MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 86

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She didn't want to see Jiang Hanyu so sluggish.

Jiang Hanyu held Si Nian's hand with his backhand, "No, you think too much."

It's lighter, but it makes people feel disappointed, angry, suffocated, sad, etc., which makes people feel heartache. She wants Jiang Hanyu to speak out, at least not alone and feels uncomfortable. "If you want to talk, I'll listen. If you want me to chat with you, then I'll talk to you. You don't want to say nothing and keep everything in your heart, and you will get sick." I will get sick, Si Nian whispered in his heart.

Jiang Hanyu listened to her words, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, what should she say? How can you tell Si Nian something you haven't accepted yet?

"She took me to see someone in the hospital, although she also saw her parents, but it was clear that the two old people were healthy and had no problem. She let me go there, it was just a Pretend..."

Jiang Hanyu said slowly, Si Nian listened carefully, in fact, she already knew what Jiang Hanyu said. After hearing the complete facts from Jiang Hanyu's mouth, Si Nian felt even more angry. Zhang Yingying, what did she think of Jiang Hanyu!

"...I only know now that Zhang Yingying actually wants to take me to see her son, but I have no interest in her current family life. What do you think she wants me to do?" Jiang Hanyu is not a fool. The person who has been turning a blind eye to him suddenly made a good impression on him one day, and then took her to the hospital, saying that if she had no other plans, she might not believe it herself.

Of course I want your life! Si Nian said in his heart, although he knew it was a bit exaggerated to say this, but the truth was almost the same. If Jiang Hanyu's bone marrow really matches Zhang Yingying's current son, Zhang Yingying will let Jiang Hanyu donate it for free no matter what method he uses. In Zhang Yingying's eyes, Jiang Hanyu himself is a cornucopia. It's just an object of use, and probably will never feel sorry for Jiang Hanyu.

But the more she knew it, the more angry Si Nian became.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hanyu looked at Si Nian's face getting more and more ugly, he couldn't help holding her arm and asked worriedly.

Si Nian came to Jiang's house and saw Jiang Hanyu's first glance, and decided that Jiang Hanyu was a person who grew up in a honey pot. Now it seems that Jiang Hanyu's life has not always been smooth sailing. Even, she has to secretly hide the setbacks she encountered, and even the closest family members have not known the secret of her hidden pain for so many years. Looking into Jiang Hanyu's eyes, Si Nian smiled lightly, she patted Jiang Hanyu's hand holding her arm with her other hand, and said, "It's nothing, I suddenly thought of a question."


Si Nian looked at Jiang Hanyu's black eyes, Jiang Hanyu still didn't realize Zhang Yingying's intention, "If, I mean if, she asked you to borrow money?" Actually borrowing money Si Nian said these two words lightly. Even if Zhang Yingying needed financial support, she would definitely ask Jiang Hanyu directly for money, not borrow it. Jiang Hanyu is her cornucopia, just as she has asked the Jiang family for money so many times.

Jiang Hanyu's reaction was much calmer than Si Nian imagined, maybe this result was already in his guess. "I have no money." Jiang Hanyu said honestly. Although her family was not bad, she couldn't save money. Besides, she didn't have the habit of asking her parents for too much pocket money. At most, there are only three or two thousand dollars in hand. For a child in hospital, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket.


Si Nian was interrupted by Jiang Hanyu before he finished speaking. Jiang Hanyu knew what she would say, and replied directly: "No, if she wants to ask her family for money through me, I will not agree. No one's money comes from strong winds. She is already an adult, and Since you want to understand that you want to have a child, you should take care of the child before letting him come into the world and take care of him until he has the ability to become an adult, instead of transferring the pressure to others when something happens."

When Jiang Hanyu had a hard time speaking so clearly, Si Nian stood beside her and blinked a little weirdly. "Jiang Hanyu, I suddenly found that you are a bit powerful, you can apply for our school's debate team!"

Si Nian's joke made Jiang Hanyu laugh out loud.

The two walked side by side around the brick red runway, as if they wanted to walk out of their unsatisfactory hearts.

"Then do you still want to see her?" Walking to the table tennis table, Si Nian took Jiang Hanyu's hand and sat up together.

"I don't want to, at least for now, I really don't want to see her." Jiang Hanyu stroked his long hair that was ruffled by the wind, "And from the bottom of my heart, believe it or not, I don't even want to see her now. I have the urge to beat her up!" Jiang Hanyu grinned at Si Nian. Seeing the surprised expression on Si Nian's face, Jiang Hanyu smiled and asked, "Why, do you think I shouldn't?"

Si Nian shook his head, "I thought you should have beaten her up and then told me..." This was obviously a joke, but it was inserted into the conversation between the two to break up the original heavy moment. .

"I thought you were going to tell me something big."

"Well." Si Nian nodded, "I don't agree with you hitting her, no matter what she does to hurt you, if you hit her, then this matter is your fault. But..." Si Nian blinked slyly, "I can help you beat her!"

"Pfft—" Jiang Hanyu was immediately amused, she took Si Nian in her arms, stretched out and squeezed the latter's tiny arm, "Who else can you beat like this?"

Si Nian was dissatisfied, "I've never eaten pork and I've seen a pig run! Have you ever seen that kind of shrew fight? Grab your hair! I'll fight it out!"

Jiang Hanyu: "..." No matter how she thought about this scene, she thought it was a bit funny, but after laughing, a warmth remained in her heart. I don't know how much Si Nian saw, Jiang Hanyu wanted to say thank you at this time. "Si Nian, thank you." Thank you for being so considerate, for caring so much, for standing by her side like a powerful protector when she was so cowardly, and thinking of standing up for herself.

"Say something useless..."

The wind from the playground took away the whispers of the two.

After returning home at night, Si Nian went to Xu Ran. She wanted to know what was going on at the school gate today, and by the way, she shared Jiang Hanyu's current mood with her family.

Si Nian was stunned when she heard that Zhang Yingying actually asked Xu Ran to ask Jiang Hanyu to donate bone marrow to her son. How could there be such a shameless person in the world? However, Si Nian's face tightened when he heard Zhang Yingying threatened Xu Ran to let Jiang Hanyu know that Jiang Hanyu might hate her in the future.

"Aunt Xu, I talked to Jiang Hanyu today, and she is very clear in her heart. We really shouldn't tell her? Although it will make her embarrassed, I will still worry about it in the future..."

It's not that she doesn't believe in Jiang Hanyu, even if Jiang Hanyu knows the truth about Zhang Yingying's approach to her, she won't blame Xu Ran, but she may have a small idea in her heart, right? Even if it's for her own good, can this kind of thing really make a choice for her? Si Nian suddenly became a little unsure.

"If she really hates me, then I will admit it." Xu Ran said calmly.

Si Nian didn't know what to say, since Xu Ran had already made such a decision, she thought so at first, and Si Nian finally agreed not to tell Jiang Hanyu.

What Si Nian didn't expect was that Jiang Hanyu finally found out about it.

Originally, the driver received Xu Ran's request that he had to see Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu walk into the school every day before leaving, and all the people who came to chat with him would be chased away, but he didn't expect Zhang Yingying to take advantage of the school's tenth time. During the February exam, he rushed into the teaching building and took Jiang Hanyu away.

When Si Nian heard the movement and chased out, Zhang Yingying and Jiang Hanyu had disappeared at the school gate.

It was at this moment in December that Si Nian felt the irritability of July and August. She now has the heart to tear Zhang Yingying apart! What does Jiang Hanyu disappear at the school gate with Zhang Yingying before chasing him out? Zhang Yingying was probably worried that she would make trouble, or that she could not subdue Jiang Hanyu, so she asked her to confess as soon as she saw Jiang Hanyu.

Even if Jiang Hanyu didn't like Zhang Yingying before this, how can he make up his mind to draw a clear line with the woman in front of him. But when I heard things related to human life, at this moment, I was still confused.

She didn't have much time to think about it, she was already taken into the car by Zhang Yingying and went straight to the hospital.

Si Nian thought of this, his face became worse.

On the road, Zhang Yingying kept talking in Jiang Hanyu's ear how miserable the child on the hospital bed was. A small person has not experienced the prosperity of this world, and has not yet had a good walk. How desolate it would be to leave like this.

These words seem to be Jiang Hanyu who doesn't donate bone marrow, that's a heinous villain.

"...Yuyu, what do you think, even if you don't want to recognize me as a mother, we are still relatives connected by blood, right? Look at the baby so small, if you don't save him , then he really has only one way to die. In this case, do you have the heart to watch your brother die in front of your eyes? Do you really want to turn a blind eye and stand by? That is a life!"

Zhang Yingying is still chattering in her ears, these words are only for one purpose, she wants to leave a deep imprint on Jiang Hanyu's heart, if Jiang Hanyu does not donate bone marrow, it will be equivalent to indirectly killing a person, Take a life!

Being a bad student is completely incomparable to being a person who has taken a life. Rao is that Jiang Hanyu didn't care much, but it was because of the current situation that he fell into silence and inner tangle.


No matter how much she wanted to become bad, she never wanted to die. Now that Zhang Yingying didn't give her any time to react, she pushed such a problem directly to her, put it in front of her eyes, and ordered her to make a choice.

Zhang Yingying is complacent, she firmly believes that under her own words, not many people can bear such mental pressure. Besides, it's just an immature child.

The author has something to say: Momoda cute mines and nutrient solution~