather Si Nian's long hair and looked at the monitoring position involuntarily, but in the end she ignored the monitoring and touched Si Nian's head gently.

Si Nian didn't know what he was laughing at, maybe he just felt that he was on such an island with the person he liked now. Very satisfied. "Remember the National Day when I just came to my house? You took me to the island, but the island over there is different from the one that hasn't been developed here. You are also so stubborn, as if you want everyone to listen to you in everything. "

Jiang Hanyu squinted his eyes, as if helpless, "Wife, didn't we agree on these little secrets and go home and talk about them? It's still outside!"

Si Nian stood on tiptoe and kissed the corner of her lips, "No!" She retorted, "I was thinking that we haven't changed much for so many years, at least our character When I was on the island last time, on the way back to the homestay, I said that you don't want to carry it, but you want to carry it..."

At this time, Jiang Hanyu also recalled himself and Si Nian at that time. Si Nian's shoes were carried by her, but she didn't pay attention and was washed away by the sea. She was worried that Si Nian walked back barefoot and insisted on going home behind her back. "What? You couldn't be restrained at that time. If I didn't tell you later that I wouldn't let me carry you, I would carry you back, what would you be so embarrassed about!"

"Because it wasn't your wife at that time." Si Nian hummed.

Suddenly, not long after she finished speaking, her body was suddenly vacated, Si Nian exclaimed, and subconsciously reached out and hugged the person in front of her tightly. When Si Nian finally realized what was going on, her eyes looking at Jiang Hanyu were about to burst into flames. "Jiang Hanyu, what are you doing!"

Si Nian is now hanging in the air, with both hands around Jiang Hanyu's neck, she was suddenly picked up by Jiang Hanyu just now.

Compared with Si Nian's shock and anger now, Jiang Hanyu had a wanton smile on his face, obviously not taking her anger to heart. "It's my wife now, can I always hug you?"

Si Nian: "'re sick!"

Jiang Hanyu still smiled, holding her arms very strong, walking steadily with every step, "Well, I'm sick, lovesick."

"Who is Acacia?" Si Nian asked.

"You!" Jiang Hanyu said.

"You're sick! I'm by your side and you miss me?"

Jiang Hanyu: "I miss you in a second, is this lovesickness?"

Si Nian blushed and muttered, "You are sick!"

Jiang Hanyu hugged her and walked outside without changing his face, "Well, you are right."

Si Nian felt a little guilty when she opened her mouth like this, as if she was bullying Jiang Hanyu, an honest man. But God knows, what kind of honest person is Jiang Hanyu?

Being interrupted like this, Si Nian almost forgot to complain that Jiang Hanyu's stubbornness caused his chest pain for a long time. She had so few fleshy backs, but it made her miserable. At that time, his relationship with Jiang Hanyu happened to be too ambiguous. Jiang Hanyu didn't know when his brain twitched, and he followed behind her and shouted that he liked him. At this time, how could she be so embarrassed to say that her chest was stunned by her?

"Are you going to carry me like this?" Si Nian leaned against Jiang Hanyu's chest, tilted his head, and leaned directly against her collarbone.

Jiang Hanyu walked such a long distance without seeing her take a breath, "It's light, not heavy, it's fine. When I get home, I'll make you something delicious to replenish your body, How can it be so light?"

Si Nian: "..." The point! your focus! "Jiang Hanyu, we're still on the show. You, a Hong Guoguo who loves to spread dog food, will be stabbed by a villain!"

"Let them go, they won't be targeted." Jiang Hanyu said breathlessly.

Si Nian: “…”

Jiang Hanyu really hugged her and walked along the coastline like this. Her step frequency was very stable, and she would no longer sway up and down like when she was carrying Si Nian on her back in high school. "If you want to sleep, rest with me for a while now?" This show was recorded from the morning. Because he was resting in the hotel, Si Nian still had to choose a bed. He tossed and turned in Jiang Hanyu's arms last night and couldn't sleep well.

"No, I can't bear it." Si Nian suddenly said.

"Huh?" Jiang Hanyu didn't realize what she meant.

Si Nian has already laughed out loud, and the laughter is crisp, without the coldness of the past, with a bit of squeamishness, "The scenery is beautiful, hello, I can't bear to close my eyes!"

The author has something to say: catch bugs~

Suddenly I wrote that I liked this finale, ah ah ah ah!

There should be the last chapter~ I'm wondering if I should send a car~

What a cute little mine~

Read The Duke's Passion