MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 84

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This dinner, Jiang Hanyu was very unpleasant. I was really nervous, and I was always ready to face questions from my parents. She was sure that all the family members saw when Si Nian held hands with her just now. But why hasn't anyone asked yet? Jiang Hanyu's eyes fell on Si Nian's face, and now the latter's expression was calm, as if he didn't notice the anxiety and tension in her heart at all.

In this complicated mood, Jiang Hanyu finally finished his dinner. The atmosphere in the living room was too normal, it was almost the same as before, but Jiang Hanyu felt it was very unusual, because this kind of time that shouldn't be normal becomes normal, she would rather her parents ask her what her relationship with Si Nian is now, rather At this moment, I confessed that I didn't want to experience the torment of this inner wireless suspicion.

After dinner, Jiang Hanyu motioned for Si Nian to follow him upstairs. She took one step faster, intending to shake off Si Nian. But Jiang Hanyu didn't know that Si Nian's reaction was much faster than hers. The moment she walked out on her front feet, Si Nian came to her side in an instant, and even reached out and grabbed her hand unceremoniously.

Such intimacy made Jiang Hanyu even more at a loss as to what to do. She likes Si Nian and wants to be as close to her as she is now, but even if it is close, it depends on the occasion. Wasn't Si Nian most worried about their relationship being known to the family? Why is it uncharacteristic now? And become so active? This is simply not the Si Nian she knew. Jiang Hanyu shook her hand and found that Si Nian was still holding her tightly. She had a way to get rid of Si Nian, but she was reluctant, worried that she would hurt Si Nian accidentally. So Jiang Hanyu pulled Si Nian upstairs with such a strange and awkward mood.

When Jiang Hanyu turned around and pulled Si Nian into the bedroom, she reached out and closed the door very quickly, looking at the woman in front of her, trapping her in her arms, her eyes blazing and full of Looking at the latter: "Si Nian, what's the matter with you?"

Si Nian's eyes were clear, with a bit of innocence, "What's going on?" But in his heart, Si Nian couldn't smile. Speaking of which, this was the first time she saw Jiang Hanyu like this, she was nervous, but also faintly happy.

Jiang Hanyu is indeed a little happy, Si Nian no longer avoids so much, is it because she wants to be honest in front of her parents? Even so, maybe she still can't know whether her parents agree or disagree, but Si Nian has such thoughts, Jiang Hanyu feels that this is enough to be happy for her.

But now is not the time to think about Si Nian's plan, Jiang Hanyu asked: "In the living room just now, what do you mean by holding my hand all the time? Parents suspect?"

"Doubt what?" Si Nian decided to play stupid to the end.

Jiang Hanyu didn't know why Si Nian, who was always smart, seemed to be a different person today. With such an obvious answer, she still asked why. "Of course I doubt our relationship!"

"They know, what do you suspect?" Si Nian smiled and used a very ordinary tone, as ordinary as people he knew asked each other, "Have you eaten today?" The question asked appears in this question.

"Know? What do you mean?" Jiang Hanyu was on the verge of running away. At this moment, he was pulled back to the runaway line by a light question from Si Nian. "You, you mean that parents know that we are in a relationship?" Jiang Hanyu's mind was not too slow, but the next moment, she denied her guess, "Impossible! When did they know? "

Si Nian looked at Jiang Hanyu who was so entangled and guessing, and suddenly laughed lightly. Jiang Hanyu's current appearance is really cute. She suddenly stood on tiptoe, and before the person in front of her was paying any attention, she kissed her on the lips, and then said briskly in a smiling voice: "That's the relationship."

When Si Nian said these words, Jiang Hanyu instantly fell into silence. In other words, at this moment, she has become almost stupid, looking at the person in front of her in a daze, she still looks like she can't believe it.

"How is it possible?" Jiang Hanyu wondered what happened now? Could it be that during the few hours she was sleeping this afternoon, Si Nian faced her parents alone and told them all about their intentions?

Si Nian couldn't help laughing because of her rare appearance.

"Why is it impossible?" Si Nian asked rhetorically.

This result made Jiang Hanyu look forward to it for a long time, but when it was really in front of her eyes, she didn't know how to accept it. The huge surprise came too suddenly, "I didn't dream, did I?"

In order to answer her question, Si Nian stretched out his hand to hook her neck and bit her lips unceremoniously. Originally, Si Nian just wanted Jiang Hanyu to have a pain, feel this is not In a dream, Jiang Hanyu's reaction was much faster than she expected. The person who started to be kissed quickly took control of the initiative, hugged her, pushed her against the corner of the door, pressed her, and kissed the person in front of him fiercely.

It wasn't until she heard the increasingly rapid breathing of the person in her arms that Jiang Hanyu let go of Si Nian's oxygen when she was exhausted. She pressed her forehead against Si Nian's forehead, with a strong joy in her tone, "Si Nian, how did you do it? Si Nian, you are amazing!"

With such a straightforward compliment, Si Nian's ears turned slightly red. Did she want to tell Jiang Hanyu that she was accidentally heard by Aunt Xu when she was speaking? Thinking that this explanation might also involve Zhang Yingying, Si Nian finally gave up.

"What do you think?" Si Nian threw the question back again, her eyes looked at Jiang Hanyu with a bit of a joke. She knew that Jiang Hanyu would not ask more. The point is not why she chose to confess at this time, but there is only one point from beginning to end, that is, Si Nian likes her so much that he is willing to stand hand in hand with her and confess to his parents.

This kind of joy is enough to make everything around it unimportant.

No matter what happened this weekend that made people feel unpleasant, but when Jiang Hanyu knew that his parents did not object to him being with Si Nian at all, those unhappy things no longer seemed so Annoying.

Monday morning, Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu went downstairs together.

Jiang Hanyu saw Xu Ran who was busy in the kitchen with an apron tied around his waist, and was slightly taken aback, "Mom, are you going out?" of.

Xu Ran and Si Nian looked at each other first. The two discussed last night that today she will send the sisters to school instead of the driver. Hearing Jiang Hanyu's question, Xu Ran had a frank expression, "Well, I'm going to find your teacher Shi to find out about your recent situation at school." Xu Ran said lightly as if he didn't see Jiang Hanyu's face suddenly darkening. .

"I'm doing well, you can ask Si Nian if you don't believe me." Jiang Hanyu said.

Xu Ran shook her head, with a serious face, and said, "Niannian is no longer someone I can trust, she is your girlfriend and now my daughter-in-law, doesn't she want to say something?"

"Cough cough cough..." When she said these words, Si Nian choked twice. She never expected Xu Ran to think of this level, "Aunt Xu, you wronged me..." Si Nian was quite helpless, "Jiang Hanyu performed well in school, really, I'm telling the truth."

"Well, I see." Xu Ran's eyes were half-smiley, she looked at Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu, and said nothing more: "Okay, I believe it for now. But last night I told the driver that you don't have to come today, so I'll take you to school."

As long as she doesn't go to the head teacher, Jiang Hanyu still has no opinion.

The three of them went out a little earlier than usual as planned, and it was still very early when they arrived at the school, and there were not many students at the school gate. Xu Ran parked the car on the side of the road. After she gave Si Nian a look, Si Nian nodded in understanding and followed Jiang Hanyu towards the teaching building. Si Nian knew what Xu Ran meant. If Zhang Yingying blocked Jiang Hanyu at the school gate, she could just drag Zhang Yingying and let Jiang Hanyu go to school.

At this point in time, when both Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu have entered the school gate, Zhang Yingying has not come.

Xu Ran did not plan to leave immediately, she guessed that Zhang Yingying would definitely come to school today. Since Zhang Yingying wants to block her daughter, what does it matter if she, a mother, blocks Zhang Yingying? Sitting in the car, as time passed, there were more and more students around the school gate, and Xu Ran sat in the car to observe, and finally found a familiar figure.

Xu Ran has not met Zhang Yingying in these years. Ever since she knew that Zhang Yingying gave birth to Jiang Hanyu just to threaten Jiang's family for money, she had a bad impression of this woman. A mother actually brought her child to the world for money rather than love. From the very beginning, Jiang Hanyu was marked with a bargaining chip. As Jiang Hanyu's mother, it was hard for her not to have feelings for such a person. disgust.

Seeing the woman in the photo, Xu Ran immediately opened the car door and walked out.

Today, when Jiang Hanyu went downstairs and found that she was going out, she thought she was going to a party, all because of her outfit today. On weekdays, even if Xu Ran went out for shopping, the clothes he wore were quite low-key. But it was different this morning. This set is the most beautiful set of winter clothes praised by major designers at the early winter fashion week this year. Although she is also low-key, anyone with a little eye can see that she is worth a lot of money.

Xu Ran thought very simply, she is going to "fight", and the shirt is always the best, preferably enough to scare the enemy away!

Although it is an early winter coat, it is not very thick. At Xu Ran's feet, she also wore a pair of pointed black woolen short boots with broken light. She walked smoothly, her eyes were firm, and she looked in Zhang Yingying's direction.

At this time, Zhang Yingying's face was a little impatient. She called Jiang Hanyu countless times over the weekend and sent countless text messages, but how did she know that the dead girl didn't answer a single call and sent a text message He didn't return, he just left her in the same place. And she tried to contact Jiang Hanyu with another number, but she didn't know that Jiang Hanyu still didn't answer the phone as if she had opened her eyes to know it was her. In desperation, Zhang Yingying decided to come to the school to block Jiang Hanyu.

Read The Duke's Passion