MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 68

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In the small space, the sound of her plundering could be heard.

Si Nian finally escaped from Jiang Hanyu's arms. Now that everything has been said, everything has disappeared. The crimson on her face is like a ball of cotton candy. Take a bite.

"Jiang Hanyu!" Si Nian's voice was annoyed and ashamed, but he didn't seem to be as angry as he imagined.

Jiang Hanyu returned to her usual dangling appearance, and almost crossed her legs. She looked as rebellious as she wanted. She curled her eyes, which was too confusing, "I'm listening!"

This posture makes Si Nian even more unsure of what to say. "Do I agree?" After a long while, Si Nian choked out such a sentence.

Jiang Hanyu laughed instantly, and laughed loudly, "Then do you agree?"

She's playing a rogue! Si Nian knew very well that Jiang Hanyu did it on purpose, how should she answer now? Don't you agree? I was kissed even if I disagreed, do you say I agree? But at first, he clearly did not agree to it! Going on like this will only make Jiang Hanyu more confident, "Bastard!"

"Do you like it? I'm such a jerk?"

Si Nian: "...Why do you have so many questions! Jiang Hanyu, don't you have any self-knowledge!" What else do you like? Is it addicting? !

The more shy Si Nian looked like this, the more proud Jiang Hanyu became.

"It's here, let's go down!" Jiang Hanyu pretended not to hear Si Nian's words, she just likes to hear people she likes say that she likes her, and now holding Si Nian's hand, the two walked out of the Ferris wheel .

Being successfully diverted from the topic, Si Nian simply didn't know what to say at this moment. The little beast lurking in her heart has now run out, and in addition to the joy, she still feels a little flustered.

"You started saying that we still have a lot to say, and I have a problem." Si Nian stared at Jiang Hanyu and held his hand, and suddenly said. This question has also been in her heart for a long time. If she doesn't ask it, it may be a thorn that will take root in her heart for a long time.

"Huh?" Jiang Hanyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Si Nian with a bit of interest, "Tell me!"

Si Nian bit her lip, she was not jealous, she was just uneasy, afraid that she would be teased again, "do you have anyone else besides me?" That night, he smelled exactly the same perfume as Qiao Lian.

Si Nian looked at Jiang Hanyu, and there was no compromise in her eyes. She will never compromise on this matter. Even if it is difficult to find the love you want in this life, you will never choose to make do with it.

"No." Jiang Hanyu did not avoid her eyes, looked at Si Nian and said. In the bottom of her heart, she wanted to laugh a little bit. It turned out that a cold and indifferent person like Si Nian always seemed to not care about anything, and would be jealous? However, before she met her, she had never fallen in love with others, and after meeting her, she would never fall in love with others again. With so few feelings, she has always been stingy, but after giving, it is difficult to take it back.

Si Nian: "In the first two weeks, you went out in the morning and came back in the evening. Who did you go to see?"

Si Nian's words, Jiang Hanyu instantly understood what she was talking about. The news that Zhao Qiao forwarded to her that day is still stored in her phone. It's good, and she is even a little reluctant to delete it. It seems that she can become a certificate that Si Nian cares about herself, which is a little reluctant. Now, when Si Nian took the initiative to mention this, Jiang Hanyu raised the corners of his lips, "Si Nian, you know what? I'm really happy now!"

She never hides her emotions, and always wants to be the purest and most transparent person in front of her.

"If I said I went to see Teacher Shi that day, would you believe it? We'll have dinner later, will I take you to that place?" Jiang Hanyu looked at Si Nian expectantly. In fact, it has always been like this. As long as Si Nian wants to walk into her life and understand everything about her, she is willing to open her arms and let her see her truest self. Nothing to hide, past or present.

This answer was unexpected by Si Nian, "Huh? Teacher Shi?"

She thought it was another girl Jiang Hanyu was looking for outside and did something that made her sad, but she never thought that Jiang Hanyu got up early that day and went to see their head teacher. .

Between Si Nian's astonishment, Jiang Hanyu had already reached out and hooked her shoulder. At least for now, Jiang Hanyu is still a little taller than Si Nian, and it is effortless to reach out and put his hand on Si Nian's shoulder , and she likes this move very much, and has wanted to do it for a long time, "Yeah." Regardless of Si Nian's objection, Jiang Hanyu leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "You can just follow me once!"

This tone is domineering and childish.

Si Nian felt helpless after hearing this, but she did fulfill Jiang Hanyu's wish. Instead of struggling, she just let her take her shoulders under the watchful eyes of everyone, with a relaxed attitude Walking on the street, it seems like a couple.

The matter between Shi Feiwan and Shi Feiwan was really nothing, Jiang Hanyu explained it clearly in almost a few words. What kind of person Shi Feiwan is usually like, I am afraid that these students, after getting along for the past few months, can't be more clear.

After listening to Jiang Hanyu's words, the big stone in Si Nian's heart finally fell halfway.

"What else do you want to ask?" Jiang Hanyu asked Si Nian's face with a tangle.

Si Nian was very entangled. On the one hand, she wanted to know why Jiang Hanyu smelled of Qiao Lian's perfume that night, but if she asked, then Jiang Hanyu would definitely know that she came to the room that night When he was inside, he pretended to be asleep. If Jiang Hanyu suddenly asked why she was pretending to be asleep, how would she answer? "You, you have a good relationship with Qiao Lian?" She hesitated, and as if thinking of something, she quickly added: "I saw her waiting for you in the classroom that morning too. I remember that you were not so good before..."

She tried her best to pretend to be confident, but after she said it, the effect was not good.

Fortunately, Jiang Hanyu never doubted, but just laughed. Although Qiao Lian was waiting in the classroom that day for the whole class to see, but that doesn't mean she has a good relationship with Qiao Lian! "Have you ever thought that Qiao Lian is here to fight me?" Jiang Hanyu laughed, "What can I do with her? It's just that when I went out with Xiao Qiao that night, I happened to meet her, and she happened to meet her again. Two rascals, I took the initiative to help her teach her a lesson, and I did my best to send her home with Zhao Qiao and others." Without Si Nian's reminder, Jiang Hanyu had already taken the initiative to explain everything that happened at the bar that night.

The big stone in Si Nian's heart was also put down at this moment.

Si Nian didn't know whether Jiang Hanyu heard what she meant or knew something. Anyway, she remembered what Jiang Hanyu said to herself at this moment, and she couldn't help but feel moved.

"Si Nian, I didn't know you thought so much because of me." Jiang Hanyu seemed to be a little harder on his hand, and hugged the person in front of him tighter, "But only One point, I want you to know that even if you call me an asshole, even if I may not be your ideal person in your heart, but I am not a rambling, just a person who likes to talk about it. Not the kind of talking I like you, but my body can still accept others who are not you, so can you trust me a little more? I'm not that bad."

She didn't feel wronged, she just felt that she was really not good enough as Teacher Shi said. If she did well enough, wouldn't Si Nian always be detached when facing herself like she is now? Wouldn't it be so uneasy, no sense of security?

So, everything is just because she is not good enough!

"I didn't..." Si Nian whispered, if he was so disgusted, why would he take the initiative to kiss the person in front of him? In fact, there was still a secret belief in her heart. It was quite ridiculous to say it. In the past, in her opinion, it was a blind belief.

Jiang Hanyu just chuckled, not refuting, just holding Si Nian's hand tightly.

"Then are we a couple now?" This is the result she has always wanted.

This question is a bit difficult for Si Nian to answer. I wanted to say it, but I felt sorry for Jiang Hanyu. When someone is faced with such a fiery relationship, it is inevitable that they will feel ashamed if they can't do it wholeheartedly but still want to make demands.

"What else do you want to say?" Jiang Hanyu saw her entanglement and asked patiently.

It was also at this moment, the moment she heard Jiang Hanyu's voice, that she suddenly made up her mind. Thinking of this, Si Nian suddenly tilted his head, stood on tiptoe, raised his head slightly, and dropped a kiss on Jiang Hanyu's side face, "Then please treat me well in the future."

Si Nian never thought of it before, so he delivered his sincerity.

Jiang Hanyu is already ecstatic now, Si Nian's attitude is obvious, but he didn't expect something that he had been waiting for for a long time and thought it would be fruitless. world. "Si Nian, you kiss me again!" Jiang Hanyu pretended to make a fuss.

Si Nian couldn't escape being held in her arms by her, and the breath sprayed by Jiang Hanyu's posture so close to him made his whole body itchy, "Don't you like it?" Si Nian pressed Stopping the throbbing in his heart, he asked with a cold and indifferent look.

"No!" Jiang Hanyu said quickly, as if he was worried that Si Nian would change back to the person he used to be unable to catch, "If you kiss me again, I will like it even more!"


In the afternoon, Jiang Hanyu did what he said and took Si Nian to Cheng Yan's martial arts hall. These days, there are not many martial arts halls that look like the eight classics. When Si Nian was led in by Jiang Hanyu, he heard the low shouting and the sound of various beatings, and he couldn't help shaking his body. , "You come here when you're not home on weekends?"

"Yes!" Jiang Hanyu replied casually, "Now do you believe it? I can't come back sweating profusely from practice, right? Then don't you want to dislike me?"

Si Nian's eyes darkened, how could she dislike it? She is worried.

"Then, will you be hurt?" Si Nian looked at Jiang Hanyu with nervousness in his eyes. She looked at those people and seemed to be very powerful. What should I do if I accidentally got injured during the competition?

The author has something to say: Momoda little cute mine~

Read The Duke's Passion